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Chapter 850 The Battle of the Taoist Master

Did Luo Taizong realize that Taiyi is actually strong on the outside but weak on the inside, and doesn't understand the Nine Innate Paths at all?

Xu Ying felt uneasy.

Taiyi now possesses Taiyi Avenue and Hongmeng Avenue. Hongmeng has not cultivated to the realm of Tao Master, but only the immortal realm. This was extremely rare for other Taoist masters, but for Luo Taizong, such Taiyi was simply not qualified to teach outstanding disciples like Xu Ying and Changsun Shenghai.

Then, it is obvious who is the person who went back in time to kill people and paralyzed Master Luo.

Luo Taizong suddenly felt something and looked in the direction of Xu Ying.

Xu Ying had a sudden thought, and then calmed down: I have three Dao Alliance Tokens, he doesn't dare to kill me, he doesn't dare to kill...he just dares!

At this moment, Changsun Shenghai's voice came from behind Xu Ying, saying in surprise: Uncle Xu, why are you here?

Xu Ying turned around and saw Changsun Shenghai walking towards him. He hadn't seen him for many years. Changsun Shenghai's cultivation was getting stronger and stronger, but he was always suppressed and did not break through to the immortal realm.

He is the founder of Qiyan Xuankong Ridge, he protects one side, he is powerful, and he also has the combat power of Dao Lord.

But now that Xu promised to surpass him, he was considered to have been left behind.

But when Xu Ying took a closer look at Changsun Shenghai's realm, he discovered that he had also comprehended the secret of self-sufficiency in my nature and achieved the unification of all the great avenues in his body!

It is extremely difficult to realize that my nature is self-sufficient in Taiyi. It took Taiyi Daojun 600,000 years from being defeated by Emperor Haotian to realize this.

Changsun Shenghai probably came to the understanding after hearing about my self-sufficiency from Qingxuan, Shengzun and others. ——He is also in the Taoist League on the other side, and people in the Taoist League often keep in touch. The self-sufficiency of my nature has also spread to the three realms through the Taoist Alliance on the other side.

As expected of senior brother. Although I am a level higher than him, it is not difficult for him to catch up with me. Xu Ying secretly praised in his heart.

Changsun Shenghai couldn't help but be moved when he saw Xu Ying. He once looked at Xu Ying as if he were watching fire, but now when he looks at Xu Ying again, he has a hazy and unfathomable feeling.

Holy Sea, Qiyan Xuankong Ridge is too close to here.

Xu Ying whispered, I'm afraid that the other party can destroy your place with just one fluctuation.

Changsun Shenghai smiled and said: Xuankong Ridge cannot be destroyed.

Xu Ying was startled and looked back, only to see that Qiyan Xingkong Ridge had disappeared. He suddenly realized: Did you include Xuankong Ridge into the source of the flood?

Seeing his surprise, Changsun Shenghai felt proud and said with a smile: Qiyan Xuankong Ridge has always been in my flood source! Uncle Master, although my realm is not as good as yours now, my Nine-Certificate Flood Source Great Cave Sutra, By cultivating the Great Cave of Flood Source and cultivating to a profound level, the Flood Source will become bigger and bigger! It is not impossible to eventually evolve the universe!

Xu Ying was moved and hurriedly asked for advice, Senior Brother, can you please explain in detail the mystery of Hongyuan Cave.

Changsun Shenghai said: You are also taking the path of Hongyuan, but I am more radical. The path of Hongyuan that I have taken, after cultivating to the perfection of the Immortal Realm, I need to complete the Opening of the Heaven by Hongyuan to enter the Tao. The main realm. To be honest, it is difficult for the traditional Taoist realm to include my Nine-Certificate Hongyuan Great Cave Sutra!

Xu Ying was greatly shocked. After careful consideration, Changsun Shenghai indeed thought further and more radically than he did.

His Hongyuan Opening the Sky is definitely a great feat!

The traditional Dao Master realm, the realm of being a master of the Dao, is nothing more than a Dao without structure and a unified body of Hunyuan, but it is limited to the Dao that one masters.

But Changsun Shenghai's Hongyuan Kaitian wants to open up a avenue that he has not yet mastered at the moment of opening!

Big brother is still big brother.

Xu Ying praised sincerely, I'm not as far away as you are.

Changsun Shenghai smiled brightly and said: My Hongyuan Cave, it doesn't matter if it hides Xuankong Ridge, it doesn't matter even if it hides thousands of Milky Ways.

Xu Ying was filled with admiration and imitated his idea in a blink of an eye, thinking: The path he took was the great road outside, and he could use the power of heaven and earth to transform the flood source hole. The path I took was the great road inside, Although the number of paths is different, I can also flood the sky and open up the sky to explore the mystery of the avenue.

Changsun Shenghai said: The only thing I lack is a chaotic spiritual root that can unify my skills.

The reason why Xu Ying was able to unify the Nine Innate Paths was because he had obtained seedlings from ginseng fruit trees, cultivated them from an early age, and grown with himself to produce various ginseng path fruits.

The ginseng fruit tree is the spiritual root of the universe in the three realms, so it can unify the nine realms.

Xu Ying's heart moved slightly and he said with a smile: This matter is simple. There are so many innate spiritual treasures here. Which one do you like, I will get it for you.

Changsun Shenghai smiled and said: Don't be joking.

Even so, his eyes still wandered, looking at the innate spiritual treasures held by each avenue master.

The structures of these innate spirit treasures are different. There are traditional magic weapon forms, vegetation forms, long rivers, mountain seals, etc. The power of each kind of spirit treasure is astonishing. Some of them emit fluctuations that are even in the Taoist form. Above the Lord!

Changsun Shenghai's eyes fell on a strange tree behind Taoist Lin, and said: This treasure can bear Tao fruits, which is more suitable... wait a minute!

He suddenly saw another innate spiritual treasure belonging to Master Lin, and his heart beat violently.

I saw that the innate spiritual treasure was a spear, not the one in Dao Master Lin's hand. This gun is entwined with the Nirvana Sky Fire. The gun body has natural ribs, and the structure is complex and exquisite. It is a strange avenue structure, tempered in the Sky Fire, and constantly swimming!

He glanced over and felt attracted.

This spear should have been transformed by the chaotic spiritual roots of our Imperial Realm! The Imperial Realm should not have been extinct. It was transferred to the other side and fell into annihilation. Therefore, this gun did not annihilate, but was contaminated with the Sky Fire of Annihilation!

Changsun Shenghai gritted his teeth and stared at the Annihilation Spear.

Xu Ying followed his gaze, understood, and smiled: You want that? Okay, I'll find an opportunity to get it for you!

Changsun Shenghai looked at him in surprise, but saw his eyes flashing, not knowing what he was thinking.

Luo Taizong looked around and did not mention the Tai Dao Master. He smiled and said: Is this how you welcome old friends? After so many years, you still have no choice but to surround me. I am so disappointed.

Holy King Xuannv took a step forward and shouted coldly: The reason why the disaster on the other side is so serious has to do with you! Luo Taizong, you have been burdened with too many disasters. Today, I will let you answer the disaster and eliminate the disaster for me on the other side!

Luo Taizong laughed loudly and suddenly came straight towards Xuannv. As his body moved, Hua, Lin, Luo, Taiyi and others activated their spiritual treasures. The power was simply world-destroying!

Under the shroud of that power, all the avenues of heaven and earth, including time and space, yin and yang, life and death, gods and demons, all disappeared!

Only the spiritual root of chaos generates the innate Tao power of the universe, evolving Tao phenomena and bursting out Tao power!

At this moment, the fluctuations of various spiritual treasures piled on top of each other, adding up to each other, and turned into an extremely terrifying light, like a flood opening the sky, like an extinguishing world, like the tide of the sea of ​​chaos, blasting towards Luo Taizong!

Changsun Shenghai's face changed drastically, and he hurriedly activated his magical power, but was shocked to find that all his great avenues could not be used!

His attainments in the Nine Innate Paths are certainly extremely high, not inferior to Xu Ying's, and even some of his attainments in the Great Dao are even higher than Xu Ying's.

But the people who take action are Tao Masters. In front of the Tao Master, even the most brilliant immortal-level Dao can be easily controlled by him!

I shouldn't have been so close!

Changsun Shenghai suddenly regretted in his heart. He originally planned to flee far away after taking over Xuankong Ridge, but found that Xu Ying was nearby, so he came over.

I didn't expect that this battle would be so dangerous, and even a Dao Lord like him wouldn't be able to watch the battle!

But at this moment, the two of them were surrounded by endless space. Not only was the space extending, but the void was also spreading, cutting off the terrifying fluctuations from them!

Not only that, the space around the two people was distorted, and time was also speeding up or slowing down, so that the power of those spiritual treasures could always avoid them.

What is really unavoidable is that the reincarnation is still spinning, pulling all kinds of terrifying innate Tao power into the reincarnation!

There are also some Taoist powers that have changed their cause and effect and calamity, without having any impact on them.

In addition, from time to time, innate Tao power would impact, but it would directly turn into the Five Innate Tao Powers, and then turn into Wuji Tao power, which would be directly absorbed by Xu Ying.

What's even more terrifying is that Changsun Shenghai can feel that there are large and small floods of annihilation around them, constantly sucking the light that breaks through the infinite time and space into these floods that are invisible to the naked eye!

He could feel that Xu Ying's cultivation and magic power were constantly improving.

It is extremely difficult to improve one's cultivation level in the Immortal Realm. It takes millions or tens of millions of years to improve each step, so it is impossible to achieve it.

And Xu Ying stood beside him, using the avenues of Wuji, Reincarnation, Annihilation, etc. to continuously absorb the power and light of the innate spiritual treasures. In just a few moments, his cultivation level improved significantly!

What's going on with his technique? It's very different from my Nine-Certificate Hongyuan! Zhangsun Shenghai was surprised and confused.

The two of them actually stood there, watching this unprecedented battle!

In the dazzling light, Luo Taizong actually did not dodge, mobilized all his strength, and went straight to meet the power of those innate spiritual treasures!

Xu Ying and Changsun Shenghai stared straight at each other. The next moment, they felt as if they were falling towards Luo Taizong. They are indeed falling. Not only the two of them, but also the nearby time and space, the land on the other side, and the stars in the sky are also falling towards the battleground!

Xu Ying could no longer stabilize his figure, so he immediately activated his Taoist skills and led Zhangsun Shenghai back!

However, they fell too fast, even with his cultivation level, he couldn't resist them!

Xu made a quick decision, activated the apricot-yellow flag, and waved it vigorously. The flag surface trembled, and boundless black and yellow energy surged out, blocking the falling momentum for a moment.

This flag is also an innate spiritual treasure. Although it is one of the four great flags, it is the most powerful one among them. In the past, Xu Ying could not exert the power of this treasure, but now his cultivation strength is better than that of I don't know how many people he had at that time. After raising the banner, although he is not able to compete with this power, he can still block it for a moment.

The two immediately took this opportunity to retreat.

Xu Ying waved the flag again and again, and the two retreated again and again, only to see countless stars being stretched, twisted, and whizzing past them!

The continent on the other side was also torn and shattered, turning into a raging sky fire of death, and then went away!

In a short period of time, countless people died on the other side. They fell into the battlefield and turned into ashes!

Xu Ying looked forward, only to see that the place had turned into a torrent of chaos, shattering the flying stars and turning everything into the energy of chaos!

The Qi of Chaos is shaped like a ring, and within the ring are the Taoist masters, and the innate spiritual treasures are like bright stars. However, Luo Taizong, alone, could attack so many innate spiritual treasures and block them!

Xu Ying looked straight, and at the moment of shock, he saw that the second wave of attacks from Hua, Lin, Luo, Tongtian, Taiyi and others had arrived, an explosion of power that could be called world-destroying!


Xu Ying's face changed drastically, he waved the apricot flag with all his strength, and retreated again and again with his grandson Shenghai, only to see the energy of chaos rapidly expanding, and the two of them fell even more violently!

Even a galaxy in the starry sky on the other side was pulled, and the rolling stars were like flowing water, injected into the ring of chaos!

The apricot yellow flag can't stop it!

When Xu Ying saw this situation, he immediately knew something was wrong. He immediately screamed and raised the lotus pond, and the chaos lotus held up the flood source and appeared in front of them.

However, when this spiritual root saw this situation, it knew something was wrong, so it burrowed back into the flood of promised flesh.

Lord Lian, if you win, you will both be honored, if you lose, you will suffer! Xu Ying shouted.

Chaos Lotus seemed to understand his words, and also knew that this matter was a matter of life and death and could not be avoided, so she stopped immediately.

Holy Sea, Master Zhong, give me a helping hand!

The big bell flew out, activated the Xuan Gong, and saw caves and abyss spinning and dancing around the bell body. It was really powerful and astonishing.

Although Zhangsun Shenghai was surprised, he didn't think too much and activated the Nine-proof Hongyuan Great Cave Sutra to adjust his power and pour into the Chaos Lotus!

The Chaos Lotus was activated by them, and the lotus flowers bloomed. With a buzzing sound, the brilliant light rushed forward!

This ray of light met with the power from the collision of many innate spiritual treasures and Luo Taizong. After being slightly blocked, Xu Ying suddenly felt that his fall was blocked, and immediately led them to rise up, triggering reincarnation and cutting through the time and space behind them. escape!

However, at this moment, the third collision between Luo Taizong and a group of Taoist masters broke out. Xu Ying was shocked. He looked into the starry sky and saw that the entire universe on the other side seemed to be twisting and rotating, towards the chaos formed by this battle. Falling into the ring!

Can't escape...

The two of them desperately mobilized the Chaos Lotus and blasted towards the Chaos Ring. The Chaos Lotus also knew that it had to fight hard and immediately mobilized the infinite spiritual light in the lotus pond to unleash the strongest blow!

After this bombardment, the falling momentum was slightly blocked for a moment, but the next moment they continued to fall into the ring of chaos!

Xu Ying, Changsun Shenghai, Da Zhong and Chaos Lian had resigned themselves to their fate and looked desperately at the approaching battlefield.

Luo Taizong is too strong...

Just when they thought of this, Luo Taizong suddenly vomited blood and jumped out of the siege.

The moment he jumped out, time and space shook violently, and the force of his fall suddenly bounced back. The continents and stars on the other side that had not been swallowed by chaos suddenly returned to their original positions!

However, the place where the battle took place turned into a dark and empty space, with only the wildly rotating ring of chaos still in place and not dissolving.

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