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Chapter 849 Past events on the other side, the ancient god king

Taiyi and others had serious expressions on their faces, especially Holy King Xuannv, who unconsciously exuded a cold and biting murderous intention.

Taiyi coughed and said: Brother Taoist, restrain yourself, so as not to alarm the three great masters.

Holy King Xuannv suppressed her murderous intention.

When Xu Ying saw this, he couldn't help but be surprised and asked: What did this Luo Taizong do? Judging from your looks, it seems that you don't have a good impression of him.

Speaking of which, Xu Ying had a good impression of Luo Taizong. Cheerful and generous, heroic and never procrastinate.

Tian Chengzi sighed and said: Master Luo can still be considered a human being, but Luo Taizong is not a human being.

Xu Ying was stunned, Luo Taizong was not a human being?

Holy King Xuannv said: He is an innate god like me. But he is more powerful. He is a god who was born at the beginning of the world. He possesses supreme power! He has been sacrificed by all living beings, and his incense has been in heaven as early as Before the world was stranded, it was already a supreme myth.

Xu Ying asked tentatively: Is he the primordial spirit of the universe?

Everyone nodded.

Xu Ying realized that Luo Taizong was another ancestral god, but a complete ancestral god!

At that time, because the Three Realms lacked the core of Hongyuan, they were opened up by Dao Zongyuan, the Taoist Master of the Yuan Realm, before they really grew up. Therefore, the Three Realms were born prematurely.

As the primordial spirit of the universe, the Ancestral God was also born prematurely. Later, Xu used Hongyuan's core to mend the sky, and the Ancestral God gradually grew.

However, the Three Realms have never reached their peak, so the strength of the Ancestral God has only reached the level of immortality, which is at most equivalent to a Tao Lord. It was not until later that it was compatible with the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth in the Heaven Realm, that it became an existence at the level of the Dao Lord.

If it were a complete universe, at its peak, its universe soul should be comparable to the Taoist Master. However, neither the Three Realms nor the other shore are at their peak.

My benefactor didn't know that the original civilization on our other side was different from now. At that time, the ancient gods were superior.

Holy King Xuannv spoke softly, Below the ancient gods, there are the descendants of the ancient gods, demigods. Next, there are people with divine blood. Next, there are low-level people. The powerful demigods established the kingdom of God. Rule over the inferiors below.”

It was an extremely wild world. Although civilization had formed, the people on the other side at that time did not behave in a civilized way.

They worshiped the ancient gods and sacrificed their own kind. The ancient gods also liked to eat humans and actively provoked wars between different worlds and countries.

Powerful demigods swept across the battlefield, capturing slaves for the ancient gods to enjoy. The ancient gods occasionally came to the battlefield, killing and devouring human soldiers.

The highest sacrifice is to capture the offspring of the enemy's ancient god and sacrifice it to the ancient god. After the ancient god tastes it, he will reward it.

Even if they kill each other like this, and even eat each other's children, the ancient gods are still in harmony with each other. For the ancient gods, this is just a game with the universe as a chessboard.

Holy King Xuannv said, The person leading this game is Luo Taizong.

She eloquently said that Luo Taizong, as the primordial spirit of the universe, possessed the strongest combat power of that era. He warned the gods that if they want to maintain the rule of the ancient gods, maintain their superior status, and control supreme power, they must not let demigods, descendants, and mortals point the finger at themselves.

Let them have internal conflicts, let them blame each other, attack each other, and let them fight each other. The best among them, the wise scholars among them, die in wars and fights, and our rule will rest easy. Otherwise, they will By joining forces and learning clever ways, it is possible to overthrow us.”

Holy King Xuannv said, Luo Taizong has led us to play this kind of game for billions of years, until we encountered the stranded state of heaven.

Xu Ying listened quietly. He didn't know that there was such a history on the other side.

After being stranded on the other side, Luo Taizong was keenly aware of the danger. When some demigods began to go to heaven, Luo Taizong naturally objected and killed these demigods who went to heaven.

However, some ancient gods also went to the heavenly realm, so Luo Taizong launched a bloody massacre against the demigods and ancient gods.

The ancient gods, demigods, and descendants on the other side united to fight against Luo Taizong and cut off their sacrifices to him.

Luo Taizong was also afraid. He was actually afraid one day, so he compromised and led everyone to the heaven.

When Xuannv Holy King said this, her eyes flashed with joy.

Xu Ying noticed that the eyes of Taiyi, Tianchengzi and others also shone with joy, obviously they were very proud of defeating Luo Taizong back then.

There were hundreds of thousands of demigods and descendants who went to heaven this time, but after arriving in heaven, only ten thousand people died.

The reason is that Luo Taizong once again played the old game on the way, instigating conflicts among various ethnic groups and making them kill each other.

After arriving on the other side, they cried again because they encountered Li Wendao.

Holy King Xuannv said: Although the demigods and other ancient gods were also very powerful at that time, they were far from powerful enough to suppress Liwen's invasion. When we encountered the emerald stone monument in the heaven realm, we were like barbarians encountering it. The God who reaches the high mountains and looks up to him.”

It was an extinction, and they all heard the sound of Dao crying, and only Luo Taizong had the strength to suppress Li Wen's invasion.

However, Luo Taizong just watched them all turn into ashes.

Only a few hundred of the ancient gods, demigods and descendants were dead, and the whole army was about to be destroyed. The Taoist Master, a young man in a yellow shirt, came over and recited a Taoist saying. Everyone followed him silently, and this saved them from turning into Taoist ashes.

This unknown history made the remaining few hundred people fear and hate Luo Taizong. Among them was Luo Taizong's descendant, now Luo Taoist Master Luo Shizong.

When they returned from their studies in the heavenly realm, Li Wen caused a world-destroying disaster on the other side. The avenue turned into snow and it rained for more than a million years.

It has not seen the sun for more than a million years, and it is freezing cold.

When a crisis strikes, the first to die must be the weak.

Holy King Xuannv said, So the mortals on the other side became extinct.

During these more than one million years, mortals did not survive and were completely extinct from the other side. The remaining people were all descendants of demigods and divine blood.

At that time, due to the selfishness of Luo Taizong and other ancient gods, the fertility of demigods and descendants of divine blood was relatively poor, so the tribe did not prosper.

Now that they have brought back advanced cultivation techniques from heaven, Luo Taizong realizes that his position is even more threatened, so he joins forces with the gods to continue playing the game of controlling the human world.

But how can people who know how to practice tolerate him?

The Second Ancient God War broke out, but this time the war was only against Luo Taizong.

Luo Taizong was defeated, but he was the soul of the universe and could not be killed.

Holy King Xuannv said: After that, Master Hua summoned all the accomplished practitioners to draw up a law, which was announced to the world, declaring that all living beings are equal, abolishing the gods and respecting the saints. So we all set out on the law one after another Sign the oath, and when you attain enlightenment, it will be branded in heaven and earth. Luo Taizong had no choice but to also sign.

All living beings are equal?

Xu Yingda was surprised. Was this proposed by a high-ranking butcher like Master Hua?

But he soon realized that the so-called equality of all living beings by Master Hua and others was actually not the same thing as the equality of all living beings as he understood it.

Because at that time, there were no mortals on the other side.

Their equality of all beings refers to the ancient gods, demigods and descendants of the other side, all beings are equal.

The Holy Clan on the other side does not look like the human race, but looks like the ancient gods, with all kinds of strange things. It turns out that the human race has been extinct, and only the ancient gods, demigods and descendants remain.

However, he discovered something interesting.

People from other universes who come to the other side can also follow this law and be on an equal footing with the old saints. The contradiction between the new and old saints also laid the seeds of trouble at this time.

Xu Ying thought, The most amazing thing is that now the old saints select new saints from other universes to come to the other side, and use the lives of these new saints to offset the bad luck! How clever!

Holy King Xuannv said: Later, when the Luck War broke out and Luo Taizong was about to be destroyed, he escaped and left the other side.

Xu Yingdao: He went to the Dao League.

Everyone was a little confused, no one had heard of the name Daomeng.

Master Tai Dao exhaled a breath and said in a deep voice: Luo Taizong's return this time is definitely not to make plans for the other side, but because he is the soul of the universe on the other side, the disaster will be even worse! He is here to eliminate Robbery!

Xu Ying felt awe-struck.

The primordial spirit of the universe like the Ancestral God is most closely connected with the great avenue of heaven and earth in the original universe. When the original universe prospers, his strength will also increase. If the original universe is in disaster, he will also be in disaster and his cultivation level will be reduced!

Tianchengzi said: I think that getting rid of Luo Taizong is more urgent than getting rid of Luo Shizong! This man is cruel by nature, and he is definitely not of the same mind as us when he comes back this time!

Everyone nodded in agreement.

Xu Ying shook his head and said: Everyone, it's not that Xu looks down on you. Without my help, all eleven of you would have been beaten to death by Paralyzed Luo. You are no match for Paralyzed Luo, let alone Luo Taizong?

Taiyi, Tianchengzi, Xuannv and others fell silent.

After a long time, Tai Fang finally said: Deal with Luo Taizong first!

The others nodded one by one, and King Ling Yanming said in a hoarse voice: Luo Taizong is more dangerous. Even if we can't kill him, we must let him know that we are no longer who we used to be! We are not easy to mess with!

Seeing this, Xu Ying thought to himself: Is Luo Taizong really so cruel? He can actually make Taiyi and the others not afraid of death, but also want to get rid of him.


The smoke is hanging outside the ridge.

Taoist Master Tongtian did not look directly at Luo Taizong, but looked at the leaves in front of him, and said calmly: I noticed that there were guests coming from the other side. The calamity increased greatly, and the killings increased sharply, so I followed the killings. I am Tongtian, dare you Where did Brother Dao come from?

Luo Taizong smiled and said: My name is Luo Taizong. I was originally the primordial spirit of heaven and earth on the other side. I attained enlightenment hundreds of millions of years ago. Later, I traveled through the chaos and left this place. I never thought that the way of killing that no one had ever discovered back then would actually be proven by someone. have to.

He looked at Taoist Master Tongtian and said leisurely: Your Taoism is very good.

Master Tongtian said: What do you have to teach me here?

Luo Taizong smiled and said: I came here to meet a young man named Changsun Shenghai.

Taoist Master Tongtian sighed and said, He is my disciple.

Luo Taizong said: I heard that he has learned the nine innate ways and is quite successful, so I came to see him. I have no ill intentions.

Master Tongtian said: He has indeed practiced the Nine Innate Paths. Please come back.

Luo Taizong smiled slightly, stared at his hands, and said leisurely: Fellow Taoist, you are aware of the calamity and killings I have brought. You should be able to know how powerful I am based on the intensity of the calamity and killings I have brought. .You are far from my opponent.

At this time, a brilliant light appeared in the sky, and a voice approached quickly and sneered: That's why Tongtian notified us!

Luo Taizong looked up and saw Taoist Master Hua standing in the clouds, rushing towards him with murderous intent, and said with a smile: It turns out to be Chengcheng. Are you injured? Is your injury caused by Taoist Master?

Hua Dao Master felt awe-inspiring in his heart. Under the tension, he couldn't help but sacrifice the various innate spiritual treasures he had collected. At one time, hundreds of innate spiritual treasures floated in the air, suppressing the surrounding world and showing a fragmented scene!

Luo Taizong looked at his body unscrupulously, as if a pair of discerning eyes could see through him, and said with a smile: You are a very good specimen. From your Taoist injuries, you can see where the Taoist Taoist has reached. You are very good. worthy of study……

At this time, a loud laugh was heard: Luo Taizong, didn't you say you would never return to the other side? If you come back now, wouldn't you be breaking your promise?

Luo Taizong followed the sound and saw that Master Lin was carrying a spear on his back, holding a big cauldron in his hand, a big bell on his head, and a formation diagram on his feet. There were flags of various colors behind him, and in the void around him, there were all kinds of innate spiritual treasures, heading this way. Come, ready to take action.

Although he was fully prepared before this trip, when Luo Taizong glanced over, Dao Master Lin was still shocked and almost sacrificed the Lingbao to kill him!

Luo Taizong smiled slightly and said: Since Taoist Fellow Tongtian has informed the two of them, he must also have informed my traitor, right?

The voice of Master Luo came, quite helplessly, and said: Father, I didn't originally intend to be your enemy. As long as you leave the other side, I can pretend that I have never seen you.

Luo Taizong looked around and saw Taoist Master Luo driving in, still looking like a paralyzed man, laughing and cursing: Slippery devil.

Master Luo was extremely nervous. He had hidden all his innate spiritual treasures under the canopy of the chariot, and could sacrifice and kill his old father at any time.

However, Luo Taizong did not expose his pretending to be paralyzed, and said with a smile: After I leave, will there be only three or two of you left on the other side? Chengcheng, Chuanting, Shizong, you can't do it. You surrounded me three times back then, The number of people mobilized is much greater than now. The other shore is not as good as it is under your rule every day, and it is not as good as when I was in charge.

At this time, the voice of Master Tai Dao came: Luo Taizong, who said there is no one on the other side of me?

Luo Taizong looked over and frowned slightly. He saw Tai Taoist Master leading Tian Chengzi, Xuannv Holy King and other ten Taoist masters walking towards him. Everyone sacrificed an innate spiritual treasure, and stared at him with fierce fighting spirit.

Today, it seems that the scene of that year is repeated again.

There had been three battles between the ancient gods that year, and they were all aimed at him!

Someone whispered: Kill him, and the other side can survive the disaster, right?

Luo Taizong smiled and said: After I arrived at the Dao League, I changed my mind and changed my ways. I rarely kill innocent people indiscriminately. When I see you, I can't help but make my hands itch.

His eyes swept across everyone's faces one by one, and finally landed on Taiyi, frowning slightly.

Seeing this scene in the distance, Xu Ying was so nervous that he almost screamed.

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