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Chapter 826 The True Biography of Wuji

Taoist Luo didn't seem to expect that Xu Ying would betray Tai Yi so easily, and he couldn't help but be slightly startled.

The chariot drove and entered Longxing Temple.

After a while, this precious chariot drove to Taiyi's sacrificial place. It was here that Taiyi Daojun made blood sacrifices to the thousands of corpses and resurrected Tianchengzi.

Master Luo observed for a long time and then said slowly: You are not lying. It is indeed Taiyi who resurrected Tianchengzi. Taiyi, Taiyi, I used to say that you are as traitorous as you are loyal. It seems that my words have come true. You have turned the tables.

Xu Ying said flatly: I, Taiyi Sect, swear to sworn sworn enemies with the old thief Taiyi!

Master Luo glanced at him and frowned slightly.

Logically speaking, the Taiyi Sect is a Taoist sect founded by Taiyi. If Taiyi becomes a rebel, the Taiyiyi Sect should naturally be slaughtered, leaving no one behind.

However, Xu Ying happens to be useful.

Xu Ying observed the words carefully and said: The disciples are running around and resurrecting the Taoist Master, which can be regarded as making great contributions to Jiuqiu Mountain. If the disciples become the leader of Taiyiyi Sect, Taiyiyimen will be the pawn of Jiuqiu Mountain.

Taoist Luo seemed to be smiling but not smiling, and said sarcastically: Taiyi is a rebel, so you promise to be a rebel? Who among your Taiyi sect is loyal and courageous? Is it you Xuying, Zhong Yuliu, or... Daojun Hao Yi, or Zhuo Daochun, Changsun Shenghai?

Xu Ying lowered his head and smiled: Taiyi has reached the edge of the Tao Master, and the disciples are still far away from the Tao Master's realm.

Taishi blinked his eyes and said to himself: This is to tell the great master that when I want to become a Taoist master in the future, I will definitely rebel. However, I am still far away from the Taoist realm now, so I will definitely not rebel.

Taoist Luo originally wanted to use him. Hearing this, he said, If Taiyi rebels, the Taiyi sect will no longer be implicated. Master Xu, let me ask you, if you see Taiyi in the future, will you kill your relatives out of justice?

I will definitely destroy my relatives in a righteous way! Xu Ying said righteously.

Master Luo said: There is no proof for what you say, but you can prove it by swearing. Promise, I want you to swear to me!

When Taishi heard this, his heart tightened. Making an oath to the Taoist master is a common thing in the other side.

If both parties cannot trust each other, the safest way is to swear an oath to the Tao Master. If the oath is violated, it will cause fluctuations in the Tao Master's avenue. Those who violate the oath will directly die on the Tao Master's avenue. Fluctuating!

There is only one condition for breaking this binding oath, which is to be able to withstand the fluctuations of the Dao Master!

Xu Ying immediately swore an oath to Master Luo, saying: When my disciples face Master Taiyi, they will definitely take action against him and destroy their relatives in a righteous way!

Master Luo's soul fluctuated slightly, then returned to calm, and the oath took effect.

Master Luo sighed and said quietly: Taiyi, Taiyi, I guessed a lot of people, but I never thought that that person would be you.

He held his legs covered by clothes with both hands and squeezed them tightly, unable to feel the pain in his legs.

After a long time, he slowly released his hands.

Back then, he participated in a grand event on Qionghua Island. When he was about to arrive at Qionghua Island, he was suddenly attacked and stabbed into the waist and abdomen by a sword light. He almost died!

Fortunately, he survived, but from then on, he could never stand up again.

Until not long ago, I felt a tingling sensation in my waist again, as if someone stabbed me with a sword more than 100 million years ago. I noticed the fluctuations in the avenue, and when I wanted to look back in time, the person had disappeared. No trace.

There was a voice in his heart that said silently, I swear, I will find the real murderer. I only found fragments of Tian Chengzi's magical power of time and space nearby that year. And not long ago, I also sensed that the avenue of time and space was blocking my soul. Tao fights back. The other avenue that stops me is Taiyi Avenue.

He looked at the traces of sacrifices at Longxing Temple in front of him, and everything became clear. Taiyi Daojun and Tianchengzi teamed up to go back to the past and stabbed him, turning him into what others called Luo Paralytic!

How can we not avenge more than 100 million years of humiliation and 100 million years of hatred?

However, there are still doubts here. How did Taiyi stab himself?

Master Luo was unable to recognize the Taoist magic contained in his Taoist injuries before. Later, as his horizons improved, he gradually understood that the sword contained the Taoist method of killing!

Only later, after he attained the Tao Master, did he realize that there was also the path of calamity and annihilation.

Killing, annihilation and calamity, these three avenues are the most difficult to deal with among the nine innate paths. If it is a single avenue, it can naturally be easily erased based on the cultivation and insights of his Taoist master. However, these three avenues have reached the Hunyuan structure.

The Great Dao Hunyuan is a necessary practice method for the Taiyi Sect. Hao Yi practiced two to three hundred great ways of heaven and earth, and unified these great ways into the Great Way of Taiyi, so that all the ways were unified and became famous all over the world. However, Hao Yi also learned it from Taiyi.

However, Taiyi Avenue is one of the nine innate ways. Is Taiyi really so powerful that he has also cultivated the other three avenues and unified them?

I have never felt from Tai Yi that he has other avenues. Luo Dao Master said in his heart.

His eyes fell on Xu Ying again, and then he looked away.

For just a moment, he had some doubts about Xu Ying. After all, Xu Ying also came from Longxing Temple and was a disciple of the Taiyi Sect. But then he denied this idea. Xu Ying did have the aura of calamity and killing in his body, but he didn't have enough background to hurt him at that time.

Do you know how to calamity, how to kill, how to destroy? Dao Master Luo asked.

Xu Ying knew that in front of the Fengya Pagoda in Zhaojie, he had used the avenues of cause and effect, killing, etc., and he had also understood the avenue of calamity in front of the Fengya Pagoda.

All of this should not be hidden from Taoist Luo’s eyes!


Xu Ying told the truth and said, I didn't know that there were nine innate ways. After I became a disciple of Taiyi Sect, my senior brother Sun Shenghai told me that there are actually nine innate ways, which are the nine most powerful innate ways. I got A lot of his guidance made us what we are today.”

Taoist Luo didn't notice any signs of lying on his part.

Changsun Shenghai practices the Nine Innate Paths, and Taiyi is his teacher. Changsun Shenghai's Nine Innate Paths were naturally taught by Taiyi.

Master Luo frowned slightly. He suddenly felt that the stocky and mature Taiyi back then was so strange!

Not only that, Changsun Shenghai is also a disciple of Taoist Tongtian. Taoist Tongtian had a close relationship with Taiyi back then.

The more he thought about it, the more terrifying Taiyi became. He thought to himself, He also accepted Zhuo Daochun from the Heaven Realm as his disciple. After Zhuo Daochun returns to the Heaven Realm, he can use Zhuo Daochun as a thread to connect with the Heaven Realm Taoist Master. . Taiyi, Taiyi, you are too scheming!

When Master Luo thought of this, his eyes fell on Xu Ying again and said, Where is your soul?

Xu Ying did not dare to neglect and hurriedly summoned his soul from the flood source.

Taoist Master Luo was surprised: You actually have a flood source? It's really rare.

Xu Ying said quickly: Ying is willing to dedicate this treasure to his adoptive father!

Master Luo smiled and said: Although Hong Yuan is good, he may not be able to enter my eyes. Your Hong Yuan is just a gadget that has just been born, and the chaotic spiritual root has not yet matured. If you want to raise it, you don't know how to grow it. How many years have passed. The gains outweigh the losses. Also, don’t call me foster father. You are destined to rebel, so don’t have anything to do with me.”

Yes. Xu Ying was very obedient.

Dao Master Luo looked at his Yuan Shen, and the big bell in Hongyuan was so nervous that he almost screamed. He promised Yuan Shen to hide in Hongyuan before, just to desperately refine the soul path damage in Yuan Shen!

The time from finding Master Luo to seeing Xu Ying Yuanshen actually didn't take long, less than an hour.

In such a short period of time, it is not easy to crack and refine the soul path damage!

Xu Ying used such a short time to erase all the soul injuries in one fell swoop!

If Master Luo had been just a moment ahead of time, he would have been able to tell that Xu Ying's soul had his own Divine Path Seal!

Unfortunately, there is no what if.

Taoist Luo hesitated for a moment, then slowly opened the clothes covering his legs and said, Since you have also learned about Nirvana Killing and Luck Destruction, take a look at my legs. Can they still be cured?

Xu Ying looked around and saw that Master Luo's legs were so thin that they were only skin and bones, with no trace of flesh to be found. There were thick blue blood vessels under the skin.

The sword wound left by Xu Ying was not on his leg, but on his lower back, piercing into his spine!

This sword of mine first locks in the cycle of time and space, cause and effect, and unifies these avenues, bypassing the cycle of time and space, and then uses the calamity to kill and destroy, forming this sword, cutting off cause and effect, and slaying powerful enemies. In this way Perfect.

Xu Ying looked at his sword wound, pondered for a long time, shook his head, and thought to himself, I can't break my technique.

Master Luo took his expression into consideration and sighed secretly in his heart, saying: Taiyi's Taoism is too high, so it's natural that you can't crack it. Xu Ying, you can leave.

Xu Yingdao: Master Taoist, I still have a few questions about practice that I would like to ask for advice.

Master Luo nodded slightly and said, Go ahead.

Xu Yingdao: Wuji plays Taiyi, Taiyi plays Taichu, Taichu plays Taishi, Taishi plays Taisu, and Taisu plays Taiji. So why does Wuji include the Five Tais?

Taoist Luo pondered for a while and said: Wuji, the great road is boundless. This Wuji flood source is born from chaos and is made of Hongmeng. It is not Wuji's Taiyi. It is the five innate Taiyi, all in the flood source. There is no need to evolve.”

Xu Ying was surprised and happy, and bowed to thank him.

This advice from Master Luo directly solved the biggest problem that troubled him. This problem caused his Wuji Dao to be unable to break through to the immortal realm!

Master Luo said: There is no need to thank me. When Taoist Master Tianjing opened the forum to give a lecture, he said about the infinite changes. I listened to the lecture and heard this sentence, but now I am just repeating it to you.

Xu Ying was stunned.

The last time he went to the Heaven Realm, he saw the Heaven Realm Taoist, a young man in a yellow shirt in the void. He and Tao Zun discussed the Tao in name, but in fact it was Tao Zun who guided his practice, which benefited him a lot.

But that time, Dao Zun also knew that Wuji Dao was bothering him, but he never said this true saying.

Although Dao Zun had no obligation to tell him this true story, Xu Ying's suspicions became more intense when combined with Tian Chengzi's guess.

Xu Ying did not miss this opportunity, posing various problems in his practice and asking questions to Master Luo.

Taoist Luo wanted him to help him heal his injuries, so he naturally answered all his questions.

However, Xu Ying's questions are really tricky, and different questions involve different teachings that are often unrelated to each other.

Even for Taoist Luo, it is extremely difficult to answer these questions, and sometimes it takes a long time to answer.

And even if he answered, the answer would not satisfy himself and Xu Ying.

This son's attainments in Taoism are becoming more and more profound and formidable. I can't give him any more advice. If I give him any more advice, I may create a formidable enemy on the other side. Moreover, if I can't answer, I'm afraid You will lose face.

Thinking of this, Taoist Master Luo expelled Xu Ying from the chariot and said, Fellow Taoist Xu, you must remember my kindness of giving guidance today and help me resolve my Tao injury as soon as possible.

Xu Ying said yes and watched the chariot drive out of Longxing Temple.

However, Dao Master Luo's chariot did not return to Dao Ji Tian, ​​but went to track Taiyi Daojun and Tian Chengzi.

He believed that Taiyi and Tianchengzi were his enemies, and he would not let them go when he was angry.

Xu Ying recovered from his injuries, recalling the true saying of the Wuji Tao, and thought to himself: The Wuji is boundless, has no top, no bottom, and has no past. It is the source of the flood. This point points out the core of Wuji. If you want to prove Wuji The Tao must be based on my own reverse evidence of the flood.

When he thought of this, he realized that the flood source in his mind was a counter-argument. The martial arts cave in his physical body was like a huge flood source, with ginseng and fruit trees standing in the flood source.

Suddenly, all the Dao in his body disappeared and turned into a state of chaos. The Martial Arts Cave Abyss was like a ball of chaotic Qi. Then, the Hongmeng opened up, and the flood source was born in the Hongmeng. This is Wuji.

Xu Ying seized this moment and realized the evolution of Wu Tai in Wuji. All kinds of problems and confusions in the past were now solved one by one!

Time and time again, he evolved from chaos to grand Meng, from Hong Meng to Wuji, comprehended the mystery of Wuji, and unknowingly walked out of Longxing Temple.

Outside Longxing Temple, a loud roar was heard as Li Xue and other women urged the Lingxing Gate to fall from the sky and landed in front of Xu Ying.

Xu Ying didn't notice anything and still walked forward.

Promise, even Master Luo can't protect you!

Li Xue shouted, Take it down today and go back to report to the great master!

Xu Ying didn't seem to hear. He walked dumbly to the Lingxing Gate and sat down like this, holding his chin in his hands as if his soul was far away.

Everyone looked at each other, thinking that there would be a fierce battle this time, and they might be allowed to escape, but they didn't expect that he would actually come to their door.

Could it be a scam? Li Xiao couldn't bear Xu Ying's fall and blinked his eyes.

Li Xue snorted and said in a deep voice: Regardless of whether it's a scam or not, our mission is completed this time. Everyone, let's escort him back to Qionghua Island and let the master be punished! The master can only wait. For a long time!

When she heard what Master Luo said, she also murmured in her heart. She felt that the best way was not to kill Xu Ying, but to capture Xu Ying and send him to Qionghua Island.

If Lord Hua Dao really had the intention to take advantage of the promise, he would not be guilty of it.

Everyone raised the Lingxing Gate and stood on the door, guarding Xu Ying's left and right. The Lingxing Gate flew up diagonally and rushed towards Dao Jitian.

This place is quite far away from Dao Jitian, and the Lingxing Gate is an innate spiritual treasure, which consumes a lot of mana. It took more than ten days for everyone to stop and go before they saw Dao Jitian.

And in Xu Ying, wonderful changes are taking place.

After everyone had rested and planned to enter Dao Jitian, Xu Ying suddenly disappeared and was replaced by a flood source floating in the Lingxing Gate.

Pretending to be a ghost! Li Xue snorted.

At this moment, King Li Tianzhen suddenly fell to the ground without saying a word and died.

Li Xuedaojun and others were shocked and looked around hurriedly, but did not see any enemies. They checked Li Tian's body but found nothing unusual.

At this time, another immortal fell down silently. He suddenly gave up his breath and died on the spot.

The hole in the back of his head was still running, and he died silently before he could harvest the universe!

Which friend of Qionghua Island made this joke to me? Lord Li Song said loudly.

Suddenly, each of the Immortal and True Kings under the three Tao Lords vomited ashes and coughed again and again!

Seeing that something was not going well, Li Xiao immediately rushed into Lingxing Gate, grabbed Hong Yuan and pulled Hong Yuan into Lingxing Gate.

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