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Chapter 836 In the Oneness, My Nature Is Self-Sufficient

Master? You don't dare to take it.

Dongxuan's eyes fell on Taiyi, his face suddenly darkened, and his mood suddenly became unstable.

The master and apprentice met again after more than 100 million years, and each felt a little sad.

At that time, Taiyi was a solid and mature young man. He studied with him, always asked various questions, and was very serious about his studies.

Now that they meet again, Taiyi is already a solid and mature old man, but the relationship between the two is no longer a master-student relationship.

Taoist Dongxuan only has hatred and pain of betrayal in his heart towards Taiyi.

How can I, Dongxuan, deserve to have a master-killing disciple?

Dongxuan sneered, How can I deserve to have a disciple who avenges kindness with revenge? A disciple who drives everyone to death? How can I teach such scum to be unfaithful, unfilial, unkind, and unjust?

His eyes were filled with rage and murderous intent was evident. Over the years, his Taoist heart has been haunted by hatred and betrayal. Now that he sees Taiyi, it will be difficult to contain him!

In my heavenly realm, I accepted Bian'an as my disciple, but what I got in exchange was not respect for my master, nor repayment of gratitude, but massacre! The people in my heavenly realm were massacred by the apprentices we taught! Hahaha! I actually taught the executioner who exterminated my race. !”

Dong Xuan laughed like he was crying, The disciples I taught used my Taoism and my magical powers to kill tens of thousands and millions of my people! How ironic -

Master, when you taught us the Taoism, you didn't tell us that when we return to the other side with the Taoism, it will cause a mass extinction of the creatures on the other side.

Taiyi Daojun looked solemn and said, The Daohui Snow has fallen on my other side for more than a million years, and the Heaven and Earth Dao has become the Heaven and Earth Dao of Heaven. In these millions of years, the number of dead creatures on the other side is no less than that of Tianjing. ! When we are dead and no one is left alive, what is the intention of the Heaven Realm letting the people of the Heaven Realm migrate to the other shore and practice on the other shore?

Dongxuan said with a serious look on his face: So, we taught you Taoism and magical powers back then, but did we teach you wrongly? We didn't know that such a big extinction event would happen when Li Wen arrived on the other side! As for us entering the other side, it was just to ask for a It’s just a place to survive. What’s wrong with migrating for the continuation of the race?”

Taiyi said: Aren't you just passing on the misfortune?

Dong Xuan raised his head and laughed loudly: You killed everyone in the Heaven Realm, and you still accuse our Heaven Realm of passing on the disaster? How shameless!

Behind him, the Taiyi Cave Abyss suddenly erupted, and the Taiyi Avenue presented a magnificent phenomenon in which all the paths returned together.

This vision is a unique feature of Taiyi Dao.

Taiyi Avenue is the ancestor of all the ways. In addition to the nine innate ways, other avenues, including void, are included in Taiyi. ——Of course, Tai only covers part of the void, not all of it.

Xu Ying looked up and saw Taiyi Avenue, which was wider than him, containing more and more complex avenues.

In just a short moment, he noticed three thousand avenues!

These three thousand avenues cannot be thoroughly studied and integrated into Taiyi in just a few hundred million years!

It may take hundreds of millions of years for a person to comprehend one avenue from scratch and elevate it to the level of a Taoist master. To comprehend three thousand avenues from scratch and elevate it to the level of a Taoist master, It may take more than 300 billion years!

Xu Ying's eyes flashed. Even if other Tao masters understood different avenues and reached the level of Tao masters, it would only take hundreds of millions of years!

With the foundation of the other side, it is still far from being able to achieve this step.

Xu Ying was able to comprehend nearly 300 great ways in a short period of time and integrate them into the Taiyi Great Way, because these great ways have been sorted out by others, and there are ready-made exercises to learn and ready-made experiences to draw on.

But starting from scratch, for Xu Ying, even the simplest innate path would take a very long time!

Dongxuan's Taiyi Avenue is built on the incomparably ancient history of the Heaven Realm, and is more extreme than the other side and the Three Realms!

He thought to himself, The other side is not as good as the heaven, and Taiyi is not as good as Dongxuan.

Taiyi, use the skills I taught you to fight to the death with me! Dong Xuan said solemnly.

Taiyi Dongyuan appears behind Taiyi Daodaojun's head. Although they are both Taiyi Dongyuan, they are different.

Dongxuan's Dongyuan focuses on integrating more avenues into the Dongyuan, and the avenues merge to form the Taiyi Avenue.

Taiyi's Dongyuan also has avenues converging, but the number of avenues merged is far less than Dongxuan.

Even if Taiyi, the old thief, harvests the universe, he is far inferior to Dongxuan in terms of Dao attainments. There is not much difference in cultivation between the two. The moment they fight, Taiyi, the old thief, will be defeated.

Xu Ying said silently in his heart, Dong Xuan's strength is much higher than his! What's more important is that Dong Xuan was the master of the Tao before the Great Dao Tide!

Standing at the height of the Taoist master, observing immortality is like reading a text on the palm of your hand, or watching fire with insight.

Then the demonstration that the Taiyi rebels showed me was a demonstration of his defeat? Xu Ying thought to himself.

As soon as he thought of this, Taiyi and Dongxuan were already fighting. Neither side had any hold on the other. Both of their mana were Taiyi's power, and their magical powers were all Taiyi's.

The magical power of Dongxuan is integrated into three thousand different innate avenues, wind, rain, thunder and lightning, metal, wood, water and fire, lunar sun, Shaoyin Shaoyang, Nine Palaces and Bagua, Four Symbols and Eight Extremes, Xuanwu Suzaku, Blue Dragon and White Tiger, Soul Power, etc. The power of the great avenue is penetrated and unified by Taiyi!

The power of three thousand kinds of avenues were integrated into one. Even Xu Ying, who was also at the level of Dao Lord, could not help but change his expression when faced with this blow. He thought that with this blow, his soul would return to his hometown.

The magical power of Taiyi Daojun is far less integrated with the innate Dao than Dongxuan, but the strange thing is that Dongxuan's attainments in the Three Thousand Dao are high and low, but Taiyi's attainments in the Three Hundred Dao are very even, and they are all in the immortal realm. The state of great perfection.

It's strange. The avenue hidden by the rebel Tai Yi is as neat as a harvest of leeks. It's too neat. What did he learn from Emperor Haotian?

Xu Ying was greatly surprised. As long as he is a normal person and practices different avenues, there will definitely be higher and lower levels, and it is impossible to keep them all in one order.

For example, Xu Ying's attainments in the Nine Innate Paths are also uneven and not uniform.

Xu Ying had never encountered this kind of situation like Taiyi.

Just when the two people's moves collided, Xu Ying immediately saw a scene that puzzled him. He saw that the number of Taiyi Dao Lord's Taiyi Dao masters quickly exceeded the three hundred mark!

Just now, Taiyi's avenues had just reached three hundred, but now, the number of avenues contained in his Taiyi avenue suddenly added one more!

Not only that, the second, third, and fourth types also appeared quickly!

What’s even more bizarre is that these newly emerged avenues, in a short period of time, have grown from scratch, from knowing nothing about it, to the level of the Immortal Realm of Great Perfection!

The speed was so fast that Xu Ying could not help but go crazy!

Even if he made rapid progress in the years after arriving on the other side, he would never be able to practice as fast as Taiyi Daojun!

That's right! The Taiyi old thief must have built these avenues early and integrated them into his own Taiyi Avenue. In the past, in order to hide his strength, he did not expose these avenues, but now he is just releasing these avenues.

Xu Ying thought of this, but saw the two of them clashing. Various Taiyi magical powers emerged one after another. However, more avenues emerged among Taiyi's avenues, and they were also rapidly growing into the Immortal Realm and the Great Perfection level!

Wait a minute, he's not hiding his strength, he's plagiarizing! He's plagiarizing Dongxuan's avenue!

Xu Ying suddenly realized that all the newly added avenues of Taiyi could be found from the three thousand avenues included in Dongxuan's Taiyi Avenue!

In other words, when Taiyi and Dongxuan fought, they learned the great avenues that the other party was proficient in one by one.

But this kind of learning speed and efficiency is too fast!

It is impossible to have such a learning speed in the world, it is impossible to have...

Xu Ying lost his mind and looked at the two people who were fighting in a daze. Dongxuan could suppress Taiyi Dao Lord before, but now, the two people can obviously keep pace with each other!

Even if Dongxuan is still proficient in more avenues than Taiyi, and even if he was the master of Taiyi Avenue in his previous life, he cannot take any advantage!

No, no!

Xu Ying watched the confrontation between the two and saw that the number of avenues controlled by Taiyi was still growing. In a short period of time, it had grown from 300 to 800!

The various avenues he learned all grew to the peak of the immortal realm, and then they came to an abrupt end.

These five hundred newly built avenues are actually the same as the previous three hundred kinds of avenues, neat and tidy, without any distinction between high and low!

If you have learned it, you must have understood it yourself, there must be high and low, deep and shallow. And these newly cultivated avenues of Taiyi seem to have already existed in the Taiyi avenue he practiced!

Xu Ying looked at this scene absentmindedly and murmured in his heart, It's just that these originally existing avenues did not appear. He fought with the other party and was inspired by the other party, so these avenues appeared. He has never learned or understood these. Great avenues, these great avenues have long existed in Taiyi!”

This is what Taiyi Daojun learned from Emperor Haotian.

He captured the essence of Taiyi Avenue!

At the moment Xu Ying lost consciousness, the situation had reversed. Taoist Dongxuan went from suppressing Taiyi to being on par with Taiyi, and now he was shocked by Taiyi so much that he vomited blood and fell down.

The avenue of Taiyi has reached nearly two thousand types!

As long as he is given a moment more, he will be able to get enlightenment from Taoist Dongxuan, and the Taiyi Avenue will be able to awaken the three thousand avenues!

What kind of method is this? Dong Xuan stabilized his body and coughed up blood.

Taiyi Daojun looked indifferent and said: Master, this is what one of my disciples realized. You taught me that Taiyi is the ancestor of all dao. Therefore, if you want to understand the true meaning of Taiyi, you need to continue to learn other Dao. Merge into the One.”

Taoist Dongxuan nodded slightly and said: This is the foundation of Taiyi Dao.

The King of Taiyi Dao said: And the Taiyi Dao that my disciple understood is that Taiyi is the law of all Tao, and all Tao are born from Taiyi. Forcibly learning all kinds of Tao is just abandoning the basic and chasing the last. If you want to understand the true meaning of Taiyi, you need to know In the Oneness, my nature is self-sufficient.”

Among the One, my nature is self-sufficient? Dongxuan Taoist murmured.

The Lord of Taiyi Dao said: This is his True Tradition of Taiyi Dao, which is different from the True Tradition you taught me. However, Master, you are not enlightened enough. It is impossible for you to comprehend the mystery of the True Tradition in this life.

As he spoke, his Taiyi Avenue continued to evolve on its own, giving birth to more avenues, allowing his cultivation level to rise steadily!

Who is your disciple?

Taoist Dongxuan thought about it carefully and felt more and more that this sentence was profound and unfathomable. Even with all his wisdom, he could not understand the mystery. He couldn't help but ask, Where is he?

He was a little panicked. There was such a genius on the other side, and he was afraid that there was another Taoist-like existence!

In fact, maybe even Dao Zun can't compare to that person!

Taiyi Daojun looked gloomy and turned to leave: He is already dead.

He did not kill Taoist Dongxuan, but went on the road alone, and soon disappeared without a trace.

Lingxuzi, don't chase me.

Dongxuan Taoist said, He is luring Taoist Luo to appear. He wants to attack Taoist Luo.

Lingxuzi was shocked and said, You mean the Taoist masters he revived are hiding nearby?

Taoist Dongxuan nodded slightly and said: We must leave quickly, otherwise we will be targeted by the strong men on the other side and we will be buried here!

He sighed and thought to himself: The other side is so talented. One of them died, and there is another one...

In Tianjue City, Xu Ying looked back, a little confused. Qingxuan, Shengzun, Jiuhen and others were discussing the reasons for the sudden increase in the number of Taiyi Daojun's avenues. Only Xu Ying looked pale and did not interrupt.

In Taiyi, my nature is self-sufficient. This sentence was said by Daojun Hao Yi. When he was my senior brother, he always kept this sentence on his lips.

Lord Jiu Hate said, No one took his words to heart at first, but now it seems that Master has understood something remarkable from these words.

Taoist Wukong asked: Master Hao Yi, is he Emperor Haotian?

Qingxuan nodded lightly: It's him. There was a legend in the earthly immortal world that Emperor Taihao killed Emperor Hao and ascended the throne. Later, Yuan Yu and I went to dig up his grave. His tomb was empty, and he was not in it. . It can be seen that he did not die back then, but abdicated his throne to Taihao and went to the other side by himself.

Holy Lord Yuan Yu murmured: This thing he has comprehended seems to be more powerful than the Taoist Master. If he does not die...

Jiuhen sighed and said sadly: If he doesn't die, I'm afraid one of the three Taoist masters will have to give way.

Xu Ying was confused, and the words that kept turning over and over in his mind were: In the Oneness, my nature is self-sufficient; in the Oneness, my nature is self-sufficient...

After a few days, he came to his senses and said to Qingxuan, Shengzun and others: I need to go on a far journey, so I leave it to you brothers and sisters. My soul is still guarding here, and I will follow the path and protect you. Taiyimen.

The Holy Lord asked: If the master of the sect leaves and never returns, then who will be the master of Taiyi Sect?

Qingxuan. Xu Ying said without thinking.

The Holy Lord cast a hateful look at Qingxuan.

Xu Ying said goodbye to everyone and left.

More than a month later, he came to the restricted area that he had not seen for a long time, and Hao Yi realized the truth.

Xu Ying raised his head and re-examined the various magical marks all over the sky.

In addition to the self-sufficiency of my nature in the Oneness, there is also the self-sufficiency of my nature in the reincarnation! There is also the infinite, the calamity, the killing, the annihilation, the chaos, and the grand mist!

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