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Chapter 860 Back to six hundred years ago

Xu Ying was stunned. He didn't know what happened, but he actually asked these Tianjing Taoist masters to help them deal with the Taoist master.

He immediately woke up and said quickly: Master, did you find that after you went to heaven, Taoist Master was really proficient in the Nine Paths of Evidence?

Jing Ning, Cen Xi and others all looked a bit unhappy and remained silent.

Dongxuan said: Both of your guesses are only half right. He has not cultivated the Nine Paths of Evidence, and is only short of one avenue of Nirvana. But if the other side falls into the Calamity of Nirvana, he can cultivate the perfect Nine Paths of Evidence. .”

And we, as well as the Tianjing people who died back then, are all the price he paid. Jing Ningzi said with suppressed anger.

Cen Xi said: The reason for our help this time is not to be kind to you. But we are also Tao masters and geniuses. We were deceived and plotted by him, so we have to go back without revenge.

Dongxuan said: How should we fight in the future? Or how we should fight. In the struggle to survive the catastrophe, we only care about positions, not friendship.

Xu Ying and Taiyi nodded solemnly.

This matter requires a meeting with Master Hua to convince him. Xu Ying said.

Taiyi's eyes flashed, and he quickly wrote a handwritten letter and handed it to Tian Chengzi, saying: Please, fellow Taoist, please go and give this letter to Master Hua, and he will come to help. But he has a hot temper, so you leave it to him. Leave immediately, don’t stay.”

Tian Chengzi smiled and said, Although I am no match for him, I can run away very quickly.

He took the letter and disappeared in a flash. Not long after, he came to Daojitian Qionghua Island and broke in to ask for a meeting with Master Hua.

After Master Hua received the letter, before he could open it and read it, Tian Chengzi fled away with a hiss and disappeared without a trace.

Running so fast, is there something wrong with this letter?

Master Hua prepared various spiritual treasures, suppressed the letter, and sneered, Even if you hide Luo Taizong's magical power in the letter, I will not be afraid at all.

Even so, he opened the letter carefully and read it carefully, his face gradually turning blue.

There was no magical power in this letter that plotted against him, but the words were heart-breaking, and the words secretly revealed that if he didn't go to help, he would die immediately under the Chaos Oath!

Master Hua held the letter, his palms trembling, and he gritted his teeth and said: Old thief Taiyi, you have bullied me too much! No wonder you were so enthusiastic back then and ran to Taoist Master to save me! It turns out that you are plotting against me here!

He calmed down quickly. He had sworn an oath to the Chaos Lord back then, and if he broke the oath, he was afraid that the Great Chaos Lord would invade and kill him.

“Must go there!”

Heavenly realm.

Luo Taizong was walking in the sky above the heaven, strolling in the courtyard, and unknowingly, he came to the place where Tao Zun preached.

Tao Zun was preaching here back then, and there were hundreds of people in the audience, and he was one of them.

When Luo Taizong returned to his old place, he couldn't help but feel a lot of emotion in his heart. Before coming here, he was the most powerful ancient god on the other side, the Emperor of the Universe, and the King of Gods. But after arriving here, his power began to slip away.

From the moment he met Tao Zun, Tao Zun took away his power as the Unicron.

At this time, Luo Taizong saw Tao Zun appearing on the stone platform, sitting in the same position as he had been 120 million years ago, as if he was sitting here and had never left.

Luo Taizong also sat down and looked at Tao Zun in front of him. After a moment, he said: Tao Zun, should I call you senior brother or master?

Tao Zun smiled slightly and said: Master and senior brother, it is just a title. Even if you call me master, you will not regard me as master in your heart. If you call me senior brother, you will not really regard me as senior brother.

Luo Taizong smiled and said: That's right. Fellow Taoist, I want to know whether the disaster has already come before the heaven encounters the tide of the avenue?

Taoist Master smiled and said: Friend Luo, what do you want to know about this? It may not be useful to you.

Luo Taizong solemnly said: The truth is always more attractive, and I am not immune to it. Even if you don't want to tell me, you can't hide it from me. After experiencing the tide of the great road, there are still many people in the heavenly realm who are still alive today. I just need to find them. They can just ask.”

The Taoist Master was silent for a moment and said leisurely: The Heaven Realm was indeed in a catastrophe back then. This catastrophe was so sudden, so fierce, and so deadly that it made me shudder. I am proficient in the Taiyi cause and effect reincarnation to kill the catastrophe, and I used all the methods of deduction to go to the past. In the future, there is no chance of survival. There is no chance of any chance, including me. Because along with the misfortune comes the tide of the great road.

Luo Taizong frowned slightly.

The tide of the avenue comes together with the calamity, which is even more terrifying than the ordinary calamity of annihilation!

It is possible for a Taoist master to survive an ordinary catastrophe of annihilation. For example, if he escapes into the Sea of ​​Chaos, he will be overtaken by the catastrophe, but it will not be that violent.

But when the tide of the avenue comes, there is no use escaping into the sea of ​​chaos!

Because the tide will catch up with you and destroy your path!

If the Nine Paths of Evidence are not followed, the Taoist Master will lose all power and become a mortal. Facing the catastrophe coming from the pursuit, there is no way to resist!

Tao Zun said: I noticed this change and saw the future of the heavenly realm. We monks are going against the heavens, and we will become immortals if we go against the rules. If the sea of ​​chaos wants to destroy me and my heavenly realm, I will definitely No. I can change everything. But I have searched all the futures, and there is no future in heaven, including me. Just when I was desperate, suddenly, I thought of a way.

Luo Taizong's expression moved slightly: What can we do?

Taoist Master smiled slightly: In the sea of ​​chaos, there are endless universes, more than the sand in the sea, so I only need to find a relatively backward universe to pass on the disaster, and pass on all the disasters in the heaven and mine. , wouldn’t it allow Heaven and me to be reborn? This universe must be cruel and inferior, and its ruler must be an incompetent person.”

The corners of Luo Taizong's eyes twitched.

So I found the other side.

Taoist Master said leisurely, Although there are billions of years of history on the other side, the ruler of this universe is a cosmic soul. He is arrogant, self-contained, and stupid, playing a game like fighting crickets. He let himself His descendants and people fight among themselves and constantly kill each other to maintain their rule. However, the sea of ​​chaos is a black box. No one knows whether the next universe they encounter in the sea is good or evil, strong or weak. Therefore, This is such a stupid move.”

Luo Taizong clenched his fists.

Taoist Master continued: Their Taoism is very low-level and very close to my ideal universe. But after all, this is the first time I have done this kind of thing. I must be extremely cautious and cannot make any mistakes. So I am The other side has been observing for millions of years. I have made a detailed analysis of each of them. I know their manners and habits, their personalities and appearances very well. I am even more familiar with them than they themselves are.

The corners of Luo Taizong's eyes trembled. Tao Zun had been observing them for millions of years? As the primordial spirit of the universe, he was completely unaware!

After I returned to the Heaven Realm, I perfected my plan one by one. I suddenly discovered that not only could I perfectly deflect the disaster, I could also use this plan to achieve another feat.

The Taoist Master smiled slightly and said, The Nine Paths are based on evidence. I only pass on all the catastrophes of the Heaven Realm to the greedy and ugly people on the other side, so that the Heaven Realm does not have to fall into misfortunes and annihilation. . And I can truly cultivate the Great Way of Nirvana, achieve the Nine Paths of Evidence, and from now on I will not be afraid of any catastrophe. And all of this requires the tide of the Great Way.

Luo Taizong sneered and said: Only with the tide of the great road can the people in the heaven lose all their power, can the people in the heaven be slaughtered by the other side, and can the disaster be passed on perfectly.

Taoist Master nodded lightly and said with a smile: The other side is cruel, murderous, and aggressive. With a little guidance, they will rush into the heaven and kill all the people in the heaven. Without the people in the heaven, the universe of the heaven will be replaced by the other side. If the universe is annexed, then the fate of the Heaven Realm will only fall on you, the people of the New Heaven Realm.

Luo Taizong continued what he said: The other side is so aggressive. After taking over the fate of the heavenly realm, they will soon let their universe come to an end, kill each other, and go into annihilation. And at this time, The heavenly realm can then be resurrected by the rising tide of the avenue.”

Tao Zun said: The other shore has received the inheritance of the heavenly realm and has been famous for 120 million years. During this period, it has enslaved thousands of universes. Now it can be considered a worthy death.

Luo Taizong was silent for a moment and said with a smile: The Taoist League sent me to solve the disaster on the other side. It seems that I have good intentions. The ruler of the other side, who you called an incompetent person back then, has now returned from the Taoist League!

Dao Zun looked at him with gentle eyes, as if a teacher was looking at his student. There was no cold murderous intention at all, but he was very pleased.

Luo Taizong, you really exceeded my expectations. I didn't expect that you, an ancient god who was originally cruel and incompetent, could give up everything, leave everything behind, even abandon your identity as an ancient god, and start from scratch.

He was very impressed and said, If you can achieve this, you have surpassed countless people. Unfortunately, your talent is limited. You came to me after you only completed the seventh path. And I have already completed the eighth path.

Luo Taizong said lightly: What's the difference between the seven paths and the eight paths? If you can't make nine paths based on evidence, all you and I can use are the three adjacent avenues. It's impossible to achieve all the avenues at the same time. In terms of cultivation and In terms of moral conduct, there is actually not that big a gap between you and me.

The Taoist Master smiled slightly and said leisurely: Is this the insight you gained from practicing in the Taoist League? It seems that the Taoist League still hasn't made much progress after I left. Luo Taizong, I am only one step away from achieving the nine goals. Dao is based on evidence, but the Dao Alliance sent you here, you are looking down on me.

Luo Taizong didn't take it seriously, stood up and walked towards the sky, smiling: Taoist Master, the tide is still there, it's just rising slowly. Why does the Taoist Alliance need to send stronger beings? By sending me here, you are letting me end it. Cause and effect with you. Do you think that the Sea of ​​Chaos can be fooled by you, and that this method can pass on the disaster?

Tao Zun also stood up and walked towards the sky with him.

The reason why you and I met is because you tried all your tricks, but still couldn't escape the arrangements of the Sea of ​​Chaos.

Luo Taizong chuckled and said, After you die, the heaven will completely repay the cause and effect of the Chaos Sea and cease to exist.

Taoist Master chuckled and said: This sea of ​​chaos, today I have to fool it once!

The two stepped into the sea of ​​chaos. There was no green rock building or ship, but with the light they emitted, they were able to push away the extremely thick energy of chaos around them.

The two of them are the most powerful beings in the two universes of Heaven and the Other Side. They come from the same sect and are from the Tao Alliance. Their own Tao flows and their auras are similar.

Behind Luo Taizong stood the ancient god Luo Taizong, who was even taller and stronger, but Tao Zun was alone.

Suddenly, the two of them took action almost at the same time!

Their starting point was to mobilize three avenues. Luo Taizong mobilized Hongmeng Wuji and Taiyi. These three avenues are the most powerful and contain the most magnificent power in the universe!

He will use the most majestic power to kill Dao Zun!

What Dao Zun regulates is reincarnation, cause and effect, and calamity. This is the process of the evolution and gradual collapse of the universe's great path!

He wants to mobilize the reincarnation of cause and effect to promote Luo Taizong's misfortune, causing him to have his mind and spirit confused during the misfortune, and his own path to chaos!

On the other side, the borderland, the eucalyptus forest.

Snow-white ghost insects were flying among the trees, avoiding the pursuit of blood bats.

Outside the woods, Xu Ying, Tai Yi, Dong Xuanzi and others silently raised their heads and looked towards the eucalyptus forest.

Master Hua stood behind them with a gloomy expression.

The eucalyptus forest blocks out the sky and the sun, covering almost all the places on the other side that are connected to the Sea of ​​Chaos. The reproductive capacity of this tree is very high.

After a long time, the Catalonia forest suddenly began to shake violently, as if a huge storm was born in the sea of ​​chaos. The storm quickly acted on the Catalonia forest, causing violent fluctuations in the Catalonia forest with a radius of thousands of miles!

Suddenly, countless trees exploded and were destroyed one after another, and those powerful underworld insects and blood bats also evaporated in an instant!

The Sea of ​​Chaos roared loudly like thousands of dragons, beasts, and cattle, and the entire sea surface suddenly became extremely low, almost pressing in front of Xu Ying and the others!

here we go!

Everyone was extremely nervous and looked towards the Sea of ​​Chaos. However, through the thick Sea of ​​Chaos, even though they were Tao Masters, they could not see the battle situation inside.

If you can't see the battle between the two of them, you can't know the best time to assassinate Dao Zun!

Dongxuan said loudly, When will we take action?

Before he finished speaking, he saw Tian Chengzi activating the avenue of time and space. Suddenly time and space were like a long river, and billions of years of history on the other side all appeared in the long river!

Tianchengzi focused on the day when Gong Jiexuan met Xu Ying for the first time, and said in a deep voice: As long as we determine when to take action, we can go back to the past at any time!

However, the Chaos Sea was shaking violently, and the sea was thick and heavy, blocking all their prying eyes, leaving them unaware of the situation of the battle!

In the battle between these two great beings, even Tao masters like them are not qualified to watch the battle!

Xu Ying carefully sensed and captured the changes from the nine innate paths in the sea of ​​chaos, and the flow of his own paths, in order to judge the outcome of the confrontation between Luo Taizong and Dao Zun.

This is the only thing he can do at the moment.

After a long time, Xu Ying's eyes suddenly lit up and he said quickly: Brothers, get ready to take action!

Tian Chengzi couldn't help but stomped his feet, and everyone reversed time and space. The next moment they returned to the moment when Xu Ying and Gong Jiexuan met for the first time!

At that moment six hundred years ago, there was also a promise to return to the past time and space, kill Lingxuzi, and obliterate Pingyaozi!

But now, the third Xu Ying appeared and attacked Gong Jiexuan, triggering Dao Zun's own counterattack!

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