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Chapter 883 I want both

Taoist Master Tianyang was beheaded by Tongtian in public, which frightened all the Taoist masters present. Taoist Master Bian'an even dared to be angry and dare not speak out.

After all, no one knows whether Master Tongtian will let him repay the cause and effect of heaven and earth.

The majestic Taoist master of the other side was killed in public by the barbarians from the three realms like an animal. They were frightened and worried that they would be the next person to be killed, but they also felt depressed and angry in their hearts.

Qingxuan whispered: Xu Daozu, Taoist Tongtian's condition seems to be...

Xu Yong glanced at him with a warning look. Qingxuan understood and did not continue. With a smile on his face, Xu Ying smiled at Taoist Master Tongtian and said, Brother Taoist, my Master Zhong has an old sword with Zhu Xian. I haven't seen it for a long time. I wonder if I can borrow it from Master Zhong?

Taoist Master Tongtian took out the Zhuxian Sword and handed it directly into his hand.

Xu Ying left with the Zhuxian Sword.

Seeing this, Shengzun and Qingxuan also hurriedly followed.

The three of them came to a secluded place, and Xu Ying sacrificed to the Xuanhui Pagoda. The three of them hid in the 33rd heaven of the pagoda, and then they sacrificed the big bell.

When Master Zhong saw the Zhuxian Sword, he was naturally very happy. He couldn't help but fight and make noise, trying to compare its power with his disciple.

However, no matter how it flew around the Zhuxian Sword, the Zhuxian Sword never moved.

Xu Ying raised his hand and pulled out the Zhuxian Sword. The sword was unsheathed, and the cold green light suddenly illuminated the surrounding area.

Xu Ying asked: Master Jian, is Taoist Brother Tongtian in good condition? I see that his behavior seems to be different from before.

Upon hearing this, Zhu Xianjian said: Master is very good. I have never been as happy as I am today.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Xu Ying's eyes flashed and he asked: I see that Taoist Brother Tongtian seems to be killing someone above, and it is difficult to control his murderous intention.

Zhu Xianjian was surprised and said: Why did Xu Daozu say this? I just follow the path, follow the birth and death, and help all living beings repay the cause and effect of heaven and earth. I kill, and killing is me! Your words are unreasonable.

Xu Ying's heart suddenly suddenly raised, he raised his hand to grab the hilt of the sword, and shouted: Master Jian, you are also controlled by the Tao of Nirvana, and your Taoist heart has entered silence!

This time he grabbed it, but suddenly it was empty. The Zhuxian Sword flew out with a whoosh, and the emerald green light just a moment ago turned into an extinguishing sky fire. He sneered and said: Xu Daozu, I thought you were a wonderful person, but I didn't expect you to be like this dirty world. ! Forget it, now I will destroy you and the world together!

Its sword light exploded, and it was not inferior to the innate spiritual treasure at all, and it came to kill Xu Ying!

Wherever the sword light went, one flood source of annihilation appeared after another, swallowing everything!

It originally practiced the way of killing, returned to Tongtian, obtained Tongtian sacrifice, and learned about disaster and annihilation.

Its sword power can be said to be world-destroying, and it has the power to cut off all paths!

Qingxuan and Shengzun stared at each other, and Da Zhong could not help but be stunned, completely unaware of this turn of events.

Facing the attack of this fairy sword, they felt that all their methods were restrained and unable to deal with it.

Xu Ying stood in front of them and sneered: Master Jian, I have indeed deceived you! Not only Tongtian has fallen into silence, but you have fallen deeper into silence!

He stretched out his hand to meet the sword light of the Zhuxian Sword, and his fingers became extremely huge. Each finger was like a giant object in chaos, and one thick finger after another rested on the Zhuxian Sword.

He relied on nine evidences, and the power of chaos exploded, suppressing the power of the Zhuxian Sword less and less, and finally lost its fierceness.

Xu Ying held the sword in his hand, his eyes flashed, and he said to Shengzun and Qingxuan: Brother Tongtian Dao fights with Dao Zun, and the calamity of fate will be destroyed by evidence. His Taoist power will eventually flow into the Zhuxian Sword. , turned into a peerless sword light and attacked the Taoist Master. Therefore, the Zhuxian Sword was also invaded by the Dao of Nirvana, and the Taoist heart fell into silence.

Da Zhong asked quickly: As my disciple, is there any way to save him?

Xu Ying said with a smile: Of course there is. The most dangerous thing about the Dao of Annihilation is that all the avenues within oneself, even the Dao Heart, will be destroyed. But after the Dao Heart disappears, it will become the control of the Dao of Annihilation. A tool. Back then, I was also controlled by the Tao of Nirvana and lost my mind. I was a bit more ridiculous than Master Jian. But I realized the evidence-based chaos of Nirvana, and then I got rid of the Tao and entered silence.

Zhu Xianjian shouted: Put me down and turn you all into flying ashes!

Da Zhong said: Master Jian, I am Xiao Zhong, do you still remember?

Of course I remember.

Zhu Xianjian calmed down and said, You are my master and the Taoist ancestor of magic weapon cultivation. How can I forget? Let me kill you now!

The big clock was startled.

Qingxuan said: Cultivating the evidence-based annihilation of chaos is still difficult to achieve with just this sword. Now that the sword master has lost his mind and has fallen into a state of silence, how can he understand the avenue of chaos?

Xu Ying smiled and said: People who fall into annihilation have only one thought, which is to let the entire universe repay the cause and effect and destroy the universe.

The Zhuxian sword danced in his hand, and he shouted: It's good that you know! If you scum named Xu don't let go of me, I will send you to a full family reunion!

Xu Ying turned a deaf ear and said with a smile: For a person who practices the Way of Nirvana, if you want him to get out of Nirvana, unless he has deep attainments in the Way of Chaos beforehand, we can only expect him to enter Nirvana completely. The moment you annihilate yourself, you understand the principle of annihilation and chaos. Otherwise, it is just a dead end. But fortunately, Master Jian is not a human being.

Zhu Xianjian shouted: I am the Ancestor of the Annihilation Sword, and I will turn you all to ashes!

Xu Ying offered the big bell and continued: Master Sword is a magic weapon. The biggest advantage of the magic weapon is that it can be directly imprinted with the mark of chaos. Master Zhong's surface just has the most mysterious mark of chaos in the world.

He activated the big clock, and the bell vibrated, driving the wrinkle marks on the surface of the big clock into the Immortal Killing Sword one after another!

Originally, the Zhuxian Sword was still desperately resisting his restraint, but as the mark of chaos continued to deepen, the sword gradually stopped struggling.

Seeing this, Xu Ying loosened the hilt of the sword and urged the big bell to move around it, constantly hitting the wall of the bell. He used his own powerful chaos power to move the bell and imprint more chaos marks on the sword.

Gradually, the energy of chaos overflowed from the Zhuxian Sword, and the power of chaos became stronger and stronger.

The Zhuxian Sword was used by the Tongtian Taoist to annihilate three Taoists in succession, and the Heavenly Fire of Annihilation was hidden in the sword. It was naturally extremely difficult for Xu Ying to let the chaos overwhelm the power of the Taoism formed after the death of the three Taoists.

After a long time, Xu Ying was also a little tired, so he stopped.

Zhu Xian Jian just woke up from a dream at this time, and said quickly: Xu Daozu, the state of the master is not good! When he and Dao Zun fought the last few moves, he used the calamity to kill according to the evidence, and used the killing to destroy the evidence. , the power of Nirvana is too great, far exceeding the power of Nirvana in his ordinary period. After that, I noticed that he had an extremely strong desire for destruction in his heart!

Xu Ying said: It's true. When he was fighting with Taoist Master, the Taoist heart was invaded by the avenue of annihilation that became stronger in an instant. If he continued, he was afraid that he would completely fall into silence. Now, he still has some sense, and he has some understanding of the three realms. I still have feelings. If I enter silence, I'm afraid even this little feeling will be lost.

Zhu Xianjian quickly said: Please help Xu Daozu!

Xu Ying shook his head and said: With my strength and attainments, I can save you, but I can't save him. He is not a magic weapon, and I can't directly imprint chaos on him. However, since I have imprinted the mark of chaos on you, , you can postpone his death. Master Tongtian has a very high level of understanding, and he will definitely be able to learn something from you.

Zhuxian Sword is a little relieved.

The whole body of the big clock shone with light, and he said slowly: Ying, Yingye, since you can add some branding to Master Jian, you can also add some branding to me. If you can give some kindness, rain and dew, it will be great. …”

Xu Ying said with a smile: Zhong Zi, why should you belittle yourself? You have learned my nine evidence-based methods over the years, haven't you gained something? What you lack is just the Tao of Annihilation. It's just that there is no Tao in the Tao of Annihilation. Even if I tattoo the runes, I can’t pass them on to you.”

Da Zhong had to give up.

It has followed Xu Ying in practice over the years and has begun to bear fruit. Other monks still need to understand and enter the Tao in order to practice. It hides in the flood of promises and is constantly comprehending. Moreover, Xu Ying could copy the various Taoist scriptures he had comprehended, and his cultivation speed was much faster than that of others.

It worked hard again, and when it promised to follow the evidence of the nine paths, it also followed the practice, so it also obtained the wonder of the evidence of the eight innate paths.

However, if you can understand the Great Way of Nirvana, you can follow the Nine Paths of Evidence. Although the Nine Paths of Evidence is not troublesome, there are still many people who cannot understand it.

Xu Ying thought for a moment and said, You are a magic weapon. There is no qualification limit. Now it only depends on your understanding and whether you have talent in this area. If so, your achievements must be limitless!

Da Zhong was greatly encouraged, but Qing Xuan and Sheng Zun were just surprised.

Even Dao Zun and Luo Taizong have not been able to refine the Nine Paths of Evidence, but Xu Ying said that the Nine Paths of Evidence is not troublesome, and he even has high hopes for the big bell, thinking that this magic weapon can be refined.

The Holy Lord smiled and said: Xu Daozu has not been to the other side of the Taoist League for a long time to exchange Taoist teachings. Many brothers in the Taoist League hope that Xu Daozu can open a forum to give lectures.

Qingxuan nodded hurriedly and said with a smile: It would be best if you can talk about the nine evidences.

One of them has some understanding of killing, and the other has some talent in calamity. They also practice Taiyi, reincarnation and other paths, but it is difficult to follow the evidence of the nine paths, not even the three paths.

Xu Ying hesitated for a moment and said: I always have a feeling that the Nine Ways of Evidence still does not cover all the avenues, and the Nine Ways of Evidence is just a means to get to the end of the avenue. Even if we can use the Nine Ways of Evidence to reach the end of the avenue, It is only a one-sided end of the road, not the true enlightenment...

Thinking of this, he smiled and said: I don't even understand this myself, so how can I tell you what the real attainment is? Forget it, I'll go to the Other Side Taoist League and explain the Nine Paths of Evidence in its entirety.

Qingxuan and Shengzun were overjoyed and said with a smile: Let's go and inform the other people in the Taoist Alliance on the other side!

The two of them left in a hurry.

Xu Ying thought for a moment and made up his mind before walking out of the Xuanhui Pagoda and bringing the Zhuxian Sword to see Taoist Master Tongtian.

Master Tongtian took the Zhuxian Sword and grasped the hilt, he was suddenly startled.

After a while, he regained his consciousness a little and looked at Xu Ying deeply: Thank you, fellow Taoist.

Xu Ying smiled and said: Why do you and I need to express our gratitude? If Brother Dao hadn't gone to kill Dao Zun this time, how could he have been affected by Nirvana? If Dao Zun had freed his hands, the other side would have been doomed. How could there be such a thing as this other side? revival?

Master Tongtian shook his head and said: The other side is not a revival, but a slight decline in the calamity. This is just the calm before the calamity.

Xu Ying's heart skipped a beat and she hurriedly looked at him.

Master Tongtian shook his head and said: The fate of Bian'an inheriting the heaven realm has been completely passed on. In addition, Bian'an has done too much evil and harvested the universe. This disaster will definitely not stop here, but will intensify after calming down. In the end, it was out of control. Driven by the fate of the disaster, I was able to cultivate the Taoist Master of Nirvana so easily. How could I know that this was not the choice of the fate of the disaster?

Xu Ying's face changed slightly.

The calamity on the other side is so powerful that a Taoist Lord of Nirvana is chosen to preside over the great calamity of Nirvana. He has never seen this kind of situation in the Nirvana calamity in the Imperial Realm!

Taoist Master Tongtian said: The evil done by the other side has gone too far and cannot be saved. Fellow Taoist Xu, as the Hongmeng Taoist master of the other side, you should have made plans in advance.

Xu Ying hesitated and said, Brother Dao, what about you?

Master Tongtian said: If there is no peace in the three realms, I will not leave. But if there is peace in the three realms, I will also need to leave the other side, this place of right and wrong, as soon as possible to find the way to the end of my path.

Xu Ying calmed down and said: There is not much time before we are stranded in the Three Realms. I will go back to the Three Realms first. The Taoist Alliance on the other side is still waiting for me to go and preach. Brother Taoist, here on the other side, the other side relies on you, Brother Taoist.

Master Tongtian nodded slightly and said: With your brand of chaos, I can persist longer. You can return to the Three Realms with confidence.

Xu Ying came to see Master Tai Dao and said: Master, I just talked with Master Tongtian. He thinks that the disaster on the other side may not be far away. Master should go and see Master Haining to be prepared.

Master Tai Dao said in surprise: Now that there are no more fights and killings on the other side, and the three parties are in harmony, how can there be any more misfortune? However, fellow Taoist Tongtian's cultivation is profound, and he must have discovered something before he said this. Don't worry, I will go see Taoist Master Haining.

Xu Ying said with a smile: I have returned to the Three Realms in recent days to prepare for the stranding of the Three Realms and the other side. I will not participate in the peace talks between Master and Dao Master Lin. With Dao Master Tongtian here, Dao Master Lin will not play tricks.

Taiyi smiled and said: You can just go back. When the Three Realms are stranded, come back and see the other side. I will give you a prosperous other side after revival!

Xu Ying said goodbye to him, but Master Tai was reluctant to leave. He was silent for a moment and said, Xu Ying, thank you very much.

Xu Ying was stunned, smiled, turned and left.

Not long after, he found Changsun Shenghai. Looking from a distance, he saw the great changes in the world outside Qiyan Xingkong Ridge. It began to evolve from chaos, and the order of Hongmeng, Wuji, Taiyi, and Samsara advanced until it reached annihilation and then entered again. chaos.

Or it may evolve from the avenue of chaos to annihilation, killing, calamity, cause and effect, reincarnation, and reverse chaos.

The world around Changsun Shenghai is like a huge flood source, and the nine avenues evolve to form an evidence-based system!

This flood source continues to grow as he practices, and every innate avenue is connected to the innate avenue on the other side!

When it reaches chaos, the energy of chaos comes from the void and is injected into his flood source. When it reaches Hongmeng, there is also a flow of energy from Hongmeng!

Even when he reached Nirvana, there was still Nirvana Heavenly Fire injected into the source of the flood!

Eldest Brother's external evidence of the Great Way of Heaven and Earth is indeed very powerful!

Xu Ying was moved. Changsun Shenghai's method of external proof was different from his method of internal proof, and it could even borrow Tao power from the universe. He entered the immortal realm many years later than Xu Ying, but in terms of cultivation, he actually wanted to catch up with Xu Ying!

If I have internal and external certification and practice together... Xu Ying blinked.

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