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Chapter 859 A lot of help

Are we the price? Jing Ningzi laughed.

These people who were sent by Tao Zun to practice on the other side were all the price paid by Tao Zun.

As the price paid, they knew nothing about it, but when Dong Xuanzi said these words, Cenxi Taoist Master did not have too many intense emotions.

Yuxizi was still furious at first, but gradually calmed down.

Jiang Ningzi and Hai Ningzi also gradually calmed down.

Only Jing Ningzi was still laughing.

We thought we sneaked into the other side to send this old enemy into eternal destruction, but we didn't expect that we were the price!

His voice was full of grief and anger, and he sneered: Fellow Taoists, let's go back to heaven immediately and settle the score with Tao Zun, the old dog!

Cen Xi coughed and said, Jing Ningzi, calm down.

Why are you still calm?

Jing Ningzi was furious and shouted, The people named Gong are treating us like fools! I would rather die in battle in a dignified manner, and would rather go through fire and water for the sake of heaven, than be deceived by others! Fellow Taoists, I am sincere in my way, and for the sake of our own practice We should fight back and make Gong pay the price he deserves!

Yuxizi coughed and said, Jing Ningzi, calm down.

Jing Ningzi said angrily: If you don't go back to avenge the people of Tianjing who died that year, why should you be calm?

Jiang Ningzi said: Jing Ningzi, don't be impulsive.

Hai Ningzi said: Yes, calm down.

Jing Ningzi looked at them, furious, wondering why they were telling her to calm down.

Dong Xuanzi said softly: Jingning, haven't you seen it yet? We have no way out. The last time Master Xu went back to the past to kill people, in order to prevent him from killing us, we have already been connected with Taoist Master's path, cause and effect.

Jing Ningzi was stunned.

That time, Wu Xi brought back some jade talismans. In order to guard against Xu Ying's time and space murder methods, they refined these jade talismans and connected them with Tao Zun's great cause and effect.

Except for Dong Xuanzi, who was not around at the time, everyone refined a jade talisman.

At that time, they thought it was a life-saving talisman given by Tao Zun, but now it seems that it is a real life-saving talisman!

They are disobedient to Dao Zun, Dao Zun can kill them now!

Cen Xi sighed and said: We have no retreat for a long time, and there is no retreat in the heaven. If we want to keep the heaven, there is only one way. We return to the other side and enter the disaster as the Taoist master of the other side. Only we will enter the disaster. , only the outbreak of the Nirvana Tribulation on the other side can the Heaven Realm be preserved, and the remaining Heaven Realm people can survive.

Yuxi's voice was hoarse and said: No matter what, Dao Zun, even at the expense of the vast majority of people in Heaven, even at the cost of the other side, even at the expense of us, he has preserved Heaven and the people in Heaven.

We can't go back.

Haining laughed and said, Jingning, this is our fate! We can't return to the heaven! Dao Zun has already determined this. Even if we know the truth, we can't turn back.

Jiang Ningzi said solemnly: If we go back, the Heaven Realm may become extinct because of this. We can't go back.

Jing Ningzi was confused and looked back towards the direction of Heaven.

Cen Xi stepped forward, put his arms around his shoulders, patted him hard, and said in a low voice, Fortunately, we have seen our hometown.

Jing Ningzi suddenly seemed to have lost all strength, and said dejectedly: Even if we turn around, we will never be able to defeat him. We are so plotted by him that we don't even have room to turn around...

Wrong! Yes!

Cen Xi was in high spirits and said, We still have a little hope! The other side is not as weak as Taoist Master imagined. They also have two Tao masters who practice the Nine Innate Paths! The Tai Dao Master who practices the Tao of Taiyi, practices the way of killing. The Taoist master of the Tao!

Yuxi's eyes brightened and she said, That's right! You all practice the same path. If you kill Taiyi, Dongxuan will have the possibility of survival! If you kill Tongtian, Jingning will have the hope of survival!

Hai Ningzi looked at Dong Xuan and Jing Ning with eager eyes and said, You two can survive! After you survive, there is still a possibility of overthrowing Dao Zun!

This is a battle for survival.

Let the other party cope with the calamity and die in the calamity, and you can survive!

Dong Xuanzi stood up unsteadily, his voice a little hoarse: Gentlemen, it's time for us to return to the other side.

Everyone stood up silently and looked back at the sky. After a long time, they turned around and walked towards the other side.

Do you want to tell Miss Gong about this? She has not yet attained Taoism. She is not a Taoist master. She still has a chance to escape.

Don't tell her. If she leaves, where can she find a Hongmeng Taoist? To detonate the disaster of heaven on the other side, we need a Hongmeng Taoist!

She is the price paid by Gong Daozun!

In the void, Dao Zun watched them silently and watched them leave.

Fellow Taoists, have a safe journey.

In the Pantheon of Zhenwang Mountain, Luo Taizong recovered from his injuries. After walking out of the Pantheon, the ancient god Luo Taizong also stood up and said to the ancestor god: I will fight with Dao Zun, please go back.

The ancestor god worshiped: The grace of rebuilding will be unforgettable.

Luo Taizong smiled and said: As long as you don't forget that you are not only the ancestor god of the three realms and heaven, but also the ancestor god of the other side.

The Ancestral God was slightly startled: Am I also the Ancestral God of the other side?

Ancient God Luo Taizong and Luo Taizong laughed loudly and left through the air.

The Ancestral God was stunned for a long time, and then headed towards Tian Jue City, with mixed feelings in his heart: I am also the Ancestral God on the other side...

He came to Tianjue City to see Xu Ying and told him about this matter, saying: I don't know how to deal with myself. Should I protect the sentient beings on the other side and compete with the heaven and the three realms? Or should I protect the sentient beings in the three realms? Confront the other side and the heaven. Or should I help each other. Xu Daozu, please teach me.

Xu Ying said politely: When I was in Yuanshou, I heard from the ancients that good and evil are written in the annals of history, and reputation and reputation are passed down for thousands of years; rewards and punishments hang in the way of heaven, and good and bad luck depend on ghosts and gods. So I thought, there is good and evil in the way of heaven. Really? There are good and evil in the world, but there is no good or evil in the way of heaven.

Ancestor God blinked and looked at him with some doubts, confirming that the Xu Ying in front of him was indeed the Xu Ying he knew and could never be impersonated.

Xu Ying continued: The way of heaven rewards and punishes good and evil. How can we determine good and evil? To follow the way of heaven is to follow it. Those who follow the way of heaven are good; those who act against the way of heaven are evil. Therefore, those who are good to the way of heaven are good and evil. The way of heaven is evil. Those who do good in the three realms are rewarded. Those who do evil in the three realms are punished. Pushing it to the other side, those who do good on the other side are rewarded, and those who do evil on the other side are punished. When it comes to the heaven, it is the same.

Ancestor God understood what he heard, but there was still some confusion in his heart. He went to the Holy Lord and said, Is Xu Daozu a little weird? He used to be a father-in-law, but now he speaks more eloquently and has gained a lot more knowledge.

The Holy Lord said: He is in retreat. What is outside now is his subconscious mind.

Ancestor God suddenly said: That's it. I thought he really changed his gender. What he said makes sense. As the primordial spirit of heaven and earth in the three universes, I will not take sides and make decisions based on good and evil. stop.

He looked at Xu Ying and saw that Xu Ying was gentle, well-spoken and charming, and asked, When can he come out of seclusion?

The Holy Lord shook his head and said, I don't know either.

At this time, a girl came looking for her. She was very sad and said to Xu Ying: I know that you are not Xu Lang, but you are Xu Lang in my heart. These days, I have never been able to forget you!

Xu Ying took the woman into his arms, tenderly as water, and said softly: Jie Xuan, I also know that I am the butterfly in Xu Gong's dream. I should not have any extravagant hopes for you, but my feelings will not allow me to want to be with you. Don’t want to? Even if I am the butterfly in Mr. Xu’s dream, I still want to sleep and fly with you. I only regret that when Mr. Xu wakes up, everything will be a dream.

The Ancestral God looked around and looked at the Holy Lord, showing doubts.

The Holy Lord said helplessly: She is the daughter of Dao Zun's family. She was fascinated by the illusion of Xu Daozu. She originally woke up and left Zhan Qingsi, but she refused to leave her after all. Xu Lang always came to look for her every now and then.

Zu Shen said: Xu Daozu's illusion is so powerful, does Xu Daozu know?

Who knows? Maybe.

The Holy Lord waited to watch the fun and said with a smile, Since the Ancestral God is now the primordial spirit of the three universes, can you go to the three realms and bring Mrs. Daozu?

The ancestor god glared at him and said, You are afraid that the world will not be in chaos.

But fortunately, Gong Jiexuan still had sense, and left reluctantly with tears in her eyes.

This girl can't jump out. Qingxuan gloated.

Not long after, Xu Ying opened another forum to teach the Dharma and the mysteries of Taiyi Dao. For a while, the audience gathered together and it was very lively.

The Holy Lord sighed with emotion: He now teaches one lecture every three days and one lecture every ten days. I don't know how diligent he is. Xu Daozu has never preached as much in his life as he has these days.

Qingxuan stepped forward and said: Not only that, he also treats people well, making everyone feel like spring breeze.

The ancestor god stood beside them, looking at Xu Ying who was preaching to the Taiyi people and said: He just talked about the way of heaven, his insights are profound, his whip is penetrating, and his words are elegant.

Jiushen walked up to them and said: Today's Xu Daozu is more suitable to be the master of Taiyi Sect than Teacher Taiyi.

Everyone couldn't help but have the same thought: It would be great if this promise was the real promise and the illiterate person was the subconscious mind.

At this time, the master of the Taiyi sect led the crowd to come and ask for permission from the master of the Taiyi sect. Jiuhen hurriedly greeted him and invited Taiyi to enter the city.

Tai Taoist master learned that Xu Ying was in seclusion, observed how Xu Ying treated people, shook his head and said: This Xu Ying is not good, he is not cunning enough, lacks spirituality, and will not survive for long on the other side. He can only do favors and humiliations, Xu Ying The sect leader is able to pamper and humiliate himself.

Jiu Hate asked: Master, why are you here?

Master Tai Dao said: Now Luo Taizong has gone to heaven, and the battle with Dao Zun is about to begin. This battle is a God-given opportunity for us! Therefore, I came to find Master Xu and discuss important matters with him.

Jiushen said: Master, please wait a moment. I will inform the Master Xu about this matter.

He walked forward and whispered a few words in the ear of Xu Ying, who was preaching the Dharma. Xu Ying turned his head, looked at Tai Dao Master, and nodded lightly.

Jiuxian sat down and preached the Dharma in Xu Ying's place. Xu Ying stood up and walked towards this side, saying apologetically: Master, wait a moment, I will call him out right now.

Taiyi said: Thank you.

After a while, Xu Ying woke up leisurely.

Taidao: Xu Sect Master's soul is wandering in the world, but now I encounter a problem and have to come to find Sect Master. I hope Sect Master can forgive me.

Xu Ying smiled and said: Tao Master, you're welcome. What I want to understand this time is really a difficult problem that cannot be solved in a short time. If Tao Master doesn't come to see me, I'm afraid it will take thousands of years for me to understand it. If you have any problems, Taoist Master, please tell me.

Taidao: Now that the battle between Luo Taizong and Dao Zun is imminent, we should not wait and see, but should take this opportunity to do something!

Xu Ying heard the words and thought: Luo Taizong is so powerful that he needs all the Dao master-level beings on the other side and in the heavens to unite to compete with him. He has mastered the seven innate ways, but failed to follow the evidence of the nine ways. However, Tao Zun It is very possible to achieve the nine-step evidence-based approach!”

Tai Dao: Even so, Luo Taizong's strength may not be weaker than Dao Zun. He also has the body of an ancient god! With two against one, is there any chance of winning?

Xu Ying shook his head and said: Without the two great avenues and the lack of nine evidences, Luo Taizong will definitely not be Dao Zun's opponent. Now, we can only see how much Luo Taizong can hurt Dao Zun.

Taiyi's eyes flashed and he said, Can we take this opportunity to do something?

Xu Ying pondered for a moment and said: You can send one person to the Heaven Realm to attack the Heaven Realm and break the three chapters of the Chaos Oath made by the Hua Dao Master and the Dao Master back then, so as to kill the Hua Dao Master. In this way, the three Dao Masters You can go to one of them!”

Taiyi's eyes lit up, and he secretly praised in his heart: This is the promise!

Xu Ying said: However, this method can also be used to blackmail Master Hua and make him be used by me.

Taiyi said: What else?

Xu Ying continued: Attack Wuxi and Gong Jiexuan, and attack them in the past, which caused the causal connection of Daozun Dao. When I killed Pingyao, they were worried that I would kill them in the same way, so they went to see them Dao Zun. Dao Zun’s idea is to make their avenues causally connected with Dao Zun’s. In this way, if I attack them from the past time and space, I will be killed by Dao Zun’s counterattack.”

Qingxuan and Shengzun both frowned slightly when they heard this. The Holy Lord whispered: Why does it look like cutting leeks?

Xu Ying continued: Because the avenues are connected with cause and effect, their avenues will definitely send out waves to attack us. If this happens during the critical period of the battle between Dao Zun and Luo Taizong, then it is very likely that Luo Taizong will turn defeat into victory!

Tai Dao Master's eyes lit up, and then he frowned and said: The power of Dao Zun's Taoist counterattack is extremely powerful. Who can stop it?

Xu Ying couldn't help but frown.

At this time, Cen Xi's voice came from outside and said loudly: You alone can't stop Dao Zun's counterattack, what about us?

Xu Ying couldn't help but be shocked when he heard this. He looked around quickly and saw Cenxi, Yuxi, Jiangning, Jingning, Haining, Wuxi and others walking towards them.

The last one to walk in was Dong Xuanzi.

Xu Ying murmured: You...

Dong Xuanzi smiled and said, Let's help Master Xu!

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