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Chapter 842 Inheritance

Dongxuan Dao Master's eyes fell on the person in the light, and he saw that there seemed to be a small flood source around the person, pushing away the energy of chaos, and it was really not touched at all.

The person in the light is naturally Xu Ying.

Although he is in the sea of ​​chaos, he is not touched by the energy of chaos. It seems much easier than the master of Dongxuan Taoist crossing the sea just now.

However, the Sea of ​​Chaos not only has the Qi of Chaos that can assimilate everything, but what is even more terrifying is the pressure of the Sea of ​​Chaos.

It is the omnipresent pressure coming from the sea of ​​chaos that suppresses the infinite expansion of the source of the universe, so that the universe in the sea of ​​chaos does not gradually become empty.

Without the oppression of the Chaos Sea, each universe will be continuously stretched by the void, and eventually turn into an infinitely flat plane.

Taoist Dongxuan crossed the sea alone and knew how terrifying the pressure of the Chaos Sea was. Xu Ying could withstand the pressure of the Chaos Sea, which shows that his cultivation is extremely powerful and cannot be treated as an ordinary immortal.

Did he go from the early stage of immortality to the perfection of immortality in such a short period of time? He is not a Taoist who has re-cultivated, so he cannot be so fast, right?

Dongxuan Taoist thought in his heart, It's just that immortality is always immortal, not the Taoist!

He suddenly took a step out of the boat, slapped his palm, and his magical power exploded, attacking Xu Ying who was walking in the sea of ​​chaos.

His magical powers are simple and unpretentious, not like flying dragons and phoenixes at every turn, but have the simplicity of a tai sect, but they are in a normal universe.

And this is the Sea of ​​Chaos.

The moment Dongxuan Dao Master's Taiyi Avenue entered the sea, chaos was opened up. The energy of chaos turned into three thousand avenues such as wind, rain, thunder, lightning, gold, wood, water, and fire. Different avenues combined with each other, influenced each other, and flowed in the chaos!

The various avenues he practiced were as clear as ever!

However, even for a Dao Master-level existence like him, his magical powers are rapidly declining in the sea of ​​chaos!

It is inevitable that the avenue will decay, be swallowed up by chaos, and eventually turn into nothing.

The magical power that is considered immortal can only persist in the sea of ​​chaos for a moment, and its power becomes smaller and smaller, and is eventually turned into chaos. But Dongxuan is the Taoist master, and the Taoist master's magical powers can last longer in the sea of ​​chaos!

Xu Ying raised his hand, ready to take a hard hit, but then his expression suddenly changed, and he hurriedly stopped his hand to avoid Dong Xuan's magical power!

He realized that if he took it hard, his magical power would be annihilated and his arm would explode together!

While retreating, he performed the first of the Eight Immortal Techniques, the Earth Seal. It's just that the earth-opening seal at this moment is different from the earth-opening seal back then.

His sealing method adjusted the luck, and in an instant, the chaotic hole opened in front of him, the grand mist was first opened, Wuji evolved into the five Tais, Taiyi evolved into ten thousand ways, it was like an ax light opened up a flood source universe in the chaos!

This move surpassed the Earth-Sealing Seal of the past by an incredible amount, and was extremely exquisite. It was just when Dongxuan's magical power was invaded by the Sea of ​​Chaos and became unstable!

Xu Ying split his magical power with an axe. The light of the ax came to Dongxuan and struck him on the top of his head.

Suddenly, the light of the ax exploded, and the wonder of Hongyuan suddenly disappeared.

Dongxuan Dao Master's forehead was not broken, his face was calm, he came forward and said calmly: Xu Ying, Taiyi has attained the Tao, and its power is far beyond your imagination.

As soon as he pointed it out, the various avenues in Xu Ying's body suddenly went into chaos, with a strong tendency to attack each other and kill each other.

At this moment, Dongxuan Dao Master finally showed his true abilities as the Master of Dao. Even the Dao in Xu Ying's body became his weapon and was controlled by him!

Not to mention the promise, even if it is the universe on the other side and the great road of the world, all structures must be controlled by it!

This is the Lord of the Avenue!

Suddenly, all the Dao in Xu Ying's body became unstructured and escaped from his control. The Dongxuan Dao Master couldn't help but be shocked: Tao Master? No! You are not the real Dao Master!

His fingertips swayed slightly, Xu Ying's front and back, left, right, left, right, up and down, his finger shadows were everywhere.

His Taiyi Avenue encompasses time, space, and void. The moment the move is cast, it seals the past and future, blocking the void, making it impossible for Xu Ying to escape!

As a Taoist master, there are too many methods at his disposal. Killing an immortal is like killing a fly!

Seeing that he was about to kill Xu Ying with just one finger, suddenly a huge reincarnation ring suddenly rotated in the chaos, standing behind Xu Ying, it was the seventh method of Xu Ying's eight immortal methods, reincarnation!


Dongxuan Dao Master pierced Xu Ying's eyebrows with one finger. Xu Ying's eyes were lifeless, his life flowed away quickly, and he turned into a corpse and fell into the chaos.

However, another Xu Ying came in the reincarnation. The power of Dongxuan Taoist's attack only used up one finger, and then another finger flew in, piercing Xu Ying again.

That promise also turned into a corpse and fell into the sea of ​​chaos.

Then another promise came in reincarnation.

The Way of Reincarnation?

Dongxuan Taoist Master's eyes were filled with murderous intent, and he sneered, Xu Ying, as a disciple of the Taiyi Sect, you have learned a lot! I want to see how many times you can die!

Chi! Chi! Chi! Chi!

The power of Dongxuan Taoist's finger invaded the reincarnation to kill Xu Ying in the reincarnation. I saw Xu Ying's corpses falling down from the huge reincarnation ring. It was not very dense at first, but later it became more and more dense. More and more, like rain!

Not only that, there were many Xu Ying corpses falling from the void, some were pierced through the forehead by finger force, some were penetrated through the heart, some were blasted to death, some were punched through Hongyuan, and some were His body was riddled with holes, and he must have been stabbed thousands of times before he died.

Various forms of death.

Those promised corpses fell into the sea of ​​chaos and were swallowed up by the chaos. The corpses were quickly melted and turned into the energy of chaos!

These magical powers are the new magical powers that Xu Ying created by absorbing the reincarnation magical power of Dao Shengzi. Every promise died in the previous moment, and every promise is the promise of the next moment!

However, Dao Shengzi could only achieve time and space reincarnation, while Xu Ying could achieve void reincarnation and chaos reincarnation, allowing his body to fall into the sea of ​​chaos, turn into the energy of chaos, and then return to reincarnation.

Dongxuan was killing endlessly and was about to destroy the halo of reincarnation when suddenly the halo of reincarnation dispersed and disappeared into the sea of ​​chaos.

Xu Ying's figure had appeared outside his magical power, but he died thousands of times before finally finding the flaw in his finger and escaping.

Even if he masters the technique of maintaining reincarnation, the loss of reincarnation in the void and chaos will still be huge, and he will not be able to hold on for long.

If it were Dao Shengzi, I'm afraid that Dong Xuan would break the reincarnation in an instant and die!

Just when Xu Ying thought of this, Dongxuan Dao Master came to kill him again. Xu Ying formed lotus seals on his hands and blasted towards Dongxuan Dao Master.

But seeing the violent turmoil of the Chaos Sea all around, a lotus slowly emerged from the Chaos Sea, and the huge Chaos Lotus slowly bloomed. When the Chaos Lotus opened, an extremely bright flood source contained all kinds of avenues, from the heart of the lotus towards the cave. Xuan is coming!

The tenth method of the eight methods of immortality, the lotus blooms!

Dongxuan Taoist Master ignored it and faced Hong Yuan, preparing to resist the blow in exchange for a chance to attack Xu Ying.

Unexpectedly, Lian Kai's move fell on Dong Xuan. Dong Xuan did not feel anything like before. Instead, his body shook slightly and his attack was blocked.

He was extremely shocked. Although Xu Ying's Lotus Opening move was much more powerful than Pi Di's, it would not be able to stop his offensive.

With Xu Ying's current cultivation level, he simply couldn't achieve this step.

But fortunately, Lian Kai only blocked him slightly and did not hurt him.

Dong Xuan still rushed forward, and Xu Ying's second magical power had arrived, but it was a simple palm, which turned into powerful palm power and was imprinted on Dong Xuan's body.

Dong Xuan snorted coldly, and his Tao power exploded, sending Xu Ying flying.

But the next moment, when Xu Ying flew backwards, various magical powers were displayed, from the first of the Eight Immortal Techniques, Earth Creation, to the tenth method, Lotus Opening, each move was more powerful than the last.

Dongxuan was also worried that he would be disturbed by him. He had never dodged or dodged before, but now he moved around, avoiding the magical powers, and forced Xu Ying away.

There was light in his eyes, and he was about to look at the light and kill Xu Ying. Suddenly, there was a bang, and an earth-opening divine ax came from behind and struck him on the head.

The two rays of light in his eyes immediately disappeared.

Dongxuan noticed another magical power coming, and faced it with a backhand palm, only to see a series of heavens exploding under his palm print!

Immediately, another big dragon flew around, its aura wrapped around him and bound him.

As soon as Dongxuan got rid of the dragon, he was stabbed in the heart by a Zhuxian Sword Qi. Although it did not break through his defense, it stabbed him backwards!

Dongxuan was shocked and angry when he saw all kinds of magical powers coming at once. It was Xu Ying's fifth method that merged with the magical power of the sky, Wan Dao!

Although Wandao Divine Power does not have Wanban Dao, its power is extraordinary, and it can defeat Dongxuan Dao Master further.

Before he could stabilize his body, he fell into the reincarnation. Dongxuan Taoist Master remained motionless. Even if the reincarnation was running, he could not fall into the reincarnation. Instead, the reincarnation ring exploded.

But the next moment, Dong Xuan was hit by the eighth Hun Dao Seal, and then another Lotus Seal!

No matter how he tried to dodge, he could never avoid Xu Ying's magical powers. Even if he avoided them, he would always be hit squarely.

Master, you just received my magical power, which is called cause and effect. This is the ninth method of the eight methods of immortality.

Xu Ying's voice came from the chaos and said with a smile, If you get hit by this move of mine, you can't avoid it with any move!

Dong Xuan shook his clothes, stepped forward, and asked in confusion: The magical power of cause and effect? ​​I am the master of the Tao, and I am not tainted by cause and effect. How can you let cause and effect fall on me?

Xu Ying stood there, waiting for him to arrive, and said with a smile: This is the eleventh method of my eight methods of immortality, calamity. I just evoke your calamity, and you carry the calamity on the other side, so that you will fall into the karma. No more trouble.”

Dongxuan Dao Master broke through the chaos and appeared in front of him again.

Dong Xuan looked Xu Ying up and down and couldn't help but feel moved. In the short moment of their confrontation, Xu Ying's cultivation had made great progress!

Xu Ying's cultivation level can be said to have doubled!

Have you realized that my nature is self-sufficient in Taiyi? Master Dongxuan asked.

Xu Ying smiled and said, Master, didn't you realize it?

Master Dongxuan's face darkened.

Xu Ying simply unfolded his Taiyi Avenue. Dongxuan Dao Master looked at it and saw that the number of heaven and earth avenues contained in Xu Ying's Taiyi Avenue was constantly increasing. Each heaven and earth avenue was created from scratch, starting from the lowest level. level, suddenly jumped to the immortal realm!

During the period of their confrontation, Xu Ying's Taiyi Avenue had changed from containing 350 kinds of heaven and earth avenues to containing more than 2,000 kinds of heaven and earth avenues!

Dongxuan Dao Master frowned and said: With Taiyi Dao alone, you won't be able to improve so quickly. I noticed that your cultivation level has increased seven times!

Xu Ying showed admiration and praised: As expected of the master, he can see the problem at a glance.

His thoughts moved slightly, and various avenues such as chaos, Hongmeng, Wuji, cause and effect, and reincarnation emerged one by one. The number of heaven and earth avenues that constitute these avenues also increased from 350 to more than 2,000!

If only Taiyi Avenue is improved, Xu Ying's cultivation level can only be doubled at most. But if all nine avenues are improved seven times, Xu Ying's cultivation level will be increased seven times!

Dongxuan Dao Master exhaled a breath of turbid air. No wonder just now he felt that the power of Xu Ying's magical power was constantly increasing.

I came to kill you, but you learned various ways of heaven and earth from me to improve your cultivation. Master Dongxuan looked strange.

Xu Ying said solemnly: We are responsible for the inheritance of our master. When the inheritance of our master comes to my generation, it will not just disappear, but will only be carried forward.

Taoist Master Dongxuan looked at him deeply, showed the Three Thousand Avenues of Taiyi Avenue, and said: Since you call me Master, then I can't treat you badly. You can also learn the rest.

Xu Ying was stunned, but since Dongxuan Dao Master gave him this opportunity, he naturally couldn't waste it and immediately carefully observed the composition of Dao power of each Dao.

In his body, the number of heaven and earth avenues contained in the nine innate paths is constantly increasing, and his cultivation level is also rising steadily, getting stronger and stronger!

Taiyi Dao originally focused on enlightenment.

Young Hao Yi understood the enlightenment of Taiyi from the method of cutting leeks spread on Cuiyan, and thus understood the method of Taiyi. Later, I went to the other side and received the inheritance of Taiyi.

Later, he became even more mature and realized that in the Oneness, my nature is self-sufficient.

Taiyi was defeated by his disciple, and he realized this with great enlightenment.

Now Xu Ying goes one step further, comprehending the self-sufficiency of my nature in the nine innate ways, and raising the enlightenment of the Taiyi Sect to the extreme.

Taoist Master Dongxuan had a complicated heart. Although he was ordered to eradicate Xu Ying, he really appreciated his talent, so he gave Xu Ying enough time to learn what he had gained over the years.

I don't have such talent, but my disciple does. He didn't know what he was thinking for a while.

After a while, Xu Ying gathered the three thousand avenues, his cultivation became more vigorous, and his confidence doubled.

Promise, if you can take one of my moves, I will leave immediately and won't kill you again. When I go back, I will bear my thorns and apologize.

Having said this, Taoist Master Dongxuan slowly activated Taiyi Dongyuan.

In the sea of ​​chaos, a huge abyss is spinning slowly and slowly, and is forming. It is so deep that even the sea of ​​chaos cannot shake it for a while.

Three thousand avenues flowed out of the cave abyss like a tide, and the mixed essence was injected into Dong Xuan's body.

In just a few moments, Master Dongxuan's cultivation level increased tenfold.

Xu Ying's expression suddenly changed, he paused, reversed time and space, and prepared to use the Immortal Killing Sword Finger to kill the Dongxuan Dao Master who had not yet attained Dao!

However, the sea of ​​chaos is vast, time and space cannot exist, and he cannot return to the time when Dongxuan Dao Master has not yet attained enlightenment!

At this moment, the sea of ​​chaos changed dramatically. Taoist Master Dongyuan, who had fully blossomed his cultivation, stabbed with his finger, and there were finger shadows everywhere!

Xu Ying once again activated his magical power of reincarnation, trying to escape to the next moment. However, in an instant, the finger of Master Dongxuan passed through countless reincarnations!

Xu Ying fled to the next moment of reincarnation, and he died one after another behind him, but the finger power of Dongxuan Dao Master still came to the back of his head!

My life is at risk!

Just when Xu Ying thought of this, Taoist Master Dongxuan suddenly released his fingers, gently rubbed the back of his head, and turned to leave.

As expected of a Taiyi sect member.

His voice came from afar, Even I can't kill you. I have no choice but to go back and plead guilty. Xu Ying, don't underestimate the masters of the Nine Innate Paths.

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