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Chapter 857 Nine Evidence-Based

Xu Ying asked doubtfully: Is it difficult to follow the nine ways of evidence?

Luo Taizong was about to speak, but suddenly shut up.

In front of him, a piece of chaotic energy suddenly emerged from Xu Ying's body, like a vast ocean, and then evolved into the purple energy of the grand mist. From the grand mist, the spiritual root of the Tao tree was born, and the source of the flood of the three realms was derived.

In just a short moment, Hong Yuan was seen going through the Wuji Five Great Changes and entering the Hunyuan of Ten Thousand Daos. Immediately, Ten Thousand Daos were born, reincarnation appeared, cause and effect became entangled, disasters began to appear, and killings suddenly began.

Eventually everything falls into silence and turns into the energy of chaos.

This is exactly the nine evidences!

The nine pieces of evidence he can only hope to find!

Luo Taizong was dumbfounded.

The nine-way evidence-based approach is simple to say, but it has stumped countless people, because there is one of the most critical points here, which is evidence-based approach.

The reason why it is called evidence-based is not that the nine innate paths have been cultivated, nor that the nine paths can be recycled. Instead, one avenue leads to another, and so on, until nine avenues are derived, forming a large cyclic system.

Deducing from Taiyi to Hongmeng, and then from Hongmeng to Taiyi, the two kinds of Taiyi derived from them are exactly the same, without any difference. Only when they prove the perfection of their own way of Taiyi can they be called evidence-based.

In his opinion, Xu Ying's evidence base is not perfect. It is not deduced from a single avenue, and there are many shadows of other people's techniques. But Xu Ying did it according to the nine evidences!

Xu Ying restrained his skills and said: I can still cultivate the Nine Paths of Evidence. The Taoist Master has enlightened the existence of heaven and the other side. Is there any reason why I can't cultivate the Nine Paths of Evidence?

Luo Taizong said coldly: Because he is stupider than you.

Xu Ying was surprised and happy: You think so too?

Luo Taizong snorted and said: The path you are taking is not the true nine-way evidence-based approach, but a trick. The real nine-way evidence-based approach is to use any one of the nine ways to deduce the other eight. Plant a great path, then go back to the starting point, and still make no mistakes. Obviously you can't do it.

Xu Ying said angrily: But I have done nine evidence-based things.

When Luo Taizong heard this, his eyes widened, and after a moment he sighed dejectedly. Yes, Xu Yong's method is indeed not a serious nine-way evidence-based method, but it is nine-way evidence-based!

This made him confused.

There is something weird in your nine-way evidence. There must be another mystery! Luo Taizong said.

Even though he was extremely intelligent, he could not have expected that Xu Ying would use the way of the future to control the innate, thus unifying the nine ways and forming a unified one.

Luo Taizong paced back and forth, thinking about it, but he still didn't understand how Xu Ying could achieve the nine-way evidence-based approach, so he had to put it down and said: It's already amazing that you can do this. But Tao Zun can't do it. Nine ways to follow the evidence. If he can do the nine ways to follow the evidence, he will have no disaster or calamity, why would he need to pass the calamity to my other side?

Xu Ying was stunned and had to admit that what he said was reasonable.

There are only a few people, even in the Dao Alliance, who have truly practiced the Nine Paths. Xu Ying, like Changsun Shenghai, you have gone astray in your practice. In the future, you will all have to correct your skills and verify whether you have gone astray. The road is clear.

Luo Taizong glanced at Master Taiyi and felt that the mature old man was disgusting and said, Taiyi, you haven't started yet, so you might as well have two disciples of your own.

He originally thought that Taiyi was proficient in the Nine Innate Paths and went back to the past to cut off the Taoist Master's legs. However, after several contacts with Taiyi, he discovered that this old man was not the smart person that he had been in the past.

He admires smart people and thinks smart people are good-looking. In his eyes, mature people like Tai Taoist Master are detestable.

But Taiyi was indifferent to his humiliation.

The starting point of the three great masters Hua, Lin and Luo is too low. They follow the path of strength, spirit and soul. Although the talents of the three of them are very high, it is too low to comprehend the nine innate paths with such a low starting point. Difficult.

Luo Taizong changed the subject and said, As for Cenxi Wuxi and others in the heaven realm, like Taiyi, their talents are limited. If they can understand the Tao of their own practice, it is considered good. Only the master of Tongtian Taoism is really amazing. He is actually self-taught without a teacher, and is walking on the path of correct understanding of the nine paths of evidence.

He was full of praise for Master Tongtian and said: If I still have the Taoist Order, I will definitely give him another piece!

Xu Ying and Taiyi also admired Master Tongtian greatly. When the Master of Tongtian Dao came to the other side, he achieved immortality in a short period of time and became a Dao Lord.

Then he challenged Taiyi and defeated Taiyi. Although Taiyi was defeated, he was convinced and had only admiration for him but no resentment.

In the vast universe on the other side, Taoist Master Tongtian may be the only one who can achieve the Nine Paths of Evidence.

Luo Taizong said, Given time, his achievements may still be higher than mine. But he may not be able to survive the calamity on the other side. If he cannot survive, he will die.

He commented on everyone and said: As for Tao Zun, he has betrayed the Tao Alliance for too long, and Taoism has long been unable to keep up. In addition, at this time, the Dao of Heaven and Earth on the other side has not yet been restored, and his cultivation strength has not yet reached its peak. Therefore, if he fights with me, he will definitely lose!

Master Taiyi said: Brother Taoist, why don't you be more prudent and solve the calamity and murderous calamity on the other side first, and then confront the Taoist Master?

Luo Taizong smiled and said: He challenges me, how can I back down? If I back down, wouldn't I think that I am inferior to him? I must fight and cannot escape! Besides...

His eyes were dark, as if there were fire dancing in his eyes: Tao Zun is the real culprit of the disaster on the other side. Dealing with him and returning the disaster of his heavenly realm to them is the only correct way to solve the disaster!

The fire in his eyes grew stronger and stronger, and he said to Master Taiyi: Taiyi, you think that eradicating the three masters of the avenue can resolve the misfortune on the other side, but you don't know that you are just asking for fish under the circumstances! Only by eradicating the masters of the three avenues and leveling the world can the real solution be solved. Bad luck!

Master Tai Yi knew that he could not persuade him to join forces with him, so he said: In this case, I can only wish brother Dao a successful victory. Tai Yi resigned.

He turned and left.

Tai Yi! Luo Taizong called.

Master Tai Dao paused and turned around, showing doubts.

Luo Taizong hesitated for a moment, then smiled and said: You are very stupid, but also very charming. If I can't save the other side, I will try my best to give you the best chance.

Master Tai Dao was slightly shaken and bowed to him: Thank you, Your Majesty!

Luo Taizong waved his hand and said with a smile: The era of the ancient gods has long ceased to exist, and all the ancient gods are dead. Where did your majesty come from? You go ahead and wait for my good news.

Master Taiyi got up and left.

Luo Taizong glanced at Xu Ying and said displeasedly: Why haven't you left yet?

Xu Ying smiled and said: I have something to ask your Majesty for help. I have a friend who, like Your Majesty, is also the Soul of the Universe. Later, by chance, he went to the Heaven Realm and became the Universe Soul of the Heaven Realm. Then. He ran to the other side again and became the soul of the universe on the other side...

Luo Taizong was surprised and said: You are talking about that ancient god? He has a lot of integrity, and he is still calm and calm in the face of my pressure with humble skills. Although he has taken away my heaven and earth, I admire him very much. What happened to him? ?”


Xu Ying was stunned, remembering the arrogant look of the young ancestor god when he faced Luo Taizong. Could this be the integrity that Luo Taizong said?

Your Majesty, I would like to ask Your Majesty to see if Tao Zun has done anything to my friend. Xu Ying said cautiously.

Luo Taizong nodded slightly: Let him come in.

Xu Ying quickly walked out of the Pantheon, called the ancestor gods, and returned to the Pantheon together.

Luo Taizong looked at the ancestor god carefully and saw that the ancestor god was quite nervous. His integrity was not as good as before, and he felt a little unhappy.

After a while, he checked and said: The Taoist Master did not do anything to him. However, although he did not do anything to him, this fellow Taoist has not practiced systematically. He has great power but does not know how to use it.

Xu Ying's expression became more respectful and he said: Your Majesty is also an ancient god. Can you give some advice to the younger generation?

Luo Taizong glanced at him, waved his hand and said: Look at His good fortune. I will stay here to recuperate in the next few days. He can learn as much as he can outside the temple. But if he wants to achieve great achievements, he needs to do it himself. Cut it off. Cut off everything in the past and start from scratch. It depends on whether He has such courage.

Xu Ying was surprised and happy, thanked him quickly, pulled the ancestor god and walked out.

Ancient God Luo Taizong was sitting outside the Pantheon. Xu Ying arranged for the ancestor gods to learn from him. Ancient God Luo Taizong glanced at Xu Ying and said: You can't learn my skills.

Xu Ying had no choice but to say to Ancestor God: I live in Tianjue City. When Ancestor God has finished his work, he went to Tianjue City to find me. Never return to the Heaven Realm, remember this.

Ancestor God smiled and said: I know.

Xu Ying did not enter the palace to disturb Luo Taizong, but asked for his resignation from Ancient God Luo Taizong. Ancient God Luo Taizong smiled and said: Fellow Daoist Xu, considering today's friendship, can you give my son a chance to survive?

Xu Ying hesitated for a moment, then bowed and said: Brother Dao, don't worry, I will remember our love today.

Ancient God Luo Taizong waved his hand.

Xu Ying turned around and left, thinking about the shortcomings pointed out by Luo Taizong, so he continued to activate the nine ways of evidence and verify the nine innate ways over and over again.

Long before he besieged Luo Taizong, he discovered that there was something wrong with his nine-way evidence-based approach.

He started from the Avenue of Nirvana to prove other innate avenues, and when he got to the Avenue of Killing to prove the Avenue of Nirvana, he found that the Avenue of Nirvana that he deduced the transformation was not completely consistent with the Avenue of Nirvana when he started.

Later, he based on the evidence of Taiyi Dao and found that the Taiyi Dao obtained after a week of evidence-based practice was also inconsistent with the Taiyi Dao at the beginning.

He had never known the reason before, but after talking with Luo Taizong this time, he realized the reason.

Luo Taizong himself had not yet obtained nine evidences, so he naturally could not give him any advice on how to solve this phenomenon. So Xu Ying relied on evidence over and over again and constantly improved his various methods.

His appearance remains normal, but within his body various avenues are constantly flowing, correcting the shortcomings of various avenues over and over again.

As his Nine Paths circulated, his attainments in the Nine Paths also increased, gradually approaching the same level.

The nine-path evidence-based approach is somewhat similar to the self-sufficiency of my nature, but what is worse than the self-sufficiency of my nature is that it requires continuous practice. The ultimate goal of the nine-path evidence-based approach is only to achieve the state of self-sufficiency in my nature!

Xu Ying couldn't help but lose consciousness, and suddenly an idea came to him.

Is the Nine Paths of Evidence-Based Method the right method? The strong men of the Tao Alliance are all pursuing the realm of Nine Paths of Evidence-Based, using this as the basis for breaking through to the next realm. But what if the Nine Paths of Evidence-Based Practice is wrong? ?”

When this thought came to him, he couldn't stop it.

Why can't the nine lines of evidence be turned into ten lines of evidence? Why can't it be turned into eleven lines of evidence? Why can't I be self-contained without the need for evidence?

He fell into meditation unknowingly. Although he kept walking towards Tianjue City, although the nine innate avenues were still circulating in his body, his mind was wandering outside.

He didn't know when he would return to Tianjue City. Qingxuan, Jiuhen and others exchanged greetings and asked questions. Xu Ying answered them one by one. Gong Jiexuan greeted him with a smile on her face, and Xu Ying returned the favor with a smile.

Seeing this, Qingxuan pulled the Holy Lord aside and said: Yuan Yu, Xu Daozu is not in the right state. I'm afraid he has some understanding and is in a fugue.

The Holy Lord looked Xu Ying up and down, shook his head and said: He is the same as usual, it is impossible for him to realize the Tao while wandering in his mind!

Qingxuan said: He is letting his subconscious take over his body. Whether he is interacting with people or talking about Taoism, it is all done by his subconscious.

Gong Jiexuan also noticed that something was wrong with Xu Ying. When she looked at Xu Ying, she saw that Xu Ying looked like an ordinary person and could not see any difference.

She asked Xu Ying for advice on the Nine Evidences, and Xu Ying's answers were fluent, with subtle words every time, which astonished her.

The more the two talked, the more speculative they became, and they even started practicing Taoism. Gong Jiexuan fought with Xu Ying for several rounds and was amazed by the evolution of his Taoism.

After getting along for a long time, she unconsciously felt admiration in her heart. Unknowingly, admiration turned into love, which made her feel awe-inspiring: How can I be tempted by a foreigner?

Just spending these days together made her unknowingly impressed by Xu Ying's erudition and talent, and thought to herself: Apart from my father, he is the most talented and knowledgeable. If we can form a good relationship, this life will be worth it.

Qingxuan and Shengzun couldn't help but look at each other in surprise when they saw the man and woman gradually behaving intimately.

Do you want to remind this palace girl that what is in Xu Daozu's body is only his subconscious mind, not himself? Qingxuan asked.

The Holy Lord blinked and said with a smile: Remind her what to do? This is so interesting.

However, Taoist Master Wuxi, who followed Gong Jiexuan, listened to their words and couldn't help but feel awe-struck. He carefully observed Xu Ying and found that there was indeed something fishy going on.

He hurriedly told Gong Jiexuan about this matter. Gong Jiexuan was ashamed and annoyed when she heard this: The person who has been intimate with me these days is not Xu Lang, but his subconscious left in his body?

Where has she ever experienced such a thing? So he left in a hurry without saying goodbye.

A few months later, Dong Xuanzi and his party returned to the heavenly realm. When Concubine Concubine saw them, she couldn't help being shocked and asked: Fellow Taoists, how did you come back from the other side? Could it be that Naluo Taizong was too strong and forced him to Do you have to come back?

Dong Xuanzi smiled and said: My dear, Luo Taizong is very powerful. He is about to fight with Dao Zun. We have to come to help.

The concubine said: You are determined.

Dong Xuanzi said: Where is the Taoist Master? Let's go and see him first.

At this time, Taoist Master's voice came: Fellow Taoists, I am already here.

When everyone looked around, they saw Taoist Master still looking like a young man in a yellow shirt, walking towards him. Everyone hurriedly greeted the ceremony, and the Taoist returned the courtesy and said with a smile: The battle between me and Luo Taizong is already certain to be won. I never thought I would disturb you all. Fellow Taoists, you have a heavy responsibility, please return to the other side.

Cen Xi smiled and said, Dao Zun, are you 100% sure?

The Taoist Master smiled slightly and said leisurely: Although it is not 100%, it is still 89%. Fellow Taoists, please come back soon.

After everyone heard this, they all breathed a sigh of relief and planned to return to the other side.

Dongxuan smiled and said: Tao Zun, I would like to ask about the Dao of Nirvana. Has Dao Zun's Dao of Nirvana reached the realm of the Tao Master?

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