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Chapter 851 Hidden in the Heaven and Earth Net Ridge

Hua, Lin, Luo, Tongtian and other Taoist masters each jumped out from the ring of chaos and pursued Luo Taizong in the direction of his escape!

They joined forces and severely damaged Luo Taizong in three strikes. They must not miss this great opportunity.

What's more, Luo Taizong is the soul of heaven and earth, carrying the greatest cause and effect on the other side. If he is destroyed and the cause and effect of heaven and earth is returned, the misfortune of the other side can be greatly reduced!

But, how can we destroy a cosmic soul? Xu Ying looked around and murmured.

Master Hua and others roared away, leaving only the ring of chaos still spinning wildly in place.

Everything nearby that could be swallowed by it has been devoured. A large piece of the continent on the other side was missing, and the surrounding starry sky became extremely dark. There are several Milky Ways in the starry sky with only their tails left, and the stars in the Milky Way are torn to pieces, like broken pearl necklaces.

The destruction caused by a strong man in the Dao Master Realm can be seen clearly!

Countless people died in this battle this time, far more than those who died in the previous killings on the other side!

Xu Ying looked around and saw the floating cause and effect forming lines, streams, and rivers. These were the cause and effect of the creatures who died at the hands of the Taoist Master on the other side.

These causes and effects tried to connect with the Taoist, but could not fall on the Taoist, so they wandered aimlessly in the void and gradually gathered together.

Billions of causal lines converge and rivers flow in, forming a sea of ​​causality in the void.

Such a spectacular scene made Xu Ying feel horrified.

This sea of ​​karma will explode sooner or later, dragging the other side into greater disaster! He realized.

Changsun Shenghai also noticed this sea of ​​cause and effect and couldn't help but be moved. This sea of ​​cause and effect gave him an ominous feeling.

The two of them each withdrew their gazes and looked at the ring of chaos.

The energy of chaos exists in a growing universe. It should have dissipated soon, turning into the avenue of heaven and earth, nourishing all things. But this ring of chaos has never shown signs of dissolving. It has become a climate.

Xu Ying said, If the other side is destroyed in the future, it should start from here.

Changsun Shenghai nodded lightly and said: The Nine Innate Paths go back and forth in cycles. When the energy of chaos on the other side no longer melts away, it means that the Nine Innate Paths started from chaos and have stagnated and no longer evolve. This is the decline of prosperity. signs.

Xu Ying's eyes flashed: It's just that there is no way to know how fast it will decline from its peak.

Today, the other side is still extremely powerful, with jurisdiction over thousands of universes. Thousands of people from other universes still come to the other side every day, dreaming of obtaining the status of a saint and achieving supreme achievements.

However, it is still unknown whether he will survive after arriving.

The Taoist master is still powerful, and the Taoist master who masters the innate spiritual treasure is even more powerful! But Luo Taizong is the soul of the universe after all, and it is not easy to destroy him.

Xu Ying thought for a moment and said, I thought that we could kill Luo Taizong by changing the way of heaven and earth. He is the soul of heaven and earth, so I will weaken him by weakening the way of heaven and earth. If I go one step further, I can directly change the other side. The great avenue of heaven and earth can also kill him!

Changsun Shenghai thought: You can also break the other side and split the other side to weaken his strength. But the best way, I think, is to use the Great Way of Reincarnation to wash away his cultivation and let him be reincarnated. Then there is the Universe Soul. It will be much easier to kill him this way.

Xu Ying's eyes lit up and he said quickly: I also thought of an idea! That is to take him into the sea of ​​chaos and isolate him from the other side. This way we can kill him!

Changsun Shenghai's thoughts spread and he said with a smile: Tai Yi can kill him! Tai Yi Dao is the Hunyuan state of the Heaven and Earth Dao. There is no real Heaven and Earth Dao. Tai Yi Dao kills him, beats him into Hunyuan, and he dies. !”

Xu Ying said excitedly: So, Wuji, Hongmeng, Chaos, Annihilation, and Killing can all kill him!

The two were in high spirits and discussed ways to deal with Luo Taizong.

They were rare geniuses in the world. Even though Luo Taizong had profound cultivation and superb Taoism, in their eyes, they could still think of thousands of ways to deal with him.

I think the avenue of cause and effect can also be used to connect his cause and effect to a universe that is about to die. When the universe breaks out, a catastrophe will break out in his body at the same time!

Why not pass the disaster to him?

The two discussed for a long time and came up with the safest path to eradicate Luo Taizong, which was to first weaken the Heaven and Earth Avenue on the other side and smash the other side, and Luo Taizong's strength would be greatly reduced.

Then he changed part of the other side of the road to make him worse, and then gathered the Tao masters who practiced Chaos Hongmeng Wuji Taiyi and Annihilation to deal with him together and wear away his cultivation.

After killing him, immediately take his body into the Sea of ​​Chaos and destroy it. This will prevent him from resurrecting on the other side of the world. Xu Ying said with a smile.

At this time, Luo Taizong's voice came from behind the two of them: Well said! Well said! If you two persuade other Taoists to use this method to deal with me, maybe I will really fall into your hands.

The smiles on the faces of Xu Ying and Changsun Shenghai froze, and their bodies became stiff.

Xu Ying quietly handed Changsun Shenghai a piece of Taoist alliance order, turned around, looked at Luo Taizong with a smile on his face, and said with a smile: It turns out to be Brother Luo. Where do we meet in life? When did Master Luo come?

Luo Taizong's face looked a little unsightly, and he was obviously seriously injured. He snorted coldly and said, When you were discussing how to kill me, I came here.

Changsun Shenghai's face suddenly changed, his heart was pounding, and he secretly thought it was terrible.

Just now, the two of them got carried away and came up with various ways to kill Luo Taizong, and it seemed that Luo Taizong heard all of them.

How did Master Hua and the others do this? They actually let him escape! Xu Ying smiled broadly and gritted his teeth secretly.

Luo Taizong sneered and said: If Quanzi, Hua Shengsheng, Lin Chuanting and other juniors use your methods to kill me, they might really be able to kill me. But they will also have to pay a heavy price. If most of them don't die, they can't even think of sending me on my way! As for you two , don’t even think about it!”

When he said this, he suddenly coughed up blood.

That blood was not mortal blood, but Dao blood.

The Immortal's Dao is the same as the body, and the Dao master is one body. Their physical soul is the Dao. Under severe injuries, the Dao is broken, and the broken Dao is in the blood.

Obviously, he was afraid that Hua, Lin, Luo, Tongtian and others would catch up with him while he was escaping, and his injuries would become aggravated.

Xu Ying also held a Dao Alliance Order in his hand and said with concern: Brother Luo Dao is seriously injured? I will activate the Dao Alliance Order and ask fellow Dao Alliance members to come to rescue him.

Need not!

Luo Taizong raised his hand and sneered, If I want to kill you, it will be useless if you show the Dao Alliance Order. But I am indeed seriously injured, and I need you two to help me avoid being chased.

He suddenly flashed and fell into the great cave of Changsun Shenghai.

The flood source cave of Changsun Shenghai is vast and boundless, containing the great avenues of the world and the majestic evolution of the universe. Even Luo Taizong was amazed when he saw it and praised: You are Changsun Shenghai? No wonder Xu Ying was full of praise for you and said you Understand the nine innate ways.

Changsun Shenghai was surprised and happy. He glanced at Xu Ying and thought to himself: So I am so powerful in his heart!

Luo Taizong entered Qiyan Xuankong Ridge and said: I will heal my injuries here. You two will take me away immediately. Also, don't be too smart. Although I am seriously injured, it will be easy to kill you!

Changsun Shenghai asked hurriedly: Where are you going?

Wherever you go, just avoid these Tao masters! When I recover, I will kill them like butchering dogs! They are coming!

Xu Ying and Changsun Shenghai left immediately after hearing this.

As soon as they left, they saw a flash of light, and Master Hua arrived with a hundred innate spiritual treasures, and landed behind them with a rumble.

Xu Ying and Changsun Shenghai had a sudden thought and hurriedly stopped.

Xu Ying turned around and said with a smile: Disciple Xu Ying, I would like to pay my respects to Master Hua.

Changsun Shenghai also turned around quickly and said: Disciple Changsun Shenghai, pay homage to Master Hua.

Hua Dao Master has a majestic body and his eyes are like lightning. He scans the endless starry sky and layers of void in an instant, searching for Luo Taizong's whereabouts, but finds nothing.

His eyes swept across the two of them. Xu Ying and Changsun Shenghai were looked at inside and out by those eyes as if they were electrocuted!

The two of them secretly thought that something was wrong. Master Hua was the most ferocious and violent among the three masters. If they found out that Luo Taizong was hiding in the Hongyuan Cave of Changsun Shenghai, they would probably kill him indiscriminately with just one axe. Kill them both!

Don't worry.

Luo Taizong's voice came and said, Although Hua Shengsheng's cultivation is not weak, his power is just a rough one and he cannot see the mystery of my Xuan Gong.

Sure enough, as he said, Master Hua did not notice that Luo Taizong was hiding in the flood source of Changsun Shenghai at this moment.

Why are you here?

Master Hua looked gloomy and said calmly, Why did you run away when you saw me? Is it because you are a thief with a guilty conscience?

Xu Ying shook his head and said, Disciple doesn't dare.

Master Hua's gaze fell firmly on his face and said: Xu Ying, my disciple Li Xiao stole my Lingxing Sect, was it you who was the one responsible?

Xu Ying was stunned and said, Why did the Taoist Master say this?

Master Hua showed a fierce look in his eyes and was about to kill someone. Suddenly, he felt a fierce murderous aura appear behind him. As long as he moved, he would be pierced by a sharp sword!

Taoist Tongtian walked slowly, stood behind Taoist Hua, and said calmly: Is Taoist Hua here to pursue Luo Taizong, or is he here to kill my disciples and friends?

Master Hua snorted coldly and did not dare to turn around.

Now that the calamity is strong, Master Tongtian's cultivation is getting stronger and stronger, and he has the upper hand at this moment, making him dare not act recklessly.

At this time, Master Luo drove up and said with a smile: Why do you two want to kill each other and bleed like rivers of blood when you meet? The top priority is to eradicate my rebellious father!

Master Tongtian restrained his murderous intent and said: This will not happen again.

Master Hua turned around and said calmly: Tongtian, don't think that because the killings on the other side are in full swing, you can do whatever you want. Next time you point your sword at me, I will kill you without mercy!

At this time, Dao Master Lin had placed flags behind him and offered sacrifices to various spiritual treasures such as bells, tripods, towers, and towers. He rushed over and said with a smile: If Luo Taizong is not eliminated, we are afraid that we will all become his meals. If he is killed, If the restoration is successful, it will be over for the other side! Everyone, please give in.

Taoist Master Hua smiled and said: Forget it, let's give fellow Taoist Lin a face. We have searched this place, but we still can't find Luo Taizong. Now there is only one hiding place for him.

When he said this, everyone's eyes fell on the chaotic ring of astonishing scale.

The three Taoist masters Hua, Lin, and Luo rose into the air and rushed towards the Chaos Ring.

The Chaos Ring is full of Chaos Qi. Their eyes cannot see through the Chaos Ring, so they have to enter the Chaos Ring to explore.

Xu Ying and Changsun Shenghai breathed a sigh of relief and were about to leave when Master Tongtian said: In the past few days, the other side will become very dangerous. Don't move around at will. Just stay with me.

Xu Ying and Changsun Shenghai had no choice but to stay with him.

After a while, Dao Master Luo, Dao Master Lin and Dao Master Hua flew out from the ring of chaos, obviously not finding Luo Taizong.

Taiyi and others came to find them, and met the three masters of Hua, Lin and Luo from a distance, but did not come close.

Seeing this, Xu Ying smiled and said, My unfaithful and unjust teacher is here, Lord Tongtian, so I will take my leave.

He was about to leave when suddenly Luo Taizong's voice came clearly into his ears, saying: If you dare to leave, I will crush Chang Sun Shenghai's head!

Changsun Shenghai felt extremely wronged and thought to himself: Why did you crush my head when he left?

Xu Ying stopped again and said with a smile: I suddenly remembered that I rebelled against my teacher. If I ran over, I would be misunderstood by others.

Taoist Master Tongtian glanced at him and said nothing.

Luo Taizong breathed a sigh of relief, but secretly worried in his heart: Tongtian asked the two brats to follow him all the time, so I had no chance to escape. However, if Tongtian is eliminated, maybe it can be done.

After all, his cultivation strength is much higher than that of Master Tongtian. Even if he is seriously injured now, he thinks that he can kill Tongtian.

As long as I regain a little more strength, I can take advantage of Tongtian's unpreparedness and kill him!

He rushed to treat his injuries.

Master Tongtian took Xu Ying and Changsun Shenghai with him to continue searching for Luo Taizong's whereabouts. Xu Ying and Changsun Shenghai were also worried that if Luo Taizong suddenly came out, Tongtian's life would be endangered.

Fortunately, the three avenue masters Hua, Lin, and Luo were also worried about meeting Luo Taizong alone, so the four avenue masters were not too far apart, making it easier for them to support each other.

Luo Taizong also knew that if he made a sneak attack at this time, it would be difficult to please him, so he held back.

Other Taoist masters were also searching the sky and the earth to find Luo Taizong's movements, but they still found nothing.

On this day, the four Taoist masters were walking hand in hand. Suddenly a woman came to look for her and said, I have met all of you fellow Taoists in the lower palace Jiexuan.

A person from the heavenly realm? Hua Dao Master looked fierce and wanted to kill someone.

Master Luo raised his hand and said with a smile: Brother Hua Dao, please be patient and ask her why she is here first. The girl's surname is Gong, what does she have to do with Dao Zun?

Gong Jiexuan smiled lightly and said, It's my father.

Dao Master Hua, Dao Master Lin and Dao Master Luo felt awe-inspiring. Even Luo Taizong, who was in the Hanging Ridge of Changsun Shenghai, felt nervous.

Tao Zun!

Just mentioning these two words is enough to make them alert!

Taoist Lin coughed and said, Why did Miss Gong come here?

Gong Jiexuan smiled and said: I heard that fellow Taoists are searching for Luo Taizong's whereabouts, so I came here to make suggestions. I have a plan to kill Luo Taizong.

Master Luo's expression moved slightly: I would like to hear the details.

Gong Jiexuan said sternly: First cut down the Dao of Heaven and Earth on the other side to weaken his strength, and then join forces with Tao masters who practice Chaos, Hongmeng, Wuji, Taiyi and Annihilation to wear down his cultivation, and then kill him.

Luo Taizong's heart suddenly jumped.

Only the voice of Master Hua came: Luo Taizong is hiding, how can we find him? And, where can we find the Taoist who practices chaos, Hongmeng, Wuji and Annihilation?

Gong Jiexuan's voice came: There are a few in my heaven realm. Moreover, they are already here.

Before she finished speaking, she saw Cen Xi, Jing Ning, Dong Xuan and others approaching. They also broke through and became Tao masters.

With the addition of Taoist Master Tai, we still lack a fellow Taoist who practices Nirvana. Taoist Master Luo frowned.

Master Tongtian Taoist said: I do know a Taoist friend who has practiced Nirvana and has made great achievements. Unfortunately, he has never achieved Taoism.

Everyone was surprised, Taoist master Lin said: May I ask who this fellow Taoist is?

Taoist Master Tongtian's eyes fell on Xu Ying.

Everyone's eyes turned to Xu Ying.

Luo Taizong quietly sent a message: Fellow Daoist Xu, don't act recklessly, or I will kill Changsun Shenghai!

Xu Ying apologized and said: Dear Taoist brothers, I have indeed cultivated the Dao of Nirvana, but I am still far away from the realm of the Tao Master. I need a powerful magic weapon with Nirvana Sky Fire to be able to fight side by side with you. Let's work together to eradicate Luo Taizong. It's a pity that such a magic weapon...

Dao Master Lin said flatly: I have it! After that, he took out the Nirvana Fire Spear.

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