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Chapter 881: The Way to Heaven and Destruction

The heavenly realm is high in the sky, green in the sky, and the sword energy that towers over the sky and the earth stands between the sky and the earth, and the celestial phenomena are beautiful.

All the avenues of Cui Luotian were almost crucified!

The power of killing turned this world composed of Tao into a world where Tao does not exist. The Taoist Lord Tongtian suppressed this place with absolute strength.

These Zhuxian sword energy moved, and wherever the sword light passed, the condensed avenue was immediately broken, unable to form a complete avenue.

I'll break his sword formation!

Taoist Master Ji Cang rushed over and broke into the sword formation. His body swayed and turned into a body like an ancient god. Dozens of phantoms of the universe appeared behind his head. His own power surged and shook the sword formation!

But in the sword formation, a giant sword hanging down was moving and cutting rapidly. The next moment, Ji Cang was covered in blood and fled from the sword formation in a hurry.

Outside the formation, Concubine Consort, Taoist Master Xuanhong and others looked pale. In the past few years, they had tried to break through the sword formation, but failed time and time again.

Taoist Master Tongtian set up this sword formation to refine and kill Taoist Master. He has been refining it for several years. The sword formation is full of Taoist Taoist fragments, which cannot be condensed into shape.

Tao Zun was trapped in the innermost layer of the formation and was in danger.

My Lady, this formation is no longer a sword formation, but a calamity formation. It's easy to say that the sword formation will use the method of killing at most, but the calamity formation will use the method of calamity.

Master Xuanhong said, The combination of killing and calamity, both supporting each other, are so powerful that we cannot match them.

Concubine Concubine also knew that this formation was extremely dangerous, and said anxiously: Dao Zun is injured, and Tongtian is so tyrannical. What should we do?

The only plan now is to go to the other side and invite Dongxuan and the others. They have practiced the Nine Innate Paths, and they are enough to be evidence-based on the Dao, and can rival Tongtian!

Taoist Master Ji Cang said, I will go back to the other side first, and I must invite them to come and help!

The concubine hesitated for a moment and nodded.

In the Immortal-killing Tribulation Formation at this time, Taoist Master's demeanor was still calm and calm, and he was not worried about falling into the Immortal-killing Tribulation Formation of Master Tongtian.

All around him, chaos, Hongmeng, Wuji, Taiyi, reincarnation, cause and effect, calamity, and killing were all changing, flowing from chaos to killing, and from killing to chaos.

The power of Tongtian Dao Master's calamity array is really terrifying. Even for him, Dao Xing was cut down and turned into Tao flowers floating away.

But as his Eight Paths follow the evidence, the path continues to repair itself. Even such a vicious calamity array cannot erase him!

Although he is unable to achieve the nine-path evidence-based cycle, and is somewhat ineffective in adapting to the situation, and cannot circulate it without any hindrance, he can still achieve forward and reverse circulation.

Taoist Master Tongtian sat opposite him. The two seemed very close, but in fact they were separated by infinite time and space.

Tongtian, you can't kill me.

Tao Zun's face remained as usual, and he smiled gently, Even if I was severely injured by Luo Taizong, you couldn't kill me. You trapped me in the calamity formation for so long, and you used the killing and calamity on the other side to refine me. , but there is always something missing.”

Master Tongtian turned a deaf ear.

He trapped Dao Zun for refining, but after refining for so long, he still failed to refine him to death. This made him secretly shocked and he had to admire Dao Zun's strength.

You are able to reversely deduce the way of calamity. Your talent is truly astonishing. In such a short time after your enlightenment, you were able to refine the way of calamity to the level of a Taoist master. Your qualifications are so high that I have never seen before.

The Taoist Master looked solemn and said, When you arrive at the Taoist League, sooner or later you will cultivate the Nine Paths of Evidence and become the master of the Taoist League! Tongtian, you stay on the other side, you are a waste of talent. With your talent and learning, you will definitely be a leader in the Sea of ​​Chaos. Achievements!

Master Tongtian remained silent, but his brows furrowed slightly.

He noticed that the killing power on the other side suddenly dissipated a lot.

Although his talent and qualifications are extremely high, he can reverse the fate of tribulation and reverse the annihilation, and elevate these two avenues to the level of the Tao Master. However, after all, he was still unable to improve his cultivation to a level that could compete with Taoist Master in a short period of time.

In fact, there is a huge gap between his cultivation and Dao Zun.

He has not yet entered the middle stage of the Dao Master Realm, but Dao Zun is already in the Great Perfection Realm.

The reason why he was able to force the Taoist Master to this extent was because the other side had already fallen into a calamity. In order to overcome the calamity, many Taoist Masters and monks had to start killing and try to eliminate all opponents.

This actually encourages the killing method!

Among the nine innate paths, in terms of attack power, he ranks first in killing power!

Then using evidence-based methods and cooperating with the Dao of Tribulation and Luck, he set up this formation and could borrow the Tao power of the killing and calamity from the other side to trap the Taoist Master and slowly refine him to death!

However, now the method of killing has suddenly been greatly reduced, and along with the reduction of killing, the calamity has also dropped sharply!

This situation made him somewhat unexpected.

Logically speaking, calamity leads to killing. The heavier the killing, the heavier the calamity. Eventually, the killing intent of the universe will be triggered, turning into a great calamity of annihilation, destroying everything.

The current situation is that both the calamity and the killing power are declining rapidly!

This shows that someone is trying to resolve the cause and effect and stop the killing!

Could it be Dao Zun's accomplices trying to save him?

Taoist Master Tongtian never expected that Taoist Master Hua and Taoist Luo died one after another, and Taoist Taiyi and Taoist Lin negotiated peace, which greatly reduced the power of killing.

Although the other side is still shrouded in disaster, the intensity is still much less severe than before.

Fellow Taoist Tongtian, why did the power of your tribulation array suddenly decrease?

Dao Zun raised his head in surprise and said with a smile, How can a being like me be trapped when the calamity is reduced?

He withstood the pressure of the Zhuxian Tribulation Formation and slowly stood up. Countless hanging swords rotated up and down around him, cutting continuously, but they could not cut off the Taoist Master's Taoist body.

All around him, the sword energy clanked, slashing at him like gold and iron. The voice of the Taoist came from the sound of the swords, and said leisurely: Tongtian, there is no grudge between you and me. Last time, there was chaos The confrontation in the sea was just a small friction. I did not kill anyone at that time, and you should understand my appreciation for Your Excellency.

At this moment, Taoist Master Tongtian suddenly stood up, and the Immortal Killing Sword was finally unsheathed. In an instant, the calamity formation covering Cui Luotian moved with the light of his sword, and its power surged!

The Taoist Lord Tongtian came with his sword, the sword light flashed, and with the power of the calamity formation, he stabbed at the Taoist Master!

At the same time, behind him, calamity surged, turning into killing, killing turned into annihilation, and the power of annihilation flowed into the Immortal Killing Sword, turning into a sword that shook the world!

The power of this sword contains the power of the Tribulation Formation, the power of the three evidence-based methods, and the power of the Avenue of Annihilation, which finally moved the Taoist Master!

Dao Master's battle with Luo Taizong never healed from his injuries, so he did not fight with Master Tongtian for a long time, and just sat here and allowed him to refine.

Even if Tongtian practiced like this for thousands of years, he still couldn't break his Eight Paths of Evidence.

But Tongtian's sword this time was so powerful that it made his hair stand on end!

Without hesitation, he activated his three chaotic realms, evolved his evidence-based magical powers, and raised his hand to meet the sword light of Taoist Master Tongtian!

He is the Great Perfection state of the Tao Master, and the physical soul is the Tao. At this moment, the three Tao powers are entangled and evolve into each other based on evidence. The power is more than ten times more powerful than the three simple Tao!

However, when he activated this move, he noticed that the Tao injury in his body was affecting the performance of his Tao method.


The sword light pierced his palm, pressed the back of his palm and hit his forehead.

Taoist Master stepped back and raised his other hand. The palm contained the three paths of Taiyi, reincarnation and cause and effect. The three paths were based on evidence and he grabbed the Zhuxian Sword!

Master Tongtian suddenly drew his sword, and the sword light flashed, piercing the palm of his other hand and pressing it between his eyebrows!

Concubine Concubine and others also noticed the sudden disappearance of the calamity formation and rushed towards this side. However, they saw Taoist Master Tongtian and Taoist Master advancing and retreating in Cuiluo Heaven. The two of them were moving very fast, their swords flashed, and blood flashed. now!


The sword light flashed, like pear blossoms hanging on the branches. No one could be seen, only the snow-white sword flowers flying, and a trace of blood appearing from time to time.

Concubine Concubine and others were greatly worried and hurriedly chased after him. At this moment, the sword light turned into large and small floods of death, flying up and down around the Taoist Master. The situation became even more critical!

The Concubine's body flew up, with a roar, her palms surged, and she pressed down on Taoist Master Tongtian!

Suddenly, the great and small floods of Nirvana dissipated, and Taoist Master Tongtian turned around and swung out his sword. The concubine was horrified, and she saw that her ten fingers were suddenly broken from the roots, and the breaks were extremely neat.

Taoist Master Tongtian passed by her. Taoist Master Xuanhong offered sacrifices to a sacred furnace. In the furnace was the Tao Fire that he, the Taoist Master who practiced the way of fire, had refined. It burned everything and flew towards Taoist Master Tongtian. !

The furnace is getting bigger and bigger, and its coverage is getting wider and wider. The fire in the furnace rotates and swallows everything. Even the time and space of Cui Luotian is swallowed up and falls into the furnace!

Master Tongtian came towards the divine furnace, and a sword light flew out, piercing the divine furnace.

The next moment, Taoist Master Xuanhong felt a chill in his heart. He looked down and saw that his heart had been penetrated by a sword from Heaven.

Taoist Tongtian was flying in from the big hole at the bottom of the sacred furnace. He passed by him, looked at him sideways, and said, Are you the Taoist from the other side?

Taoist Master Xuanhong's heart was pierced by him, and his Taoist heart seemed to be broken by him. He held back the pain and said: I am Taoist Master Xuanhong on the other side...

Master Tongtian said: You must repay the cause and effect of heaven and earth.

Taoist Master Xuanhong was stunned, suddenly woke up, and was about to run away when Taoist Master Tongtian stabbed out his sword, piercing through his avenue. In an instant, his peerless death will annihilated all the power of his flame avenue.

What was subsequently destroyed was Taoist Master Xuanhong's soul, body, and mind.

Taoist Master Tongtian drew his sword, and Taoist Master Xuanhong's cultivation turned into the Heavenly Fire of Annihilation flowing out from the wound, flowing into the Zhuxian Sword, and was swallowed up by this divine sword.

Taoist Master Tongtian stepped forward to meet the other Taoist Masters in the Heaven Realm.

Although the number of Taoist masters in the Heaven Realm is not as good as that of the other side, there are still more than a dozen Taoist masters who have survived. They are all elites who have survived the cutting off the cause and effect killings and are very powerful.

Taoist Master Tongtian turned a blind eye to these people and walked out. As he walked, the sword light was swirling, and he only heard screams coming one after another, and the broken limbs and arms were flying in the air.

No need to block him! Let him go - Concubine Concubine saw this scene, fearing that Taoist Master Tongtian would kill him, she shouted loudly.

Upon hearing this, those Heaven Realm Taoist Masters hesitated for a moment and allowed Tong Tian to leave.

Suddenly, the Zhuxian Sword shines brightly in the hands of Taoist Master Tongtian. The sword's intention travels across the space, and the sword light crisscrosses, leaving a huge ten in the sky above the heaven!

This cross ran through the heaven and the earth, horizontally and vertically. The Taoist masters in the heavenly realm, as well as the younger generation such as Zhuo Daochun, immediately realized that many of the great avenues of heaven and earth in the heavenly realm were cut off by the two swords of the Taoist Master Tongtian, and they couldn't help but feel in their hearts. Extremely sad and angry!

Taoist Master Tongtian paused, jumped away, and disappeared without a trace like the light of a sword breaking through Qingming.

The concubine was distraught and said loudly: Someone comes quickly! Someone comes quickly -

Everyone hurriedly ran towards her, only to see Concubine Concubine holding Dao Zun, but they saw that Dao Zun was covered with sword wounds everywhere, and in each wound there was a small spinning source of death, which was devouring Dao Zun crazily. All kinds of power in the body!

Taoist Master's aura was getting weaker and weaker, and the Taoist injuries left by Luo Taizong also broke out at this moment, and he could no longer survive.

Everyone was shocked and hurriedly used their Taoist powers to suppress these sword wounds together. However, when their Dao power encountered the source of death from the sword wound, it was immediately swallowed up, and the source of death became much larger!

How to cure this kind of Taoist injury? They were anxious.

Among the nine innate paths, the most difficult and mysterious one is the Avenue of Annihilation. In the last few swords of Tongtian Taoist Master, he used the Avenue of Annihilation. The sword light was like a rainbow, piercing the body of the Taoist Master, leaving a fatal wound.

Everyone was helpless, and the concubine couldn't help but burst into tears.

However, Taoist Master pushed them away, tried to sit up, and said with a smile: The destruction of life and death, the destruction of form, residence, and emptiness is just a reincarnation based on the evidence of the nine paths. You don't have to be sad...

Suddenly, he couldn't suppress his Dao injuries, and Dao injuries erupted everywhere. Large and small floods of annihilation swallowed up the Dao power in his body, and nearby floods of annihilation merged in twos!

Dao Zun's body, soul, and avenue were all torn apart by the flood source of annihilation. In an instant, Dao Zun was swallowed into the flood source of annihilation and died an untimely death!

Everyone stared at this scene blankly, in despair.

The flood source of annihilation that swallowed up Dao Zun is still spinning wildly, and the sky fire is raging. Dao Zun will only be burned by the annihilation sky fire for a long time before all his avenues can be burned to ashes and reduced to nothing.

Dao Zun is the mainstay of Tianjing and their backbone. His death is definitely a huge blow to them!

After a long time, the concubine wiped away her tears and choked with sobs: Now that Taoist Master is gone, I feel panicked. Heaven must have a leader to save the nation. Do you have anyone in mind?

Taoist Master Jade Dragon said: If Emperor Xuan is still here, he can lead us, but it's a pity that he...

Emperor Xuan was the emperor who ruled the realm of heaven and was the son of Taoist Master. His cultivation and strength were unfathomable and he pursued his father directly. Unfortunately, he died at the hands of Taoist Master Hua in the early days of the revival of the Great Way of Heaven and Earth.

The eight innate masters, and seven more, are on the other side. Now, the only way is to invite them back and take over the heavenly realm.

Taoist Master Qiyun said, It's time for the girls to come back as well. Only they can take charge of the overall situation!

The concubine nodded, wiped away her tears, and said, It's up to you. Everyone, you go to the other side quickly and invite the Seventh Master and the girl back.

She turned her head and looked at the flood source of annihilation transformed by Tao Zun, and couldn't help but shed tears again.

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