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Chapter 871 Flying through time

The normal cosmic flood source is just like Xu Ying and Taiyi's flood source in the new building world. They experience the Taiyi state and the ten thousand ways are in a state of undivided Hunyuan. When the ten thousand ways first separate, the flood source will open up, expand rapidly, and evolve into the universe.

The normal universe is that every point in space-time is expanding outward.

But the source of the flood on the other side is different.

But it was split open by the Ancestral God and Xu Ying, and the light of the ax blade passed through, forming an extremely long, narrow and slender line. With this line as the center, the avenues of heaven and earth were formed on both sides!

This is almost consistent with what they saw at the First Holy Land on the other side!

Suddenly, fatal pressure struck, it was the backlash of the Sea of ​​Chaos!

This force was so great that the arms of the ancestor god shook violently and could hardly support it!

There was a snapping sound from the two people's muscles and bones, their skin burst, and their energy and blood steamed. Xu Ying frantically activated the nine evidences, and the ancestor god mobilized his boundless Tao power. The two of them each raised their cultivation to the extreme!

However, the backlash of the Sea of ​​Chaos is too strong. If they want to open up a universe, a cosmic energy of chaos will crush them and act on them!

The Ancestral God has the strongest cultivation. This time, he is the master of the creation of the sky. When the pressure comes, he is the first to be unable to bear it. With a pop, blood spurts out.

I'm not weak either! Sanzhou returns to its original state!

He shouted violently and activated his Taoism. The three great avenues of heaven and earth from the three universes, namely the Three Realms, the Other Shore, and the Heavenly Realm, converged into a stream in his body. There were signs that he was about to evolve into the One!

As the primordial spirit of the universe, it is almost impossible for him to cultivate Taiyi. Even Luo Taizong needs to kill the body of the ancient god before he can cultivate Taiyi.

However, after listening to the lecture in Cui Luotian in the Heavenly Realm, the Ancestral God actually gained something. He tried to find his own way, based on the Three Universes Avenue, and tried to understand the mystery of Taiyi!

This is a counter-proof. If He can really counter-prove Taiyi, it can be said to be a precedent that has never been seen before among ancient gods!

The Ancestral God urged the three universes to return to the origin, and the power of the Kaiyuan Divine Ax suddenly increased, and it fell against the pressure of the Chaos Sea!

At the same time, Xu Ying also encouraged the Nine Paths of Evidence, and the various Dao powers in his body circulated in an almost endless cycle!

The Great Avenue Scripture Building, Sacrifice!

He raised the prayer pillar as a sacrifice, and the spiritual power of the prayer pillar, which was almost like a Taoist master, surged in and blessed him as he stood up!

The two of them opened their mouths, shouted with all their strength, swung the Kaiyuan Divine Axe, split open the source of the flood on the other side, and slashed towards the Sea of ​​Chaos with the brilliant light of the axe!

In the chaotic sea, a green rock building boat drifted silently, drifting along with the undercurrent in the sea. On the boat, Master Luo looked gloomy. He had been in the Sea of ​​Chaos for a hundred years, and he still couldn't accept their return to the era before the other side was opened.

He did not go to the building world. The building world was meaningless to him, it was just a universe destined to be destroyed.

What he wants to find is the other side.

However, after years of drifting, they still could not find any clues to the other side.

The three Taoist masters Zong Qi, Li Jian and Sha Zhe did not dare to leave him, so they could only accompany him to drift in the sea of ​​chaos. Although the three Taoist masters said nothing, they still complained in their hearts.

Since we can't return to the other side, wouldn't it be better to stay in the past and become a ruler in other universes?

However, Taoist Luo is the Taoist who rules the universe. The benefits are too great, how can he just give up?

At this moment, Master Luo's heart suddenly moved slightly, and he was surprised and happy: The other shore! I can sense the other shore!

When Zong Qi and the other three heard this, they were also extremely surprised. Master Luo hurriedly activated the Cuiyan Tower Boat and said with a smile: The other shore is born! I can feel it!

Zong Qi and the other three were extremely excited. Suddenly, there was a brilliant burst of light in front of them. In an instant, countless stars roared towards their ship. All kinds of avenues were forming rapidly, and all kinds of ground-breaking Tao sounds roared and vibrated!

The Tao power between heaven and earth is as rich as a pot of porridge. All kinds of Tao power are mixed together, evolving from Hunyuan unity to ten thousand Tao!

The stars that came towards us quickly grew from tiny star sands to large ones, turning into rounds of suns that whizzed away against the hull of the ship.

Master Luo, Zong Qi and others mobilized the building boats to avoid the stars and rushed towards the place where the light burst out.

In their eyes, the purple energy in the place where the Dao light burst out was brilliant, and they could vaguely see two figures, one big and one small, standing tall, swinging a big ax to open up the world!

It's Xu Ying and the Ancestral God of the Three Realms!

Zong Qi, Li Jian and Sha Zhe were shocked and angry. Although they were far apart, they could still identify the forms of Xu Ying and Ancestor God!

Master Luo saw it and was surprised: We are so far apart, why can we still see them? It should be impossible to see them from such a long distance.

Zong Qi was extremely jealous and shouted: The merits of opening the sky! They got the merits of opening the sky!

Li Jian and Sha Zhe were shocked, their hearts were shaken, and they became jealous.

Even Master Luo was angry at this moment: Why can't the merits of opening the sky be mine?

The merit of opening the sky is a great merit that is unparalleled in the world. It is the merit of opening up a universe and being worshiped by all the creatures in this universe. It is more than any god and more than any contribution!

Even the ancestors of immortals, Taoists, and emperors cannot compare with his merits!

More importantly, if you have the merit of opening the sky, you will be blessed by Hongmeng Ziqi, and Hongmeng Dao will be self-evident before you realize it. If the merits of opening the heaven are complete, one can even attain the Taoism of Hongmeng and become the master of Hongmeng Taoism in one fell swoop!

Master Luo practices the Soul Dao. Although he has practiced other Taoisms after becoming the Soul Dao Master, he has never been able to comprehend the nine-level innate Dao.

This time, he was behind the death of Hua Dao Master. He clearly found out that Hua Dao Master was practicing in seclusion and fighting against the Chaos Oath, but he did not protect him. However, he sent the Taoist masters he saved to Qionghua Island to ambush him.

His goal is the Kaiyuan Divine Ax on Master Hua!

He was also present when Hong Tiangang deduced the origin of Kaitianshen Ax. Hong Tiangang said that the Kaiyuan Divine Ax lacked a great cause and effect that created the world. The speaker was unintentional but the listener was intentional. Taoist Luo kept this matter in mind.

Instead of saving Daoist Hua, he watched Daoist Hua die under the Chaos Oath in order to obtain the Kaiyuan Divine Axe.

This time they accidentally returned to the past, which also proved that this time was the opportunity for the Kaiyuan Divine Ax to repay the great cause and effect of the world.

As long as he can get this treasure, he can bypass all kinds of hard training and enlightenment and directly attain enlightenment!

I just didn’t expect that it would be all in vain!

Master Luo suddenly jumped up, jumped off the boat, accelerated his speed and headed straight for the place where Xu Ying and the Ancestral God created the world!

No matter what happens today, I will grab the Kaiyuan Divine Ax in my hands! Even if I didn't open the sky on the other side and create this land, I will destroy the other side, return to chaos, open up the heaven and earth, and perform all the ways!

He had a fierce look on his face. The gentle and elegant Luo Paralytic Man before had disappeared. He said viciously in his heart, Maybe kill them two and take away their Hongmeng merits, and I will also become the Hongmeng Taoist Master!

Boundless stars rushed towards him, galaxies roared towards him, and galaxies spun and flew past his feet.

Master Luo ran wildly. His legs that were previously paralyzed were now more flexible than ever before and he was running very fast.

It was as if all the roads that I had been unable to walk due to paralysis in this life were walked through at this moment.

Catch them, kill them, and become the master of Hongmeng Taoism!

His speed was getting faster and faster, and the infinite space flashed past. However, in his field of vision, Xu Ying and the Ancestral God were still so far away from him.

The distance between them didn't seem to get closer with his Sturm und Drang.

Zong Qi and the other three people on the building boat also noticed this phenomenon.

They mobilized the building boats to pursue them. The distance between them and Master Luo was getting farther and farther, but the distance from Xu Ying and Ancestor God seemed to have never changed.

They were creating the world. When the world was created, infinite time and space burst out, widening the distance!

They thought of this, but they still couldn't explain why the distance between them and Xu Ying and the ancestor gods remained unchanged.

Ahead, Master Luo was also aware of this. Even though he was the master of the avenue and the master of the soul path of the universe, he could not understand this phenomenon.

The surrounding avenues buzzed, time and space continued to vibrate violently, and the mortal continent on the other side was also rapidly forming, expanding, and quickly moving away from the feet of Master Luo.

Zong Qi and the three people on the boat saw the mortal continent coming from the other side. The sun and moon appeared rapidly on the continent. The raging magma volcano cooled down, and the boiling sea gradually cooled down.

At this sudden glance, they saw that the continent on the other side was rapidly becoming lush and green, and there were many huge ancient beasts walking among the mountains and forests.

The three of them each turned their heads and looked towards the departing continent on the other side, only to see the ancient god rising on the other side.

Vaguely, they even saw Luo Taizong's majestic figure!


The three of them were confused and wanted to call Dao Master Luo, but the expansion of time and space was too fast, and their consciousness could not catch up with Dao Master Luo.

Dao Master Luo ran with all his strength, turning a blind eye to all the changes around him. He could only see the two people, Ancestral God and Xu Ying, who held the Kaiyuan Divine Ax high and created the earth and the sky.

At this moment, these two people were absorbing the power of refining Hongmeng Ziqi, which made him jealous.

Take away my opportunity and I will kill you without a place to bury you!

Behind him, the Cuiyan Tower Boat was still chasing after him. However, the three people on the boat did not look at him, but stared blankly behind him.

In their field of vision, an ancient god was born in the starry sky, grew stronger, and passed away. The era of the ancient gods also reached its peak.

This is wrong, this is wrong... Zong Qi muttered.

This is not right, this is not right! Taoist Master Li Jian was in despair.

It's not just the space of the universe that's expanding, it's also time that's expanding! Sha Zhe said hoarsely.

We are flying through time!

Ahead, Master Luo was channeling his boundless Tao power across time and space. Gradually, he found that the distance between him and Xu Ying and the Ancestor God was gradually getting closer, and he couldn't help but smile on his face.

What belongs to me will eventually be mine!

Behind him, the faces of Zong Qi and the others became more and more weird, more and more horrified, and more and more incredible!

Because they saw a huge universe slowly breaking through the sea of ​​chaos and appearing on the edge of the other side.

Heavenly Realm is stranded!

The magnificence of this scene dazzled them, but at the same time they were even more frightened.

Even Tao masters like them can't understand this scene!

The starry sky in the sky was suddenly captured by the other side, and the starry sky changed hands.

Not long after, the smile on Master Luo's face became stronger and stronger, because he was getting closer and closer to Xu Ying and the Ancestral God, and he was finally going to get the Kaiyuan Divine Ax!

He ran with all his strength, suddenly jumped up, went straight to Xu Ying and the Ancestral God, and shouted: Leave my Kaiyuan Divine Ax behind!

He reached out with one hand and covered the foothold of Xu Ying, Ancestor and God.

This capture will definitely capture Xu Ying and Ancestor God. No matter how powerful they are, they will not be able to escape!

But at this moment, the immeasurable light beside Xu Ying and Ancestor God erupted, and the dazzling light engulfed Master Luo!

When the light dissipated, Master Luo held the starry sky thousands of miles ahead with his palm. However, the strange thing was that there was no First Holy Land under his palm, nor Xu Ying and Ancestor God.

In front of him was the entrance to the First Holy Land - that extremely thin line.

He saw another him, as well as another Zong Qi, Li Jian and Sha Zhe, walking on that extremely thin line and entering the first holy land!

Master Luo was in despair, still maintaining the gesture of grabbing with one hand, his face was pale, and a voice in his head repeatedly said: This is impossible, this is absolutely impossible...

He looked around, and saw that the starry sky was silent, and the stars that had passed away so quickly just now seemed to be just a dream.

It seems that their search for hundreds of years in the sea of ​​chaos is also a dream!

After a while, Master Luo came to his senses and looked at the extremely thin line with some fear.

Thin lines hang between the universe on the other side, so thin that they cannot be detected by the naked eye.

At this moment, there is a me, walking into the thin line.

Master Luo's forehead was covered with cold sweat. On both sides of the thin line, there must be the starry sky on the other side. You can even see the mortal continent on the other side. Looking back, you can definitely see the heaven standing vertically at the end of the thin line!

The beads of sweat on his forehead grew larger and larger, and an indescribable fear surged into his heart.

At this time, Zong Qi and three other Taoist masters arrived here in the Cuiyan Tower Boat, shouting from a distance: Brother Luo Dao, Brother Luo Dao! Xu Ying and the ancestors created the world, causing time and space to expand. Not only the expansion of space, but also the expansion of time. It’s also expanding!”

“It’s transporting us into the future!”

No! It should be sent back to the present!

Since Tao Zun left the realm of heaven, he has been wandering in the sea of ​​chaos. He has experienced too many things during this time. He has seen new universes and dead universes.

He witnessed people's suffering and struggles during the tribulation of Nirvana, and also saw the monks' unrealistic delusions and efforts.

He also met many strange people and encountered many strange things.

Although he has rich experiences, he has never been able to find the answer.

Perhaps there is no answer in the Nirvana Tribulation.

Exhausted both physically and mentally, he began to turn back. There are less than tens of millions of years left in the Heaven Realm. He wants to return to the Heaven Realm and coexist and die together with the Heaven Realm.

This journey opened his eyes and at the same time made him completely despair.

On the way back, when he was about to reach the heaven, his eyes were suddenly attracted by a new universe.

When I left, this universe didn't exist. Was it born after I left?

He observed the universe and saw that the cruel ancient gods were playing the game of breeding farms. They were inferior, degenerate, and did not strive for progress.

His heart moved slightly, and suddenly a terrible idea came to his mind.

Maybe, it can be like this...

Eight million years later, Heavenly Realm was stranded on the other shore.

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