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Chapter 852 The Sword Binds the Canglong (Please ask for guaranteed monthly tickets on July 1st)

Changsun Shenghai's mouth was dry and his heart was beating wildly. He didn't know whether he was sad or happy for a moment.

Fortunately, Xu Ying promised to get the Fire Spear of Nirvana for himself, but he didn't expect that he would get it now.

Sadly, Luo Taizong is hiding in his cave and can kill him at any time.

Xu Ying took the Nirvana Fire Spear from the hands of Dao Master Lin, and suddenly channeled the Nirvana Flood. Suddenly, his Tao power surged, and he had the aura of a demon king who wanted to annex the world, annihilate all living beings, and return the world to chaos!

He stabbed out the spear, and the tip of the spear burst out with streams of annihilation sky fire, spinning and turning into large and small floods of annihilation, flying in all directions!

Even if he is just an immortal, it still makes all Taoist masters feel a strong sense of discomfort, as if they will be torn apart if they confront him!

Xu Ying couldn't help but be surprised and delighted. This Nirvana Fire Spear was a complete innate spiritual treasure, and it was infected with the Nirvana Heavenly Fire due to the Nirvana of the Imperial Realm. It was more powerful than other innate spiritual treasures!

The moment he took it in his hand, he secretly regretted agreeing to give this treasure to Changsun Shenghai.

This spiritual treasure is too much to his liking.

The Avenue of Nirvana is indeed domineering!

Gong Jiexuan praised repeatedly and said with a smile, Fellow Taoist Xu, there have been many misunderstandings in the past, please forgive me. Fellow Taoist, the avenue of Nirvana is extremely dangerous and may be controlled by Nirvana at any time. If you feel unwell, my father will It can help fellow Taoists clear up their doubts.

Xu Ying thanked him and said: Although this Nirvana Fire Spear is good, my cultivation level is not high. It's just a magic weapon with Nirvana Fire. I'm afraid it's still not enough to deal with Luo Taizong. It would be best to get another one...

He looked at Dao Master Lin, who shook his head and said: Innate spiritual treasures with annihilating heavenly fire are rare, and I only have this one.

Xu Ying looked at Dao Master Luo with expectant eyes.

Taoist Master Luo said apologetically: Fellow Taoist Xu, I don't have any here either.

Xu Ying looked at Master Hua, who pretended not to see him.

Xu Ying coughed and said, Brother Hua Dao, you should put righteousness first, why should you care about a mere spiritual treasure?

Master Hua snorted and took out an emerald-green lamp. The flame core of the lamp was a ball of celestial fire of annihilation. He said, This lamp is called the blue sky of annihilation. It contains the avenue of annihilation. Return it to me after you have used it.

Xu Ying took it carefully and looked at it carefully, but he saw that the Nirvana Sky Fire of the Nirvana Blue Sky Lamp was different from the Nirvana Sky Fire of the Nirvana Fire Spear.

In this lamp flame, it seems that there is a complete universe that is dying!

Xu Ying's heart was pounding: It contains the Great Way of Nirvana, it's really a treasure! Old thief Hua must have sacrificed my precious lantern thousands of times. I don't know if washing it in the Sea of ​​Chaos can wash away the old thief's mark. ?”

Gong Jiexuan smiled and said, Congratulations to fellow Taoist Xu for winning two treasures.

I lent it to him.

Master Hua coughed and said, Little girl, don't rush to win over the rebels from the Three Realms. First, tell me how to find Luo Taizong.

Gong Jiexuan smiled and said: My Taoist brother Jiangning in the heaven realm has already achieved the enlightenment of cause and effect and became a Taoist master. As the primordial spirit of the universe, Luo Taizong is responsible for the great road of heaven and earth on the other side. He is also suffering from catastrophe and deep cause and effect. He Just open Dao Eyes and you will know where you are hiding. Brother Jiangning!

Dao Master Jiang Ning stepped out and was about to activate his Karma Eyes to see what was going on. Suddenly, his hair stood on end. He felt an extremely sharp sword pressing against his back. His body froze and he did not dare to move.

He wanted to speak, but he felt that as soon as he opened his mouth to lose his temper, he would be pierced by the sword!

Taoist Tongtian stood behind him, looked at his back, and said, Wait a minute. We still have one Taoist Hongmeng missing.

Gong Jiexuan smiled slightly and said: Fellow Taoist Tongtian, I am cultivating Hongmeng Dao. Although I have not become a Taoist master, I am not far behind.

She held up a purple flag and said, This thing is also an innate spiritual treasure that can help me fight.

Taoist Tongtian still suppressed Taoist Jiangning with his own murderous intention, and continued: There is no rush to find Luo Taizong. Our top priority is to weaken Luo Taizong first, divide the other side, and weaken the road of heaven and earth on the other side. If we can find Luo Taizong now , to alert the snake, it will be even more difficult to find him next time.”

Luo Taoist thought for a moment and said: What Taoist Taoist Tongtian said is not unreasonable. Everyone, if he notices my cunning and rebellious father, it will be difficult for us to find him. If he escapes from the other side, we are afraid There will be no peace forever.

Master Lin said: This time we must formulate a perfect strategy to ensure that nothing goes wrong and send Luo Taizong on his way!

Everyone nodded.

Master Tongtian said: Brother Luo Dao, Brother Lin Dao, and Brother Hua, go and destroy the other side. The others will stay here to practice encircling and suppressing Luo Taizong.

Master Lin asked, Where are you, fellow Taoist?

Tongtian Dao Master said calmly: I am in charge of killing, and it is not suitable to split the other shore and cut down the great road of heaven and earth on the other shore.

Hua, Lin, and Luo each nodded. Taoist Master Tongtian is indeed not suitable for this. The three Taoist masters left separately. Tai Dao advocated that he wanted to speak, but he still stopped.

Xu Ying was filled with emotion and said: Back then, the other side used green rocks to smash the three realms. I didn't expect that today the Taoist master on the other side would personally smash the other side. Who knew that this was not a disaster?

Tai Dao Master's eyes fell on him and said: Have you noticed anything?

Xu Ying shook his head: I haven't cultivated the Dao of Luck to the level of a Dao Master yet.

Tai Dao Master's eyes fell on Haining Dao Master, Haining Dao Master said: This has not happened yet, and I don't know if it is a disaster.

Master Tongtian said: Everyone, please practice the combined attack method. Fellow Taoist Xu, Shenghai, you come with me.

Xu Ying and Changsun Shenghai followed him, away from the Taoist masters, to a remote place. Xu Ying took out the Nirvana Fire Spear and whispered: Holy Sea, take it first. When we fight with Luo Taizong, you can find an opportunity to go to the Sea of ​​Chaos to wash this gun.

Changsun Shenghai exclaimed in shock: How did this happen? If Master Lin asks...

Xu Ying smiled and said: Dao Master Lin has so many spiritual treasures, one more is not too much, one less is not a lot. The fire-pointed spear is originally a thing of your imperial realm, you take it first, I have my own means of self-protection.

Changsun Shenghai hesitated for a moment, but was moved by his words about the imperial realm, and accepted the spear.

The Nirvana Fire Spear fell into his hand, and the Nirvana Heavenly Fire suddenly surged towards him, whizzing towards him. The gun's body was filled with Taoist sounds, bursting with spiritual light, resonating with his Dao!

Changsun Shenghai became energetic and quickly put away the fire-pointed spear.

The master of Tongtian Dao sacrificed the Immortal Killing Sword, and fixed time and space with one sword. The sword light poured down and turned into a light curtain, blocking the outside world's sight. He said lightly: Brother Luo Dao, please come out. I will let you live.

Luo Taizong walked out of Changsun Shenghai's Hanging Ridge and said in surprise: Tongtian, do you know I'm hiding here?

Taoist Master Tongtian said calmly: The calamity and killing are complementary to each other. You are carrying the calamity and the killing is extremely heavy, so I can naturally see where you are hiding. I just can't bear to hurt my disciples, so I don't Expose you.

Luo Taizong laughed and said: The Taoist who masters killing actually has the feelings of a human being. Taoist Master Tongtian, the way of killing is a ruthless way. If you have feelings, you are destined to not reach the end!

Master Tongtian said: Killing is ruthless, but I am not a plant, how can I be ruthless? I control killing, not become a killer. Luo Taizong, you have gone astray, and you are destined to never reach the end.

Luo Taizong snorted and said to Changsun Shenghai: Your skills are not bad, but you still lack the innate spiritual treasure that can unify the nine innate realms. If you can get one spiritual treasure, you will be very successful. You are better than that boy Xu Ying, It's more to my liking. I have a Dao Alliance Order that I can give to you, but it's a pity that I gave it away.

Tao Alliance Order?

Changsun Shenghai was slightly startled. He remembered the token that Xu Ying had thrust into his hand. He quickly took it out and said, Is this the piece?

Luo Taizong was stunned, looked at Xu Ying, and then at Changsun Shenghai. He was filled with emotion and said with a smile: Fate, what a fate! Since you have my token, I can't treat you badly. Tongtian, yours Disciple, please lend me a few days, I have something to teach him.

When Xu Ying heard this, he looked hopeful and said, But the secret skill of the Dao Alliance? Can I learn it too?

Luo Taizong couldn't help but get angry when he saw him, and sneered: You have no part in it! You will join other Taoist masters to kill me soon, how can I teach you the truth?

Master Tongtian said: Brother Taoist, you don't have many chances to escape. If the three masters Hua, Lin, and Luo weaken the power of the heaven and earth, your original injury has not healed, and your cultivation level is greatly damaged, I'm afraid you may not be able to escape. Can escape.

Luo Taizong laughed loudly, shook his head and said: I am not here to escape, but to solve the catastrophe on the other side and to pursue the abandoned son of the Taoist alliance. The matter has not been resolved, how can I escape? Your disciple is a What a good young man, he has already blazed his own path, and I am the icing on the cake. Tongtian, do you want to borrow it?

Taoist Master Tongtian knew that he had seen Sun Shenghai's potential, so he cherished his talents and nodded gently: Please do so.

Luo Taizong immediately took Changsun Shenghai out of the sword energy barrier and disappeared without a trace.

Xu Ying looked at it for a long time and said regretfully: I have never seen the Taoism of the Taoist League.

Taoist Master Tongtian said: Fellow Taoist, since you have the Taoist Alliance Order, why should you care about Luo Taizong's Taoism? Luo Taizong is an ancient god with limited talents. He was born to master the Taoism of heaven and earth, but at the same time it also restricted him. The only Tao methods he can learn from the Tao Alliance are cause and effect, reincarnation, calamity, and killing.

Xu Ying thought about it carefully and had to admit that Master Tongtian had a sharp eye.

Luo Taizong can indeed only learn these four great ways. He cannot learn anything beyond this category, such as Taiyi, which is the fusion of ten thousand ways. For example, Nirvana, which means the annihilation of all ways, he cannot learn. As for Chaos Hongmeng, it is even impossible for him to master it.

The Master of Tongtian Dao said: My lifelong practice as monks lies in walking against the heavens. Only by going against the heavens can we seize life and death. Only by walking against the Tao can we become Tao masters and master the Tao. The world where I live has no restrictions. It holds me, so I have to go out. The great path I practice cannot restrain me, so I have to transcend it and go out!

He held the Immortal Killing Sword in his hand, stabbed Xu Ying with the sword, and whispered: Today the long sword binds the blue dragon, and the fate of the disaster is extinguished and the autumn wind blows! What binds you and me is just the Taoist heart!

Xu Ying saw the sword light coming towards him, and saw the road of calamity from the killing blow. The calamity was so entangled that he had no way to hide!

And from the killing, I saw the avenue of Nirvana, which was going to devour and destroy me!

The sword's light flickered and was withdrawn in a flash, without hurting him at all.

Tongtian Taoist returned his sword to its sheath. The old man was tall and thin, floating away, and his voice came from far away: You can only be freed from the shackles of the Taoist master. Whoever becomes a Taoist master will not be able to go further on other avenues. possible?

Xu Ying watched him go away, his heart racing.

Master Tongtian started his career with swordsmanship. When Cuiyan was destroying the world, he learned the way of killing from swordsmanship. In the era of all heavens and worlds, he achieved great success and walked out of the three realms to the other side.

After going through many ups and downs, he finally achieved enlightenment through killing on the other side and became the master of the Tao.

Now, this slender old man has unknowingly broken through the shackles of the way of killing, comprehending destiny and death through killing, and climbing to a higher level!

Brother Tongtian Taoist, he is really respectable and awesome. He is much better than Hua, Lin and Luo who are stuck in their ways! He admired in his heart.

When Xu Ying returned, he saw Taiyi, Gong Jiexuan, Cenxi, Yuxi, Jiangning and others rehearsing how to cooperate in order to wear down Luo Taizong's cultivation and Taoism.

In a short period of time, they have cooperated extremely closely.

In this battle, Hua, Lin, Luo, and Tongtian were still the main ones to block Luo Taizong's counterattack, while Xu Ying, Taiyi, and others continued to weaken Luo Taizong until they consumed him to death.

Xu Ying did not participate, but sat aside and watched their drill blankly.

There were thoughts flying in his mind, flying to an unknown place.

What binds you and me is just the Taoist mind.

In his ears, he kept recalling the words of Taoist Tongtian. Taoist Tongtian had done it, from the way of swordsmanship to the current three-way Taoist master of tribulation, killing and destruction.

His Taoist heart has never been bound.

He has a long sword in his hand, and the sword binds the blue dragon. He constantly surpasses himself and transcends the world!

And what about yourself?

Is my Taoist heart bound by the nine innate ways?

Can I escape from the Nine Innate Paths?

In the distance, the ground on the other side was shaking. The thick and majestic continent on the other side was suddenly torn apart at this moment. Countless stars were disturbed, their trajectories changed drastically, and the stars were chaotic!

The broken shore moved piece by piece, moving in different directions, and then broke apart again and divided into smaller pieces.

This is exactly the destruction caused by the three avenue masters on the other side who shattered the mortal world on the other side!

The other shore, which was originally one, finally evolved into the scattered appearance of the heavens and the world. The sky and the sea were divided, the heaven and the earth were broken, floods surged into the sky, earth fire spewed out, the earth shook and the mountains shook, the celestial phenomena changed drastically, and various natural disasters followed. !

At the same time, on the opposite side of the other shore, at the edge of the heaven, a young man in a yellow shirt put his hands behind his back and stared at the division of the other shore with a faint look.

Hua Shengsheng has been robbed, Luo Shizong has been robbed, and now Lin Chuanting is also robbed.

He smiled, and everything on the other side was as he expected, advancing in his imagination.

And Luo Taizong, how could you know you were not part of my plan when you came to look for me this time? This time, you are destined to be doomed!

————Brothers, it’s July 1st, please give me a guaranteed monthly ticket! ! !

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