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Chapter 870 The Ancestral God Opens the Sky

When the incense in his hand burned out, Xu Ying straightened up.

This unexpected journey gave him many more feelings.

Taoist Master Zuo Lian said: Since we have paid homage, we have also settled a worry. Fellow Taoist Xu, please just say goodbye here.

Xu Ying said quickly: Brother Dao, don't you want to give me something?

Taoist Zuo Lian looked at him puzzled.

Xu Ying blinked: For example, what brand or something? Think about it again, do you have something like this on you?

Are you talking about the alliance order?

Taoist Master Zuolian shook his head and said, This thing is ominous. If you encounter this thing, it is best for fellow Taoists to stay away from it. You have been very kind to me, and I can't harm you.


Xu Ying was stunned, why was the Taoist order so ominous? Why should we stay away from the Taoist Alliance?

Taoist Master Zuolian saluted and said, Two fellow Taoists, please say goodbye.

Xu Yingzheng was about to say something to persuade him to stay, but Taoist Master Zuolian had already raised the boat and boarded the old ship.

The Dao Alliance is not as powerful and bright as you think. Contact with the Dao Alliance will only bring disaster.

Master Zuolian urged the building boat to sail into the sea of ​​chaos, and a voice came, Fellow Taoist Xu, there is no cause and effect in chaos, and it may also reverse cause and effect. Effect is cause, cause is effect, cause and effect are chaotic. Since the Kaiyuan Shen Ax carries you When you come here, there must be great power in the dark, guiding you to complete what you are destined to do. And...

He gradually moved away, and his voice was eroded by the sea of ​​chaos and became blurry: ...stay away from the Taoist Alliance...

Xu Ying stood on the ruins of the spiritual world and murmured: Stay away from the Dao Alliance? But, I already have two Dao Alliance Tokens in my hand.

——He originally had three pieces, one of which he gave to Changsun Shenghai.

What kind of force is the Taoist League? Why did Shen Tulun and the others decide to resist the Taoist League? Why did Taoist Master Zuolian, after being defeated and joining the Taoist League, still resent the actions of the Taoist League and think that the Taoist League is not powerful? Isn’t it bright? Daomeng, what have you done?”

Xu Ying stood in silence for a long time, then suddenly put aside these worries and said with a smile: Ancestral God, I have a lot of karma with the spiritual world. I am the ancestor of the immortal Taoism in the spiritual world, and I am a great cause and effect in the spiritual world. You have a lot of karma with the other side, It is the soul of the universe on the other side. These two causes and effects together bring us to this place.

The Ancestral God has some understanding of the avenue of cause and effect. Hearing this, he said: I haven't thought of it just now, but when you said it, I suddenly understood it. Yes, if the other shore is built on the ruins of the spiritual world, then you and I These two are indeed the best choices to open up the spiritual world!

He paused and said: Of course, I think Taoist Master Zuo Lian is more suitable to replace you, and Taizong Luo is more suitable to replace me. However, Taoist Zuo Lian felt guilty and escaped the catastrophe of annihilation in the spiritual world, while Taizong Luo was killed by me. Instead. Therefore, it is still only the two of us who can open up the other side!

Xu Ying said with a smile: Tai Yi can't do it, Taoist Master Lin can't do it, and Taoist Master Luo can't do it either. As for the other Taoist masters on the other side, they are just roosters and dogs. How can they dare to open the sky with their virtues? Ancestor God, please take out your divine axe.

The Ancestral God took out the Kaiyuan Divine Ax.

As soon as the ax came out, the spiritual light that was constantly flying around the flood source suddenly turned around, and the light burst out and poured down instantly!


The spiritual light poured into the Kaiyuan Divine Ax in the hands of the Ancestral God, and unparalleled power suddenly burst out from the ax, brilliantly, illuminating the surrounding sea of ​​chaos!

Dao Master Zuo Lian had already gone far away at this moment, and was also illuminated by the light of the Kaiyuan Divine Ax. He saw his own shadow gradually growing out from under his feet and casting into the depths of the Chaos Sea.

He looked back, and couldn't help but lose consciousness for a while. He saw a dazzling divine ax in the vast sea of ​​chaos, as if it had been inspired by supreme divine power, and there was a Taoist power that opened up chaos, bursting out from the axe!

Could it be that Xu Ying and the Ancestral God were really driven by a strange force to go back to the past and fulfill the past?

He whispered, But, I just said that casually.

Zuo Lian looked at the unfathomable sea of ​​chaos and murmured: The power of this ocean is truly unfathomable and unfathomable.

The Ancestral God stood on the jade platform, and the Kaiyuan Divine Ax buzzed and trembled in his hand. Among the remains of the magic weapons around him, suddenly a stream of spiritual light rushed towards the Kaiyuan Divine Ax at a rapid speed, as if it was from the spirit world such as You Xuan and Yin Rao. The immortal will of man!

The sea of ​​chaos can destroy everything, destroy their physical souls, extinguish their avenues, and destroy their inheritance, but the immortal will and the idea of ​​protecting all living beings remain!

This will cannot be destroyed by the Sea of ​​Chaos!

Nowadays, this will is on the ruins and in the sea of ​​chaos, forming the spiritual root of chaos that creates the world. It is getting stronger and stronger, urging the ax wielder to open up the sky, open up the earth, and open up a home for all living beings in the vast chaos!

This home is the other side of their dreams!


The spiritual power of a huge magic weapon remnant disappeared, and it collapsed like dust and turned into ashes. Then another magic weapon fragment exhausted its spiritual power and collapsed and was destroyed.

Xu Ying looked at the magic weapons that collapsed one after another around him, and couldn't help but feel a little sad in his heart. For these Dao masters in the spiritual world, the only treasures they left in the sea of ​​chaos after their death to prove their presence were shattered one by one and turned into nothing.

However, a new universe is about to be born on this ruins.

When Xu Ying thought of this, he saw that You Xuan's golden wheel of cause and effect was shattered and ceased to exist.

His heart trembled. This scene seemed to be imprinted on his Taoist heart, which made him feel a faint pain.

Xu Ying said loudly: Ancestral God, why don't you take the opportunity to sacrifice the Kaiyuan God Axe?

Upon hearing this, the Ancestral God immediately imprinted his own path to heaven and earth into the divine axe. The power of this chaotic spiritual root is still increasing crazily, making his brand seem insignificant and making it difficult to truly control the divine axe.

Seeing this, Xu Ying hurriedly came behind him and poured his Tao power into the ancestor god's body to help him.

He has cultivated the nine evidence-based methods, and his magic power is powerful and boundless. It merges with the magic power of the ancestor gods and infuses it into the Kaiyuan Divine Ax.

The light of the divine ax became more and more intense, and various strange and magnificent avenue textures appeared on the handle of the axe. These textures did not exist when the ax was still in the aura state. It was only after the sacrifices of the two of them that they emerged.

Suddenly, the divine ax buzzed and vibrated, making the ancestor god's arms sore and numb, making it difficult to grasp it.

The divine ax made a hissing sound and flew out of his hand.

The moment the Kaiyuan Divine Ax flew out, all the remains of the magic weapon shattered one after another, and countless spiritual lights surged and merged with the Kaiyuan Divine Ax.

Xu Ying and the Ancestral God immediately flew up and chased after the Kaiyuan Divine Ax. The divine ax flew around the flood source on the other side, continuing to open up the energy of chaos, splitting the energy of chaos into a Hongmeng state, and flowing into the source of the flood!

The power of this ax is really powerful. God Rao Xu Yingzu is already the most powerful being under the Taoist master, and he can't easily get close to this axe.

The power of the divine ax shook slightly, and the two of them felt that they were about to be split in half. If they approached rashly, they would definitely die!

Xu Ying immediately offered sacrifices to the Great Dao Sutra Pillar, and the nine-layer Sutra Pillar turned into a nine-layer Luo umbrella and spread it out. He stood up with blessings, and suddenly the magnificent Taoist power comparable to that of a Taoist master poured in!

Xu Ying immediately took the ancestor god and approached the divine ax against the power of the divine ax.

Ancestral God, don't try to catch it! We can't control it, let's sacrifice it first! Xu Ying shouted.

The divine ax flew around the flood source, striking into the energy of chaos one after another, opening up the chaos and fueling the flood source on the other side.

Xu Ying and Ancestral God followed closely behind, chasing the flying divine ax. Ancestor God took the opportunity to continuously smelt his own Great Dao Mark into the Kaiyuan Divine Ax.

During these hundred years, Xu Ying traveled through the Sea of ​​Chaos and used his free time to devote himself to cultivating the Great Dao Jingzhu. Now, under his urging, the Grand Avenue Sutra Pillar suddenly split into nine parts, flying up and down, blocking the power of the Kaiyuan Divine Ax pouring out in all directions!

Even though the Great Dao Sutra Pillar is an innate spiritual treasure and a chaotic spiritual root, its power is much inferior to that of the Kaiyuan Divine Axe. Soon cracks appeared on the surface of the nine-piece Luo Umbrella!

Fortunately, this treasure is extraordinary. With a little sacrifice, the cracks will be repaired.

But such terrifying power still made Xu Ying secretly frightened: Among the spiritual treasures I have encountered, none of them can compare with the Kaiyuan Divine Axe.

Ah Ying, look at the way this divine ax splits the chaos. Does it look like a magical ax move? came the voice of the ancestor god.

Xu Ying heard the words and immediately looked at the trajectory of the Kaiyuan Divine Axe. He started out in martial arts. In martial arts, in addition to various techniques such as sword technique and sword technique, there is also the method of axe training.

Xu Ying was immediately attracted by the trajectory of the Kaiyuan Divine Ax. The martial arts power burst out in his body, and figures appeared around him, practicing this set of ax techniques.

The Ancestral God discovered it early and was the first to learn it. However, he was much inferior to Xu Ying in learning. On the contrary, Xu Ying quickly mastered every move with the most powerful axe.

Xu Ying and the Ancestral God followed the Kaiyuan Divine Ax and flew around Hongyuan. Xu Ying quickly learned the seven ax techniques.

After practicing with the utmost martial arts skills, these seven ax moves seemed to have grown directly on his body, improving them to the ultimate level!

In this short period of time, the flood source on the other side absorbed Hongmeng's Dao power, became larger and larger, and continued to expand outwards. However, the Dao power in the flood source was still in an infinite state.

The Hongmeng Dao power created by the Divine Ax flows into the source of the flood. It can only evolve to the infinite state and then stop. It will not evolve to the Taiyi state at all!

If it doesn't evolve into the Taiyi state, Hongyuan won't be called mature, and it won't be opened up!

Xu Ying was secretly anxious and thought, And if the Hongyuan is too big, it will be more and more difficult to open up the Hongyuan with its own power. Only strong external force can open up the Hongyuan! The power required to open it up will be very fast. Then you can surpass the limits of me and the Ancestor God!

If the flood source on the other side grows too big, opening it will not only require strong power, but also withstand the corresponding backlash!

This counterattack force comes from the Sea of ​​Chaos.

How much power you exert in opening the sky, how much power the Chaos Sea will bite back!

This is extremely dangerous!

The Kaiyuan Divine Ax must be completed as soon as possible!

When Xu Ying thought of this, he didn't care much and immediately stopped blessing the ancestor gods and used his own Tao power to refine the Kaiyuan Shen Ax.

Previously, he had always lent his own power to the Ancestral God to help him refine it, but the Ancestral God's Taoism was not as exquisite as his, and the speed of the sacrifice was not fast enough.

At this moment, Xu Ying was also practicing together, and the speed was greatly increased.

However, the flood source on the other side is still expanding, and has already reached the vicinity of the ruins of the spiritual world. If it continues to expand, it will inevitably swallow up the ruins of the spiritual world!

We can't let it chop down anymore. If it does, Kaitian will die!

Xu Ying suddenly united the nine big umbrellas into one, and restored it to the Great Dao Sutra Pillar. The nine-layered Sutra Pillar protected the front. Then he shook his shoulders, and the Yunjie Xuanhui Pagoda appeared, suppressing the Kaiyuan Divine Axe, and slightly hindering the momentum of the Divine Axe.

Ancestral God, catch it!

He shouted loudly, hugged the flagpole of the prayer building, and faced the power of the divine ax to get closer to it!

In just an instant, the light of the divine ax cut through the seventh-level sutra pillar, and then the eighth-level sutra pillar was torn apart. Just as he was about to cut through the ninth-level sutra pillar and kill Xu Ying, the ancestor god had already grabbed the handle of the axe!

The Ancestral God made a prompt decision and immediately poured all his energy into the Kaiyuan Divine Ax, trying to activate the ax and master this treasure.

However, the resistance of the Kaiyuan Divine Ax was more intense than he imagined, and the light of the ax hit his head instead!

At this moment, Xu Ying reached out and grabbed the handle of the axe, and worked with him to move the axe. The light of the divine ax came to the forehead of the ancestor god and finally stopped.

Xu Ying and Ancestral God relaxed a little and looked at each other, only to see that each other was covered in sweat.

Suddenly, their feet lightly paused and landed on the jade platform. The feet of the ancestor god landed exactly on the footprints of the jade platform.

The Ancestral God was stunned and murmured: Could it be that I really opened the sky and opened up the other side? Otherwise, otherwise...

A voice in his heart said: Otherwise, why can I easily control the avenue of heaven and earth on the other side, and even strip away the control of Luo Taizong, the authentic universe soul, over the avenue of heaven and earth?

Xu Ying looked up and saw that the flood source on the other side had expanded in front of them, and they could touch it by raising his hand.

This flood source is in the infinite state, and it is no longer possible to evolve into the Taiyi state by its own power.

If no one opens it up, I'm afraid it will evolve into a freak in the sea of ​​chaos, eventually explode and return to chaos!

Ancestral God! The first move of the axe, the sky-opening move! Xu Ying said loudly.

The ancestor god held the divine ax and said with a smile: Ah Ying, the name of Kaitian Shishi is not beautiful. As the saying goes, the stars and moon open the sky formation, and the mountains and rivers are lined up. The evening wind blows the horns, and the spring scenery shines brightly. Why not call it Xingyue? Open Heaven Formation!”

Xu Ying glanced at him with a dark face.

The ancestor god smiled and said: There is also the word open sky.

Even though he said that, he still summoned up all his strength and poured it into the Kaiyuan Divine Ax. In an instant, his body became extremely large, from a young ancestor god to a middle-aged ancestor god, with ferocious muscles and muscles that made his clothes burst open!

The clouds around the Ancestral God were surging. He swung the Kaiyuan Divine Ax and used the Axe-Moon Opening Heaven Formation. He suddenly felt that the divine ax was incomparable with his own power!

The incomparably magnificent power of the Kaiyuan Divine Ax turned into a dazzling light, illuminating the sea of ​​chaos for countless miles and cutting into the flood source on the other side!

The infinite Tao power in the Hongyuan on the other side is extremely strong. From the moment the ancestor god swung this ax to the time when he exhausted all his strength, he was unable to split the Hongmeng!

Seeing this situation, Xu Ying no longer hesitated and immediately poured his strength into the axe!

The next moment, the flood source on the other shore opens, the Hongmeng opens, infinite changes occur, and all the ways are born!

————Twelve thousand words in three chapters have been updated. I made up for the chapters I missed yesterday.

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