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Chapter 858 What is the price?

Upon hearing this, Taoist Master raised his eyebrows slightly and said with a smile: Why is Dong Xuanzi suddenly interested in studying the Great Way of Nirvana?

Dong Xuanzi smiled and said: I am afraid that it will be difficult for me to make any progress in cultivating the Great Way of Taiyi, and I will not be able to advance to a higher realm. I heard people talk about the Nine Paths of Evidence, and thought that the Great Way of Annihilation is the most difficult to practice, so I want to try it myself. Taoist Master is here The attainments on the Tao are the highest, so I wanted to ask the Taoist Master if he has mastered this Tao.

I see.

Taoist Master smiled and said, I have indeed practiced this great way, but whether it can be called perfect is still unknown.

Dong Xuanzi was puzzled and said: I heard people say that the Nine Ways of Evidence can make the nine great ways to cycle. If the Great Way of Annihilation cannot cycle back and forth, then how can it be based on evidence?

Dao Zun frowned slightly, looked at him deeply, and said with a smile, Who is the person who said this to you?

Dongxuanzi smiled and said: I just heard someone said this, and suddenly I remembered it, so I wanted to ask Tao Zun for advice. As for who this person is, it has been too long ago and I have forgotten it. Tao Zun, the road of annihilation cannot be repeated. , how to base it on evidence?”

Tao Zun said: Even if you can't go back and forth, you can still rely on evidence. Just observe the silence of a universe, from calamity to killing, and then to death, and you can understand the mystery of the great road of silence.

Dong Xuanzi shook his head and said, Dao Zun, your words are somewhat untrue.

Tao Zun was surprised and said: What's wrong with that?

You are talking about observing a universe that has entered silence, but if you observe other universes that have entered silence, the avenue of heaven and earth of that universe that has entered silence is different from the avenue of heaven and earth that you practice. The avenue of annihilation you obtain by observing it enter silence will certainly not be consistent with your own. .”

Dong Xuanzi said, But if the universe that becomes silent is the universe you are in, for example, it is the realm of heaven. If the realm of heaven becomes silent, you will also fall into annihilation. You will die because of this, and you will not be able to learn the great way of annihilation, and you will not be able to do anything. To perfection.”

Taoist Master showed his approval and said with a smile: Dongxuan, you are quite talented in the path of annihilation. You have revealed in one sentence what is really difficult to cultivate in annihilation. Yes, it is because of this that I cannot let my The Avenue of Nirvana is perfect.”

Dong Xuanzi breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile: In other words, Tao Zun cannot truly follow the nine ways of evidence.

Taoist Master sighed: There is no end to the Tao. I still have many imperfections in my own Taoism.

Dong Xuanzi smiled and said: But it's enough to deal with Luo Taizong. Dao Zun, we worried too much and thought that Luo Taizong would be a strong enemy of Dao Zun. Now it seems that Luo Taizong will definitely not be Dao Zun's opponent. In this case , we will return to the other side.

Dao Zun smiled and said: The battle between me and Luo Taizong must be extremely dangerous. I am afraid that innocent people will be hurt, so we have to fight in the sea of ​​chaos. You go back early and don't linger.

Cen Xi, Yuxi, Jiang Ning and other Taoist masters each breathed a sigh of relief. Although the Taoist Master did not know the purpose of Dong Xuanzi asking about the Great Way of Nirvana and the Nine Ways of Evidence, they knew it well.

Xu Ying said at the beginning that Dao Zun was unable to follow the nine paths of evidence, or that he was proficient in the nine paths of evidence and would not be affected by the tide of the great road. Although they were furious, they also had seeds of doubt planted in their hearts.

This time Dong Xuanzi is coming, and they are coming together to prove this point.

Now Dao Zun openly admits that he has shortcomings in the path of annihilation and cannot be evidence-based on the nine paths, but this does not affect his image in the hearts of Cen Xi and others.

We imagine Tao Zun too perfectly, but Dao Zun is actually in the realm of Tao Master just like us. Everyone secretly thought.

Dao Zun is not as despicable as Xu Ying said. Dao Zun was also affected by the tide of the avenue and became a mortal!

The really despicable one is the villain who promised you! With the heart of a villain and the heart of a gentleman, everyone looks like a thief!

Even Dong Xuanzi couldn't help complaining about Xu Ying, thinking: This disciple is full of thoughts of conspiracy and someone to harm me! I wonder what kind of life he lived in the past?

Everyone came in a hurry, and this time they had to leave in a hurry. They couldn't help but miss their hometown, so they had to take a rest and leave again in a few days.

This is human nature, and it’s hard for Taoist Master to say anything.

Dong Xuanzi and others visited their hometowns respectively. Five or six days later, Taoist Master sent a message to everyone, saying: Fellow Taoists, it's time for you to return to the other side. I hope you will take the big plan first and don't worry about your hometown.

Everyone had no choice but to set off.

They left the heavenly realm and walked unknowingly in the starry sky for several months. Jing Ningzi said: Dongxuan, you practice Taiyi, but Taoist Master said that you are very talented in annihilation. Why don't you try practicing again? The Avenue of Nirvana?”

Hearing this, everyone laughed and said, Exactly. It's rare for Tao Zun to praise someone and praise you for your talent, so you must have it. Jiang Ning cultivates cause and effect, and Jing Ning cultivates killing. They can just help you!

Yes, now the other side is in the midst of an explosion of cause and effect, and when killings and calamities are everywhere, if it continues to evolve, it will be annihilation. You are practicing the way of annihilation at the right time!

Dong Xuanzi chuckled and said: That was just a casual remark by Taoist Master, and it cannot be taken seriously. What's more, how difficult is it to practice annihilation? Even Taoist Master cannot cultivate to a perfect state. If I want to use the other shore to enter silence, I can bring about annihilation. It is simply impossible to cultivate to perfection. I can only use the heavenly realm to enter silence to...

When he said this, he suddenly became stunned.

When Cen Xi and others saw him talking, they were stunned and said nothing. Their faces gradually turned pale. They couldn't help but be curious and asked hurriedly.

Dong Xuanzi was in despair, sweating all over his body, and never spoke.

Cen Xi suddenly came to his senses and said, I know what Dong Xuanzi is thinking! We are on the other side to realize the Tao. The first, second, and third realizations are all on the other side! Our first realization of the Great Way imprints the heaven and earth, and the second realization of the Great Way is equal to the body. The Three Realms and the Great Way are unstructured and unified. Therefore, we are the Tao masters on the other side!

Jing Ning understood what he meant and continued: In other words, we can actually achieve a perfect state by cultivating the Avenue of Nirvana. Because we are the masters of the Avenue on the other side!

Hai Ningzi, Yuxizi and Jiang Ningzi also woke up. Jiang Ningzi said: However, if we practice the Great Way of Nirvana, we can be perfect, but we are also in the tribulation. How terrifying is the tribulation of Nirvana? If we practice the Great Way of Nirvana, let alone perfection, I am afraid that we will be assimilated into The tribulation of Nirvana!”

Everyone was talking and talking.

Suddenly, Dong Xuanzi said in a hoarse voice: What if there was a way to avoid being assimilated by the Nirvana Tribulation and still be able to cultivate the perfect Nirvana Dao?

Everyone stopped and looked at him.

Dong Xuanzi's face became paler, and the energy he had just disappeared, replaced by fear and panic.

Cen Xi Daoxing, who was second only to him, immediately noticed that his Taoist heart was disordered, and all kinds of inner demons were growing in his Taoist heart. He quickly shouted: Dong Xuanzi, stabilize the Taoist heart!

He took a step forward and with a slight click, the infinite Taoist spirit poured into Dong Xuanzi's body, helping him to straighten out his Taoist heart and annihilate his inner demons.

Dong Xuanzi's face looked slightly better, but he was still in a state of despair.

Hai Ningzi said: Brother Taoist, I have thought about it over and over, but I still haven't figured out how to cultivate the perfect Way of Nirvana without being affected by the Tribulation of Nirvana. Please tell me.

The corners of Dong Xuanzi's mouth moved, with a bitter look on his face and a cry in his voice. He chuckled and said: It's very simple. When the tide of the great road comes, let this universe and another universe be stranded. Transfer the catastrophe of this universe to another. Go to a universe. That universe inherited the fate of this universe, fell into killing, gradually fell into silence, and was destroyed. In this way, I am alone in the world, watching this scene, I can cultivate the perfect avenue of annihilation.

His words made everyone frown involuntarily, and the atmosphere suddenly became weird.

Taoist Master Cenxi coughed and said, Dong Xuanzi, your Taoist heart is damaged, don't speak.

Yuxizi looked sulky, raised his hand and said coldly: Fellow Taoist Cenxi, don't say anything! Dongxuan, I respect you as an elder, and I won't argue with you about other things! But what do you mean when you say these words today? ?”

That's right!

Jing Ningzi was full of murderous intent and said coldly, If you don't explain clearly today, all ties between you and me will be severed, and we will be strangers and enemies from now on!

Everyone sneered.

Hai Ningzi was furious: There is something in Dong Xuanzi's words, and he clearly means something. Could it be that you want to say that it was the Taoist priest who deliberately preached to the other side, and deliberately let those wolf-hearted people on the other side kill all the people in my heavenly realm? Do you mean to say, Tao Are you planning to use this vicious method to transfer your destiny to the other side, so as to cultivate the perfect path of annihilation?

When the other shore was stranded, the world was in a tidal state. When the tide receded, everyone including the Taoist master also lost their power to cultivate.

Now that the other side is in a catastrophe and killing, it is almost the same as what Dong Xuanzi said, which will inevitably make them have other thoughts.

Dong Xuanzi's face became increasingly pale and he said: Let the people on the other side take Li Wen back to the other side and turn the avenue of heaven and earth on the other side into ashes. In this way, the avenue of heaven and earth on the other side will be exactly the same as the heaven. At this time, The great avenue of heaven and earth in the heaven realm is in a state of ebbing, and everything is silent...

Everyone stopped and surrounded him in the center, filled with murderous intent.

Tao Zun is like a father and a teacher to them. Any humiliation or doubt towards Tao Zun is absolutely unacceptable to them!

Even if this doubt comes from among them!

If this questioner were outsiders like Xu Ying and Taiyi, they would have been beaten to death long ago. Dong Xuanzi was one of their own, so they didn't take action immediately.

Hai Ningzi sneered and said: You said that by passing on the calamity, you can pass on the calamity? Tell me, how can you pass it on just by changing the great road of heaven and earth? If you can't explain it clearly, Brother Dao, I will have to send you into calamity!

Dongxuan looked bleak and said: There is no great avenue of heaven and earth in the heaven. If there is the great avenue of heaven and earth on the other side, part of the disaster can be passed on.

The corners of Hai Ningzi's mouth moved: Not enough.

Dongxuan continued: Let some people in the heavenly realm enter the other shore, practice on the other shore, and take away part of the disaster.

Hai Ningzi said coldly: It's not enough!

Dongxuan's eyes became hollow and terrifying, without any emotion, and he said numbly: Kill all the people in the heaven.

Everyone's scalps were numb and they all looked at Hai Ningzi.

Hai Ningzi is the Taoist master who has achieved the Tao of calamity. He naturally knows whether it is possible to pass on the calamity in this way.

Hai Ningzi's face suddenly turned pale, as if she had lost all her strength, her Taoist heart began to collapse, and she was in despair.

Their Taoist hearts also began to waver.

Hai Ningzi was still struggling, and said in a hoarse voice: No, no! The people on the other side are cruel in nature. They killed all the people in the heaven and inherited the fate of the heaven. They deserved it and deserved their crime. It has nothing to do with the Taoist Master!

Everyone seemed to be grasping at straws and said quickly: Yes! They deserve it!

The other side enslaved thousands of universes, harvested them, and even passed on the catastrophe, causing many universes to fall into silence and countless people died! Their catastrophe broke out and killed everyone. They deserved their sins. They have nothing to do with my heavenly realm and have nothing to do with Tao. It has nothing to do with respect!”

There are many evil deeds on the other side, and they deserve death. Dongxuan, you can't excuse them!

Dongxuan looked indifferent and said: Bian'an is indeed guilty of ten thousand deaths, and no one can excuse Bian'an. Bian'an will die a thousand times or ten thousand times, but he will still be worthy of death!

Everyone stopped quarreling and looked at him one after another.

Dongxuan continued: But the disaster on the other side should not break out at this time. The other side is only billions of years old. Even if it does many evil things, it still has billions of years of life. And my heavenly realm is already twenty billion years old. Logically speaking, our misfortune should have broken out long ago.

Cen Xi exhaled a breath of turbid air and suddenly pointed out, using Wuji Taoist intention to help everyone stabilize their Taoist minds.

Everyone, no matter what, Dao Zun has good intentions towards my heavenly realm.

He looked around and said in a deep voice, It is somewhat disgraceful for Tao Zun to transfer the calamity to the other side, but all this is the choice of the people on the other side, and Dao Zun has not done anything to them. If they don't learn Li Wen, If Li Wen had not been taken away, if Li Wen had not been taught, there would not have been Daoxue for millions of years on the other side, and so many people would not have died...

Jing Ningzi cut off his words and said coldly: Therefore, I will not take revenge on the Heaven Realm and kill all the Heaven Realm people. Brother Cen Xi, the sentient beings in the Heaven Realm are the price paid by the Taoist Master!

Hai Ningzi gritted his teeth and said, But all living beings don't know that they are the price.

Cen Xizi looked sad and said quietly: However, because of this, the Heaven Realm has no luck and will not be destroyed. The people of the Heaven Realm also survive because of this...

Some people in the Heaven Realm. A very small part. Yuxizi reminded him.

Cen Xizi said: Although there are very few people in the Heavenly Realm, they have survived after all. Sacrifice a very sinful person on the other side in exchange for the survival of the people in the Heavenly Realm. I don't think Tao Zun has anything to blame.

After hearing this, everyone fell silent.

At this time, Dong Xuanzi's cry-like laughter came: What if we are also the price?

Everyone looked at him.

Dong Xuanzi chuckled and said: If you want the other side to collapse in the calamity and fall into silence, the current Taoist masters on the other side are not enough. There are not so many Taoist masters on the other side now, and the Taoist masters on the other side are all second-rate practitioners. Xiantian Dao. They don’t have Chaos Dao, Hongmeng Dao, Wuji Dao, Karma Dao, Reincarnation Dao, Luck Dao, and Killing Dao.”

His tone was gloomy: If you want the other side to be completely destroyed, you have to make up for them!

Dong Xuanzi looked around, scanning the faces of Chaos Taoist Master Yu Xi, Wuji Taoist Cen Xi and others, with a serious look: Being here, you and I, as well as Miss Gong and Wu Xi, are all the price!

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