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Chapter 869: The inheritance is immortal, but the obsession is hard to get rid of

Xu Ying and Ancestor God's minds were buzzing. They looked at each other and saw the horror in each other's eyes.

If the Kaiyuan Divine Ax is the spiritual root of chaos on the remains of the spiritual world, doesn’t it mean that the other side is built on the remains of the spiritual world?

Impossible, impossible! I have also been to the spiritual world with Changsun Shenghai and the others! I am also the Immortal Ancestor of the spiritual world and the number one immortal in the spiritual world!

Xu Ying's scalp was numb. Changsun Shenghai and Yin Rao were also traveling to the spiritual world together. They stayed in the spiritual world longer.

Changsun Shenghai and Yin Rao even became a Taoist couple, became husband and wife, preached together, and became the second ancestors of the spiritual world.

Changsun Shenghai wanted to avenge the death of the Imperial Realm, so he left the spiritual world, but his Taoist companion Yin Rao stayed in the spiritual world!

In addition to them, Xu Ying's disciple You Xuan is also in the spirit world.

Could it be that these people also died in the catastrophe of annihilation in the spiritual world?

However, Xu Ying was separated from them for only a thousand years!

He couldn't accept it for a while.

The Ancestral God was restless and said in a low voice: There is an ax on my body at this moment. Could it be the root of chaos on the ruins of the spiritual world...

However, if the Kaiyuan Divine Ax on his body is the Chaos Spirit Root on the ruins of the spiritual world, wouldn't two Kaiyuan Divine Axes appear at the same time?

He was puzzled.

The Ancestral God took out the Kaiyuan Divine Ax and asked Taoist Master Zuo Lian to take a look at it and said, Master Zuo Lian, is this ax the same as the Chaos Spiritual Root on the ruins of the spiritual world?

Taoist Master Zuolian has long seen that the Ancestral God is not a monk, but the primordial spirit of the universe. The soul of the universe is often restricted by the great ways of heaven and earth in the universe, and its achievements in cultivation are limited. However, the Ancestral God surprised him. He felt that this Ancestral God was much more powerful than the normal Universe Soul.

He took the Kaiyuan Divine Ax and was even more surprised. He looked at the Divine Ax over and over again and said doubtfully: Have you two seen that Chaos Spirit Root? This ax looks very similar to that Chaos Spirit Root.

This ax has a very long handle and an extremely thin blade. The blade is crescent-shaped and sparkles with cold light. The ax handle is bronze-colored and has many strange textures and patterns engraved on it.

The ancestor god was stunned, covered in cold sweat, and said in a hoarse voice: These are probably the same divine axe!

Taoist Zuo Lian looked at Kai Yuan Shen Axe, shook his head and said: Although this divine ax of yours is very similar to the spiritual root of chaos, the spiritual root of chaos is in the form of spiritual light, drawing power from chaos and strengthening the flood source. Where is this divine ax of yours? Does it look like aura? Moreover, the Chaos Spiritual Root does not have these patterns on the ax handle.

The ancestor god breathed a sigh of relief.

Xu Ying sighed and thought to himself: If the flood source on the ruins of the spiritual world is not the other shore in the future, then how can we return to the other shore?

The three of them were sitting on the boat, and the boat was sailing in the sea of ​​chaos. The sea of ​​chaos was boundless, with no edge or end in sight.

Dao Master Zuolian should have left a mark on the ruins or something like that, so he can sense the location of the ruins in the spiritual world and not lose himself in the sea of ​​chaos.

Brother Dao, how did you survive the catastrophe of annihilation in the spiritual world? Xu Ying asked.

Taoist master Zuolian looked neither sad nor happy, and said: Although the catastrophe of Nirvana is terrifying, there are ways to avoid it in the Taoist alliance. If you are stronger and cultivate the nine paths of evidence, you can survive it safely. Calamity of Nirvana.”

His eyes were gloomy, and although his face showed no sadness or joy, there was deep sadness in his eyes.

Whether it is a method of avoiding calamity or a nine-way evidence-based method, it is self-help and cannot save others. Facing the catastrophe of annihilation in the spiritual world, he could only restrain his hands and let the spiritual world be destroyed.

Xu Ying thought for a moment and said: The Nirvana Tribulation is a great catastrophe that destroys everything. It will not only destroy you today, it will also destroy you in the past. It will destroy your youth, childhood, and even your parents, your grandparents, and your distant ancestors. Even everything that once existed in this universe will be destroyed! This is a cause-and-effect destruction, how can you avoid disaster?

Taoist Master Zuolian said in surprise: Fellow Taoist Xu, you have achieved a lot on the Great Way of Nirvana, and you have actually reached this level of enlightenment!

Xu Ying said humbly: I have achieved some success in cultivating the Nine Paths of Evidence, and my understanding of the Way of Nirvana has also improved.

Taoist Zuo Lian was even more horrified: Have you perfected all the nine evidences?

Xu Ying was a little confused. The Nine Paths of Demonstration was not difficult. Why did he look like it was a big deal to master the Nine Paths of Demonstration?

Taoist Master Zuolian looked up and down, as if he were looking at a freak, shook his head, and after a moment, said: Your attainments on the Avenue of Nirvana have surpassed mine by many. Could you please tell me how to destroy a universe in the Nirvana Tribulation? .”

Xu Ying pondered for a moment and said: Many people think that the Nirvana Tribulation destroys the universe and destroys all the characters in the current universe. This is actually wrong. The Nirvana Tribulation actually destroys all time and destroys all cause and effect! If someone is proficient in the avenue of time and space, in When the Nirvana Tribulation breaks out, you hide in the past. If you can't destroy the past, wouldn't you be able to survive the tribulation easily? However, this is just a wishful thinking! The Nirvana Tribulation will destroy every inch of time in the past, including those who are dead and not dead in the time. Destroy them all!”

This is the truly terrifying place of the Calamity of Nirvana, which leaves you with nowhere to hide or escape, and you must repay the cause and effect of the universe!

Even if you hide in the Sea of ​​Chaos, as long as you appear in a place with time and space, the Calamity of Nirvana will still catch up with you and wipe you out!

I see.

Taoist Master Zuolian was stunned and suddenly said, No wonder the Taoist Alliance created this kind of method to avoid disasters.

He paused, then told the Tao Alliance's methods of avoiding disasters, and said: These methods are called Huizhao, which are methods to unify the past and future time, so that countless selves in the past and future can be unified, impeccable, and have no weaknesses. In time, You are the most powerful self at any point in time, and even the calamity of Nirvana cannot destroy you!

When Xu Ying heard this, he couldn't help but feel dejected. Was his Immortal Killing Sword finger broken like this?

The Killing Immortal Sword Finger is his means of unifying the four innate avenues of cause and effect, reincarnation, calamity, and destiny, and returning to the past to kill people!

This magical power is so powerful that it penetrates into the body of Luo Taoist, making it impossible for the Taoist to unlock it for 120 million years and can only be paralyzed.

Xu Ying couldn't crack it himself. Later, Luo Taizong appeared and cracked this magical power. However, Luo Taizong only cracked it violently, not in a Taoist sense.

The real crack in the sense of Taoism is the method mentioned by Master Zuolian, Huizhao!

It reflects the past and the future without any weaknesses in time and space!

The Dao Alliance created Huizhao just to deal with the Nirvana Tribulation. They didn't even think about breaking my magical power, but my magical power was broken. Xu Ying was a little lost.

He originally thought that this was the most perfect magical power he had created, but unexpectedly, it was accidentally broken by the Taoist Alliance.

Taoist Master Zuolian said: It is not difficult to cultivate Huizhao, Taoist Master can do it. It's just that this method has not been spread yet.

Xu Ying quickly asked: How to practice?

With the avenue of reincarnation, we unify the past and future time and space, with the avenue of cause and effect, we restrain all cause and effect, and with the avenue of ether, we unify the past and the future.

Master Zuolian explained it in detail. Xu Ying knew all these avenues well, but found that he could not practice them.

Tao Master can cultivate it, but you are not a Tao Master yet, so you can't cultivate it. Tao Master Zuo Lian said.

Xu Ying had no choice but to give up the idea of ​​practicing Huizhao.

More than ten years passed on their ship before they came to the ruins of the spiritual world.

Xu Ying and Ancestral God looked there, and saw a large-scale flood source floating in the chaos in the distance. This flood source had reached the state of infinity. The five Tais evolved, but they stopped in the state of infinity. Not entering the state of Oneness.

Where are the spiritual roots? Xu Ying looked around, but did not find the chaotic spiritual roots connected to the flood source, and was puzzled.

At this moment, an extremely sharp light suddenly invaded, splitting the surrounding Chaos Qi with a snap, and the Chaos Qi immediately evolved, turning into the Grand Meng Qi, flowing into the flood source!

That ray of light was fleeting and disappeared without a trace.

Xu Ying was shocked and confused. In his haste, he couldn't see clearly what the stream of light was.

That's the root of chaos, but it's in the form of an axe.

Master Zuo Lian said, This spiritual root is the most peculiar and powerful. It can open up chaos, and it is wandering and difficult to grasp.

He frowned slightly and said: Now the flood source is many times larger than the normal flood source, but it still has not matured and opened up on its own. This may be because this chaotic spiritual root continues to open up chaos and fill the flood source.

Although he is well-informed, he doesn't know whether this is good or bad.

If the Hongyuan is fed too big, it is not yet known whether the Hongyuan can be opened up by its own strength!

The Ancestral God was about to take out his Kaiyuan Shen Axe, but was held down by Xu Ying. The Ancestral God was puzzled and looked at Xu Ying. Xu Ying shook his head slightly and said, I want to pay tribute to the spirit world first.

Master Zuolian urged the boat to sail towards the bottom of the flood source.

Below this flood source, there was an extremely ancient ruins. Xu Ying followed Zuo Lian to the ruins, and saw that there were still some things here that had not been completely destroyed by the Nirvana Tribulation.

This place has encountered the heavy pressure of the Sea of ​​Chaos. Even if there are treasures that have not been destroyed, they are slowly being transformed into the energy of chaos, and it will only be a matter of time before they disappear.

Master Zuolian said: The universe falls into silence, and things that have not been destroyed will float nearby. When a new flood source is born and expands outward, treasures will fall into the new universe.

He stepped on the ruins that had been eroded by chaos and became mottled, and came to a ruins.

Xu Ying looked around and saw that there were many huge remains of magic weapons. They were Taoist-level magic weapons, and some were even at the Lingbao level!

Many magic weapons guard this place, forming the last place of refuge!

It's a pity that the Nirvana Tribulation was too violent and destroyed these magic weapons. As a result, the people in the sanctuary died and were unable to survive.

Xu Ying walked among the remains of many magic weapons, but saw that the essence of these magic weapons had been extinguished, but a little light flew out of the magic weapons, like fireflies, flying into the chaos.

These spiritual lights are fused with the ax light.

Taoist Master Zuolian said, I noticed this when I came to pay homage last time. That Chaos Spiritual Root should be formed by absorbing the obsessions of these Taoist masters in the spiritual world. I feel that these Taoist masters are dying when they are about to die. Before that, I must have been thinking about opening up the world and finding a new home for the people in the spirit world.

Xu Ying silently looked at these incomplete magic weapons with compassion in his heart.

When these Taoist masters faced the catastrophe of annihilation, they must have tried their best. However, the catastrophe of annihilation was so fierce that all their actions seemed so futile.

They could have protected themselves, but they didn't. If they hadn't left this shelter, they should have been able to survive. He said silently in his heart.

At this time, his eyes were attracted by the remains of a magic weapon, and his heart trembled.

I saw that the magic weapon was in the form of a golden wheel of cause and effect. It had been eroded to the point of being ragged, and many places had collapsed.

You Xuan...

Xu Ying stepped forward. The lower half of the huge Karma Golden Wheel was inserted into the ruins, and the upper half had been completely eroded.

The spiritual patterns on this treasure have been wiped away, but there are words left on the inner wall of the golden wheel, which have been blurred by the energy of chaos.

Xu Ying read it carefully, and after a while, he finally recognized the words.

Yi Yu is kind in his heart, and even though he died nine times, he still has no regrets. He read in a low voice.

This sentence comes from the universe of the Three Realms. It was said by an ancient person from Yuan Shou in the Earth Immortal Realm. Xu Ying didn't read much, so he wanted to say a few philosophical words when he was teaching You Xuan, so he said this sentence again.

Now he couldn't help but feel sad when he saw his disciple engraved these words on the magic weapon and used his whole life to cultivate and use his own life to protect the last place of refuge.

Fool, you can totally escape...

He whispered, I hurt you, I shouldn't say this to you.

Is he your disciple? Taoist Master Zuo Lian stepped forward and asked.

Xu Ying nodded slightly, his chest couldn't help but straighten, and his voice was filled with pride: You are my disciple!

He didn't embarrass you.

Dao Master Zuolian said in a low voice, Compared to the people who died here, I am the deserter.

Xu Ying stood in front of the Golden Wheel of Cause and Effect, feeling a lot in his heart.

He left the golden wheel and went to check other magic weapons. There were many Taoist masters here who were disciples of You Xuan. The inheritance of their master could be seen from the magic weapons they left behind.

They are my descendants... Xu Ying said silently in his heart.

At this time, he found Yin Rao's magic weapon.

This woman became Changsun Shenghai's Taoist companion and was proficient in many avenues. She jumped out of the scope of Yin-Yang Avenue and eventually became a Taoist master.

She has more descendants, and Xu Ying can find many of her and Changsun Shenghai's disciples from her magic weapon connections.

Taoist Master Zuolian came to the center of the ruins, where there was a jade platform. He stood on the jade platform to pay homage to the universe that raised him.

Ah Ying! Ancestor God waved.

Xu Ying walked forward and his eyes fell on the jade platform.

The ancestor god lowered his voice and said in a trembling voice: Is it that jade platform?

Xu Ying observed carefully and saw that this jade platform was almost the same as the one in the First Holy Land, but there were no footprints on the jade platform!

Is it really the jade platform in the first holy land on the other side? Is it this jade platform and the Kaiyuan Divine Ax that sent us back here?

Just as he thought of this, Taoist Master Zuo Lian's voice came: Fellow Taoist Xu, do you want to come and pay homage?

Xu Ying walked up to the jade platform, prepared incense, lit it, and bowed to the Golden Wheel of Cause and Effect and the remains of many other magic weapons.

In the past, I became your teacher, but my Taoism is higher than yours, so I can teach you some Taoism. Today, your character is enough to be my teacher. Xu Ying said silently in his heart.

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