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Chapter 841 Abyss of Chaos, Taoist Sects Conflict

Taiyi is very smart and knows that if we fight with me on the other side, Dao Master Hua will definitely notice us. But if we fight in the sea of ​​chaos, Dao Master Hua will not be able to find us.

Xu Ying secretly praised him and said with a smile, He is also afraid of Master Hua's big axe.

To be honest, Xu Ying himself was afraid of being suddenly killed by an ax during the fight.

Sheng Zun, Qing Xuan, Jiu Hate and others also packed up and were ready to set sail at any time to watch the battle in the Sea of ​​Chaos.

Xu Ying shook his head and said: The purpose of Taiyi setting the battle site in the Sea of ​​Chaos is to avoid other people. If you go to watch the battle, I'm afraid you will attract more people. Now, there must be many people watching. Stay here.

Those who are keeping an eye on Tianjue City are the Four Avenue Masters!

Xu Ying thought that he could get rid of these four Taoist masters, but if he brought Sheng Zun and others with him, it would be difficult to get rid of them.

Shengzun and Qingxuan were itchy, but Jiuhen was worried about Taiyi's safety, but they also knew that what Xu Ying said was true. If they went to watch the battle, they would be followed by someone who wanted to watch.

It's just a pity that we can't watch the battle.

Xu Ying smiled and said: Don't worry, I will record this battle and show it to you.

The Holy Lord said: If you are defeated, you must record it and show it to us.

Qingxuan suddenly looked forward to it.

Xu Ying's face was uncertain, and he laughed and said: Will I lose? How can I lose? I have practiced hard for more than four hundred years and realized that my nature is self-sufficient... Hey, my nature is self-sufficient, do you understand... He said Then I explained to them the difference between my nature being self-sufficient and the self-sufficiency of my nature in the Oneness.

Qingxuan whispered: He is really worried that he will lose.

The Holy Lord nodded: His confidence is not that strong.

Xu Ying explained to them what it means to be self-sufficient in nature, and he felt that he was confident enough, so he set off immediately, raised the green rock tower and boat, and left.

Jiu Hate, Qing Xuan, I'll leave this place to you! His voice came from afar.

At the same time that the Cuiyan Tower Ship left Tianjue City, the eyes of Dao Master Hua, Dao Master Lin, Dao Master Luo and others also fell on the Cuiyan Tower Ship.

At the same time, many figures were chasing the building boats, and at the ferry of the Chaos Sea, someone was already waiting there, asking the guard to prepare the building boats and come to the edge of the Chaos Sea, ready to enter the sea with the promised ship at any time.

Taiyi Dao Lord is an elusive figure, and he is always followed by ten Dao Lords. It is extremely difficult to track his whereabouts.

But Xu Ying didn't have so many experts around him, so it was easiest to track Xu Ying.

After several months, Xu Ying finally arrived. There are already dozens of green rock building ships waiting there at the edge of the Chaos Sea. Some of the ships are disciples of Luo Dao Master Lin Dao Master. Others are mostly Dao Lords, True Kings, and even Yin Yang Dao Lords and Divine Demon Dao Lords. Come in person too!

There was also a person on the boat named Changsun Shenghai, who was very handsome, but when he looked at Xu Yingzhi, his expression was filled with worry.

Uncle Xu understood the Nine Innate Paths and understood Hongyuan. What innate spiritual roots did he use to unify the Nine Paths?

He looked at Xu Ying. Over the years, he had often gone to sea on a large ship, looking around for the universe that was trapped in misfortunes, killings, and annihilation. The nine avenues had reached perfection.

But the more perfect it becomes, the harder it becomes to operate. He lacks an innate spiritual root that unifies the nine realms.

This time he came to watch the battle, also hoping to see what method Xu Ying used to unify the nine innate ways.

Unconsciously, I have fallen behind Master Xu.

His eyes fell on Xu Ying and he thought to himself, However, after I get the innate spiritual root, I will be able to catch up with him quickly!

His confidence is high.

Wu Xi, Cen Xi, Jiang Ning and other Taoists also landed on a Cuiyan building boat, but this building boat was snatched.

They had been looking for the whereabouts of Dongxuan Taoist Master along the way, but Dongxuan Taoist Master never came to see them, which made them secretly anxious.

Dong Xuanzi is definitely tracking Xu Ying, hiding himself, and looking for opportunities to take action. Entering the sea of ​​chaos is the best time for him to avoid Taoist Master Tongtian and kill Xu Ying.

Yuxizi said, Dongxuan cultivated Taiyi, and now he has become the master of Taiyi. He kills people in the chaos, and no one can stop him. We must find him before he does it!

Taiyi Dao is the ancestor of ten thousand paths among the nine innate paths. It is really powerful. Dong Xuanzi has become a Dao master for the second time. This time, he got Gong Jiexuan's order to kill Xu Ying. He must definitely win!

Although Gong Jiexuan did not directly order them to find Dong Xuanzi this time, her words meant that they should find Dong Xuanzi and withdraw the order to kill Xu Ying.

At this time, ten Taoist masters including Taoist Master Qixian, Holy King Xuannv, and King Lingyanming appeared and each came to the seaside.

The Xuannv Holy King looked at Xu Ying, showing surprise, and whispered: It turns out that my benefactor is the Lord of Tianjue City.

When these ten Taoist masters arrived, the surroundings were immediately silent, and no one dared to speak.

Xu Ying's boat was heading towards the Sea of ​​Chaos. Wu Xi urged the boat forward, bowed and said, Fellow Taoist Xu, Taoist Wuxi in the Heaven Realm is polite.

Xu Ying stood on the bow of the boat and returned the courtesy, saying: Xu Ying from the Three Realms, I have seen fellow Taoists from the Heaven Realm.

Cen Xi, Jiang Ning, Jing Ning and others returned the courtesy and said, I have met fellow Taoist Xu.

Wu Xi said: Fellow Taoist Xu is proficient in cause and effect, reincarnation, destiny, killing, and annihilation, so he can go back in time to kill people. It is so mysterious and unpredictable that it is hard to guard against. So I went to the heaven to see the Taoist, and the Taoist made a jade talisman. Leave it to us. This treasure connects us to the Dao Zun Dao. If Taoist friend Xu uses this method to harm us, he will be obliterated by Dao Zun Dao. Therefore, I am here to remind you.

Xu Ying smiled and said: If you don't come to provoke me, why should I attack you? Fellow Taoists, who asked you to come and tell me this?

Wu Xi did not hide anything and said: Tao Zun said that you must tell your friends about the interests here. Don't hide it and harm you.

Xu Ying was extremely surprised and saluted again, saying: Tao Zun's magnanimity is extraordinary and admirable.

Wu Xi, Cen Xi and others laughed and said: We are far inferior to Dao Zun. If we have this method, we will definitely use bad tricks to lure you to use the method of going back to the past to kill people, and use Dao Zun's Dao fluctuations to kill you.

Xu Ying laughed, shook his head and said: I killed Lingxuzi only because he tried to kill me three times, so I killed him. You have no enmity or enmity against me, how can I kill you? What's more, I killed you all, why should I respond? To the past?

Everyone's expressions suddenly changed, and they wished they could immediately teach him a lesson to prevent him from uttering arrogant words.

Xu Ying thanked him again, and the ship sailed into the sea of ​​chaos.

As soon as his big boat moved, other people's big boats also moved, and they all sailed towards the sea.

Xu Ying didn't take it seriously and urged the building boat to sail along the trajectory set by Taiyi Daojun.

One building after another followed behind, never leaving.

Xu Ying looked back and thought to himself: Taiyi asked me to go to the Sea of ​​Chaos for a duel. They came to watch the battle. It was definitely not Taiyi's intention. So what method does Taiyi plan to use to get rid of these people? Could it be that he wants me to take action?

Judging from his understanding of Taiyi, Taiyi must have had a plan in advance and would not let Xu Ying take action.

The building boat sailed for several days, and suddenly a bright light came into view in front of us. When the building boat approached, it turned out to be an abyss in the chaotic sea!

I don't know how long or deep this abyss is. Looking down, I can see the energy of chaos falling from both sides like a waterfall, and I can't hear the sound of falling to the ground.

Looking to both sides, I saw numerous cliffs, extremely steep, with no end in sight. If the width of the universe is one mile, the abyss is actually an unknown number of miles.

Xu Ying was shocked and confused. The sea of ​​chaos should be completely chaotic, and there could be no cracks!

What kind of force caused the Sea of ​​Chaos to break apart, forming such a great abyss?

There are many unpredictable places in the sea of ​​chaos, waiting to be explored. He thought to himself.

After the boat under his feet reached the abyss, it continued to move forward, planning to cross the abyss.

Xu Ying's heart was beating wildly. I don't know whether this abyss was formed naturally or man-made, but crossing the abyss is definitely not a good thing!

Taiyi shouldn't harm me!

His heart suddenly crossed, and he urged the building boat to speed up and sail towards the opposite side of the great abyss. Behind, the building ships were also sailing towards the opposite side. At this moment, a strange sound suddenly came out from the abyss. Seeing the infinite space pouring out, it was like bubbles, blowing the building ships one by one. Wrapped in bubbles.

Xu Ying's building boat is also in one of the bubbles.

When they entered these bubbles, they discovered that they were space-time bubbles, a strange cosmic structure.

These space-time bubbles, all stars, all star-like lakes, and all worlds are on the inner wall of the bubble.

A space-time bubble is an alternative universe.

These space-time bubbles are getting bigger and bigger, and there are more and more stars on the surface of space-time. They are getting bigger and bigger, and the life living on the surface of the space-time bubbles is evolving faster.

There are also worlds on the space-time bubble where intelligent life actually emerges!

Life is an accident, and intelligent life is an accident among accidents. But for the universe, life is inevitable, and intelligent life is also inevitable.

Some of the intelligent beings on these space-time bubbles were self-taught, and even tried to fly out of the space-time bubble to find the outside of the universe.

Their tenacity is admirable.

In just a few moments, the people on board the ship saw the hundreds of millions of years of history in the space-time bubble.

Everyone withdrew their gaze, steered the building ship, and sailed out from the inside of these time-space bubbles. However, they saw that the time-space bubbles were getting bigger and bigger, and they could not get close to the edge of the time-space bubbles.

At this moment, the space-time bubbles exploded one after another, and only then did the buildings and ships escape from these space-time bubbles.

As a result, the intelligent beings on the space-time bubble died and dissipated, as if they had never existed.

For the Chaos Sea, this is repayment of cause and effect, where it comes from and where it returns.

Everyone drove the building boat and looked around, but saw that the space between them was stretched infinitely by the space-time bubble, and there was no trace of Xu Ying at all.

Not to mention the promise, they couldn't even find any trace of anyone else!

This abyss of chaos is really terrifying. If you continue to stay here, you don't know what strange things will happen.

Everyone retreated one after another, and each urged the building boat to return to the other side.

Even if they don't return, they won't be able to find any trace of Xu Ying.

Xu Ying was alone on a green rock boat, and secretly praised in his heart: The location of the decisive battle arranged by Taiyi is really clever. This way, no one can disturb me when I fight with him.

He continued to drive the Cuiyan Tower Boat, and the Tower Boat sailed along the set direction. After traveling for more than ten days, it finally came to the opposite side of the Chaos Abyss and sailed into the Chaos Sea again.

Just as he drove out of the Chaos Abyss, a figure controlled time and space and passed through the Chaos Abyss. Infinite time and space flowed under its feet like water, at an unbelievable speed.

The next moment, the figure also broke into the sea of ​​chaos!

That figure did not take a boat, but physically crossed the sea of ​​chaos, which was amazing.

Xu Ying noticed that the destination was getting closer and closer, and his heart felt peaceful. When he was fighting with others, his fighting spirit was overwhelming, but his heart was very calm.

Ahead, a halo of light passed through the Qi of Chaos and caught his eye.

Xu Ying was surprised in his heart: Taiyi actually found so many interesting places in the sea of ​​chaos. He is worthy of being a great king, he likes to run around.

Just when he thought of this, a figure suddenly landed on the Cuiyan building with a thud, pressing the building to a halt.

Fellow Daoist Xu, that's it.

Taoist Master Dongxuan's wide robe has big sleeves. In the sleeves, in the folds of the clothes, and under the trouser legs, the energy of chaos flows out everywhere, like wisps of smoke.

He crossed the sea of ​​chaos, but he did not suffer multiple injuries. The injuries were only minor injuries, and they were immediately healed by Taiyi Avenue!

Xu Ying was not surprised at all by his arrival. He smiled slightly and said, Master, you have been observing me in the void for more than a year, and you are finally willing to show up.

For more than a year, Dongxuan Dao Master has been hiding in the void of Tianjue City, staring at Xu Ying. Xu Ying's Void Dao is a bit more powerful than him, and he can naturally see through the void at a glance.

Any actions of the Dongxuan Dao Master cannot be hidden from Xu Ying.

However, Dongxuan Dao Master never made any move, so Xu Ying didn't pay attention to him.

Today, Master Dongxuan finally couldn't help but follow him and appeared in front of Xu Ying.

Taoist Master Dongxuan said in surprise: Master?

Xu Ying saw that he could not move the Cuiyan Tower Boat, so he simply stopped moving, and said with a solemn expression: All those who practice Taiyi Dao in the three realms have learned from Taiyi Dao Lord on the other side. Taiyi Dao Lord has learned from Dongxuan Dao Master in the heaven. Therefore, you are my master. I have always respected my master in the three realms and never dared to recognize my master randomly.

Taoist Master Dongxuan nodded slightly and said: I didn't expect that I would have an outstanding disciple like you. It's a pity that God has played a trick on us. You killed Lingxuzi and Pingyaozi, and I was ordered to come and kill you.

It is God's will to trick people?

Xu Ying heard the words and chuckled, Which universe's providential path dares to trick me? Master, I don't know. This is not a trick of divine will, but the fate of our Taiyi sect and lineage. The oneness of the Taiyi is also the Dao. The path is unique, isn't it? Can you tolerate another Taiyi?

Dongxuan Dao Master reluctantly said: Your explanation is also a bit unreasonable. If there is a next life, don't learn from Taiyi.

He waved his sleeves, and with a roar, the boundless power came over and knocked Xu Ying heavily into the sea of ​​chaos!

Taoist Master Dongxuan sighed and whispered: Is this the fate of the Taisects fighting each other?

At this time, Xu Ying's voice came from the sea of ​​chaos, and said leisurely: Master, if you have practiced cause and effect, you should know that fate is also controlled by cause and effect. If I allow you to be born, you will live, if I allow you to die, you will die, and if I allow you to die, you will die, and I will allow you to be prosperous. You are rich and noble all the way, and if you are allowed to have a meteoric rise, you will rise to the top.

Dongxuan Dao Master's pupils shrank suddenly and he stared at the source of the sound.

Although he didn't use any great magical power with this flick, he was the master of the avenue after all!

Even if this brush cannot suppress Xu Ying to death, it is enough to cause all the great avenues in Xu Ying's body to become chaotic and kill each other!

Even if he couldn't do this, Xu Ying would be crushed to death by the sea of ​​chaos, and he would never be as calm as he is now!

He looked into the chaos, and saw that if there was light in the chaos, a figure was walking towards this side with rays of light.

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