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Chapter 840 Challenge Taiyi

Master Tongtian has gained the Tao by killing, and his strength is really superb. Now that the disaster on the other side is in full swing, his cultivation is bound to rise.

Dongxuan has also attained Taoism and become a Taoist master, and the Taiyi Dao he practices is also one of the nine innate paths. However, even though he has experience in his previous life, he may not be a match for Master Tongtian.

Now Taoist Master Tongtian can take advantage of the great momentum of killing on the other side, which is beyond his ability to match.

Tongtian Dao Master is an important part of the battle between Tianjing and the other side, so to get rid of Xu Ying, Tongtian must be avoided.

Dongxuan Taoist Master immediately stood up and left. Gong Jiexuan pondered for a moment and whispered: Do you want to tell father about this? He has great magical powers. He may be able to rescue Lingxuzi and Pingyaozi...

She hesitated. Heavenly Realm Dao Zun had not yet returned to its peak state, and was still waiting for the complete recovery of Heavenly Realm Dao.

It's better to order someone to inform the old man about this.

Gong Jiexuan had decided on the plan and summoned Wu Xi, saying: Wuxizi, go to the heaven and tell Dao Zun that Xu should use magical powers such as time and space reincarnation to kill Lingxuzi and Pingyaozi more than four hundred years ago. One thing.

Wu Xi was an immortal who had practiced the Great Way of Reincarnation and was extremely fast. Ying claimed that he was so and set off immediately.

Half a year later, he came to Heaven, found Taoist Master, and truthfully reported what Gong Jiexuan had ordered.

Hearing this, the Taoist Master was silent for a long time and said: Xu Ying has actually cultivated the Nine Innate Paths? Just wanting to sneak into the past and kill people in the years requires mobilizing reincarnation, cause and effect, disaster, and even killing and annihilation at the same time. But also Know whether the person has survived the tribulation of Nirvana. If he has survived the kalpa of Nirvana, the cause and effect is too heavy and he cannot be killed.

His eyes were faint, looking at the incomparably ancient past years of Heaven Realm. Twenty billion years of history flowed hurriedly through his eyes like waves.

Although the waves crashed for a moment, there were many heroes.

There are too few people who can survive the catastrophe of Nirvana. Most monks, even Tao masters, cannot escape the catastrophe.

Dao Zun's voice rumbled, This makes it possible to kill people against time. But what surprises me is, how can he mobilize so many avenues at the same time?

He was extremely puzzled. There are two ways to cultivate the Nine Innate Paths. One way is to refine the Dao outside, refine the Nine Innate Paths, use the Innate Spiritual Treasure as a connection, penetrate annihilation and chaos, and form an external flood source. Among them, the nine paths are constantly rotating.

The other path is to refine the Tao within, which also uses the innate spiritual treasure as a connection to connect annihilation and chaos, allowing the nine paths to form a cyclic system.

There is no distinction between these two cultivation paths.

Looking at the history of the universe, there may not be only one or two people who can comprehend the Nine Innate Paths.

But this kind of cultivation method cannot mobilize multiple innate nine ways at the same time. It is already the limit to mobilize one and two kinds of innate ways at the same time. Only when the Hongyuan movement reaches the moment when the two ways intersect, can the two ways be mobilized at the same time, such as running When calamity and killing intersect, you can adjust the calamity and killing.

The Taoist Master pondered for a long time, stood up slowly, and said calmly, I didn't expect the method Xu Ying used, but his killing of Lingxuzi and Pingyaozi this time was just a small test. His target was not Lingxuzi and Pingyaozi. But he is the real Taoist master. He attacked Lingxu and Pingyao just as an experiment to see if he could succeed. Otherwise, with his strength, he could just kill the two of them, so why go back to the past?

Upon hearing this, Taoist Wuxi couldn't help but shudder, and hurriedly said: Taoist Master, this son is cruel and violent. If he attacks us in the future, won't he die without knowing how?

Dao Zun smiled and said: Although I don't know how he did it, it is easy to crack it. His sneaking into the past to kill people will definitely cause the opponent's backlash. The immortal backlash can no longer resist him. The Tao Master's backlash , it is very likely to severely injure him or even kill him.

Taoist Wuxi frowned, Xu Ying was still in the immortal realm, and there was still huge room for improvement in his cultivation strength. If his cultivation strength continues to improve, I am afraid that the Tao Master's backlash will not be able to hurt him.

Tao Zun said: If the great road backfires and the power is beyond his ability to bear, he can be killed. No matter how bad it is, it is still a deterrent.

Wuxi Taoist hurriedly asked: How to increase the power of the great avenue's backlash?

Simple, just use the method of making everyone prosperous and losing both, so that he can do nothing.

Tao Zun said, Connect the life and death of all of you with the cause and effect of the Dao I practice. If he doesn't touch you, just let it go. If he dares to touch you, it will arouse my sympathy with the Dao, and a twists and turns will naturally occur. Smooth him out.

Taoist Wuxi was overjoyed and quickly asked for advice.

The Taoist Master smiled and said: I will refine a few jade talismans. You can take them back and let you all practice them. Then they will be connected to my great path. However, you must also warn Xu Ying and tell him not to act recklessly again. , so as not to die in vain.

Taoist Wuxi was very puzzled and said: Why did Taoist Master still want to save him?

Taoist Master smiled and said: I had a confrontation with Taoist Master Tongtian in the Sea of ​​Chaos. I was wrong that time. If I attack Xu Ying again this time, I am afraid that Taoist Master Tongtian will turn against him. Therefore, you must warn Xu Ying. Yes. If he seeks death, then I have something to say so that he will not turn against Taoist Master Tongtian.

Wuxi Taoist people say it is.

Tao Zun refined a few jade talismans and gave them to him, saying: After refining, unless you promise to kill me, there is no reason to go back to the past and kill you. Of course, this object does not interfere with the present world. If you die now , even I can’t save you. Remember, remember.”

Taoist Wuxi received the jade talisman and immediately left the heavenly realm and returned to the other side.

He woke up only after leaving the heaven: I forgot to tell Tao Zun that the girl sent Dongxuan Dao Master to kill Xu Ying. Do you want to go back and tell Dao Zun about this?

He hesitated for a moment and thought to himself: The girl is the daughter of Tao Zun. I am talking too much. Tao Zun ordered Dong Xuan to come back, but the girl still blames me. They have different opinions and won't do anything, but the girl treats me I'm afraid there will be more resentment. That's all, I'll pretend I don't know about it.

Half a year later, he returned to Shangdu and handed the jade talisman to Gong Jiexuan and others, and talked about the use of this talisman. Everyone was overjoyed when they heard this and each refined the jade talisman.

Wu Xi went to look for the master of Dongxuan Taoism, but could not find him.

Gong Jiexuan said: Dongxuan went to kill Xu Ying, but he has not returned yet.

Wu Xi asked: Is Xu Ying dead?

Gong Jiexuan shook her head and said: Zeng is not dead yet. Dong Xuan probably hasn't taken action yet. If he wants to kill Xu Ying, he must avoid the eyes and ears of Taoist Master Tongtian. There is no such opportunity for a while. But he can't find where he is now. place.

Wu Xi had no choice but to give up the idea of ​​looking for him.

Tian Jue City.

Xu Ying was comprehending the self-sufficiency of my nature in martial arts, and suddenly felt something in his heart. He quickly stood up and looked in the direction of the Sea of ​​Chaos.

At this moment, he actually sensed the great avenues of heaven and earth in the three realms.

He was confused and confused. In the hinterland of the other shore, he sensed the avenue of heaven and earth in the three realms. This meant that the three realms were very close to the other shore, and the avenues of heaven and earth in the two universes began to influence each other!

Qingxuan and Shengzun flew over, landed next to him, and said: Tao Ancestor...

Xu Ying shook his head and said: We have cultivated the way of heaven in the three realms, so we can sense the three realms. People on the other side have not cultivated and cannot sense it.

Qingxuan and Shengzun were a little relieved.

At the same time, Yuan Weiyang felt something in the Three Realms. She raised her head and looked to the sky. She also noticed the disturbance from the other side.

Xu Ying sensed the great avenues of heaven and earth in the three realms, and her senses were even stronger. As she looked toward the sky, layers of emptiness continued to expand in her eyes, as if the sea of ​​chaos did not exist.

She could not see the other shore from the void, but she could see the influence of the other shore on the void.

The distance between the Three Realms and the other shore is closer than before! She thought to herself.

Xu Ying, who is far away on the other side, can't help but have the same thought in his heart. The distance between the two universes is probably negligible in the sea of ​​chaos!

Although it may take a thousand years for the two universes to run stranded on each other, in two to three hundred years, the other side will be able to sense the Three Realms.

Xu Ying thought to himself, In another five hundred years, when the two universes are rotating around each other, part of each other will be able to invade the other's time and space. It's too dangerous, we can't wait any longer!

His eyes flashed, and suddenly the vast spiritual consciousness spread out and rushed into the void of the universe on the other side, turning into a deafening cry:


I want to challenge Taiyi Daojun to eliminate harm for the other side!

His voice rumbled, and its transmission range became wider and wider. After more than ten days, it could be heard everywhere on the other side of the continent. After another dozen days, all the subordinate worlds on the other side could also hear Xu Ying's challenge to Taiyi Daojun. sound.

In front of Biyou Palace, Master Tongtian Taoist stood, looking at the direction of the Three Realms. Although he had been away from his hometown for many years, he also noticed that the great avenue of heaven and earth in the Three Realms aroused his homesickness.

It also made him feel worried.

But when Xu Ying's voice came, he was slightly startled.

Xu Ying, what are you trying to do by challenging Taiyi at this time?

He pondered, Are you helping the other side to eradicate the cancer of Taiyi, or are you helping Taiyi achieve enlightenment smoothly?

He paused slightly and whispered: If Taiyi were in charge, I'm afraid it would be possible for the other side to survive this disaster. Is it good or bad for the Three Realms?

Dao Jitian, Jiuqiu Mountain, Luo Daoist also heard Xu Ying's voice. He couldn't help being stunned and murmured: This Xu Ying is actually a loyal minister on the other side. Back then, I made him swear that when he faced Taiyi, he would kill his relatives with righteousness. , I didn’t expect that not only did he swear, but now he actually wants to eradicate Taiyi.”

He paused: He is a pillar of talent!

In Dao Ji Tianzhong, Dao Master Hua and Dao Master Lin also heard Xu Ying's message and were each surprised.

The Taiyi Sect has been full of rebels, and now they are finally fighting among themselves? Dao Master Lin asked in surprise.

Master Hua pondered for a moment and said doubtfully: Two rebels fighting among themselves? But it doesn't look like it. There must be a conspiracy here.

His face immediately returned to resoluteness: Why bother with the plot of these insects? When the two of them fight, throw an innate spiritual treasure down and kill them directly.

In the Shang Capital, Gong Jiexuan and others also heard Xu Ying's voice. Gong Jiexuan smiled and said, Xu Ying is finally going to rebel. This person is not without merit.

Wuxi Taoist said quickly: Dong Xuan is still looking for an opportunity to kill him!

Gong Jiexuan frowned slightly, feeling a little headache, and said, Do you know where Dongxuan is?

His whereabouts have not been found.

Gong Jiexuan exhaled a breath and said: Wuxizi, you, Cen Xizi and the others are going to Tianjue City to explore the place where Xu Ying and Taiyi fought. If Dongxuan is also there, he will definitely show up to meet you. .”

Wu Xi said yes, called Cen Xizi and others, and hurried to Tianjue City.

In Tianjue City, after Xu Ying announced the announcement to the world, Qingxuan, Shengzun, Jiuhen and others came forward one after another. Jiuhen shouted: Xu Fangu can't sit still anymore, is he going to kill his master?

Qingxuan said: Do you plan to take this opportunity to fight Taiyi, help Taiyi attain the Tao, and become a Taoist master? Do you want Taiyi to lead the resurrected Taoist masters in a decisive battle with Taoist Master Hua and others?

The Holy Lord said: With your current strength, are you a match for Taiyi? Although Taiyi only cultivates one Taiyi Avenue, his cultivation level is really unfathomable. I am afraid that he is not inferior to the Taoist masters of ordinary lower avenues!

Xu Ying smiled and said: You have to fight to know whether he is his opponent. But I will never show mercy when fighting Taiyi. If Taiyi loses, he will die in my hands. I must give him life and death. Only through oppression can he help him break through and attain the Taoist master.

The three of them were about to speak, when the voice of Taiyi Daojun came: Xu Ying, it has only been more than four hundred years, and you have realized that my nature is self-sufficient in Taiyi? Are you confident enough now?

Xu Ying turned his back to the voice and smiled: Yes.

Taiyi Daojun came from outside, Jiuhen hurriedly stepped forward to pay homage. Taiyi Daodaojun smiled gently and said: It is not enough to understand that my nature is self-sufficient in Taiyi.

Xu Ying still turned his back to him and said leisurely: Have I realized that my nature is self-sufficient, not that my nature is self-sufficient in the Oneness?

Taiyi's eyes lit up and he smiled: Okay! In that case, you and I will compete in the Sea of ​​Chaos. I have already prepared your ship for you.

He left behind a green rock building ship and said: The destination has been reserved on this ship. You just need to board the ship and go there. I will wait for you in the Sea of ​​Chaos.

He turned and walked out.

Outside Tianjue City, Wu Xi, Cen Xi and others lowered their heads and walked towards the city.

Suddenly, everyone's expressions changed slightly and they stopped. They saw a burly man in front of him wearing a heavy cloak, standing there, blocking his way.

King Ling Yanming!

Wu Xi sneered and said, Ling Yan, you are cultivating the devil's path. If you gain the path of a single path, even if you become a master of the path, you will never be able to turn a sparrow into a phoenix.

Taoist Cenxi's eyes flashed and he said: Ling Yan, if you appear here, then Taiyi must be nearby! You are a Taoist master in vain, and you are actually under the orders of a Taoist Lord!

King Ling Yanming's whole body was filled with demonic energy, and his eyes fell on Wu Xi. He chuckled and said: Wuxizi, reincarnation. Cenxizi, Wuji. Yuxizi, chaos. Jiangningzi, cause and effect. Jingningzi, killing. Hainingzi , calamity. Very good, really very good. You are cultivating the Nine Innate Paths, so you are naturally better than me, who only practices the Demonic Path. But it is a pity that you have not yet attained the Dao, and are still just ants.

He looked sternly: Take one step forward and let you live or die!

Wu Xi and others were about to take action when they saw a woman in white clothes floating over, feeling awe-struck in their hearts.

Beside King Ling Yanming, there is also Saint King Xuannv! This time is a bit tricky!

The two sides were confronting each other, and when they were about to take action, suddenly Taiyi Daojun came from behind and said calmly: Ling Yan, Xuannv, let's go.

King Ling Yanming and Holy King Xuannv followed him and left hand in hand, leaving only Wu Xi and others.

Taoist Cenxi was angry: If Dongxuan is here, with him as the Taoist master, they won't be able to escape!

Where is this guy Dongxuan hiding?

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