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Chapter 837 Taiyi Robbery

These great avenues must have true traditions! There must be true traditions that surpass the Tao Master and the Tao Master!

Xu Ying stayed in this restricted area and carefully studied the imprints of magical powers left by Emperor Haotian. When he first came to the other side, he came to this restricted area, where he realized the magical power of Emperor Haotian and his magical power to reach the sky.

The magical power of the sky is still one of his strongest magical powers so far.

Now that he is back here, when he looks at these magical powers, what he sees is not the magical powers, but the avenue. He observed the avenues in these magical structures and the depth of each avenue's power.

The power of these great avenues is almost exactly the same. It seems that back then, Emperor Haotian had already realized the truth that my nature is self-sufficient in Taiyi. If he had lived until now...

Xu Ying sighed, a generation of genius, stunning and amazing, but in the end he died on the other side.

The other side no longer tolerates such geniuses.

He calmed down and studied the marks left by Emperor Haotian. Maybe the secret was hidden in these marks.


As Taiyi Daojun left Tianjue City, he saw a chariot approaching, chasing Taiyi directly.

This chariot was the one belonging to Master Luo. Taishi drove this chariot very fast.

One person and one car flew through the sky one after another at extremely high speeds. Not long after, they drove out of the other continent and into space.

The chariot was still waiting to be chased, but suddenly Taiyi Daojun in front no longer ran away, but stood there, motionless.

The chariot also stopped, and then the curtain of the chariot was opened, and Taoist Luo looked out.

Tian Chengzi stepped forward and caught his eye.

Taoist Master Luo raised his eyebrows slightly, and then another Taoist Master also came into his sight. He had a tall body, stretched muscles, and was surrounded by black mist.

King Ling Yanming.

Taoist Master Luo looked indifferent, A mere Ling Yan, plus a mere Tiancheng, and Taiyi, who has not yet become a Taoist master, are far from my opponent.

At this time, another Taoist master came into his eyes, a woman in a white dress. Luo Taoist master's face changed slightly: Holy King Xuannv! Was this ancient god awakened by Xu Ying or Taiyi?

Taoist Master Ba Ling Qixian came slowly, his aura was extremely domineering. He was also an extremely powerful being back then, but it was a pity that he was killed by Taoist Master Luo.

Then, six or seven more Taoist figures came into view of Taoist Luo.

Taoist Luo was still a little panicked at first, but at this moment he suddenly calmed down and sneered: A native chicken and a dog. Taiyi, do you think that by using you as bait to lure me here, I really fell into your ambush? How do you know? Didn't I ambush you?

Taoist Ba Ling Qixian suddenly raised his hand, and a round stone hammer that was countless times larger than the chariot fell from the sky. With a thud, it smashed the chariot into powder!

However, when the stone hammer reached three feet above Taoist Luo's head, it could no longer fall. Taoist Luo was seen sitting on a green lotus platform, with the green lotus swaying slightly and auras of light overflowing, holding up the stone hammer.

Master Luo looked around and said with a smile: Fellow Taoists, you were defeated by me back then, and you are still defeated by me today. Even if you join forces, you will still be defeated by me.

not necessarily.

The white-clothed woman, Saint King Xuannv, said softly, Fellow Daoist Luo defeated them one by one back then, but today we come together hand in hand.

King Ling Yanming sneered: Back then, Fellow Daoist Luo, Fellow Daoist Hua, and Fellow Daoist Lin also used tricks to make us fight among ourselves so that they could defeat us one by one. Today we are united as one, maybe the tide will turn, and today Fellow Daoist will be buried in this.

Master Luo said calmly: You have been dead for so long, but I have practiced hundreds of millions of years more than you. You don't know the huge gap, right? What's more, I have jurisdiction over thousands of universes, and the avenues of these universes have already been I have understood it thoroughly. If you want to go against me, you are really asking for your own death.

His aura suddenly bloomed, and all the souls of the other side of the universe were immediately mobilized by him to bless his body!

At this moment, Master Luo's aura was extremely profound, as if the souls of countless creatures from ancient times to the present had gathered on him, making his soul extremely powerful. Even the most majestic ancient god could not compete with him!

The next moment, the scene of a thousand universes appeared behind Dao Master Luo. There were thousands of universes under his jurisdiction on the other side, and the souls of these universes were all mobilized by him!

The souls of Tian Chengzi, King Ling Yanming and others were shaken, and their souls almost flew out of their souls and were controlled by Dao Master Luo!

The current Dao Master Luo is really terrible. Even though they are the masters of the Dao, they feel an invincible sense of frustration when facing Dao Master Luo!

Taiyi Dao Lord suddenly said: Brother Dao Luo also possesses many innate spiritual treasures. The innate spiritual treasures of the universe are divided among Hua, Luo and Lin. With these spiritual treasures, Brother Luo Dao is naturally invincible.

Taoist Master Luo smiled and said softly: Taiyi, you are a beautiful woman, how can you be a thief?

Lord Taiyi Dao said: It's a pity that we invited that existence this time to restrain you.

Luo Daozhu's heart suddenly thought: Which one exists?

Taiyi Daojun smiled slightly and said: It is the being who has paralyzed you for 120 million years and still cannot recover from your injuries.

Master Luo's expression suddenly changed. He had been searching for the person who paralyzed him, but at the same time he was extremely afraid of that person.

It can paralyze him, or even take his life!

So Brother Luo Dao, you must not get hurt when you fight with us.

Taiyi smiled slightly and said, If you are injured, that fellow Taoist may take action at any time and kill you.

Dao Master Luo's expression changed dramatically. At this moment, ten Dao Master-level beings including Tian Chengzi, Prince Ling Yanming, Dao Master Qixian, and Saint King Xuannv all took action to attack Dao Master Luo!

Master Luo couldn't care less, and with a thought, the void behind him suddenly collapsed, and pieces of innate spiritual treasures of large scale, powerful, powerful, and compelling aura emerged and poured out!

He didn't dare to get hurt, so he had no choice but to activate these innate spiritual treasures and attack the ten Tao Master-level beings!

Kill them with Ling Bao, and I won't need to get hurt!

Just as he thought of this, he saw Holy King Xuannv stomping her feet, and the ice suddenly solidified time and space. Even the void connecting Dao Master Luo to the universe was briefly frozen!

His connection with these innate spiritual treasures was also slightly hindered.

This woman is an innate spirit who has become a Taoist master. She can freeze everything, even the Tao, which is extremely powerful.

Immediately afterwards, Tian Chengzi reversed time and space, causing the distance between Luo Dao Master and the innate spiritual treasures to continue to stretch. The distance between these innate spiritual treasures and Luo Dao Master seemed to be very close, but in fact it was unimaginably far away!

The next moment, Taoist Master Qixian rushed forward, grabbed the Wanxiang Diagram, and walked away.

King Ling Yanming hugged Yun Tianzhu and flew away through the air!

Tian Chengzi grabbed the Jade Emperor's gourd, Taiyi Daojun took away Luo Tiandaoshu, and Xuannv Holy King seized the Chaos chess game. The other five Taoist masters also grabbed an innate spiritual treasure each, and without any explanation, they fled far away!

Tian Chengzi stretched out his hand, and time and space split open, and everyone was submerged in it. With a roar, they disappeared without a trace!

Master Luo was stunned and then became furious.

These bastards! They are not here to surround me, but to rob me!

He was furious and calculated every step of the way, even naming the person who paralyzed him. The purpose was to get him to sacrifice as many innate spiritual treasures as possible and take the opportunity to rob him.

Although he is a Taoist master, the power of sacrificing so many innate spiritual treasures at the same time is great, but it is also a huge burden for him and difficult to control as he wishes.

As long as the control is not flexible, it gives these guys an opportunity to take advantage of.

Taiyi, Xuannv, you are using your intentions to calculate your intentions, and you are plotting against me, a paralytic, who is not worthy of being a disciple! Taoist Master Luo kept yelling and scolding.

Taiyi Daojun led the crowd to rob Taoist Luo and avoid Taoist Luo's pursuit. Tian Chengzi then led everyone to escape from time and space and came to the edge of the Sea of ​​Chaos.

Everyone suppressed the restlessness of these innate spiritual treasures to avoid being taken advantage of by Master Luo.

Sending these spiritual treasures to the Sea of ​​Chaos to be warmed and refined can wash away the imprint of Luo Dao's master in the spiritual treasures.

Taiyi Daojun said, Only after we have washed them clean can we perform sacrifices.

Holy King Xuannv asked curiously: Fellow Taoist Tai, how do you know these things?

I have several disciples who have been washed in this way.

Taiyi's expression remained unchanged and said, Let's go to the Sea of ​​Chaos first, cleanse these spiritual treasures, and sacrifice them for decades. Next time we come out to rescue other fellow Taoists, I'm afraid it won't be so easy anymore, but After a bloody battle.

Everyone nodded in agreement and walked towards the Sea of ​​Chaos.


Xu Ying completely forgot himself in the restricted area. By the time he studied these imprints, more than ten years had passed without him realizing it.

He walked out of the restricted area and returned to Tianjue City.

His Yuan Shen still guards Tianjue City. His Yuan Shen is vast and sits in the void. From a distance, you can see that Xu Ying's Yuan Shen is extremely majestic, but it does not occupy the space of the world. When you look closer, it changes just like when you look at it from a distance. Big, no feeling at all.

This is just a wonderful use of the void.

Tianjue City is now on the right track, and few people come to Tianjue City to cause trouble, because those who cause trouble are beaten to death.

No one bullied the Taiyi disciples outside, because those who bullied the Taiyi disciples were all beaten to death.

Today's Tianjue City seems to have become a pure land independent of the world. The killings outside are getting more and more intense, but they have never affected this place.

The Taiyi Sect has gradually grown and become more and more prosperous.

When Xu Ying returned, he did not take back his soul. He still sat under his soul and remained silent to anyone who came to see him.

Qingxuan, Shengzun, Jiuhen and others also planned to ask him about his harvest this time, but Xu Ying remained focused and restrained and ignored them.

Everyone had no choice but to pretend that Xu Ying had never come back and continued to go about their own business.

Decades passed unknowingly, and the disciples of the Taiyi Sect gradually realized that their cultivation speed seemed to be faster when they practiced next to Xu Ying.

All kinds of strange and gorgeous Taoist phenomena appeared around Xu Ying, which was fascinating. Many disciples of the Taiyi Sect came to practice and comprehend near him.

Several decades later, Xu Ying was still sitting there motionless, and the Tao phenomena he had caused had turned into various dazzling avenue scenes.

Suddenly one day, Qingxuan saw that among the Taiyi Avenue controlled by Xu Ying Yuanshen, the three hundred and fifty kinds of heaven and earth avenues that constituted the Taiyi Avenue became exactly the same.

Qingxuan was slightly startled and rubbed his eyes. He was indeed as profound as Taoism and couldn't tell the difference!

Has he realized the true meaning of Taiyi?

A hundred years later, Xu Ying finally understood the true inheritance of the self-sufficiency of my nature in Taiyi.

Qingxuan showed a look of expectation. Over the years, Xu Ying left his soul behind and guarded Tianjue City with them. Although there has been no war in Tianjue City, Tianjue City has also become a thorn in the side of everyone on the other side.

How much peace Tianjue City enjoys will determine how many attacks it will endure in the future.

Qingxuan whispered, The other two Dao Lords, the three Dao Masters, and the Heavenly Realm people who want revenge will not allow there to be a Pure Land on the other side.

However, to his surprise, Xu Ying still hadn't woken up, and was still sitting in front of his soul, quietly meditating.

Qingxuan, what is he enlightening? The Holy Lord came over and asked.

Qingxuan shook his head. He didn't know why Xu Ying hadn't woken up yet.

That monkey is sitting next to Xu Ying and has been sitting there for many years. The Holy Lord looked at Taoist Wukong next to Xu Ying and said.

Qingxuan said: Taoist Wukong is an outlier in Taiyi Sect who practices Taishangdao. He has never learned Taiyi Avenue. However, the path he takes is the same as Taiyi Avenue. He also absorbs the paths of other avenues. He may have learned from Xu Daozu. Realize something amazing.”

He paused and said: Yuan Yu, get ready. The reason why Xu Daozu has been in seclusion is probably because he knew that a violent storm was about to hit. He is so powerful and working so hard, which shows the danger. Don't let me hold you back.

The Holy Lord sneered and said: Although you have achieved great feats in opening up your realm, if you practice step by step, you are not as good as me.

Qingxuan is still lazy and doesn't seem to be very interested in practicing. However, the Holy Lord observed him secretly and saw that this guy was always practicing secretly and worked harder than anyone else, which made him feel awe-inspiring.

In the 132nd year of Xu Ying's entry into the Tao, the energy of chaos suddenly fell from the sky, hanging over Tianjue City like a waterfall, accompanied by the sound of the Tao of chaos, like the buzzing of a bell.

This scene can be seen from thousands of miles around Tianjue City, and it is a spectacle.

But looking more carefully in Tianjue City, the disciples of the Taiyi Sect could see that the three hundred and fifty avenues in Xu Yingtaiyi's avenue were constantly blending into chaos and turning into the way of chaos.

However, not long after, they emerged from the chaos again.

Forty years later, the Qi of Hongmeng appeared in Tianjue City again. The Qi of Hongmeng came from the void, and the purple Qi spread thousands of miles, which was a spectacular sight.

The disciples of the Taiyi Sect once again saw the scene of various avenues converting to the Hongmeng Way, which was amazing.

Thirty-six years later, Tianjue City seemed to be in a huge flood source, and everything around it seemed to become extremely distant and ethereal.

They also saw the scene of various avenues taking refuge in the infinite avenue.

In another thirty years, samsara rings that are either bright, dark, clear, or turbid will criss-cross the city, shrouding Tianjue City in the huge samsara rings.

The cycle of reincarnation, time and space, gods and demons, life and death, yin and yang, five elements, nine palaces, eight trigrams and other avenues are also constantly changing in reincarnation.

In another thirty years, Tianjue City will be shrouded in the huge golden wheel of cause and effect, and the promised 350 avenues of heaven and earth will automatically become the avenues of cause and effect.

Thirty years later, the disciples of the Taiyi Sect saw the spectacle of various avenues being shattered and transformed into paths of killing.

In another thirty years, floods of annihilation will slowly rotate around Tianjue City.

Most of the Taiyimen didn't understand the changes, but Qingxuan knew it very well.

Xu Daozu applied the true saying that my nature is self-sufficient to the nine innate paths. When he succeeds in cultivating the path of annihilation, it will be time for him to leave seclusion.

He thought silently, How powerful would Xu Daozu be at that time?

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