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Chapter 848 Luo Shizong must die

Luo Taizong looked at the three Dao Alliance Orders in his hand with an expression of great astonishment. A Tao Alliance order is nothing more. After all, there are often people in the Tao Alliance walking around in various universes, looking for people with potential. Whenever they meet someone with extraordinary talent, they will often give them a Dao Alliance Token.

But Luo Taizong had never heard of a person possessing three Dao League Orders.

When did the Dao League Order become something you can easily take out for three pieces?

If I kill him...

Luo Taizong glanced at Xu Ying and thought to himself, At least I have to offend two fellow Taoists! I'm afraid my life in the Taoist League will not be easy either!

Xu Ying observed his words, took out his Dao Alliance Token, and said with a smile: It turns out to be Brother Dao. If Brother Dao thinks it's inappropriate for me to have three Dao Alliance Tokens, then please take this one back.

Luo Taizong shook his head indifferently and said: Once the Dao Alliance Order is given out, there is no reason to take it back. You should also take my Dao Alliance Order. When I come to the Dao Alliance in the future, hehe, others will also praise my vision.

What he meant was that the two Taoist alliance members liked Xu Ying, and he also liked Xu Ying. It can be seen that the strong man has the same vision, and he also means to put gold on his face.

Xu Ying then accepted the three Dao Alliance Tokens and thought to himself: It seems that most of these Dao Alliance Tokens are made by one person, which is not surprising.

Luo Taizong asked: I wonder which two Taoist friends gave you these two Taoist alliance orders?

Xu Yingdao: One of the fellow Taoists is True Lord Daoji who practices the Great Way of Nirvana. As for the other one, I don't know his name either.


Luo Taizong was horrified and thought, It's him! The person he likes must be very important! Anyone who dares to touch Xu Ying will offend Dao Ji! If you offend anyone, don't offend Dao Ji!

Since fellow Taoist is also a member of the Taoist Alliance, could it be that the Taoist injuries on Quanzi were caused by fellow Taoist? Luo Taizong asked with a kind smile.

Xu Ying shook his head and said solemnly: I didn't do it.

Luo Taizong murmured: Is it really Taiyi? But Taiyi doesn't seem to be someone with this ability... Maybe it's the eldest grandson Shenghai...

He shook his head and returned to Anyou Palace with Xu Ying.

Master Luo Taoist breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that Xu Ying was not dead. Just as he was about to come forward, Luo Taizong said to him: You evil son, please call me uncle.

Taoist Luo was stunned and said: W-what?

His mind went blank. It was clear that Xu Ying had been respectful in front of him just now, calling himself his disciple, being generous, and calling him fellow Taoist. Why did he have to call him uncle as soon as he turned around?

This is your Master Xu, my father's Taoist friend.

Master Luo said, Fellow Taoist Xu, I will rely on you for the dog's injury.

Xu Ying said quickly: I don't dare. With Brother Dao's strength, it's easy to remove Dao injuries. I'm just doing the easy work that Brother Dao doesn't bother to do.

Luo Taizong nodded slightly, his eyes suddenly glared, and he shouted: Nie Zhan, do you hear that? Be kind to fellow Taoist Xu, otherwise my father will kill you right now!

Taoist Luo felt extremely wronged and repeatedly said yes.

Luo Taizong breathed a sigh of relief and said apologetically to Xu Ying: Quinzi, please ask fellow Taoist. You don't need to be humble in front of Quanzi. You are a member of the Taoist Alliance, and you are a person highly recommended by the three Taoist friends in the Taoist Alliance. Please humble yourself. Doesn’t this posture lower the seniority of our Taoist alliance?”

Xu Ying said yes.

Luo Taizong said: If a dog is naughty, he should be taught a lesson, and he should be killed if he should be killed. There is no need to look after my face.

Master Luo's expression suddenly changed.

Xu Ying asked: Brother Dao, where are you going?

Luo Taizong said: I am coming back this time to solve the problem of calamity on the other side. I will first go to see the eldest grandson Shenghai, and then go to see the abandoned son of the Taoist sect. Farewell.

Xu Ying sent him off.

Master Luo followed behind him and sent his father off respectfully.

When Luo Taizong walked away, Xu Ying breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile: Friend Luo, your majesty is so majestic that it scares me.

He unknowingly changed his name and called Master Luo Taoist friend. It was very smooth and natural, without any deliberate intention.

Taoist Master Luo snorted and said, Uncle Master, like the old man, is also a member of the Taoist Alliance?

Xu Ying nodded and said with a gentle smile: Fellow Taoist, although your father and I are fellow Taoists, you and I are also fellow Taoists. We have different opinions, so you can just call me a fellow Taoist.

Taoist Master Luo was silent for a moment and said, Why didn't you say earlier that you were a member of the Taoist Alliance?

Xu Ying smiled and said: There are not many people who know about the Dao Alliance. Why should I rely on the Dao Alliance to act? Moreover, my cultivation level is low and I can't be ranked on the other side. If I can't stand on the stage, it will only disgrace the reputation of the Dao Alliance. .”

Taoist Master Luo sighed and said: Brother Taoist is upright and honorable. He is in a high position but not arrogant. He is really a role model for us. Shizong admires him!

Xu Yingpiaoran was very pleased and said with a smile: Fellow Taoist, you are joking.


Taoist Master Luo looked solemn and said seriously, Brother Xu Dao is obviously a member of the Taoist Alliance, but he wears a dragon fish uniform, associates with people at the bottom, and gets along well with him. He is down-to-earth, has no arrogance, is extremely talented, and is brilliant. Luo is better than Brother Qidao, I am really ashamed of myself.

Xu Ying became more and more ecstatic and said with a smile: Fellow Daoist Luo is such a wonderful person, he makes me feel like a spring breeze. I have never felt so comfortable talking to other people.

Master Luo smiled and said: Brother Taoist, can you help me introduce a Taoist alliance in the future?

Xu Ying was suddenly alert and laughed loudly: Easy to say, easy to say!

After spending the next few days together, Luo Taoist master flattered Xu Yingxun so well that he was so ecstatic that he forgot everything he did.

But fortunately, Master Luo's Taoist injuries were cleaned up. Xu Ying stood up to say goodbye and said with a smile, Fellow Taoist, you can rest easy from now on.

Taoist Master Luo was extremely grateful and said: Brother Xu Dao's kindness in rescuing and rebuilding his life will be unforgettable by Luo! If Brother Taoist doesn't mind, you might as well stay a few more days.

Xu Ying was thinking about how to get rid of him and quickly declined.

Taoist Master Luo did not force himself, and sent him off in person, and sent him to the outside of Jiuqiu Mountain with great enthusiasm. Then he stopped and said, Brother Taoist, please don't tell outsiders about the recovery of my legs.

Xu Ying said yes.

Master Luo said: There is also a Taoist alliance...

Xu Ying understood and said with a smile: You can rest assured that if I return to the Dao League, I will definitely recommend you.

Taoist Luo waved goodbye until Xu Ying flew out of his sight, then turned and returned to Anyou Palace.

Should we kill him or not?

Master Luo sat on the jade platform as usual, with a gloomy expression on his face, and whispered, Kill him, and no one will leak the news about my recovery. This can become a big trump card for me. When needed, Suddenly revealed, even Hua Shengsheng and Lin Chuanting can't resist it! But killing him would be equivalent to offending the Taoist Alliance...

He hesitated, suddenly remembering Luo Taizong's words, and thought to himself: Even a scum like my father treats Xu Ying with great courtesy, so I still don't want to cause trouble. As long as Xu Ying doesn't interfere with my business, then let him.

He hesitated for a moment, Xu Ying had also sworn an oath to him, and this incident would probably offend Xu Ying.

If I take the initiative to break the oath, does he think I'm afraid of him?

Master Luo hesitated in his heart, If I'm confused, does he think I'm threatening him? On the one hand, it's face, and on the other hand, it's Taoist alliance. It's really hard to make a choice. Yes, can I let Taishi quietly sacrifice the innate spirit treasure to fight? Kill him, and I will kill Taishi again, so that the ghosts will not be noticed.

Thinking of this, he raised his hand and called Taishi, thinking: Taishi knows that my legs have recovered, so he just took this opportunity to get rid of them.

Taishi rushed to him and said, What are your orders, sir?

Master Luo said: Follow me.

Taishi followed him to Jiuqiu Mountain. Taoist Master Luo raised his hand and waved gently, and saw an ancient peach tree uprooted, its branches and leaves fluttering, and the fragrance of peach overflowing.

This treasure is called the Mother Peach Tree. It is the spiritual root of chaos. It is an innate spiritual treasure in the universe. It absorbs chaos and evolves the energy of immortality. Once it is sacrificed, its power is infinite.

Master Luo Dao said, You hold this spiritual treasure and catch up with Xu Ying. Don't meet him face to face. Offer this treasure up and brush it at him, and he will be brushed into fly ash by the Hunyuan Dao power of the universe.

Taishi felt awe-inspiring, bowed and said: Disciple accepts the order.

Master Luo waved his hand and said, Go ahead.

Taishi said yes and left with the peach tree.

When he walked out of Dao Jitian, he raised his hand and picked a fairy peach from the mother peach tree. He opened his mouth and ate it all, leaving only the peach core.

Taishi recited the instructions silently, and saw that the peach core gradually grew and changed, and soon grew into a flat peach tree.

He picked another fairy peach, opened his mouth and swallowed the flesh and peach core together. After a while, Taishi opened his mouth and saw a little Taishi falling to the ground, babbling, and quickly growing taller.

In just a moment, the Taishi changed exactly like him.

The Taishi urged his soul again and muttered something about his other self and the flat peach tree. After a while, one of the Taishi chased Xu Ying with the newly planted flat peach tree.

The other Taishi became thinner, changed his clothes and appearance, and turned into a thin and tall young man. He took the real peach tree and rushed towards the Sea of ​​Chaos.

The eldest master's senses are very keen. I can disrupt his senses with the soul path, but I won't be able to hide it from him for long. Now we can only see if he has been deceived by bad luck. Tai Shi thought to himself.

When he came to the Sea of ​​Chaos, his incarnation also caught up with Xu Ying with a fake flat peach tree.

Taishi screamed, sacrificed the peach tree, killed several ferry guards, snatched a building boat, and rushed towards the Sea of ​​Chaos!

Master Luo, just say goodbye!

Taishi was elated and laughed, Now I am finally at ease!

On the other side, Taishi's incarnation caught up with Xu Ying, and without any explanation, he sacrificed the fake spiritual root and bowed his head to Xu Ying.

Unexpectedly, before the fake peach tree and Taishi's incarnation came close to Xu Ying, they were shocked by his breath and exploded.

Xu Ying was surprised when he saw this situation, and then he realized: This boy Taishi came to kill me on the orders of Master Luo, and he used his incarnation to transform into a fake spiritual root. I wonder if he has escaped? He escaped at this time, The timing was a little bad.”

Taoist Master Luo has been following Xu Ying's traces with his eyes, thinking: Taishi sacrifices the innate spiritual treasure, but it may not be able to kill him. I will help him to increase the power of this treasure.

As soon as he thought of this, he saw Taishi chasing after him and the peach tree brushing towards Xu Ying.

Taoist Luo couldn't help but move the peach tree immediately. At this moment, he suddenly felt that the peach tree was not here, and he couldn't help but be stunned.

Then, he saw Taishi and the mother peach tree explode. The Taishi and the mother tree turned into two peach cores!

Master Luo was furious. He immediately sensed the location of his mother-of-pearl tree and sneered: Taishi, you are so bold, how dare you fool me!

Taishi was about to rush into the sea of ​​chaos when suddenly the peach tree next to him shone brightly, and he knew something was wrong.


The light from the flat peach tree shone brightly, and in an instant the sea of ​​chaos shook and the waves surged!

Taishi, his men and his ship were turned into ashes under the light of Dao, leaving nothing behind!

You dare to fool me and you will die!

With a thought in Luo Daoist's mind, the peach tree flew towards Dao Jitian and whispered, Xu Ying, your fate is good, I will let you go once!


Tai Shi must have fled into the Sea of ​​Chaos, right?

Xu Ying frowned slightly.

It is too far to go to the Sea of ​​Chaos from Dao Jitian. If you don’t grasp the timing well, you will not be able to escape into the Sea of ​​Chaos!

He should choose a better time. However, he still has a chance to escape. As long as his true body has escaped into the sea when he kills me, he can survive.

Xu Ying raised his head and looked at Dao Jitian. After a moment, he looked away again.

A few days later, Xu Ying returned to Tianjue City, his face uncertain, and he said silently in his heart: Luo Taizong returned from the Taoist League with the purpose of helping the other side get rid of the disaster in one fell swoop. What should we do?

If Luo Taizong can really help Bian An get rid of his misfortune, then the conflict between Tai Dao Master and the three Tao Masters Hua, Lin, and Luo will no longer be irreconcilable!

If Taiyi reconciles with the three Tao masters Hua, Lin, and Luo, then the Three Realms will be stranded, and he will be like a sheep among wolves, and may be eaten up and wiped clean by the other side at any time!

The stranding of the Three Realms is imminent. If Taiyi becomes the master of the other side, there will still be a way for the Three Realms to survive. If Taiyi only becomes one of the masters of the other side, then there will be no way to survive in the three realms!

Because at that time, Taiyi couldn't make the decision at all. The three people who can make the decision are Hua, Lin and Luo!

“How can this be avoided?”

Xu Ying hesitated for a moment, and then his heart gradually hardened, with a fierce look on his face, Then we can only kill Taoist Master Luo first! Taiyi joined forces with the Taoist masters on the other side to get rid of Taoist Master Luo, and let Luo Taizong and Taiyi There is no possibility of reconciliation with others!”

But how to kill Dao Master Luo has become a big problem!

At this time, Taiyi's voice came: Xu Ying, we are here.

Xu Ying looked around and saw Tai Taoist Master coming hand in hand with ten other Taoist Masters. However, the eleven of them had all changed their appearance and could no longer look like before.

You all came just in time.

Xu Ying coughed and said with a solemn expression, Dao Master Luo is here to help. This person helped him solve his Dao injury!

King Ling Yanming said in surprise: You mean that Paralyzed Luo is no longer paralyzed?

Xu Ying nodded and said: His Dao injury has been healed. With the help of this master, his cultivation has returned to its peak, and he has laid a trap. When we try to go back in time to eradicate him, the trap will explode and kill us. !”

Taiyi frowned and said, Who is his helper?

Xu Yingdao: Luo Taizong.

When everyone heard this, they were all surprised: Is he still alive?

Xu Ying nodded.

At this time, Luo Taizong walked towards the pure land created by Changsun Shenghai and lived in Yanxuankong Ridge. Suddenly, a thin old man in green clothes appeared in front of him, facing him sideways, and a murderous aura that was unparalleled in the world rushed towards him.

Luo Taizong smiled and said: Master Tongtian?

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