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Chapter 843 The ferociousness is unleashed

Xu Ying touched the back of his head, looking blankly at Taoist Master Dongxuan, only to see that the old Taoist had disappeared into the sea of ​​chaos.

Does he know the way back to the other side?

Xu Ying whispered, There is no one to guide him this time.

Taoist Master Dongxuan followed his Cuiyan Tower Boat to this place. If he went back, without the Cuiyan Tower Boat, he would most likely get lost in the sea of ​​chaos.

Even if he is strong, he cannot persist in the sea of ​​chaos forever. Sooner or later, he will be wiped out by the sea of ​​chaos. If you are lucky, at most one or two Dao bones will be left.

Actually, you can watch me fight to the death with his disciple, my master, before leaving. Xu Ying said with a complicated mood, blinking his eyes.

However, Dongxuan Dao Master was so decisive that Xu Ying could only guess that he still had a building ship.

The key is, where is my building ship?

Xu Ying looked around. He had fought with Dongxuan Dao Master. He was now far away from the battle site and could not find a place to disembark.

Fortunately, the light he saw was still there, so Xu Ying did not look for the boat and walked towards the light.

The location of the light should be the battle place between Taiyi and him.

Is the Taoist Master of the Nine Innate Paths really that powerful? He touched the back of his head again.

The moment when Taoist Master Dongxuan mobilized Taiyi Dongyuan and exploded with ten times the combat power, he realized that Dongxuan's finger power had spread all over reincarnation, time, space and void, catching up with him in the next moment.

He originally thought he would die at the hands of Dongxuan Taoist Master, but he didn't expect that fatal finger to turn into a big hand and rub his head.

I hate people rubbing my head the most. Xu Yingxin said.

But he smiled, feeling a little warm. Although Taiyi Clan is famous for its betrayal, no one betrays Taiyi Clan.

After a long time, Xu Ying finally found the light and couldn't help but be stunned.

What caught his eyes was a large flood source, and below the flood source was a Zhicao plant.

The Zhicao looks like Ganoderma growing on a tree stump, with seven tree tongues holding up the source of the flood.

Taiyi will decide the decisive battle here?

Xu Ying stopped and looked around carefully, but found nothing else.

When he came to the Zhicao plant, he saw that the Zhicao plant was already extremely strong, countless times bigger than him. When he came down, it looked like a huge mountain, with its fan-leaf-shaped tree tongue sticking out, deep into the chaos.

There are also holes on the tongue of the tree, spraying out streams of spiritual light, like Ganoderma spores.

Xu Ying secretly praised and looked towards the tree stump, only to see that the tree stump was not dead.

The roots of this tree stump are plunged into the sea of ​​chaos, and it is connected to something unknown. It absorbs the energy of the sea of ​​chaos and makes the Ganoderma lucidum root grow stronger.

This tree stump is connected to...

Xu Ying became curious and was about to explore down the tree stump when the voice of Taiyi Daojun came, saying: This tree stump is connected to the remains of a universe here.

Xu Ying looked around and saw Taiyi Daojun arriving here on a green rock boat. He was well-dressed and obviously not in any danger.

You mean, the roots of this tree stump are rooted in the remains of the previous universe? Xu Ying asked.

Taiyi Daojun nodded and said: Anything can happen in the sea of ​​chaos. This is the ingenuity of this universal flood source. There once was another universe on its original site. This universe fell into silence, and its innate spirit The root should have died out along with it, repaying the cause and effect of heaven and earth. But unexpectedly, the death of this universe was not a normal death, but was passed on by others.

Xu Ying's heart moved slightly, and he said: The catastrophe caused by the transfer of calamity cannot repay all the cause and effect, so the innate spiritual treasure is not completely destroyed. So only the tree stump is left of the innate spiritual treasure in this universe.

Taiyi Daojun smiled and said: The innate spiritual treasure has not been destroyed, and the annihilation of this universe is not complete. Therefore, the innate spiritual treasure is still rooted in this universe and draws power. But the power it draws has nowhere to go. So something amazing happened.

Another chaotic spiritual root was born based on this broken spiritual root.

What was born next was a brand new cosmic flood source.

Xu Ying stood under the flood source, looked up at the two spiritual roots, and was filled with admiration, saying: The old chaotic spiritual roots draw the power of the debris of the universe and the chaotic sea to support the new spiritual roots and the new flood source. These two spiritual roots , and the two universes are therefore related and have cause and effect.

Taiyi Daojun nodded lightly and said: This makes me realize that no matter how clever the method of Hualin Luosan Daomaster is to pass on the calamity, he cannot truly transfer the calamity to other universes. Sooner or later, the calamity passed on will be transferred to other universes. Will return to the other side.”

Xu Ying observed the two chaotic spiritual roots and said calmly: Could this universe be the universe where the other side passed on the disaster and died?

Tai Dao: Yes. This universe is called Loujie. When the first calamity struck on the other side, it was transferred to the calamity. When its calamity broke out, it did not disappear immediately. Instead, it evolved in the calamity for a long time. Gradually it turned into silence, and then it was annihilated. Later, I returned to this place and looked carefully, only to find that after the building world was destroyed, a new flood source was actually born on the original site!

Xu Ying activated his eye of cause and effect, observed carefully, and indeed discovered the cause-and-effect connection between the two universes.

He adjusted the calamity, but did not discover the way of calamity in the two universes. Obviously, the calamity has been eliminated long ago!

This new cosmic source has inherited the cause and effect of the building world, but it has not inherited the fate of the building world.

In other words, the fate of destroying the building world has actually returned to the other side and has never been eliminated. On the contrary, the other side still has to bear the cause and effect of destroying the building world!

Xu Ying deduced, With the opening of the new cosmic flood source, cause and effect will turn into disaster, making the disaster on the other side intensified.

Taiyi Daojun said: In addition, there are Zhaojie, Jade Realm, and Emperor Realm. These universes that have fallen into annihilation or are about to fall into annihilation will also return calamities to the other side. There will even be calamities passed on by the other side. The incident of misfortune triggered a new calamity. The three Taoist masters Hualin and Luo passed on the calamity, which seemed clever, but in fact they were just adding fuel to the fire and putting out the fire.

Xu Ying understood the purpose of coming here to confront him, and said with a smile: You set this battle here to make yourself determined. You must not continue the mistakes of Hua Linluo and the others, and you must rely on the strength of the other side. Only by having strength to overcome the calamity can the calamity be eliminated. Right?

Taiyi Daojun said: I have another purpose, which is to tell you that the purpose of Tao Zun's teaching of Kung Fu may not be pure. The universe on the other side is so young, and the disaster broke out so early, it should be that Dao Zun will be in the heaven realm. Pass the misfortune to the other side!

Xu Ying sneered and said: Even if the Taoist Lord's purpose is impure, if you don't run over and exterminate them, I'm afraid that the misfortune of the heaven will not be transferred to the other side! The other side is responsible for its own evil, can anyone else be blamed?

Taiyi Daodaojun's breath was stagnant, but Xu Ying did not take the opportunity to take action.

His purpose is not to kill Taiyi, but to take this opportunity to help Taiyi attain enlightenment!

Taiyi Daojun said: That's true. Back then, we had a better way to deal with it, which was to kill those people from the Heavenly Realm who came to practice on the other side, and leave the Heavenly Realm alone. In this way, perhaps we could let the Heavenly Realm people The calamity cannot be transferred to the other side. However, Tao Zun's arrangement is too clever.

The Taoist Master preached, and the ancient gods and descendants of the ancient gods on the other side went to the heaven in person to bring the Taoism of the heaven back to the other side.

The world on the other side underwent drastic changes, the Daohui era came, and countless people on the other side died tragically. And the avenue of heaven and earth on the other side has become the avenue of heaven and earth in the realm of heaven.

The Tao, Dharma, and magical powers that the remaining people on the other side have cultivated are also the Tao, Dharma, and magical powers of the Heaven Realm.

At this time, I want to stir up the hatred of the other side towards Tianjing and tell the world that the millions of years of Tao Hui on the other side was deliberately caused by Tianjing.

The strong men on the other side, led by Hua Linluo and the others, went to the Heaven Realm, exterminated the people in the Heaven Realm, and destroyed everything there.

At this time, the only person left who can inherit the fate of the people in the heavenly realm is the other side.

People on the other side have made themselves no different from people in heaven.

The misfortune of the Heaven Realm returned to the other side. The oppression of the misfortune caused the Misfortune to start a conquest of other universes, thinking of grabbing more treasures and passing on the misfortune of the Heaven Realm.

Taiyi Daojun said: The only person in this world who can perfectly transfer the calamity is Taoist Master. Compared with him, the three Taoist Masters Hua Linluo are just children's tricks. In order to transfer the calamity of the heaven realm, he can make everyone People from the Heaven Realm will be buried with them, and even themselves and other Tao masters can be buried with them!

Xu Ying walked around Hongyuan and thought: Perhaps Tao Zun has not thought about passing on the calamity? Maybe you on the other side did too much evil and wiped out the heaven, so you inherited the calamity of the heaven.

Lord Taiyi Dao said: Of course it is possible. I would rather believe that I use the heart of a villain to judge the heart of a gentleman.

Xu Ying frowned slightly, but is Dao Zun really a gentleman?

If Dao Zun is a gentleman, why do you still pursue Emperor Xu and others and prevent Emperor Xu and others from bringing the true inheritance of the Heaven Realm back to the Three Realms?

Tao Zun is not that innocent. The other side is just as disgusting, and even more evil!

Xu Ying paused and said with a smile, Taiyi, you also have a way to pass on the disaster, that is, you lead the resurrected Taoist masters to kill the three Taoist masters of Hua Luolin, and then you commit suicide, and then let me in the Three Realms kill everyone on the other side of you. .In this way, you can transfer the catastrophe to the heaven.

Taiyi Daojun glanced at him expressionlessly and said: You are full of bad intentions. Why are you passing it on to the heaven realm instead of the three realms?

Xu Ying smiled slightly: Because what we practice is not Li Wen.

Taiyi Daojun snorted and said: I don't want to do this. The other side has done too many evil things, and the tribulations are also heavy. What I have to do is to gather all the power on the other side to take over the tribulations, survive the killings, and delay death. Destroy!

Xu Ying sighed and said quietly: Teacher Taiyi, your words make me really want to kill you right here. If you survive, if you gain power, you might be able to save the other side from danger. In your hands, the other side will be better than It will be stronger in the hands of Hualin and Luo.

If the other shore is strong, the three realms will be weak.

At that time, it will be even more detrimental to the Three Realms!

Therefore, Xu Ying came up with the idea of ​​taking this opportunity to get rid of Taiyi Daojun!

Xu Ying looked at the cosmic flood in front of him and squinted his eyes, the murderous intent in his eyes almost overflowing.

Master, the last time you fought against Master Dongxuan Dao Master, the time was too short. You haven't learned all his three thousand avenues yet.

Xu Ying offered a Taiyi Dao and said, I learned everything from him. Let's not rush into fighting. You first learn the inheritance of your master.

Taiyi Daojun felt his murderous intention and knew that he had the intention to kill him.

He also needs the pressure from his peers to make an even more amazing breakthrough on Taiyi Avenue and become the Taoist Master.

Once you learn it, I won't show mercy.

Xu Ying stared at the source of the universe and said indifferently, For the Three Realms, I can do anything.

Lord Taiyi Dao looked at his Taiyi Dao, paused, and said: For the sake of the other side, I do the same.

Neither party spoke anymore.

After a long time, Taiyi Daojun completed the three thousand avenues and said: I completed the three thousand avenues, which is equivalent to cultivating each of the heaven and earth avenues to the level of Daojun.

The magic power of three thousand Dao Lords gathered together is his cultivation!

Xu agreed: And I am the same.

Each of the nine innate avenues includes three thousand avenues, a total of 27,000, which is equivalent to the magic power of 27,000 immortals gathered in one body!

Taiyi Daojun urged Dongyuan to increase his cultivation strength to the extreme, and said calmly: Xu Ying, put pressure on me and help me break through.


Xu Ying roared, and in an instant the flood source was circulated, the nine paths were unified, turned into unstructured Dao power, and punched out!

Although this punch has no structure, the power of the nine innate ways is contained in it!

Xu Ying's eyes were filled with fierceness, and he made no secret of the fact that this blow was about to kill Taiyi!

Taiyi Daojun's expression suddenly changed. He pushed his technique to the extreme and punched out. Taiyi immediately unified the three thousand avenues and turned into thousands of rays of light from the cave abyss to meet his punch!

The moment the two fists struck each other, all kinds of visions of chaos, Hongmeng, Wuji, Taiyi, etc. appeared behind Xu Ying, and it was surging!

Xu Ying raised his hand to clasp it, and all his Tao power turned into annihilation. The palm of his hand was like clasping a round of annihilation flood source, covering Taiyi!

The thirteenth method of the eight methods of immortality, the seal of annihilation!

Lord Taiyi bowed in a pretense of bowing, and in the Chaos Sea behind him, the Qi of Chaos was attracted by him and poured into the source of the flood. It was really ingenious to take advantage of the location of the Chaos Sea to break his Nirvana Seal.

Xu Ying took advantage of the situation and the power of his palm suddenly changed, turning into the eighth method of the Eight Immortal Techniques, the Hun Dao Seal Technique. The surrounding chaos sea was immediately mobilized by him, and he pressed forward brazenly!

Taiyi Daojun raised his hand to resist, his own Dao was almost crushed to the point of annihilation, and strands of Chaos Qi spewed out from his eyes, ears, mouth and nose!

Behind Xu Ying, a spiritual light appeared like a dragon, turning into a long dragon and sweeping towards Taiyi Daodaojun's feet. With two clicks, Taiyi Daodaojun's two leg bones were swept away.

Xu Ying activated the tenth method, the lotus seal method, and was about to kill him, but saw half of Taiyi Daojun flying up and throwing himself into the flood source on the side!

Xu Ying became ferocious and rushed into the source of the flood.

Teacher Taiyi, today in this new world, I want you to repay the karma of heaven and earth!

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