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Chapter 880 Jiuqiu Mountain closed the hills

Luo Shizong, is he dead?

Xu Ying was surprised and happy. The Ancestral God also flew out of the sky and turned into a young man covered in tendons. He came to the two of them and said in shock: How did Luo Shizong die?

I killed him.

Tai Taoist Master smiled slightly, and did not appear proud, but there was still some excitement and pride hidden in his eyes.

Xu Ying laughed, but then thought of the ancient god Luo Taizong. When he was outside the Pantheon, he asked the ancestor god to study with the ancient god Luo Taizong. The ancient god Luo Taizong taught him the methods he knew, and he asked for permission to leave a glimmer of hope for Taoist Luo.

Xu Ying had already nodded at that time.

Taiyi saw that he no longer laughed, but looked a little sad, so he asked about it. When Xu Ying told this, Taiyi asked, If I hadn't killed Taoist Luo, would you have killed Taoist Luo?


Xu Ying said decisively, Master Luo must die. If he doesn't die, it will be you and me who will die, and even the Three Realms will be destroyed in the future!

When he said this, he shook his head and said: No matter what, I must bear the responsibility of Ancient Shen Luo Taizong.

Taiyi smiled and said: The Ancient God Luo Taizong begged you, but he did not ask for mercy from me. Luo Shizong died in my hands, not yours. You have never failed the Ancient God Luo Taizong. There is no need to bear it in your heart.

Xu Ying was somewhat relieved after hearing this, and asked Tai Yi about his battle with Dao Master Luo. Tai Yi said, Dao Master Luo's skills are indeed powerful. If he hadn't been so clever and followed my time and space magical powers to this point, I wouldn't have had the strength to kill him. . He can only sense the 257 discovered universes, but cannot sense those that have not yet been discovered.

Xu should wake up.

Etai Yi's strength was simply unable to pull Dao Master Luo back to the past when he was in his prime, so he could only lure Dao Master Luo to follow him back to the past.

As long as Master Luo goes back, he will be tricked.

In the sea of ​​chaos at this time, although all the universes exist, most of them are in a state of chaos that has not yet been discovered and cannot be sensed. ——If it can be sensed, it means it has established a connection with the other side and is no longer in a state of chaos.

Although I can match him, it is not easy to kill him. I overestimated my own strength, so I dragged him forward for a while.

Taiyi and Dao Master Luo were fighting while heading towards an older time. However, the older the time, the less the universe that Dao Master Luo could sense, and the closer his strength was to his true level. .

Where did you kill him? Xu Ying asked.

Taidao: Before the first batch of scouts from the other side returned from the Sea of ​​Chaos.

Xu Ying glanced at him, and Taiyi felt a little ashamed, and said: It's not that I can't defeat him, but he is the master of the three avenues after all. Even if the Tao power of other universes is stripped away, he is still at the peak of the Tao master. Defeating him is not easy. It’s difficult, it’s not easy to kill him.”

Xu Ying looked down at Taoist Luo in Anyou Palace and said with a smile: With the death of Taoist Luo, the other side has also lost a lot of luck. The luck has dissipated, the cause and effect are clear, and the killings will naturally gradually dissipate. Of course, the other side will not fall. Entering the catastrophe of Nirvana. Congratulations, Master, as long as you get rid of one more Lin Dao Master, you can save the other side from water and fire!

Upon hearing this, Master Tai Dao couldn't help but laugh and said with a smile: Don't worry, the Three Realms are stranded on the other side. I will definitely restrain the people on the other side and will not provoke the Three Realms!

Hearing this, the ancestor god also breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile: Also, let the girl from the Gong family take Dongxuan and others back to the heaven, and they will continue to be their Tao masters. There is Taiyi on the other side, and there are promises in the three realms. On the other side of the heaven We share the ancestor god me with the three realms, so it can be considered a peaceful and prosperous age!

Master Tai Dao laughed heartily.

Xu Ying reminded: Master, there is also Dao Master Lin. Dao Master Lin never shows off, but his strength is at the same level as Dao Master Luo and Dao Master Hua.

Taiyi smiled and said: Although Dao Master Lin is powerful, it is not difficult to kill him. Although we have never cultivated the nine paths of evidence-based practice, there are many Dao masters who have cultivated one of the nine paths. Together, we can achieve the three paths of evidence-based practice and the four. Based on evidence, it can still be done!”

Xu Ying frowned slightly.

Taiyi had a sudden thought and asked tentatively: Can't do it?

Xu Ying smiled and said: It's not that it can't be done, but why can't it be based on nine evidences?

Taidao: Jiang Ningzi and Wu Xizi have been killed.

According to the nine evidences, Wu Xizi's reincarnation came to an abrupt end.

Where is the body of Master Luo?

Xu Ying's eyes flashed and he said, There is also his great avenue. Even if it is broken, it must be dispelled and no trace of it can be left.

The death of the Tao Master is not death in the true sense. As long as the Tao is still there, he can still be resurrected from the Tao when the Tao revives!

Master Taiyi said: I have buried him properly.

Xu Ying looked at him deeply: Buried?

Master Taiyi said: That's right. Don't worry, his path has been dispelled by me and he will not be resurrected.

Xu Ying nodded and said with a smile: Master has always been more cautious than me. I will definitely handle it properly. Master, you go back first with the ancestors.

Although the avenues of heaven and earth that the Ancestral God is proficient in also include the avenues of time and space, his use of these avenues is still at a half-understood level, and someone must take them back to the present world.

Taiyi raised his eyebrows slightly, but did not ask what he wanted to do, and said: Fellow Ancestral God, please.

The Ancestral God followed him into time and space and disappeared without a trace. ——Time and space are like a long river. You can step outside the river at the supreme level, but if you want to enter the river, you still need to practice the avenue of time and space.

Xu Ying watched them leave, and after a while, he walked out of the void and came to the shattered Anyou Palace.

Dao Master Luo was sitting on the green lotus. When he saw him coming, he was startled. He hurriedly raised a Xuantian Dao Seal and hung it above his head, secretly guarding against it.

Although I am no match for him, if he attacks me and fights to the death, I will give him a try! He thought to himself.

Xu Ying turned a blind eye to him, and when he came to the fragments of the Tao body and spirit, he mobilized his magic power to erase the remaining power of the Tao in these fragments piece by piece.

Xu Yinglian was very meticulous and searched very carefully. He searched thousands of miles around to find even the smallest fragments.

He classified these Tao bodies and gods into categories, divided them into nine piles of fragments, and spliced ​​them one by one to form nine Tao bodies, checking to see if there were any missing fragments.

After a moment, Xu Ying suddenly turned his head, stared at Master Luo with a sinister expression, and said solemnly: Paralytic, take out the fragments you hid!

Master Luo shuddered and quickly took out a few fragments he had secretly hidden.

Xu Ying wiped away all the imprints in these fragments and spliced ​​them together. The nine Taoist bodies of Master Luo were finally restored to integrity.

He checked it a few more times to make sure that there were no remaining fragments of Dao Master Luo inside, and then he felt relieved. Then with a wave of his hand, he saw nine hills rising from the ground. There were cemeteries in the hills. They were built according to the Feng Shui theory of the Three Realms to determine the location of the tombs.

Xu Ying buried the nine Taoist bodies among the nine hills, closed the mountains, turned around and looked at Luo Taoist who was paralyzed on the green lotus, and said: Although after I leave, you will forget everything that happened here. , but after all, I have been here, and there will be cause and effect. Taoist Master, please do not resist me.

Master Luo suppressed the fear in his heart and did not move.

Xu Ying cut off the cause and effect with him, and inserted a piece of cause and effect into the consciousness of Master Luo.

He also activated his omniscient eyes to check his cause and effect, and removed the cause and effect related to himself, and then wiped out the cause and effect of everyone within thousands of miles and himself.

Hua Dao Master Lin Dao Master will definitely be aware of the fluctuations caused by this war. At this moment, they should all be on their way here.

Xu Ying activated his omniscient eyes to find out the causal lines caused by the incident one by one, and erased these two causal lines.

Daoist Hua was on his way here when he suddenly stopped and asked in confusion: What am I doing here?

He looked around confusedly, having no memory of what happened in the past.

On the other side, Daoist Lin also set out from Hushan Pavilion, but he also paused, not knowing where he was going after leaving Hushan Pavilion.

After Xu Ying finished all this, he stood up and left.

After he left, all the changes in the original time and space caused by his arrival were restored to their original state, the dead were resurrected, and the broken Anyou Palace was restored to its original state.

The only change is that there are nine more hills outside Anyou Palace.

Hundreds of years later, the two Taoist masters Hua and Lin came to Anyou Palace to discuss the matter of opening up Tao Jitian. The two Taoist masters looked at the nine hills outside the palace and looked at them repeatedly. Taoist master Lin smiled and said, I have never seen these nine mountains before.

Master Luo was paralyzed, sitting on the chariot, and said with a smile: I am quite nostalgic. I started my business in Jiuqiu, so no matter where I move, I will take these nine hills with me.

Master Hua smiled and said: When Dao Ji Tian is opened up, you can move these nine hills to Dao Ji Tian! Hahahaha!

Master Luo asked: Who is responsible for opening up the Dao Jitian?

Taiyi True King. Dao Master Lin said.

Taoist Master Luo nodded repeatedly and said: This man is mature and has never cheated. Leave him in charge of opening up Dao Ji Tian, ​​and he will definitely build it beautifully!

The three Taoist masters are full of ambition and proud of the spring breeze.


Xu Ying returned to the present world and stood outside Jiuqiu Mountain. However, he saw that the terrain of Jiuqiu Mountain was undulating. Based on his experience of moving mountains and unloading ridges, the mausoleum he built for Taoist Luo's Nine Spirits Taoist Body and Spirit was still there.

He stepped forward and waved gently, and the nine hills split open one by one.

Xu Ying checked the nine Tao bodies and found that there were no fluctuations in the Tao.

He still felt uneasy and activated the Cause and Effect Avenue to search for the cause and effect related to Dao Master Luo. The cause and effect of a person's death is destroyed, and the cause and effect of Luo Dao Master has disappeared!

Xu Ying mobilized the path of calamity and luck again, and saw that the strong calamity caused by Master Luo also dissipated with his death.

The entire other side's calamity has become much lighter due to the deaths of Hua Dao Master and Luo Dao Master, and there is no such terrifying killing power as before.

Xu Ying urged the Reincarnation Avenue to check the reincarnation on the other side to see if there was the reincarnation of Master Luo.

After a moment, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Master Luo, he is really dead.

He bowed to the nine hills and said, Brother Tao, have a good time on the road.

He straightened up and his eyes flashed: Now of the three avenue masters, only Lin Chuanting is left! Now, we have a large number of people. We don't need to go back to the past to get rid of him. A head-on confrontation is not impossible!

At this moment, a familiar voice came: Xu Daozu, long time no see.

When Xu Ying heard this, he couldn't help being surprised and happy. He turned around quickly and said with a smile: Brother Lu Dao! You are actually still alive!

Lu Yiren came over with a smile and said, You are still alive, how can I pass away?

Lu Yiren is tall and burly, and has long since become immortal. He is much stronger than when he was in the Three Realms. He has always been under the sect of Master Lin, being his boy and disciple.

He is the enlightener of the contemporary path of cultivation in the Three Realms. Only after enlightening Hao Yi can the subsequent progress of the Three Realms be achieved.

Although Xu Ying met him a few times after arriving on the other side, they never saw him again in the hundreds of years since the disaster broke out.

The two exchanged pleasantries, and Xu Ying smiled and said, Brother Lu Dao, are you here to be Taoist Master Xunluo?

Lu Yiren shook his head and said: My master knows that Taoist Master Luo is dead, and he feels that he is alone, so he asked me to come and find fellow Taoist Xu, and ask fellow Taoist Xu to recommend Master Tai Taoist on his behalf.

Xu Ying raised his eyebrows and said with a half-smile, Does Lin Chuanting want to kill Taiyi, or make peace with Taiyi?

Lu Yiren smiled and said: My master told me that he has figured out that avoiding disaster and shifting fate is not a long-term solution, so he wants to join forces with Tai Taoist Master to survive the disaster on the other side.

Xu Ying frowned slightly and said, What kind of medicine is Dao Master Lin selling in the gourd? I always feel that he is not sincerely planning to work together to overcome the disaster. Brother Lu Dao, what is Dao Master Lin's conspiracy?

Lu Yiren smiled and said: Even if he has a conspiracy, he won't tell me. The reason why he sent me here is because I have an old relationship with you and can talk to you. My words have been conveyed. Do you listen? you.

Xu Ying's eyes flashed, he put his hands behind his back, and said leisurely: How could Master Lin know that I would appear here at this moment? He can know the location, but he should not know the time. Knowing the time shows that he is a divine calculator. And divine calculators , compulsory study of cause and effect...

He glanced at Lu Yiren and praised: Master Lin, he is unfathomable. Brother Taoist, it would be best if you leave him as soon as possible.

Lu Yiren shook his head and said: I want to change the other side, so that the other side will not harvest the universe and cause disasters to the unfamiliar universe. I want the other side to become the other side that everyone in the Chaos Sea dreams of. And if I want to do this, I have to rely on it. I cannot do it with my own strength. I must rely on a powerful force. Dao Master Lin is such a powerful person!

Xu Ying's eyes were complicated, and he said: Brother Lu Dao, why do you need to rely on power? You and I can become powerful! Push the old people from their seats and eradicate the rotten ones, and you and I will become powerful!

Lu Yiren smiled and said: You are from the Three Realms. No matter how much you mess with the other side, you don't feel bad. But I am different. I am from the other side...

Wrong! You are from the Three Realms!

Xu Ying interrupted him and said, You grew up in the Three Realms, and the people who raised you were people from the Three Realms. The language you learned was the Taoist language of the Three Realms, and the culture you came into contact with was the culture of the Three Realms! You look like a person from the other side, but He is a person from the Three Realms at heart!”

Lu Yiren shook his head and said: Things like blood cannot be changed. You want the Three Realms to live better and not be enslaved, so you have to come to the other side to take risks and seek living space for the Three Realms. I want the other side to become better, you have yours Persistence, I have my own persistence, no need to persuade me.

Xu Ying looked at him, and after a moment, he smiled and said, Okay. I will convey this matter to Taiyi.

Lu Yiren thanked him and said goodbye.

Xu Ying said goodbye to him and said with a smile: The etiquette is the etiquette of my three realms. If you say that you are from the other side, I am afraid that the people from the other side will not recognize you.

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