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Chapter 835 Taiyi Sect, with the same origin

King Gu Yanzhen heard this and sneered: Even Taiyi Dao Lord dare not say that he will protect all Taiyi people, so he has to let them fall into disaster. Xu Ying is only a disciple of Taiyi, how can he dare to fight against the disaster?

To eliminate bad luck, you must go through killing.

If you want to protect your disciples and prevent them from dying, then I need to kill more disciples.

Therefore, whether for the sake of the disciples or for the elimination of misfortune, there must be someone who will kill the disciples of the Taiyi Sect. If promised to kill without mercy, there must be someone who dares to violate it!

Lord Dao of Gods and Demons looked at the Taiyi disciples who were hurriedly walking in the distance, and said quietly: I originally asked my disciples to go to the three realms to conquer the three realms and avoid disaster. In the end, only one escaped and the others died. I wanted to escape How easy is it to rob one’s luck?”

Gu Yanzhen said kingly: There are too many people in this world who are dissatisfied with Taiyi Daodao Lord, let alone Xu Ying? Many people will definitely take this opportunity to take action and weaken Xu Ying and Taiyi Sect's arrogance. If there is Taiyi Sect. When a person is killed, his face is completely lost.”

He looked expectant.

Lord Dao Dao of Gods and Demons is also looking forward to it.

Although he knew that Xu Ying was extremely powerful and even the Lord of Life and Death died at his hands, the other shore was too vast. If it is too far away from Tianjue City, Xu Ying will definitely be beyond reach!

A disciple of the Taiyi Sect was killed, and Xu Ying was naturally embarrassed.

The two of them had just thought of this, when suddenly the vitality of the world shook violently, and the sky exploded. The power of reincarnation distorted time and space, unifying the time and space where the disciples of the Taiyi Sect were before, and turned them into a magnificent light wheel!

The huge ring of reincarnation even rotated leisurely in front of the two of them, and the loud sound was deafening.

The expressions of Lord Dao Dao of Gods and Demons and King Gu Yanzhen suddenly changed.

I saw an immortal on the other side, currently in this cycle of reincarnation!

King Daoyi! King Gu Yanzhen exclaimed.

The Yizhen King probably wanted to kill these Taiyi Clan members and bring shame on Xu Ying, but in the end, those Taiyi Clan members called out Xu Ying's real name.

It's the Avenue of Cause and Effect!

Lord Dao of Gods and Demons shuddered and said, Xu Ying's Dao of Cause and Effect is already the best in the world!

Only the Great Path of Cause and Effect can achieve such a keen sense, and you will be sensed just by calling out its name. However, why did Xu Ying's magical power come here so quickly? The Lord of Gods and Demons didn't know the reason.

The halo of reincarnation was extremely vast. King Dao Yi was in the midst of reincarnation. Suddenly, his Tao power disintegrated in the reincarnation. The great avenue melted. Even his soul had no chance to escape to other universes. He screamed and turned into flying ashes. !

When King Gu Yanzhen saw this, he couldn't help but shudder.

Dao Yi's strength was not inferior to him at all, but he died tragically like this. It would have been the same if he had been on the field.

An existence like the Gods and Demons Daojun can indeed kill these Taiyi disciples, but if the Gods and Demons Daojun takes action, he will fight Xu Ying until death. He couldn't beat Xu Ying, so he had to give up.

However, the mortal world on the other side is really vast, and there are many masters emerging in endlessly. Some of them are not afraid of death and dare to challenge Xu Ying.

In the following months, news gradually came from all over the other side. One day, a disciple of the Taiyi Sect came to the fifth prison and was in danger. When he called out Xu Ying's name, thunder and fire fell from the sky, and all the enemies were killed in a sea of ​​fire.

Another day, Wang Chen, Taojun, was arrogant and intercepted and killed a disciple of the Taiyi Sect in Tianyou Mountain. The disciple called Xu Ying's name, and Wang Chen died suddenly.

Another day, King Bianfu Zhen Yu Yuanhai intercepted and killed a disciple of the Taiyi Sect, and was killed by a sword light.

Another day, Taoist Master Yulong intercepted and killed a disciple of the Taiyi Sect in Dayou City, and died in the busy city. No one else around was injured or killed, but Taoist Master Yulong died tragically.

Rumors spread faster and faster, and the more they spread, the more evil they become. However, these immortals, true kings, and Tao lords in the rumors are actually real people, and these people are indeed dead!

This is scary.

For a time, the strong men on the other side did not dare to intercept and kill the Taiyi people anymore, and allowed these people to go towards Tianjue City.

Outside Tianjue City, the two of them also looked at the Taiyi Clan members who were rushing to Tianjue City, each showing a different look.

Promising is too arrogant.

One of them was a handsome young man who had fought against Xu Ying before. He was Tianjing Lingxuzi. He used to be a Taoist master, but now he is re-cultivating on the other side. His cultivation level is much stronger than when he first fought with Xu Ying.

Lingxuzi was eager to give it a try and said with a smile: There has been no master on the other side who can compete with him in these years, which is so disappointing. How can a Bianan like this fight against the heavenly realm? I'll kill him with his spirit!

Lingxuzi, don't act rashly.

Another man, dressed in neon clothes and Xia sleeves, with Taoist immortality, shouted to stop him and said, The three realms have formed an alliance with the heavens, and Xu Ying is the Taoist ancestor of the three realms. If you offend him, the Taoist master will look after you!

Lingxuzi was quite dissatisfied and said: Dongxuan, what do the three realms count? What qualifications do you have to form an alliance with my heavenly realm? Why do we need to form an alliance with my heavenly realm?

Dongxuan Taoist said: Forging an alliance with the Three Realms to fight against the other side is the strategy set by Taoist Master. You cannot criticize it.

Lingxuzi snorted and said: I naturally dare not criticize the strategy set by Dao Zun. But Dao Zun is not omnipotent. If he was really so powerful, how could my heavenly realm suffer such a catastrophe and be massacred by the other side? Empty?

Dong Xuan frowned slightly.

When the Heaven Realm was stranded, it coincided with the ebb of the Great Dao. The Tao Master took the initiative and taught the Taoist methods to those who came to the other side of the Heaven Realm. Many Tao Masters had doubts. But because of his trust in Taoist Master, he still taught the true Dharma to the other side.

However, their good deeds resulted in massacre on the other side. As a result, the heavenly realm was exterminated, and even their Taoist masters died!

What Tao Zun does, he never misses.

Dongxuan said, The old man has his own motives for doing this, which is beyond our ability to guess. Recently, the Dao Master has been resurrected on the other side, and the number of resurrected masters has gradually increased, which should not be underestimated.

Lingxuzi smiled and said: Master Bian'an? You're just a chicken and a dog. Later, if that Taiyi Daojun really comes, you deal with him, and I'll deal with Xu Ying!

The two of them came here for Taiyi Daojun.

These days, Taiyi Daojun revives the Dao of those dead Tao masters and resurrects these Tao masters, which makes them feel a lot of pressure.

Therefore, they are more anxious than Dao Master Luo to get rid of Taiyi Daojun.

This time Xu Ying tells the world together, Taiyi Daodao Lord will definitely hear about it. Taiyi Daodao is his Taoist tradition, and he will definitely show up to see Xu Ying.

Dongxuan said in a deep voice, I also practice Taiyi Avenue, and I really want to meet him. As for Xu Ying, don't be angry with him. There are many people in the world who want to see Xu Ying's jokes, and there will definitely be someone near Tianjue City. Let’s attack the disciples of the Taiyi Sect and kill Xu Yingwei. The Taiyi Sect wants to get rid of its bad luck, and relying on his promise to one person, I’m afraid there will be many difficulties. Let’s just watch the show.”

At this time, there was a commotion outside Tianjue City, but someone was killing a disciple of the Taiyi Sect!

This place is very close to Tianjue City. If we can kill the disciples of the Taiyi Sect here, we will not only weaken the strength of the Taiyi Sect and reduce Xu Ying's face, but also make him famous all over the world!

Just as the man took action, a golden light suddenly flew over like a rainbow, and he saw a golden ape flying over and smashing down with a stick, knocking the immortal's brains apart!

The golden ape killed the immortal and threw up the golden rod. The golden rod shrank and flew into his ear and hid it. Jin Yuan held his sleeves with his hands, his big sleeves fluttering, and walked straight towards Tianjue City. Wherever he passed, a group of disciples from the Taiyi Sect bowed and said, Senior Brother Wukong!

After Jin Yuan left, someone on the south side of Tianjue City tried to kill another disciple of the Taiyi Sect. That disciple of the Taiyi Sect was a young man with fine features, and he actually showed the fighting power of a Taoist Lord and killed the unlucky guy!

At this time, there was another stone man with a thousand arms in the distance, wielding a variety of magic weapons, and started killing.

On the north side of Tianjue City, a Taiyi Cave Abyss rises slowly. It is spectacular and vast, and has a shocking feeling of unification of ten thousand ways!

There are so many heroes in Taiyi Sect!

Dong Xuan exclaimed, Could this person be the Nine Abominations?

As soon as he thought of this, he saw the man coming, but he was a Taoist priest in green clothes. He looked handsome and handsome, but he was very lazy.

Not the Nine Hate? Dong Xuan was slightly startled.

At this time, several more powerful auras came and entered Tianjue City.

Dongxuan exclaimed: There are so many geniuses from the Taiyi Sect! The one with the most powerful cultivation just now should be Jiu Hate. Now that all the disciples from the Taiyi Sect are gathered here, Taiyi will definitely come!

Lingxuzi said: Brother Dongxuan, what if Taiyi doesn't come?

Dongxuan's eyes flashed and he said: The disciples of Taiyi Sect help each other and support each other. It can be seen that Taiyi is also such a person. If he also values ​​love and justice, he will definitely come to visit these disciples secretly and meet them.

Lingxuzi looked around but found nothing, and said, What if Taiyi doesn't show up and just watches from a distance?

Dongxuan said: Then, I have to force him to show up. He will definitely show up when he sees that the Taiyi Sect is about to be destroyed.

In Tianjue City, Xu Ying was sitting still, with the vastness of his soul behind him, and a ginseng fruit tree emerged, and his soul was sitting under the fruit tree.

His avenues connect to the void and turn into thick rays of light. Chaos and grand mist, infinite unity, reincarnation and calamity, and killing and destruction. These eight avenues are governed by the golden wheel of cause and effect.

Under the induction of cause and effect, whenever a disciple of the Taiyi Sect chants the promised name, a line of cause and effect will immediately appear on the golden wheel of cause and effect, connecting the person who chants it.

The next moment, one of the eight promised avenues will be chosen, penetrate the void, come to the side of the person chanting, and eradicate the enemy!

Xu Ying was good at this, so he was able to achieve the majesty of the Taiyi Sect in a short period of time.

Taoist Wukong, Shengzun, Shi Tianyang, Qingxuan, Jiuhen and others rushed over. Xu Ying stood up and greeted everyone. The Yuan Shen sitting in the void still sat motionless, guarding the other side and protecting the disciples of the Taiyi Sect. 's safety.

Everyone bowed in greeting, and Jiu Shen asked, Junior Brother Xu, did Master really become a rebel? When I heard that Master rebelled, were you also there?

Qingxuan, Shengzun and others looked at it one after another with bright eyes and great expectations.

I'm at the scene. Brothers and sisters, Taiyi has indeed betrayed the Taiyi sect.

Xu Yingdao said, Although he did not kill the tens of thousands of Dao, Qi, Dao, Ba and Immortal, they were indeed sacrificed by him. He resurrected Tian Chengzi and offended three Dao masters. He also resurrected many dead Dao masters along the way, plotting to overthrow Hua Hua. , Lin, Luo, and Tong are the four great masters. Now, Taiyi is no longer the same as us. It is indeed not unfair to call him a rebel.

Jiu Hate had a worried look on his face.

Shi Tianyang smiled and said: Why do I feel that he is closer to us? Taiyi Daojun is worthy of the name of Daojun. He is much better than those three Taoists.

Xu Ying shook his head and said sternly: That's wrong. The old thief Taiyi said that the three Tao masters were corrupt and only wanted to pass on the misfortune of the other side and transfer his misfortune to others, but in fact it was a waste of effort. So he wants to overthrow the three Taoists. Lord. If he succeeds and overthrows the three masters of the avenue, and he leads the other side to overcome the disaster, then the other side will definitely become stronger! The old thief is ambitious and is a real rebel!

Jiu Hate glared at him angrily and shouted: Junior Brother Xu, you don't want the other side to become powerful again. Do you want to rebel?

Xu Ying smiled and said: Senior brother, I am loyal to the other side, how can I rebel?

Jiu Hate shouted: Master said you are a rebel, but I think you just want to rebel!

Xu Ying's face darkened and he shouted: Senior brother, now I am the leader of the Taiyi Sect. If I rebel, the Taiyi Sect will rebel! You are also a rebel!

Jiuhen was dumbfounded. After a moment, he said: You said you are the sect leader, who sealed it?

Xu Ying smiled and said, Sealed by Taoist Master Luo. Why, my senior brother doesn't recognize Taoist Master Luo. Do you want to follow the old thief Taiyi to rebel and frame our Taoist sect for injustice?

Jiuhen hesitated again and again, and said: I took my brothers and sisters to visit other Taoist sects to ask for advice on Taoism and magical powers. You don't care about me?

Xu agreed: No matter.

Jiuhen said: I got into trouble outside and I can't beat others. Will you come to save me?

Xu responded: Help.

Jiuhen thought for a moment and said, I'll stay in the Dao Sect.

Xu Ying laughed, and everyone was happy.

At this moment, the voice of Taiyi Daojun came and said with a smile: If you are like this, what else can I ask for?


Jiuhen and others were surprised and happy. They hurriedly followed the sound and saw Taiyi Daojun coming nearby at some unknown time, standing in the shadow of a wall, looking at them with a smile.

Everyone hurried forward to pay homage to each other.

Only Xu Ying turned his back to Taiyi and did not turn around to face him head-on. ——He swore to Dao Master Luo that when he faced Dao Lord Taiyi, he would definitely take action against him and destroy his relatives with justice.

Now that Taiyi has arrived, wouldn't it be a violation of his oath if he faced him?

So I had to turn my back to him.

Jiuhen choked up and said: Master, why did you rebel?

Taiyi Daojun raised his hand and said: Get up. There are many people watching here, waiting for me to show up, and I can't show up. As for rebellion, I am just a rebel against the Three Dao Dao Lords. My heart is loyal to the other side and will never change.

His eyes fell on Xu Ying and said: Xu Ying, if I overthrow the three great masters in the future and survive the disaster of the other shore, the other shore can accommodate the three realms. There is no need for the three realms to be enemies of the other shore.

Xu Ying still did not turn around. He smiled slightly and said: Master, we will talk about the future in the future. Now that I have achieved immortality, when can I fight with Master?

Taiyi Daojun said leisurely: I am ready, but you are not yet. Promise, when you are ready, I will come to see you.

Xu Ying asked, How do I know I'm ready?

I'll give you a demonstration, please watch it.

Taiyi Daojun suddenly flew up and arrived outside Tianjue City. He bowed and said, Master Dongxuan, long time no see.

Taoist Dongxuan walked out slowly and faced the man who had called him his mentor.

When Dao Zun preached, he was to answer questions for the monks on the other side. In addition to Dao Zun, many people on the other side worshiped different heavenly beings as their teachers.

Among them, the disciple of Taoist Dongxuan is none other than Taiyi.

——Brothers, in the second chapter today, my liver is not coming, and my body cannot hold on, so I have to take a break, otherwise I will write until midnight every day.

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