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Chapter 847 A visitor from the Taoist Alliance

Thoughts flashed through his mind in an instant. The person who could crack his Immortal Killing Sword must be proficient in time, space, cause and effect, reincarnation, killing, calamity, and luck, and even surpass him in Taoism before he could crack it!

But besides myself, who else in the world can master so many avenues at the same time?

And even if his Tao Xing surpassed his, he might not be able to crack it. Xu Ying thought that he would not be able to crack it now that his Tao Xing had made great progress.

You have to be far better than him in Taoism to be able to crack it!

Is it the eldest grandson Shenghai? But Senior Brother Shenghai will definitely not do such a thing, and his conduct cannot surpass mine!

Is it Tao Zun? Yes, Dao Zun preached and spread all the nine innate ways. He must also be proficient in the nine innate ways. His Taoism must be far superior to mine! However, there is no reason for Dao Zun to break mine. Daofa saves Luo Dao master...

Is there anyone besides the three of us who is proficient in the Nine Innate Paths?

While he was thinking wildly, Taoist Master Luo closed his clothes, stood up slowly, and said with a smile: I originally thought there was no hope of being able to stand up in this life, but I didn't expect that one day I would stand up. Hahahaha, Fellow Daoist Xu, I stood up!

His legs were still too thin, skinny and shaky, so Xu hurriedly stepped forward to help him.

Master Luo raised his hand to stop him and wanted to walk by himself. He smiled and said, I don't need your help. Now I can finally stand up! I can finally walk normally!

He laughed loudly and said: Not only can I stand up, I can also show my ambition! I can also take revenge with my own hands!

His eyes were dark and he said: Taiyi stabbed me into a cripple and will definitely attack again. This time, he will kill me! But fortunately, I already have the confidence to deal with him.

Xu Ying was extremely shocked. Can Daoist Luo defeat the method of going back to the past to kill people?

Master Luo smiled slightly and said: Tai Yi used you as a medium to fight against my Dao Dao. This move may make him think that he can block my move without dying. Since he could make me do it last time If I become disabled, then he will definitely try to kill me this time! And this time...

His voice was solemn: That's when I take his life!

Xu Ying rolled his eyes and thought desperately: Why is Master Luo so sure that he can break my magical power? The avenue he practices is the soul path. The soul path is just an innate path similar to the strength path and the spirit path. It is not that outstanding. . Every other line is like a mountain, let alone Tao? He has absolutely no possibility of cracking my magical power! So how can he be sure that not only can he crack my technique, but he can also kill me and Tai Dao Master together? Could it be...

He was horrified in his heart: Is it really Taoist Master who helped him erase the Taoist wounds I left on him? No! Taoist Master can't help him! Luo Taoist Master said he could get rid of me and Taiyi, obviously he was referring to him He has this ability and means. But Dao Zun cannot stay by his side to help him. This person is not Dao Zun...

Taoist Master Luo did not continue and said with a smile: Fellow Taoist Xu, although my injuries are mostly healed, there are still some stubborn illnesses that remain. These days, I still need you to help me nurse myself back to health. After all, you have obtained the True Inheritance of Taiyi, and he left Only you have the ability to break the Dao injury.

Xu Ying said yes.

Master Luo returned to the jade cave, and Xu Ying helped him unlock the remaining avenues in the Tao's wounds bit by bit.

Xu Ying's move penetrates time and space, unifying the past, present and future. Only by calamity and killing, the reincarnation of cause and effect, and the two paths of time and space, can such an achievement be achieved.

But because the avenues are mixed together, it is difficult to crack, even if Xu Ying himself cannot crack it.

Moreover, this injury will also increase with the improvement of Dao Master Luo's Taoist cultivation. The stronger his cultivation, the stronger the Tao injury and the more difficult it will be to crack it.

How high Dao Master Luo's cultivation level is, how strong his Dao Shang is. Dao Shang grows on his own, and now he is already the Dao Shang at the peak of Dao Master.

However, now that the main body of Dao Master Luo's injuries has been broken away, there are some residues left. It is not difficult for Xu Ying to unravel it.

Tao Master, who helped you undo your Tao wounds?

Xu Ying was quite curious and asked directly, saying, Since this person can help you undo the Dao injuries, the remaining Dao injuries should be easy for him and can be brushed off easily. But why didn't he take action?

Master Luo's eyes flashed and he said unhurriedly: This person is naturally extremely powerful. It is easy for him to brush off the remaining Dao wounds, but he wants to control me more and see me make a fool of myself. So he deliberately kept the remaining Dao wounds. hurt.

Xu Ying was surprised and said: Who is so bold?

Master Luo sighed and said, He is qualified to be bold.

Seeing that he didn't want to mention this person, Xu Ying stopped asking and helped Taoist Luo clean up his wounds bit by bit.

From what Taoist Master Luo said, this person should be from the other side, and his status is probably not lower than him. Could it be the other two Taoist Masters?

He thought of Hua Dao Master and Lin Dao Master. Hua Dao Master cultivated the power of strength, and proving the Tao with strength would definitely not be able to crack his magical powers.

Could it be Dao Master Lin? If it were Dao Master Lin, his cultivation strength would probably be much higher than that of Hua and Luo, and the situation between the three Dao Masters would be unbalanced. But they just keep a balance, and it shouldn't be him. .”

Unknowingly, several months passed, and Xu Ying refined the Taoist injuries in Luo Dao Master's body one by one. Luo Dao Master's legs gradually grew some flesh and blood, making it easier to move.

In three to five days, the Taoist injuries in the Taoist body will no longer be serious.

Xu Ying smiled and said, Congratulations, Taoist Master, for finally getting rid of the stubborn disease!

Taoist Master Luo couldn't hide his excitement and laughed loudly: My stubborn illness has been cured, and my fellow Taoist monks take great credit for it!

Xu Ying hurriedly said humbly: This is all due to the Tao Master's great blessings. What virtues and abilities do the disciples have?

Master Luo's heart felt like it had been ironed several times in the cold winter months. He felt indescribably comfortable and said with a smile: To be honest, when I talk to other people, they are always afraid of me. Disciples are like this. Outsiders are like this. It's the same. Even the Four Dao Masters dare not speak when they see me. The two Tao Masters Hua and Lin are scheming with each other. It's only you who can talk freely that makes me look happy.

Xu Ying followed him out of Anyou Palace and said with a smile: It is because the Taoist master is approachable that the disciples are bolder. Taoist master, why is our beautiful scenery called Jiuqiu Mountain?

Master Luo raised his eyes, looked at the nine hills in front of him, his eyes flashed, and said: Nine ordinary hills, nothing special. I am nostalgic, and I started my career in Jiuqiu. When the Daoji Heaven was opened, the nine hills were moved to the Daoji Heaven.

Xu Ying was in awe: The master of Taoism rose to great heights but never forgot his roots and never lost his original intention. This kind of cultivation is beyond the reach of his disciples.

Taoist Luo laughed heartily.

At this moment, I heard a voice laughing: Shizong, why are you so happy?

The smile on Taoist Master Luo's face faded, and his body involuntarily tensed up, but the next moment he relaxed and said with a smile: Father, the child has only recovered from his injuries, so he is a little complacent.

He waved his hand quietly, signaling Xu Ying to step back.

Xu Ying bowed and stepped back, taking a peek and saw another man approaching who looked somewhat similar to Dao Master Luo, but looked much younger than Dao Master Luo.

The young man's eyes fell on Xu Ying, and the two passed by each other. Xu Ying gradually walked away, and then he looked away.

Shizong, who is this person? the young man asked.

This person is a disciple of Taiyi. He has received the true inheritance of Taiyi. He is here to help the child clean up the remnants of Taoist injuries on his body.

Luo Taoist respected and feared him, and felt a little dissatisfied, but he hid it well and said, Taiyi has attained Taoism and became a Taoist. He will definitely attack me this time, so I am going to give him a big blow. surprise.

The young man was the father of Taoist Luo, named Luo Taizong. He glanced at him and sneered: Tai Yi is hidden so deeply. If he attains the Dao, he will attain the Dao of Tai Yi, cause and effect, reincarnation, calamity, and killing. , can you kill him with your Nine Spirits, Time, Space and Heavenly Tribulation? Be careful not to kill him, but be killed by him instead.

Taoist Master Luo snorted and said, Why did father come back from the Taoist Alliance?

If I don't come back, I don't know what you three bastards will do to the other side. Besides, there are also abandoned sons of the Dao Alliance who are causing trouble. You three are far from his opponents. I still need to come in person. Deal with him.

Luo Taizong said calmly, Don't think that I came back this time to seize power. I don't care about the little power you three bastards have.

Taoist Master Luo was quite dissatisfied, but he still bowed his head and said yes, smiling: Of course it is. What does the Taoist Alliance have? How can it take a fancy to this little wealth on the other side of me?

Luo Taizong glanced at him: You are too short-sighted. Your cultivation level can only go so far. Let me check and see if Taiyi disciples have really cured you!

Taoist Master Luo returned to Anyou Palace. Luo Taizong inspected him and said in surprise: This disciple of Taiyi is quite capable. Although the remnants of Taoist injuries I left behind are not that severe, they are not at the ninth level of Taoism either. His immortality can be solved. I didn’t expect him to be able to solve it so easily.”

He pondered for a moment, but without untying the other Taoist remnants, he motioned to Master Luo to pull up his pants.

Taoist Master Luo was ashamed and angry. He silently pulled up his trousers and said, You obviously have the ability to undo the remnants of my Taoist injury, but you don't do it. You still need outsiders to help me.

Luo Taizong smiled and said: I think you are my bloodline. If you don't let you become a paralysis, I will treat you well. Don't push yourself too hard. When you joined forces with Huasheng Shenglin Chuanting, even I wanted to clean up and force you to do it. I had to travel far away from the Taoist League. The poison of a tiger does not eat its children, but the poison of a child eats its father. Shizong, you were not as good as me in the past, and you are still not as good as me now.

Master Luo was extremely embarrassed and angry.

Luo Taizong didn't take it seriously, looked outside, and said leisurely: But the kid who helped you treat your injuries is very interesting, very interesting...

Master Luo said vigilantly: You must not touch Xu Ying! I still want him to help me treat other Tao injuries!

Luo Taizong didn't take his threat to heart at all, and said with a smile: Why do I need your permission to do things? After that, he walked out of Anyou Palace.

Xu Ying stood in front of Jiuqiu Mountain, observing the geography of Jiuqiu. He was thinking about where the entrance to the mausoleum and the main tomb were, and where he should dig a hole to directly enter the main tomb. Then a voice came: You Is that a promise?

Xu Ying turned around when he heard the sound, and saw the young man whom Taoist Master Luo called his father approaching. He hurriedly greeted him and said, Disciple Xu Ying, I have met Taishang Taoist.

Luo Taizong walked up to him, looked him up and down, and said with a smile: You were the one who cured Quanzi's Taoist injuries? Are you proficient in Taiyi, cause and effect, reincarnation, disaster, and killing?

He looked at Xu Ying, but he was secretly shocked.

He actually couldn't see what kind of path Xu Ying was practicing!

In his eyes, Xu Ying was like an ordinary person who had never practiced cultivation. He had no Taoist aura in his body, and he was as pure and unpretentious as ever.

This state is very similar to Taoism, but different. The Dao Master's Dao is unstructured and Hunyuan is one, but he can tell what Dao Dao the Dao Master is cultivating.

But in Xu Ying's case, it's not even possible to tell what kind of path he practices!

This situation is extremely rare!

Xu Yinggong said solemnly: Yes. Disciple learns from Taiyi...


Luo Taizong sneered, That young and mature Taiyi? Only my stupid son Shizong would believe this! If Taiyi was so capable, why did he become a Taoist master today? He can't even understand Taiyi Avenue!

He stared at Xu Ying with stern eyes, and sneered: How can a person who can't even understand the Tao of his own practice, and who needs to ask his disciples to point out the Tao before he can achieve Tao, master the cause and effect and reincarnation at the same time? , calamity, killing? How to create such an exquisite Taoist method?

Xu Ying felt awe-struck.

Unless he is not the person who is proficient in these avenues, unless he is not the person who pioneered the method of reversing time and space to kill people!

Luo Taizong said calmly, If this person is not him, then who should he be?

Xu Ying smiled and said, That's what the Supreme Taoist Master said. There are indeed other people in our Taiyi Sect who are proficient in various Taoist ways, and my senior brother Sun Shenghai is one of the leaders.

Luo Taizong was quite surprised and said in an interesting tone: Besides you, is there anyone else who is proficient in the Nine Innate Paths? But even if there are others, you can't clear away the suspicion.

Xu Ying burst out laughing and said: Taoist Master Taishang wouldn't think that I was the one who caused Master Luo's injury, right? If it was me, how could I help him treat it? Moreover, how could I have such strength? ?”

Luo Taizong smiled slightly and said, It doesn't matter even if you did it.

Xu Ying was stunned and looked at him in confusion.

Luo Taizong said leisurely: The traitor always goes against my wishes. It is good to give him an unforgettable lesson. I appreciate it very much.

Xu Ying became even more stunned.

Luo Taizong threw out a token and said, If you made it, it shows that you are capable. You accept this first.

Xu Ying quickly caught it and looked at it intently, unable to help crying or laughing.

What fell into his hand turned out to be a green, square, wordless plaque, which was the Dao Alliance Order!

It turns out he is from the Taoist Alliance. No wonder he can break my magical power!

Xu Ying calmed down and took out an identical token.

Luo Taizong was stunned and looked at the token in his hand: You, are you also a member of the Taoist Alliance?

Xu Ying sighed and took out another token.

Including your piece, I have three pieces here. He said helplessly.

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