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Chapter 872 The number one on the other side, Taoist Hongmeng

At this moment, I am walking into the First Holy Land, where I will encounter Xu Ying and the Ancestral God.

Master Luo stared at the vertical straight line in front of him, sweat dripping from his forehead, I will disappear with Xu Ying and the ancestors, and appear before the opening of the other shore. Then...

His face trembled violently: ...If I step into the line of the First Holy Land again, will the scene that happened before happen again? This is a reincarnation of cause and effect, but it involves the origin of the Chaos Sea and the other shore. Great cause and effect reincarnation!”

He is the master of the Soul Dao, and he has not mastered many types of Heaven and Earth Dao. He has not yet achieved counter-proof, and he cannot understand such a great cycle of cause and effect.

Brother Taoist, are Xu Ying and the Ancestral God of the Three Realms still in the First Holy Land? Taoist Master Li Jian asked.

Master Luo was at a loss.

He didn't know whether the four of them would encounter the scene they encountered before after entering the First Holy Land. Or, after he enters, he will find that Xu Ying and Ancestor God are still there.

Either way, it was difficult for him to accept.

He looked back and saw the endless starry sky on the other side. At the end of the starry sky was the heaven.

If he walks into this line and looks back, he can see the endless starry sky on the other side, and the end of the starry sky is also the sky.

In fact, within this line is the other shore, just like the other shore where he is now. It's just that the other shore outside is three-dimensional, and the other shore in the line is flat.

But they are all complete universes beyond.

So, when he enters the line, is he entering an endless reincarnation?

Is it true that as long as he steps into this line, the scene of that year will be repeated, and he will once again return to the time when the other side has not yet been opened?

Probably, when we entered the flood source of the other shore, we had already entered the First Holy Land. In fact, we have been flying in the First Holy Land. We are both in the other shore and in the First Holy Land.

He wasn't sure and didn't want to take another chance.

Now that the Kaitian Karma of the Kaiyuan Divine Ax has been used up, the Kaiyuan Divine Ax is probably not available for grabs.

Master Luo stared at the line and said, There are other innate spiritual treasures now. If you try your best to catch up, you should still have time.

When Zong Qi and the other three heard this, they were overjoyed and left each other.

This place is really weird. The three of them have lived in a state of confusion for more than a hundred years. If time flows normally, they can still sort out the cause and effect, but the time and space in the sea of ​​chaos are so intertwined that there is no trace to be found, and the cause and effect are also chaotic, making them wish they could leave as soon as possible.

Master Luo hesitated for a long time, still not daring to step into the First Holy Land.

He waited silently, but Xu Ying and Ancestor God never came out of the holy land.

Are they not in the Holy Land? Master Luo whispered.

In the first holy place, the ancestor god worshiped the Kaiyuan God's ax and walked with the ax, practicing the seven Kaiyuan postures. The Seven Moves of Kaiyuan are the seven magical powers contained in the Divine Axe of Kaiyuan. Xu Ying and Ancestor God used the first move to create a flood source on the other side.

The next few moves are more powerful.

It's just that the ancestor god has not cultivated the ultimate martial arts. If he wants to master it, he can only practice it over and over again.

He occasionally looked at the jade platform and saw Xu Ying still sitting on the jade platform, with the purple aura around him becoming more and more intense.

This time Xu Ying helped the Ancestral God to open the sky, and the Hongmeng Avenue also rose with the tide, and finally reached the edge of the Tao Master Realm.

If Ah Ying can understand Hongmeng, he will be the Taoist Master of Hongmeng on the other side.

The Ancestral God's eyes fell on Xu Ying and thought to himself, Hongmeng Avenue may be the avenue he has studied the least, but he didn't expect that he was the first to become a Taoist master. How strange!

Xu Ying had never practiced Hongmeng before. When he came into contact with Hongmeng for the first time, he became the new Taoist ancestor of the Earthly Immortal Realm and gained part of Hongmeng's insights.

The second time was when he handed over the core of the Flood Source to complete the Flood Source of the Three Realms and obtain the second greatest merit in the universe of the Three Realms.

The third time was when he and Taiyi fought in the building world, using his own Taiyi way to open up a new flood source of the building world and straighten out the avenue of heaven and earth.

This is the merit of opening the heaven, and also obtaining Hongmeng Ziqi.

This time, he teamed up with the Ancestral God to open up the flood source on the other side, and his conduct on the Hongmeng Road finally reached its peak!

However, I also broke the boundaries of the ancient gods and became immortal.

The Ancestral God smiled and thought, Luo Taizong needs to kill himself to cultivate Hongmeng, but I don't need to do that. He is an ancient god born from the universe I created, and he is not as good as me.

Thinking of this, he became even more energetic in practicing the Seven Kaiyuan Styles.

After an unknown amount of time, the Ancestral God noticed that the First Holy Land seemed to be gradually changing. The Dao power of heaven and earth and the condensed Dao light in this holy land are inexplicably disturbed, as if they are disturbed by a strange force.

He stopped practicing and looked around. This change was not obvious, but there was indeed a strange change.

Suddenly, the Ancestral God felt something, and looked down at a fairy grass on the ground. He saw that the fairy grass was still the path of wood before, but the next moment it became the path of Hongmeng!

How can the great road be changed?

The Ancestral God was extremely shocked, this was beyond his understanding.

Moreover, it would be too outrageous to directly transform a low-level innate avenue such as the Wood Way into the Hongmeng Avenue!

But as soon as he thought of this, he saw more and more plants, trees, insects and fish, evolving from different avenues into Hongmeng Avenue!

Although the Ancestral God has a very high level of cultivation on Hongmeng Avenue, his attainments are really not high. Faced with this situation, he is a little confused.

Soon, all the avenues of heaven and earth in the entire First Holy Land turned into Hongmeng Avenue!

The First Holy Land is like a flood source in a state of chaos!

The ancestor god looked around. The mountains were Hongmeng Mountains, the trees were Hongmeng trees, the grass was Hongmeng grass, and the sun, moon and stars were all transformed by Hongmeng!

When the flood source was opened, the state of Hongmeng was extremely short-lived. Why did the First Holy Land appear in the state of Hongmeng?

The Ancestral God was shocked and doubtful. He hurriedly looked at Xu Ying and thought to himself, Could it be related to Ah Ying?

At this moment, Da Zhong is training the innate spiritual treasures such as the Great Avenue Sutra Pillar and the Flower of Rebirth, trying to awaken the spirituality of these spiritual treasures, but has never succeeded.

Suddenly, it found that the various avenues practiced in its body had also changed, and were turning into Hongmeng Avenue, and it couldn't help but be amazed.

Its cultivation level is extremely powerful. When Xu Ying practiced the Nine Paths of Evidence, he could copy everything he could, and he actually achieved a lot in the nine innate avenues.

It is a magic weapon in itself, and there is no obstacle to the coexistence of the nine paths. At most, it only needs to imprint some more Dao patterns on itself.

However, this time, it discovered that all its innate avenues, except for the folds of chaos, had all turned into Hongmeng avenues!

Not only that, the transformed Hongmeng Avenue was actually formed from a Hongmeng Dao pattern!

Aying's understanding of Hongmeng has reached this point. If he goes further, he will be the Taoist master of the Great Dao!

Da Zhong was surprised and happy, and quickly copied the Hongmeng Taoist pattern carefully.

Others still need to understand the structure of the Hongmeng Dao pattern and understand its secrets before they can master the Hongmeng Dao. But I am a magic weapon, just copy it directly on me! it thought in its heart.

Xu Ying sat on the same spot, motionless, but his body rose from the ground and floated on the jade platform.

Around him, Hongmeng Ziqi was connected to the Hongmeng Avenue of the First Holy Land, and all kinds of Taoist sounds suddenly vibrated!

The Ancestral God and the Great Bell were fascinated by what they heard, especially the Ancestral God. Although he had a very high level of cultivation on the Hongmeng Avenue, he himself was ignorant of the Hongmeng Avenue and did not know its origin or function.

At this moment, when I heard Hongmeng Dao Yin, many insights suddenly became clear, and there were no obstacles anymore.

After an unknown amount of time, suddenly the Hongmeng Dao in the First Holy Land resonated with Xu Ying, and the power of the Hongmeng Dao continued to flow into Xu Ying's body!

At the same time, between the heaven and the earth on the other side, the avenues of rays of light came one after another, and the rays of purple light flowed together in the same direction.

Master Luo stood outside the First Holy Land. Seeing this situation, he hesitated for a moment and then raised his feet to rush into the First Holy Land.

But when he was about to step into the line, he still hesitated and took back his steps.

Wait until they come out!

Hongmeng rays of light flowed into the first holy land.

At this time, Gong Jiexuan, who was chasing an innate spiritual treasure, also had the Hongmeng Dao in her body that was turbulent. She was pulled by the throbbing of the Dao from the Zhongji on the other side, and she seemed to be worshiping the Hongmeng in the Zhongji.

The unusual movement on Hongmeng Avenue made her almost injured by the innate spiritual treasure. She quickly gathered her energy and activated the purple jade Ruyi to resist the innate spiritual treasure.

Hongmeng Dao is so lively. Could it be that someone has attained Hongmeng Dao?

Gong Jiexuan was shocked and confused, who could attain the enlightenment of Hongmeng before her?

Could it be him? However, although his attainments in Hongmeng Avenue are high, he didn't come from his own understanding. How can he also attain it?

In the First Holy Land, the power of Hongmeng Dao increased dozens of times in just a short moment, and poured into Xu Ying's body continuously.

Xu Ying is now running the Nine Paths of Evidence, and the other eight avenues are also improving, and his attainments are constantly improving!

Although he has seen the shortcomings of the nine evidence-based methods, it is still the strongest method he practices, pushing his cultivation closer to the self-sufficiency of my nature in the acquired path!

If I can cultivate my self-sufficiency in the acquired path, one path leads to hundreds of paths, and as long as Hongmeng attains enlightenment, other avenues will also follow suit, then it will be perfect.

Xu Ying realized that the power of Hongmeng Dao had reached its extreme. If he could not utilize it, it would be difficult to achieve enlightenment, so he stopped activating the Nine Paths to follow the evidence and tried his best to mobilize the power of Hongmeng Tao and hide it in his body.

After a long time, the various visions in the First Holy Land gradually subsided and returned to their original state.

This first holy land is a treasured place. Practicing here is a hundred times better than the blessed land of the Immortal Mountain.

Xu Ying stood up and felt that Hongmeng Avenue was flowing between the palms of his hands, giving him a feeling of mastering the avenue.

He looked at the various Tao phenomena around him, and the hidden truths in the various heaven and earth avenues were vivid and clear to his eyes.

His eyes fell on the Ancestral God, and the various heaven and earth avenues practiced by the Ancestral God were clearly reflected in his Taoist heart, and there were no secrets at all.

It turns out that this is the true Tao Master realm. From now on, Tianwu Dao will be the source of my physical body. I am just a pseudo-Tao Master realm and cannot interfere with outsiders. In the real Tao Master realm, heretics are as if they are in the palm of their hands.

Xu Ying admired, his eyes fell on the big bell, and he saw through the various ways of the big bell.

It seems like they're all mine.

His eyes fell on the Kaiyuan Divine Ax again. This divine ax was the first spiritual treasure in the world. It was baptized by the creation of the world. When his eyes fell on it, he felt as if he had been cut open and couldn't stare at it!

Xu Ying observed the several spiritual treasures he had collected. How these spiritual treasures were sacrificed and refined were clearly reflected in his Taoist heart.

Dazhong was surprised and happy, and flew forward timidly, saying in a trembling voice: Yingzi...Yingye, what state are you in now?

Xu Ying smiled and said: I have proved the master of Hongmeng Taoism and verified the power of Hongmeng Taoism. I am the master of all things.

Da Zhong was in awe and awe, and said with a smile, Master Ying, can I still enter your flood source to practice?

Of course, Zhongzi.

Xu Ying smiled heartily and had no grudge against him calling him Ying Zi.

The big bell was so happy that he quickly flew into the promised flood source, lest he would regret it.

Xu Ying smiled and said: Zhongzi, when you have cultivated to the level of Tao Master, the Tao has no structure, and you can't copy it. You need to realize it yourself.

Da Zhong was obedient and said: What Master Ying said is true, Xiao Zhong knows it.

Master Luo Dao was guarding outside the First Holy Land. A few more days passed, and suddenly he saw a ball of annihilating heavenly fire pouring out from a thread.

He stepped back. The fire was so fierce that even he didn't want to mess with it. After all, he had a lot of bad luck. If he was ignited by the sky fire, all his physical body and soul would be reduced to ashes!

The annihilating heavenly fire forced him back, and then he saw Xu Ying walking out of the fire, holding the Thirty-Three Heavenly Mystic Pagoda in his hand, the nine-fold Dao Sutra Pillar above his head, the Flower of Rebirth in front of him, the Nirvana Blue Sky Cup in his palm, and the Chaos Lotus at his feet. Really well armed!

The ancestor god transformed into a muscular middle-aged man, holding the Kaitian Divine Ax, following behind him, full of murderous intent.

Taoist Master Luo smiled slightly and said indifferently, Fellow Taoist Xu, congratulations to you for finally attaining the Dao of Hongmeng.

Xu Ying smiled and said, Azong, why should you be polite to your uncle?

Master Luo sank and sneered: I'm not being polite. It doesn't matter to me whether you have attained the Dao or not. Let alone a mere Hongmeng who has attained the Dao. Even if you have attained all nine paths, I can kill you with just one move.

Xu Ying laughed heartily and said with high fighting spirit: Luo Paralytic, do you think you can kill me? Back then, I had already tested your abilities. When Taiyi had just attained enlightenment, he collided with the wave of your Dao, and I I know, you’re nothing more than that!”

Master Luo looked strange: Really?

Xu Ying smiled and said: It's not difficult to catch one and a half of your moves. As long as I can catch one of your moves, I can kill you!

Master Luo said nothing, and suddenly the great road behind him was vast, running through the universe, and the power of heaven and earth came together!

Between him and the universe, it was as if chaos and void did not exist!

This method is even more clever than Master Hua!

When the calamity was transferred to Zhaojie, he was still needed to use his magical powers!

At the same time, pieces of innate spiritual treasures emerged from his body, filled with the aura of suppressing all avenues!

Brother Luo Dao, we have something to discuss.

Xu Ying's heart suddenly flashed, and he showed his Hongmeng Dao and said with a smile: Brother Taoist, my Hongmeng Dao came from opening up the source of the flood on the other side, which has the cause and effect of creating the world! If you kill me, it will immediately trigger your catastrophe. You're dead. Why lose both sides?

Master Luo snorted and his eyes fell on the ancestor god.

The Ancestral God tightened the Kaiyuan Divine Ax in his hand and shouted: Me too!

Master Luo said calmly: I am sure that when I kill you, I will not trigger my own catastrophe.

Xu Ying narrowed his eyes, and the lamp of Nirvana in the Blue Sky floated quietly on his palm, his openness disappeared, and he said calmly: You can verify it. But as long as I can take a single blow from you, you will be dead.

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