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Chapter 834 Disciple

Xu Huang and others looked at each other as they watched Xu Ying approaching by boat.

Taiqing Taoist Ancestor whispered: Using the name of the Chaos Lord's bell to frighten away that being is probably a big cause and effect, right? If you offend the Chaos Bell, aren't you afraid of death?

Emperor Xu exhaled a breath of turbidity and said to Xu Ying: Xu Daozu, put this bell away quickly, there is no need to ring it anymore!

Xu Ying stopped ringing the bell, and the bell quickly shrank and penetrated into his cave.

Taoist Yuxu looked around quickly and was relieved when he didn't find the Chaos Bell coming to knock Xu Ying to death.

Brothers, I won't send you off. Xu Ying bowed and said goodbye.

Fellow Daoist Xu, please stay! Emperor Xu and others returned the favor one after another.

Two ships passed each other.

Xu Ying waved his hands, his heart racing. Xuhuang, Taiqing and others went back this time and brought back the secret knowledge of the other side and heaven, which will definitely elevate the Taoism of the Three Realms to another level!

Fifteen hundred years later, the Three Realms will meet the Other Shore, and the Three Realms will be stranded on the Other Shore. The three chapters of the agreement between the Other Shore and the Heaven Realm will expire in two thousand nine hundred years.

Xu Ying frowned slightly, which meant that the conflict between the Three Realms and the Other Shore would precede the conflict between the Other Shore and the Heaven Realm.

It's still better. Xu Ying thought to himself.

At this time, Taoist master Tongtian returned by boat. Xu Ying came up to greet him and said, Thank you, Taoist brother.

Taoist Master Tongtian looked calm and said calmly: I couldn't fully enjoy it.

Xu Ying raised his head, looked at the thin old man, and found no injuries on his body, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

The Zhuxian Sword flew to the big bell, showing off how majestic it was just now. The big clock sneered: I clanged and frightened the man away, which made him even more majestic!

Xu Ying and Taoist Master Tongtian were traveling in the same boat and said, Brother Taoist, how do you feel about fighting that man?

Bingbing Avenue is unfathomable.

The Master of Tongtian Dao said, His Dao has not yet recovered. If it recovers, I will be far behind him.

Xu Ying asked: How big is the gap?

Taoist Master Tongtian was silent for a moment and said: It's immeasurable.

Xu Ying composed himself and asked, How proficient is he in the Nine Innate Paths?

Nine paths.

Xu Ying frowned. The avenue of heaven and earth in the heaven realm was completely revived. This was probably the moment when that person's recovery reached its peak.

How terrifying must he have been at that time?

The route of the three realms is really unlucky.

Xu Ying cheered up and said with a smile, Brother Dao, how do you think my current strength is compared to Taiyi?

Taoist Master Tongtian looked him up and down, and after a moment, he said, Are you willing to betray me?

Xu Ying ignored him and thought to himself: Although Taiyi is strong, it is not that strong, right? Everyone is in the immortal realm. I, a fellow cultivator of the Nine Paths and proficient in the Void Dao, how can I not be as good as him?

His pressure increased sharply.

After leaving the Sea of ​​Chaos, the two separated. Master Tongtian summoned the Zhuxian Sword and returned to Biyou Palace. The old man ordered: Zhu Xian, you go outside to guard Biyou Palace and don't allow anyone to come in.

The Zhuxian Sword then flew out of Biyou Palace and hung high above.

Master Tongtian waited for it to leave, and finally couldn't bear it any longer, and spat out a mouthful of blood with a loud sound. He hurriedly used Xuan Gong to heal his injuries.

This confrontation with him confirmed the Taoism and benefited me a lot. It turns out that there is still a way forward.

On the other side, Yuluan Palace.

Taoist Master Tianjing sat quietly, motionless. After a long time, he opened his eyes and sighed.

How come the big bell of the Chaos Lord appears near the heaven?

His eyes were dark, looking at a jade tablet in his hand. This jade tablet was exactly the same as the Dao Alliance Order in Xu Ying's hand.

Has the Chaos Lord noticed the Heaven Realm, or is he just passing by the other side? I can't tell, so I can only retreat.

With a worried look on his face, he wanted to activate the jade tablet. After hesitating for a long time, he put the jade tablet away.

If you can avoid alarming the Dao Alliance, it's best not to alarm. As for the Three Realms...

He pondered for a moment and whispered, Since you haven't seen my face, you haven't broken up with each other. Now on the other side, Master Luo is chasing Tian Chengzi. He is in the middle of a disaster. Master Hua interferes too much in world affairs, and he is also In the midst of the calamity. Only Lin Chuanting, Taoist Master Lin, has not yet fallen into the calamity.

He stood up and said leisurely: Lin Chuanting must enter the disaster as soon as possible, so that the disaster on the other side can fully bloom.


Xu Huang and others drifted in the Sea of ​​Chaos for nearly three years. Finally, they sailed out of the Sea of ​​Chaos, and saw the Three Realms coming into their sight.

Everyone's eyes filled with tears for a while. They often wandered in foreign lands, and their hometown was haunted by dreams. It appeared in their dreams many times.

Now, they are finally able to return to their homeland and meet their hometown people again.

It's just that there are not many old friends left in the past.

At this time, a fleet of more than ten tower ships came from a distance, and the leaders of each Taoist sect were on the tower ships. On the boat headed by them was a couple, luxuriously dressed and of extraordinary bearing. They stepped forward and asked, Are you the Lord of Xuhuang Dao, the Patriarch of Taiqing, and the Patriarch of Yuqing?

Xu Huang and others nodded one after another and looked at the other buildings. They felt that the auras of the people on these buildings were very familiar.

The young couple smiled and said: The following are the Immortal Emperor and Empress of the Immortal Realm, Xu Jing and Lan Suying. I came here this time because I heard that the Taoist ancestors have returned, so I came here to welcome you.

Taiqing Daozu didn't care much, and hurriedly walked forward and came to a boat. He looked at the people on the boat and saw that these people were practicing the skills of his own lineage.

The young man in the lead is white and fat, and does not look like a human being. He should be an alien cultivator, but he is also the inheritance of his Lihentian lineage, and he should be the leader of this group of people.

Seeing Taiqing Taoist Patriarch arriving, the fat and white young man quickly bowed down, raised King Kong Zhuo above his head, and said loudly: Disciple Jiang Qi, meet your mentor!

Taiqing Taoist Ancestor was unhappy when he saw that he was a demon clan, and said: Get up. Are these the disciples you have accepted?

Xian Qi stood up and said solemnly: My mentor's heaven and earth spirit generously went to justice. Before leaving, he handed over the Lihentian Taoism to the disciple. How can the disciple not carry forward the mentor's Taoism?

Taiqing Taoist Patriarch heard this, and the more he looked at him, the more he liked him. He smiled and said, You are quite good.

On the other side, Taoist Yuqing also found Taoist Yuan, Yun Hai and others from Shangqing Taoist Sect. Taoist Yuan and Yun Hai led their disciples to hurriedly pay homage to Tao Ancestor.

Taoist Yuqing saw that his sect had not been destroyed in the Taoist cry, but was becoming more and more prosperous. All the disciples were practicing new methods and making rapid progress. All of them were extraordinary. He couldn't help being surprised and happy, and said with a smile: Okay, okay!

Emperor Xu also came to a large ship. On board were Ning Zhong, Ning Qing, his father and his son, and many immortals who practiced the inheritance of Qibao Palace, Xuandu.

Ning Qing stepped forward and said: This disciple pays homage to the ancestor on behalf of his mentor Yin Yuan.

Behind him, everyone kowtowed and said in unison: Pay homage to the ancestor!

Emperor Xu was slightly startled and whispered: Yin Yuan? Where are the others?

Ning Qing said: He is no longer alive.

Emperor Xu was silent, and after a moment, he said: How is he good or evil?

He didn't wait for Ning Qing to answer and said, You don't need to tell me. He is always my favorite disciple in my heart.

The Buddha led the Buddhas to the building where the Buddha's gate was located. The leader was none other than the Buddha's son Jijue, who came forward to pay homage to the Buddhas. Naturally, everyone was very happy.

Gao Bodhi was not on the boat and shouted loudly from a distance: Buddha, now I am also a Buddha!

When the Buddha heard this, he smiled and said: Buddha, it's just a practice, so why should you care about becoming a Buddha and becoming an ancestor?

Gao Bodhi couldn't defeat him, and he laughed and said: Old Buddha, since you are back, let's have a fight sooner or later to compare the scores!

He set a date for the decisive battle and led a group of evil Buddha disciples to drift away.

Taiyi saved Ku Tianzun and left no Taoist lineage in the three realms, so no disciples or disciples came. Seeing Taoist Yuxu alone, he smiled and said: Yuxu, you are also a loner, but fortunately you and I are paired together.

Patriarch Yuxu sighed, and then Xu Jing and his wife stepped forward and said, Disciples Xu Jing and Lan Suying, please see Patriarch Yuxu.

Taoist Yuxu was surprised and happy. He quickly helped the couple up and said with a smile, You Xu family have returned to my Kunlun lineage?

Xu Jing said solemnly: The Xu family has always stayed in Kunlun and has never left.

Taoist Yuxu's heart was agitated, his eyes were a little moist, and he murmured: It's good to be back, it's good to be back, it's good to be back...


Xu Ying returned to the other side, practicing while searching for the whereabouts of Taiyi Daojun. On this day, I came to Tianjue City unknowingly.

Tian Jue City is the most prosperous fairy city on the other side. The original Immortal Imperial Capital of the Heavenly Immortal Realm was built in imitation of Tian Jue City.

When Xu Ying came to this city, he discovered that Emperor Ming Dao's Xianting Imperial Capital was indeed just an imitation. The real Tianjue City was more majestic than the Xianting Imperial Capital. Ancient and magnificent buildings, majestic and ferocious statues of gods, temples from the age of ancient gods, these are things that even the Immortal Emperor cannot imitate.

Don't let go of the disciples who rebel against the thief Taiyi!

Suddenly, the sound of fighting came from the city, Kill him and cut off his scalp for money!

The city was in chaos, Xu Ying's thoughts moved slightly, and he suddenly appeared in the center of the fighting. He saw a disciple of the Taiyi Sect who was trapped and struggling to resist the magical powers from all directions.

Xu Ying stepped towards him, and the time and space around him suddenly split apart. Everyone was quickly moving away. Only Xu Ying and the Taiyi Sect disciple remained where they were.

Are you... a disciple of Senior Brother Jiuhen? Xu Ying looked at that disciple and felt that he had seen him before, but he didn't know what his name was.

The disciple quickly said: Disciple Qiao Cheng is a disciple of Master Yu Quan.

Xu Ying asked: Where is Senior Brother Yuquan? Why isn't he with you?

The disciple Qiao Cheng looked sad and said: My mentor is deceased. Ever since Taiyi Patriarch betrayed the Taoist sect, everyone has been shouting and killing our Taiyi sect. In order to protect us, our mentor fought bloody battles with the pursuers, but he still couldn't hold on. …”

Xu Ying's heart sank and he said, Who else in the Jade Quan lineage besides you is there?

Qiao Cheng said: There are also four junior brothers and sisters who were hiding in the city with me. We were discovered, so I stayed behind to break up the rear.

He was determined to die and covered the escape of the four junior brothers and sisters, but he never expected to meet Xu Ying.

This Master Xu was a well-known rebel in the Taiyi Sect. Everyone knew that he would rebel, but they didn't expect that he would be rescued by the rebel Master.

Xu Ying exhaled a breath and said with a solemn face: Taiyi became a rebel, but my Taiyi sect has severed ties with him and has nothing to do with him anymore. Now I have taken advantage of the situation and become the leader of Taiyi sect. Hey, he actually treated my disciple You are so bold to go on a killing spree!

His thoughts moved slightly, and his spiritual consciousness surged in all directions, covering an increasingly wider area. In an instant, it spread thousands of miles around, and it was still spreading crazily!

On this day, thunderous sounds suddenly exploded in the sky across the other shore.

I promise that the master of the Taiyi Sect will open another dojo in Tianjue City!

All disciples of the Taiyi Sect, come to Tianjue City quickly!

All disciples, if you are in danger on your way back, recite my true name and you will surely feel something!

Any idlers who dare to touch my disciples of the Taiyi Sect will be killed without mercy!

The sound kept blasting in the air, and it lasted for a long time.

The disciples of the Taiyimen who were scattered all over the other side and hiding in XZ came to Tianjue City from all over the country after hearing Xu Ying's words.

Call Xu Ying's real name, and Xu Ying will be able to empathize with you and come to rescue you?

On the border of the mortal world on the other side, in the wilderness, dozens of monks surrounded two female disciples of the Taiyi Sect. The leader smiled and said, Who is Xu Ying? Can he have such vast supernatural powers?

Just now, the two female disciples had already recited the name of Xu Ying, causing them to burst into laughter.

Before the laughter stopped, the sky suddenly became dark, and a huge dark cloud suddenly formed in the sky, and a face thousands of miles wide appeared in the cloud!

Then, a big hand in the clouds pressed down, and the heaven and earth for hundreds of miles around the two girls were suddenly annihilated!

Just now, the dozens of monks almost evaporated and turned into powder, leaving only these two girls from the Taiyi Sect.

Come into my door and I will protect you!

A voice came from the sky, and then the clouds quickly dispersed and the sky became clear again.

On this day, almost the same thing happened in about a hundred places on the other side. When a disciple of the Taiyi Sect is in danger and calls out the name of Xu Ying at the moment of life and death, an incredible divine channel method descends from the sky!

Enemies may turn into flying ashes, or twist and break, or be killed by a sudden sword light, or wither and die, or they may spit out ashes and die in all kinds of strange ways.

People from the Taiyi Sect who had been living in various places gradually gathered in Tianjue City.

Dao Jitian's She'an Palace can no longer return, and Tianjue City has become the last holy place in their hearts.

Brother God and Demon Taoist, Xu Ying is so bold that he actually wants to protect everyone in his Taiyi Sect from the misfortune of fate.

Lord Dao of Gods and Demons and King Gu Yanzhen stood on Gangdu Mountain, looking at the Taiyi Sect migrating in the distance. King Gu Yanzhen said, Brother Dao, do you really want to sit back and watch Taiyi Sect escape from disaster?

Lord Dao Dao of Gods and Demons shook his head and said: No one can escape the fate as long as they are on the other side. I have already seen clearly that this is the fate setting a trap for me.

King Gu Yanzhen was puzzled.

Lord Dao of Gods and Demons said in his heart: As long as I dare to take action and kill these disciples of the Taiyi Sect, Xu Ying will appear immediately and kill me! This is the conspiracy of Jie Luck!

Although Xu Ying killed the Dao Lord of Life and Death, although it did not spread, the Dao Lord of Gods and Demons was well-informed and still knew about it and did not dare to move.

In this calamity and massacre, the more disciples from other Taoist sects die, the better. The more they die, the less our sect will die! Xu Ying wants to protect the Taiyi Sect, but he is afraid that there will be a backlash!

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