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Chapter 882 You need to repay the cause and effect

Taoist Master Ji Cang struggled to rush to the other shore. However, although the Heaven Realm and the other shore were stranded, they were still very far away from each other. For a Taoist master like him, it would take more than a year to return to the other shore.

Just as he was rushing forward with all his strength, Master Tongtian suddenly passed by him.

Ji Cang was stunned, a little stunned.

Before he left, Tongtian was clearly in Cuiluo Heaven, activating the Immortal-killing Tribulation Formation to refine the Taoist Master. Why did he actually appear here at this moment?

He was puzzled when he saw Master Tongtian stop and look back at him. Ji Cang was awestruck, and suddenly felt the boundless murderous intent coming in, permeating his Taoist heart, making him feel like a sharp sword penetrating him over and over again.

Are you...the Taoist from the other side? Taoist Master Tongtian asked.

Ji Cang rolled his Adam's apple with difficulty and said, Yes...

Taoist Master Tongtian looked a little stern and said, You need to repay the cause and effect of heaven and earth.

Ji Cang was a little confused: Repay the cause and effect of heaven and earth? How to repay?

Tongtian drew his sword, sheathed it, turned and left.

The shocking sword light of the sword just now is still spreading in the universe, but the sword light that penetrated Ji Cang's body has begun to gradually dim, and the sword light in the starry sky is brighter and more dazzling.

There was a void in his eyes. The moment the Zhuxian Sword was pulled out of his body, the Taoist Dao and Tao power he cultivated turned into blazing fire from the sky of death and flowed into the sword.

He died so quickly that he didn't even have time to escape his soul or consciousness.

After a long journey, Master Tongtian finally returned to the other shore. He was quite surprised to see that the calamities and killings on the other shore had indeed become much lighter.

Logically speaking, Tao Zun has gone through many calculations this time and will not allow the other side to easily eliminate the disaster.

But the calamity on the other side is steadily fading.


He shook his head slightly.

Master Taiyi invited Tianjue City out of his cave, and the disciples of Taiyi Sect reunited. Jiuhen, Qingxuan, Shengzun and others also came after hearing the news. Jiuhen stood behind Taiyi, Qingzun Xuanhe Shengzun stood behind Xu Ying and Ancestor God.

In front of Taiyi, there were more than twenty Taoist masters from the other side, including Tianchengzi and Xuannv Holy King, as well as Taoist masters from the heavenly realm such as Gong Jiexuan and Dongxuanzi.

As the master of Hongmeng Taoism, Xu Ying also has a place like the ancestor gods.

Taiyi looked around and said: Now the second of the three avenue masters has died, many Taoist friends have died, and only less than 30% of the population of the other side has survived. This disaster has had a great impact on my other side. If we continue to kill , whether the other side can recover is still unknown. Lin Chuanting and Lin Dao took the initiative to negotiate peace, so I invite you all to come and discuss this matter.

In the hall, everyone heard the words and started talking about it.

There are many people here, such as Tian Chengzi, Xuannv Holy King and others, who are allies of Taiyi, but most of them are Taoists who have been revived by Taoist Luo.

They originally sought refuge with Master Luo, but now that Master Luo was dead, they had no choice but to follow Taiyi's lead.

Taoist Master Pengqiu said: Taoist Master Lin is extremely powerful. If we fight him to the end, I'm afraid we will also suffer heavy casualties. There are signs that the calamity on my other side has been resolved, so it is not appropriate to carry out any more killings.

The other Taoist masters nodded after hearing this. Taoist Master Dongyun said: It would be best if he could seek peace and bring peace to the world. I can't make any more troubles on the other side.

What Dongyun said is true. The other side governs the vast universe. If the strength of the other shore is greatly reduced, the vast universe will rebel and escape our control. Will the other shore still be so rich at that time?

Taoist master Shi Lan said, What's more, the heaven is next to our bed. If the Taoist Lord is not eliminated, how can we kill each other?

As soon as she said this, all the Taoist masters nodded.

Gong Jiexuan frowned slightly and said in a clear voice, Fellow Taoists, don't worry, Taoist Master is your enemy, but other Taoist masters in my heaven realm will not be enemies for you.

Many Taoist masters on the other side sneered and said nothing.

Holy King Xuannv sent a message to Taiyi, saying: Friend Taiyi, now that the forces in the world are gradually gaining the upper hand, we must pay attention.

Taiyi felt awe-inspiring and looked at Gong Jiexuan and others. Although Gong Jiexuan has not yet attained the Hongmeng Dao, she is very close to it. She did not promise to obtain the Hongmeng Dao through merit and deeds, but practiced it step by step.

If she cultivates to be a Hongmeng Dao Master, just from Hongmeng's point of view, her strength will definitely be higher than promised!

Coupled with Dongxuan, Cenxi, Yuxi, Jingning and Haining, they practice the Nine Innate Paths, and their strength is far superior to the Taoist masters here. Even if Tianchengzi and the others maintain the state of summoning the Taoist power of dozens of universes , and are far from their opponents.”

Taiyi thought to himself that although he was not weaker than any of them, he would definitely lose against the two of them.

Therefore, after the death of Master Luo, Gong Jiexuan and others became the biggest force threatening the other side.

If you want to balance this force, Dao Master Lin cannot die!

While he was pondering, the voice of promise suddenly sounded, suppressing everyone's discussion: Everyone, Lin Chuanting controls the world's great road on the other side, enslaves the universe, and kills his fellow Taoists. Many of the Tao masters died in his death with him. Luo Shizong’s hand! Now he is carrying the greatest calamity on the other side. If it is not eliminated, how can the calamity on the other side be resolved?

Shi Lan snorted and said: What kind of disaster is enslaving the universe? If it were us, wouldn't we enslave the universe?

Tian Chengzi's words were not so angry and he said with a smile: My fellow Taoists may not know something. The reason why my other shore is the other shore is to enslave the vast universe, rescue these universes from ignorance, and teach them the civilization of the other shore.

Shi Lan smiled and said: In the future, you three realms will also be taught the civilization of the other side!

The face of the Holy Lord suddenly changed, and he sneered: Shi Lan, beyond the transcendent shore of the Three Realms, it is promised by Tai Dao Master. What do you mean by saying this? Do you want to rebel against Tai Dao Master?

Taoist Master Shi Lan sneered and said: Don't use Brother Tai Dao to pressure me! I am also a Taoist master, an ally of Brother Tai Dao, not a servant! How can you be so virtuous in the three realms that you want to be on par with me on the other side? Are you worthy?

Xu Ying slapped the case with murderous intent: Shi Lan, I have devoted all my energy to the other side, not to risk my life for parasites like you, but to respect my master, Tai Dao Master! If you have any evil ideas about my Three Realms, I will kill your ancestors eighteen era, erased from the entire history of the other side!”

Shi Lan was furious and was about to speak when Tai Dao Master coughed. His voice was so heavy that the Tao power in Shi Lan and Xu Ying's bodies suddenly fell silent.

The two of them felt awe-struck in their hearts, knowing that the Taiyi Power was far more powerful than themselves.

Tai Dao: Tao masters, you have never practiced calamity, so you don't know how powerful it is. Brother Haining, come and tell them.

Just as Hai Ningzi was about to speak, all the Taoist masters on the other side sneered and said, Why talk about the details of the heavenly realm?

Hai Ningzi was furious and sneered: Those who are wolf-hearted and dog-eat-dog, who repay kindness with hatred, deserve to fall into the tribulation of murder and perish!

The two sides were at war with each other.

Master Tai Dao couldn't help but have a headache. The three forces under his command were incompatible with each other. If they had a common enemy, it would be fine. Without enemies, there would definitely be a conflict!

At this time, Xu Ying suddenly felt something in his heart, stood up, turned around and walked out.

Seeing this, Taiyi frowned slightly, but did not stop him. He said silently in his heart: The power of the Tianjing lineage is indeed too great, but the power on the other side of me is a piece of loose sand, and it cannot deal with the forces of the three realms. When Dao Master Lin is eradicated, I am afraid that The world is in chaos. But Dao Master Lin’s intentions are probably not right...

Xu Ying came outside the palace and walked quickly to the Xiuyin River in Tianjue City. He saw an old man in green standing on the bridge.

Xu Ying hurried over and asked nervously, Brother Tongtian Dao, what was the result of your battle with Taoist Master?

When Tongtian Dao Master saw him coming, a smile appeared on his face and he said: I beat him by one and a half moves. Although I severely injured him, he still seized the opportunity and used me, the Dao of Nirvana, to help him take another step forward.

Xu Ying didn't know the meaning of his words and continued to look at him.

Master Tongtian was very annoyed by red tape, and hated explaining to others. Seeing the look of expectation in his eyes, he could only say: I gathered the strength of the calamity and killing, and pushed the path of annihilation to the extreme. Based on the three evidences, I tried to kill him. But he took this opportunity to refine my way of annihilation and give it a try to achieve the evidence-based transition from annihilation to chaos.

When Xu Ying heard this, his expression suddenly became solemn and he said, In other words, if Dao Zun succeeds, he can be even more powerful than before. Right?

Master Tongtian nodded slightly and said: Stronger. But his Avenue of Nirvana is still not perfect. Moreover, before I left, I cut off the Avenue of Heaven and Earth in the Heaven Realm, slowing down the recovery of the Avenue in the Heaven Realm. He can't borrow it. The power of heaven and earth, if you want to rely on evidence, it will take longer.”

Xu Ying breathed a sigh of relief and said, How long can we delay this?

Master Tongtian said: As long as my sword marks are still there, he will not be able to borrow the power of heaven and earth, and he will not be able to recover.

After Xu Ying heard this, he finally felt relieved and said with a smile: With Brother Dao's words, I can rest easy. Brother Dao, don't stay on the other side too often. Go to the Heaven Realm when you have time to deepen the sword marks.

Taoist Tongtian glanced at him and said, Are you the Taoist on the other side now?

Xu Ying smiled and said: Brother Taoist Dharma Eyes is unparalleled. I have now attained the Hongmeng Tao and become the Hongmeng Taoist Master on the other side!

Master Tongtian quietly held the Zhuxian Sword and said: You must repay the cause and effect of heaven and earth.

Xu Ying smiled and said, I'm about to repay. I'm going to use the Heavenly Fire of Nirvana to burn away the karma on my body.

Upon hearing this, Master Tongtian slowly stretched out his palms.

Xu Yingxiang invited: Taiyi has summoned the Taoist masters on the other side to discuss important matters. We must decide whether to reconcile with Taoist Lin. Our Three Realms are weak inside. You go in and help me suppress them.

Taoist Master Tongtian was about to refuse, but Xu Ying already said: It is related to the survival of the three realms, Taoist brother, please don't refuse.

Upon hearing this, Master Tongtian reluctantly followed him to the meeting hall.

Xu Ying quietly wiped away the cold sweat.

The hall was noisy, and everyone was still arguing. Suddenly, a strong chill came over, making everyone shiver. They stopped making noise, and their eyes fell on Taoist Master Tongtian behind Xu Ying.

Tai Taoist Master was surprised and happy. He quickly stood up and said with a smile: Fellow Taoist Tongtian, please take a seat!

Tongtian shook his head, took out a futon and sat next to Xu Ying.

With a smile on his face, Xu Ying whispered to Shengzun and Qingxuan: Two fellow Taoists, please do not attain Taoism on the other side and become Tao masters on the other side, otherwise disaster will be imminent!

Hearing this, Shengzun and Qingxuan felt awe-inspiring and hurriedly asked why. Xu Ying glanced at Taoist Master Tongtian and said nothing.

There was no human emotion in Taoist Master Tongtian's eyes, and he glanced over each Taoist master. Even those Taoist masters in the Heaven Realm were made to feel terrified.

You are all Tao masters on the other side, and you need to repay the karma of heaven and earth.

He exhaled loudly, and his voice was sonorous, like the jingling of gold and stone.

Everyone was surprised and confused.

Xu Ying quickly raised his hand and pressed it on the hilt of the Zhuxian Sword, laughing loudly and saying: Everyone, this is the Taoist Tongtian from our three realms. He has the Tao of Killing, the Tao of Luck, and the Tao of Nirvana!

He raised one foot and stepped on the table in front of him with a smile on his face: From now on, we, the Three Realms, will be the new holy race on the other side! The Three Realms must have a place on the other side! If you have any objections, please ask Taoist Brother Tongtian Is the Immortal Killing Sword sharp?

Taoist Master Tongtian was originally quite dissatisfied with him holding down the Zhuxian Sword, but after hearing what he said, he was somewhat looking forward to it.

Suddenly, Taoist Master Tianyang on the opposite side burst into action and said angrily: Tongtian's Immortal Killing Sword is sharp, and my sword is not bad at all! You two Taoist Masters were just born in the Three Realms. You want to become the ruler on my other side. Ask me first. Let’s talk about the sword in hand!”

He sacrificed a divine sword, and the aura immediately lifted off the roof of the hall. This sword was called Han Que, and it was the spiritual root of chaos. Its power was truly overbearing. Once he sacrificed it, the power filled the void!

Master Tianyang shouted: Tongtian, go out and compete with me. If you lose, the Three Realms will be the same as other universes! If you win...

Master Tongtian Taoist said seriously: You should repay the cause and effect of heaven and earth.


Taoist Master Tianyang said happily, Go out and fight!

Need not.

Taoist master Tongtian drew his sword, and in an instant, the fortunes and killings were flowing, turning into the power of annihilation. The sword light struck, and the room was filled with chills, as if falling into an ice cave!

Everyone was terrified, and under the pressure of the Nirvana Avenue, they mobilized their power to resist.

Master Tianyang urged the Han Que Sword to meet him, and the spiritual light pressed down. The next moment, the spiritual light was cut off, and the Zhuxian Sword accurately pierced the center of his eyebrows.

Taoist Master Tianyang's Tao power along with the avenue turned into the Heavenly Fire of Annihilation. As Taoist Master Tongtian drew his sword, the Heavenly Fire also flowed out from the wound between his eyebrows and flowed into the Killing Immortal Sword.

The Immortal Killing Sword was emerald green on the outside, but within the emerald green was a sky fire that burned everything. After a moment, the sky fire disappeared and the sword returned to its original state.

Taoist Master Tongtian put away his sword and continued to sit in his original position, looking at everyone expectantly.

Tai Taoist Master originally planned to stop it, but when he saw Tongtian Taoist Master take action, he knew that he could not stop it, and immediately said loudly: Fellow Taoists, listen to me! When the Three Realms come to the other side, they also merge into the other side and become the new saint race. I The other shore has recruited elites from all over the universe, how can it reject people from the three realms? Joining the other shore with the three realms will only make the other shore stronger!

When he said this, the tense atmosphere relaxed.

Taoist Master Tai breathed a sigh of relief and thought: It is imperative to reconcile with Taoist Master Lin!

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