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Chapter 856 The Sigh of Rise and Fall

In prosperity, the people suffer; in death, the people suffer. In order to encircle and suppress Luo Taizong this time, too many people on the other side died.

The Tai Dao Master looked at the universe on the other side, filled with emotion, and said, The Dao Master is not the master of the Dao, but actually the thief of the Dao. They have mastered too much power, which is not a good thing for the entire universe.

His words reminded many Taoist masters on the other side of the world when they could not help but think of Luo Taizong's situation when the three paths of ether, reincarnation and cause and effect swept up the entire universe on the other side in one fell swoop to help him.

This scene is terrible.

Xu Ying looked at their feet with a faint look in his eyes and said: However, the mortal world that was shattered by Taoist Master Bian'an was restored to its original state by Luo Taizong.

Master Tai Dao was slightly startled and looked at his feet.

I saw that the mortal world on the other side is no longer a fragmented and miserable state, but has returned to a whole. This is Luo Taizong using reincarnation and cause and effect to restore the other side.

Tai Dao Master glanced at Hua Dao Master, then at Lin Dao Master and Luo Dao Master, and said silently in his heart: If the three Dao Masters are not eliminated, the other side will not be safe.

His eyes fell on Gong Jiexuan and others again, and he thought to himself: There are also these Heavenly Realm people who have ulterior motives and need to be driven out of the other side.

He looked at the brilliant starry sky on the other side. Although the other side is still strong, it is full of crises.

I have always been worried that Luo Taizong would endanger the other side, but looking at his current actions, he is still much better than the three great masters.

Tai Dao Master said silently in his heart, Also, Gong Jiexuan came here to help us eradicate Luo Taizong, and I'm afraid she has evil intentions. Behind her is Tao Zun. Dao Zun sent this ancestral god again, but the purpose is probably not simple.

He was worried that Tao Zun took advantage of this chaos and sent the ancestor gods to seize control of the world on the other side. This was definitely not a good thing for the other side.

However, Taiyi immediately noticed a wave of unkind eyes falling on him, and his heart moved slightly, knowing that it was the three Taoist masters Hua, Luo, and Lin, Gong Jiexuan, and others who had murderous intentions towards him.

Saint King Xuannv, Tian Chengzi and others came to his side to protect him.

Nowadays, there are four major forces on the other side. Master Hua Lin and Luo San are one force, Gong Jiexuan, Yuxi and others are one force, and Taiyi and others are another force. As for the fourth force, they are Xu Ying, Tongtian and others.

Taiyi let out a breath and walked towards Xu Ying.

Xu Ying was asking the Ancestral God, Ancestral God, the situation just now was very dangerous. Why are you not afraid at all?

The Ancestral God smiled and said: Xu Daozu, why should I be afraid of him? Luo Taizong is just the Ancestral God of the other side, and I am now the Ancestral God of the three universes of the Three Realms, the Heaven Realm and the other side! My cultivation is boundless, and my Taoism is carried out. Three universes and three universes! He should be afraid of me! Why should I be afraid of him?

His heroic spirit swept away the previous decadence and made him more energetic. However, the cultivation level of the Ancestral God is indeed unfathomable, and even Xu Ying does not know where his magic power has reached.

Xu Yingqi said: He is the Taoist master of Hongmeng, Wuji, Taiyi, Reincarnation, Cause and Effect, Luck, and Killing! And they are all Taoist peaks or perfections! He can stare you to death with one glance. !”

The ancestor god was startled, and now he realizes the danger.

Xu Ying said angrily: Don't stay on the other side. The Taoist master here will eat a god like you without spitting out his bones. Don't go back to heaven either. You take this opportunity to return to the Three Realms. I'll give you a boat, and you can go now go back.

The Ancestral God smiled and said: I promised Tao Zun that I would also help him adjust the Heaven and Earth Avenue in the Heaven Realm and help the Heaven Realm Avenue recover. How can I leave?

Xu Ying frowned and was thinking about whether to tie him up and put him in the boat to send him away. At this time, Taiyi came up and said, Master Xu, I have something to ask of you.

Don't dare.

Xu Yingdao, Master, what's the matter?

Tai Dao's master's consciousness fluctuated and he transmitted a message: With your attainments, can you know where Luo Taizong is hiding?

Xu Ying was stunned, and was about to turn around to look at him, but suddenly remembered Luo Dao Master's oath, quickly turned away, and said through a message: You want to kill him while he is recovering from his injuries? Former Sect Master, do you think you are his opponent?

Taiyi shook his head and said: That's not the case. I figured out some things and knew that I had been used by Tao Zun, so I thought of the breakthrough point of the disaster on the other side. I must talk to Luo Taizong in person!

Xu Ying thought about it carefully and suddenly felt a little creepy. Dao Zun indeed knew everything that happened here, and the purpose of sending Gong Jiexuan and others was to use Xu Ying and others as his pawns.

But Xu Ying and the others were in the middle of the game and never saw that they were pawns being used by Dao Zun.

The purpose of Dao Zun is definitely not to solve the fate of the other side. On the contrary, he should pass on the fate of the other side and make me, the other side, become the scapegoat of the heaven.

Taiyi Dao said, This time, he has clearly seen the strength of my other side, and also figured out the strength of Luo Taizong, and made the world of my other side fall into the control of the ancient gods he supports. He is trying to make ends meet, and I am afraid I can't support him alone.

Xu Ying asked, So you want to see Luo Taizong. Maybe you can persuade Luo Taizong to help you. Right?

Taidao: Yes. If Luo Taizong also wants to solve the disaster, he will most likely agree to help me.

Xu Ying pondered for a moment and said, Okay, I can help you!

He glanced at the Ancestor God and said, I'm going to see Luo Taizong. You come with me and don't move around.

The ancestor god hesitated and nodded.

At this time, Gong Jiexuan came over and said: Just now I saw the mystery of Xu Daoyou's nine-path evidence-based work, and I was amazed. I wonder if Xu Daoyou can communicate with me?

Xu Ying shook his head and said with a smile: I have important things to do at the moment, so I can't communicate with the girl.

Gong Jiexuan smiled and said, You go and do your work first, I will wait in Tianjue City.

Xu Ying frowned slightly and had no choice but to let her.

Taiyi looked at Xu Ying, Xu Ying nodded slightly, and the two left immediately. The Ancestral God hurriedly followed them, but saw ten Taoist masters from the other side hanging behind him, who were also following them not too far away.

Gong Jiexuan glanced at the three Taoist masters Hua, Lin, and Luo, and with awe in her heart, she called Wu Xi, Dongxuan and others, and whispered: Let's leave as soon as possible!

Everyone quickly followed him, Wu Xi said: The girl talked down to that boy, but he didn't appreciate it. Why should the girl accommodate him?

Gong Jiexuan said: He is a man of great talent, and his Nine Paths of Evidence are extremely sophisticated. I need to ask him how to cultivate the Nine Paths of Evidence.

Wu Xi smiled and said: If Tao Zun is here, why do you need to ask him for advice?

Gong Jiexuan shook her head and said: I have also seen my father's nine evidences. It seems, it seems...

She didn't say any more, but there was a voice in her heart saying that her father's nine evidences seemed to be far less flexible and smooth in operation than promised.

But this sentence seemed to her to be extremely rebellious even if she thought about it.

Taoist Master Dongxuan's heart moved slightly, and he suddenly remembered Xu Ying's two guesses, and thought to himself: Xu Ying said that if you follow the nine evidences, you will not be affected by the tide of the great road. Is it true or false? What if Taoist really does it? Follow the evidence of the Nine Paths and not be affected by the tide of the avenue...

His heart trembled and he didn't dare to think about it anymore.

When Hua, Lin, Luo and others went to the Heaven Realm, countless people died, even Dao Zun died.

He said silently in his heart, Tao Zun must not be able to follow the Nine Paths of Evidence, definitely not!

At this time, Taoist Master Dongxuan suddenly said: Girl, Taoist Master sent us to sneak into the other side, what exactly do you do?

Everyone looked at him with doubts. Taoist Master Jiang Ning said: Of course it will contribute to the disaster on the other side, causing the other side to fall into cannibalism and protect our heavenly realm! Dongxuan, you know, Taoist Master said this when he sent us here.

Taoist Master Dongxuan said: Of course I know. It's just that this time Tao Zun asked the ancestor god to come and bring a message to Luo Taizong. Luo Taizong said that he wanted to see Tao Zun in person. Dao Zun's strength can obviously be on par with Luo Taizong. Since we If the Heaven Realm has such strength, why should we be afraid of the other side? Why do they send us to sneak into the other side and become Tao masters on the other side?

When he said this, Cen Xi, Jiang Ning and others couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

Luo Taizong's strength was obvious, and he had the power to crush them. If Xu Ying hadn't been involved this time, and if the Ancestral God hadn't arrived in time, they would have been doomed.

Luo Taizong, who has such strength, also said that he would recover from his injuries before meeting Tao Zun, which shows Tao Zun's strength.

If Dao Zun has this strength, there is no need to let them sneak into the other side.

Taoist Master Haining asked doubtfully: Since it is not to promote the disaster on the other side and protect the heaven, then what is the purpose of Taoist Master sending us here?

Dong Xuan smiled and said: Girl, fellow Taoists, I want to go back to the heavenly realm and meet the Taoist Master in person.

Gong Jiexuan hesitated and said, The battle between father and Luo Taizong is about to begin. I am also worried that he will be in danger. In this case, I will go back.

Cen Xi smiled and said: Young lady and Xu Ying have made an agreement to go to Tianjue City to seek advice from the Nine Evidences. This time we will let us old bones make the trip.

Gong Jiexuan also knew that they were powerful and if Tao Zun was in danger, they would definitely protect him, so she immediately nodded in agreement.

Dongxuan said: Wuxi, you stay to protect the girl.

Wuxi said so.

The two of them watched Dongxuan, Cenxi, Yuxi and other Taoist masters leave.

On the other side, Xu Ying activated the eye of cause and effect, and at the same time mobilized the path of karma and luck, compatible with cause and effect. His gaze was like a torch, sweeping around, taking in all the karma and luck of the universe.

His cultivation strength is still far away from that of the Taoist master. If you want to find out the whereabouts of Luo Taizong, you have to combine the two ways of cause and effect and calamity to find clues about Luo Taizong.

When the two Taoist masters from Jiangning and Haining searched for Luo Taizong's whereabouts, they also used this method.

found it!

Xu Ying perked up and sped up.

Taiyi and the Ancestral God hurriedly followed him, followed by ten Taoist masters, flying away at lightning speed.

A few days later, they came to a deserted land on the other side. Someone dug up the ashes here, and the ashes were floating everywhere.

Saint King Xuannv had a strange look on her face, looked around, and said: This is the royal court back then.

The royal court she was referring to was the royal court of the Ancient God Era.

Back then, Luo Taizong led a group of innate ancient gods to rule the other side here and control the wars between various tribes.

The royal court was built on the highest peak on the other side, True King Mountain.

Holy King Xuannv said, Later we brought Heavenly Realm Liwen, and Daohui fell for more than a million years, submerging True King Mountain as well.

Xu Ying followed the karma and found the temples in Zhenwang Mountain. He saw that the ashes here had been dug out, and the temples in Zhenwang Mountain were revealed.

Ancient God Luo Taizong sat in front of the temples and sneered: Xu Ying, are you here to die?

Xu Ying shook his head, bowed and said: This disciple has been ordered by the master to come to find your majesty. Master, please.

Luo Taizong snorted, his eyes fell on Master Taiyi, and said: Is Taiyi here to die?

Taoist Master Taiyi stepped forward, shook his head and said, That's not the case. Taiyi is here to admit his mistake to Brother Taoist.

Ancient God Luo Taizong was stunned and looked at him deeply.

He was still full of murderous intent just now, but now his tone softened and he raised his hand and said: You are so polite, Tai Daoist. If you have any advice, please come to the palace to discuss it in detail.

Master Taiyi bowed in thanks, lifted up his clothes, and walked slowly into the Pantheon.

Holy King Xuannv and others planned to enter the palace, but they were stopped by Ancient God Luo Taizong, who shook his head and said: Taiyi is qualified to enter, but you are not qualified.

Everyone was shocked and angry.

Holy King Xuannv said: I had a place in the Pantheon back then, and I am qualified to enter.

Ancient God Luo Taizong shook his head and said: Of the ancient gods in the pantheon, you are the only one left to die. Xuannv, you betrayed the ancient gods for your own reputation, and you are even less qualified!

Holy King Xuannv had no choice but to stay outside.

Xu Ying walked forward, Ancient God Luo Taizong glared at him, and suddenly grabbed his collar and lifted him up.

Xu Ying's eyes met his. After a moment, Ancient God Luo Taizong snorted and slowly put him down: Fellow Daoist Xu can go in.

Tian Chengzi, Qi Xian and other Taoist masters looked at each other in confusion.

In this round of siege and suppression of Luo Taizong, it was because of Xu Ying that they were able to injure Luo Taizong. Luo Taizong actually did not crush Xu Ying to death, but instead let him enter the palace. What's the reason for this?

Could it be that you plan to let him enter the palace and then crush him to death? King Ling Yanming asked in surprise.

The Pantheon has been completely cleaned up. Luo Taizong was not healing his wounds. Instead, he was admiring the throne in the hall and moved to the murals.

The murals here are well preserved and depict the gods from the ancient god era and their great achievements.

You often say that the age of the Ancient Gods was bad, but what about now? It's worse than then.

Luo Taizong did not look at Taiyi and said, Taiyi, you and I belong to different races. You are a demigod and I am an ancient god. What's wrong with you wanting to eradicate me?

Taiyi shook his head and said: When I heard about your return, I did have such an idea. But after Heaven intervened, I realized that this was not a battle between ancient gods and demigods, but a battle between the other side and Heaven. Therefore. I should put aside my prejudices and fight side by side with Taizong.

Luo Taizong turned his head, looked him up and down, showed admiration, and said with a smile: The other Taoist masters on the other side are not as clear as you. I originally thought you were an idiot, but I didn't expect them to be idiots!

His words were full of humiliation, but Taiyi didn't care.

Luo Taizong continued: Besides admitting your mistake, what else can you do?

Taiyi looked solemn and said: Brother Dao said that his purpose is to let the other side overcome the disaster and get rid of the disaster. Since the purpose is the same, then I think we can join hands and we will definitely revive the other side!

Luo Taizong was even more surprised: Revival of the other side? Taiyi, don't you have selfish motives?

Of course!

Taiyi smiled and said, I want to revive the other side, make full use of people's talents, and make full use of materials. Let the other side rule the universe and become more and more prosperous and developed. More geniuses will be born, and they will help me and help me break through more. A high level!

Luo Taizong shook his head and said: Taiyi, you are a weirdo. However, I don't need to join forces with you.

He put his hands behind his back, smiled proudly, and said: There is only one enemy on the other side, and that is Dao Zun! Dao Zun passed on the disaster, and only then did the other side have what it is today! I only need to eradicate Dao Zun! Why should I join forces with you?

Xu Ying suddenly said: It is not that easy to eradicate Dao Zun. If Dao Zun cultivates the Nine Paths of Evidence, you will be seeking death by going to the heaven.

Luo Taizong laughed and said: Tao Zun, have you cultivated the Nine Paths of Evidence? You think of the Nine Paths of Evidence too simply. Even in the Dao League, there are not many people who can actually cultivate the Nine Paths of Evidence! He is just an abandoned son of the Dao Alliance, and even more so It’s impossible to cultivate it!”

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