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Chapter 855 God is coming

Of the nine innate paths, Luo Taizong has already deduced seven, and there are still two more paths to annihilation and chaos!

Everyone was shocked inexplicably. Their original plan was based on Luo Taizong's proficiency in the four paths of cause and effect, reincarnation, calamity, luck and killing. Therefore, five people including Xu Ying and Taiyi were appointed to use Chaos, Hongmeng, Taiyi, Wuji and Nirvana came to refine him to death.

However, now, Luo Taizong has deduced Hongmeng, Taiyi and Wuji from these four paths, which means that the only ones who can deal with him are Yuxi Taoist who practices the Chaos Path and Xu Ying who practices the Nirvana Dao, who can practice his Taoism!

With the strength of these two people, the harm they can do to Luo Taizong is probably just a step away!

Change strategy!

Master Hua shouted, Old ghost Luo is too strong, we will attack first, and others will rescue him!

He saw the opportunity very quickly and immediately realized that the original encirclement and suppression tactics were ineffective. The most effective way was for the four masters of the avenue to continue to besiege Luo Taizong, with other people who had practiced the seven innate avenues on the outside.

When they were in danger, these people immediately deciphered Luo Taizong's Taoism and rescued them.

Only in this way can there be a glimmer of hope!

As soon as Master Hua finished speaking, Xu Ying immediately retreated, and Dongxuan, Wuxi, Jingning, Jiangning, and Haining immediately stepped in to form the second level of offensive with Cenxi, Taiyi, and Gong Jiexuan.

As for Xu Ying, he formed the third level of offensive with Xuannv, Qixian, Tianchengzi, Yuxi and others.

The two Luo Taizong laughed loudly. Luo Taizong punched out, but saw that all the ways were in chaos and time and space were reversed. This was the magical power of Taiyi Avenue, which disrupted the nine heavens and encompassed the nine levels of strength.

With this punch, everyone and the innate spirit treasures were swept into the ninth heaven. All kinds of Taoist powers were disordered, and it was difficult for the innate spirit treasures to exert their power!

Taiyi and Dongxuan took a step forward together. The sleeves of the master and disciple shook, regulating all the qi and following all the ways, allowing the four masters of the avenue to stabilize their bodies immediately.

Master Hua took the first step, urging many innate spiritual treasures to press down and meet the fist peak of Taizong, the ancient god Luo.

Master Lin, with the bells and cauldrons flying on his head, his feet on the formation diagram, a big flag on his back, and a spear in his hand, went straight to the eyebrows of the ancient god Luo Taizong, and killed Luo Taizong at the eyebrows!

At this moment, the ancient god Luo Taizong opened his other hand, and his fortune suddenly became uncertain. Master Lin fell into the misfortune, the avenue withered, the spiritual treasures were covered in dust, and people were confused.

Dao Master Haining, who was on the second level of the offensive, immediately took action, using calamity versus calamity to compete with Ancient Shen Luo Taizong. However, his cultivation was still inferior to Ancient Shen Luo Taizong.

At this moment, Xu Ying took a step forward and entered the second floor from the third floor, which was also the path of calamity, and joined forces with Taoist Master Haining to fight against the calamity of the ancient god Luo Taizong.

Taoist Lin was able to escape his fate and immediately pulled out and stabbed Luo Taizong's body.

All kinds of spirit treasures flew up around him and fell down like rain. The power of the spirit treasures was unparalleled, and the spears were hidden among the many spirit treasures!

Luo Taizong clenched his fist, and suddenly spread his fingers, and with a seal, boundless Taoist power poured out. All the spiritual treasures of Dao Master Lin, and the power of the spiritual treasures suddenly scattered in all directions, unable to concentrate the Taoist power at all, and hurt Luo Taizong. Every cent.

Dao Master Lin groaned. Although this seal was a distant shot, his body continued to expand and transform into Wuji!

Taoist master Cen Xi flew over, using his infinite power, and stamped his palm on the back of his heart to help him fight against Luo Taizong's infinite power.

However, Luo Taizong's power was still too strong, forcing him and Dao Master Lin to retreat continuously. What was even more frightening was that Lin Dao Master's physical soul was still evolving continuously, and the Tao power in his body was changing from Tai Chi and Tai Su to Tai Yi. Under his control!

If it is transformed into Wuji Dao power, there will be no distinction between attributes. Then all his lifelong practice will be Luo Taizong's bag!

Xu Ying originally planned to exit the second floor and return to the third floor, lest he perform too well and be beaten to death by Luo Taizong, but seeing this situation, he had no choice but to fly out and put his palms against Dao Master Lin's back!

He reversed the infinite Tao power, and worked with Cen Xi to suppress the changes in Dao Master Lin, and finally stopped the Tao power in Dao Master Lin from changing.

Taoist Master Luo drove over and slapped the chariot suddenly, the canopy roared into the air, and the power of many spiritual treasures under the canopy exploded, crushing the two Luo Taizongs!

Luo Taizong smiled and said: Is it possible that the evil son wants to kill his father?

But he didn't take it seriously. His whole body was filled with purple energy, and Hongmeng Tao power burst out. When his body shook, he saw arms growing out from under his sides.

And a green lotus was born in the Hongmeng Purple Qi, and with a slight tremor, it swallowed up the innate spiritual light.

There are also innate spiritual beads born from Zi Qi, wrapped in spiritual light. There are also various treasures such as necklaces, bows and arrows, jade towers, and pagodas.

Gong Jiexuan was shocked: His attainments in Hongmeng Avenue are so high? He is not weaker than my father at all!

The innate spiritual treasures were originally transformed into the universe when it was in the state of Hongmeng. Luo Taizong used the Great Avenue of Hongmeng to create more than ten innate spiritual treasures. Although they are not as good as the real innate spiritual treasures, this level is very high. Gong Jiexuan only exists in I’ve seen it in Dao Zun!

Luo Taizong holds various forms of innate spiritual treasures and welcomes the canopy!

There are more than a hundred innate spiritual treasures contained in the canopy, but there are no more than ten innate spiritual treasures that can exert their power. The number that Master Luo can sacrifice at the same time is only five or six.

When the two sides collided, Master Luo's face turned red, and the canopy was lifted high by the impact. Luo Taizong waved his arms, and the more than ten spiritual treasures transformed by Hongmeng in his hand flew out and flew towards Master Luo!

Master Luo's expression suddenly changed, and he hurriedly recalled the canopy. However, as soon as the canopy arrived, he saw more than ten spiritual treasures transformed by the Qi of Hongmeng, hitting the canopy with such power that it was unimaginable!

He vomited blood in a muffled voice, yelled, and stood up from the car!

Master Hua and others didn't know that his legs had recovered. When they saw him standing up, they couldn't help but exclaimed: A miracle! What a miracle!

Master Luo's legs were trembling, his mouth and nose were bleeding, and he was about to lose his support. Suddenly Gong Jiexuan activated Hongmeng Dao Power and sacrificed the innate spiritual treasure Ziqi Jade Ruyi to break the more than ten items transformed by Hongmeng Ziqi. Lingbao.

It's just that her cultivation level is not as good as Dong Xuan, Cen Xi and others. Although she has Purple Qi Jade Ruyi by her side, her delicate body trembles as soon as she comes into contact with it, and she is unable to break through these spiritual treasures.

At this moment, Xu Ying flew over, activated Hongmeng Avenue, and sacrificed the Purple Qi Jade Ruyi.

The two have similar attainments on Hongmeng Avenue. Neither of them has ever set foot in the Dao Master Realm, but they are already very close to it.

The two of them worked together to deal with one of the green lotuses, and the power of the purple jade Ruyi was activated, breaking the green lotus.

The two of them were like breaking bamboos, breaking up the more than ten spiritual treasures transformed by Zi Qi one by one, and then retreated.

At this time, a sword light struck, chasing directly between Luo Taizong's eyebrows!

Master Tongtian!

Luo Taizong sneered, activated the killing avenue, turned into a long sword, and faced the Zhuxian Sword, You are proficient in killing, but you have not yet caught up with me in terms of killing skills! Even if you borrow the power of killing from the other side, , I’m not afraid at all!”

The swords of the two collided, and murderous intent suddenly aroused, making everyone feel like they were about to be killed!

Although what Luo Taizong was holding was not a real magic weapon, but a long sword transformed by the power of killing, it actually bent the Zhuxian Sword.

The Immortal Killing Sword trembled, and suddenly large and small holes burst out. He was clearly a master with good cultivation. He used his own cultivation to help Master Tongtian compete with Luo Taizong.

Luo Taizong was greatly surprised. This was the first time he had seen the magic weapon cultivation in the Sea of ​​Chaos for so many years.

What’s even more strange is that it’s unheard of for someone to be able to practice magic weapon cultivation to such a high level!

Luo Taizong's aura changed immediately. He mastered both killing and calamity at the same time. His strength skyrocketed. He smiled and said, Even if you have this treasure to help you, you can't do anything to me.

But the next moment, the sword of Master Tongtian flashed, and the three avenues of killing, calamity, and annihilation burst out from the sword.

Luo Taizong's expression suddenly changed. He was not shocked by Taoist Master Tongtian's cultivation. Tongtian's cultivation was still much inferior to him.

What shocked him was Master Tongtian's attainments on the Avenue of Nirvana.

He entered the Taoist League, read countless books in the Taoist League, and read countless exercises on annihilation, but he still didn't achieve much in practicing this Tao.

I didn’t expect that this tall, thin old man could actually understand it without a teacher!

When the swords of the two collided, Master Tongtian's body shook slightly and he drifted backwards involuntarily.

He was about to take advantage of the victory and pursue the attack, but he saw two Taoist masters Jingning and Haining coming to kill him. They were also killing and destroying the Taoist Dao to break his magical power.

Just as Luo Taizong was about to kill the two of them, Xu Ying came over again, using his magical powers of killing and calamity to help the two Taoist masters break his magical powers. He said loudly: Everyone, be careful! He didn't do anything. When he reaches the Nine Paths of Evidence, he cannot mobilize all of his avenues at the same time. However, he can live in three avenues!

You brat! It's you again!

Luo Taizong's trump card was exposed by him, and he couldn't help but get angry. His eyes fell on Xu Ying, and suddenly his eyes were filled with purple energy, and his eyes gleamed, and two rays of light went straight towards Xu Ying.

At this time, everyone also knew that Xu Ying was a precious child and could not allow him to lose it. Master Luo immediately raised his canopy umbrella to block one of the divine lights.

Master Lin Dao raised the big bell and held Xu Ying under the bell. The light on the wall of the bell was flowing erratically.


The big bell protected Xu Ying and was knocked away by another divine light, but Xu Ying's life was saved.

Luo Taizong failed to kill Xu Ying and snorted coldly. At this time, Ancient God Luo Taizong was at a disadvantage in his struggle with the Three Great Dao Masters. He did not care about pursuing Xu Ying and immediately faced everyone.

However, whenever he was about to succeed and kill one of the four Taoist masters, a Taoist master who practiced the same Taoist method and Xu Ying would immediately appear, break his magical power, and rescue that Taoist master.

Not only that, but there were eleven Taoist masters on the third level who kept urging the innate spiritual treasures to rush towards him, beating him staggering every time they landed on him.

If I don't kill Xu Ying, it will be difficult for me to win!

Luo Taizong showed a fierce look in his eyes, stared at Xu Ying, and suddenly adjusted the three avenues of Taiyi, reincarnation, and cause and effect at the same time, and shouted: Everyone, I will send you all on your way today!

But seeing that reincarnation unifies all the realms of heaven and earth, unifies all cause and effect, and all realms are mixed, the entire universe on the other side becomes distorted and rotated under his extremely terrifying Tao power, and countless stars are like light particles in reincarnation, extremely small.

The broken continents on the other side were gradually restored under Luo Taizong's terrifying power, and the weakened avenue of heaven and earth was restored to integrity and became better than before.

The entire universe on the other side has turned into a huge ring of reincarnation, emitting light that can penetrate into the sea of ​​chaos!

All living beings and stars in the vast ocean are just an insignificant speck in this cycle of reincarnation.

The other side of the universe is not a universe, but has annexed the starry sky of the heaven realm and plundered countless stars and Taoist scenes in the universe to reach its current scale.

This universe is really too big and vast, but the majestic power of heaven and earth it contains is unimaginable!

We can't let him rule the other side, otherwise everyone will die!

Master Taiyi shouted violently, activated Taiyi Avenue, and competed with Luo Taizong for control of Taiyi Avenue on the other side.

Dong Xuan and Xu Ying also stepped forward, each manipulating Taiyi Avenue, trying their best to suppress Luo Taizong's manipulating the entire universe.

At the same time, Wuxi suppressed reincarnation and Jiangning suppressed cause and effect.

Hua, Lin, Luo, and Tongtian all mobilized their magic weapons, harnessed their supernatural powers, and attacked Luo Taizong!

The others each sacrificed their spiritual treasures and pressed them down to Luo Taizong!

Luo Taizong stood between the eyebrows of his ancient god body, raised his hand to forcefully shake the magic weapons of the four masters of the avenue, and at the same time suppressed Xu Ying, Dong Xuan, Tai Yi and others.

Just when he was about to suppress Xu Ying and others, an ancient god suddenly flew over and threw himself into reincarnation on the other side. In an instant, the avenues of heaven and earth on the other side broke away from Luo Taizong's control and fell into the hands of that ancient god!

Ancestral God! Xu Ying glanced hastily and exclaimed.

Taoist Master Tongtian also exclaimed: Incompetent person!

That ancient god was the ancestral god of the three realms. When Taoist Master Tongtian was in the three realms, he witnessed the destruction of the human world and the immortal world. He became resentful and complained about the inaction of the ancestral god, so he called him incompetent.

The Ancestral God controlled the great avenue of heaven and earth on the other side, and his cultivation strength increased steadily. He shouted: Tao Zun asked me to come to help!

Luo Taizong's reincarnation of the great unity on the other side suddenly began to disintegrate, the stars returned to their original positions, and the continent on the other side returned to normal!

Luo Taizong was shocked: How can the ancient gods in the heaven master the avenue of heaven and earth on the other side of me?

He suddenly thought of a possibility and became confused.

Master Tongtian, Hua, Lin, Luo and others took the opportunity to attack. Luo Taizong was confused and was hit hard by several spiritual treasures, and was finally injured.

However, he was still extremely fierce and fought back again, killing the ancient god one after another. The four masters of the avenue, Tai Yi, Cen Xi, Dong Xuan, Wu Xi and others also suffered losses one after another!

It's just you kid who keeps ruining my magical powers by jumping around!

Luo Taizong's eyes flashed fiercely, locking onto Xu Ying, and suddenly he flashed out of the ancient god's body and flew straight towards Xu Ying!

Xu Ying hurriedly hid behind Master Hua, and Master Hua tried his best to activate the innate spiritual treasure and blast it towards Luo Taizong!

When the two collided, Hua Dao Master was defeated, but other Dao Masters immediately rushed to support him.

The ancestor god shouted: Luo Taizong! I came here on the orders of Tao Zun. Firstly, I want to make peace, and secondly, I want to ask you. Is your purpose of coming back to kill all the masters on the other side? Or is it because the Taoist Alliance asked you to come back? Any other purpose?

Seeing that he could not succeed, Luo Taizong suddenly forced everyone back, took the ancient god's body into the air, and rushed out of the encirclement.

Xuannv, Tianchengzi and others on the periphery did not dare to stop them.

Luo Taizong did not leave immediately, but stopped suddenly, raised his head and looked at the ancestor god.

Master Hua and others hesitated for a moment and did not continue to surround him. This battle scared them to death.

The ancestor god was not afraid at all and met Luo Taizong's gaze.

Xu Ying and others secretly felt a cold sweat for him.

Although the Ancestral God has mastered the great ways of heaven and earth in the three universes, his cultivation strength is still far away from Luo Taizong.

I wonder why the ancestor god is so bold? Xu Ying thought to himself.

Luo Taizong said: Did Master Dao ask you to ask?

The ancestor god nodded slightly and said: Exactly.

Luo Taizong turned around and said calmly: When I recover from my injury, I will go find him.

————I recommend my friend Xie Yi’s book “We’ve already subdued the demons, so why talk about martial virtues”? I strongly recommend that those who like Liaozhai stories take a look. The protagonist writes about Liaozhai in the world of Liaozhai, which is relaxing and cheerful!

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