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Chapter 825 Fellow Daoist Xu, get in the car

Xu Ying separated from Tian Chengzi and Taiyi, still thinking about it.

I understand, Tian Chengzi has practiced the Great Way of Time and Space, and has reversed the cycle of time and space. He is the master of time and space. When the line of cause and effect changes, he is not affected, so he still remembers what happened before the line of cause and effect changed. .”

Xu Ying thought to himself, But Taiyi's attainments in time and space reincarnation are not as high as his, so Taiyi was affected by the change in the causal line. He can't remember what happened before the change in the causal line. He only remembers that Taoist Luo was paralyzed on Qionghua Island.

He took out a piece of paper, cut it into a long strip, and drew a red line on the front and a blue line on the back.

The red line represents the causal line where Taiyi and others are located, and the blue line represents the causal line where Tian Chengzi is located.

In the red line, Master Luo has been paralyzed since the Qionghua Island event. In the blue line, Master Luo was not paralyzed until Tian Chengzi was killed.

Xu Ying rotated the paper half a turn, the two ends of the paper were brought together, and the red and blue lines intersected and appeared on the same plane.

This means that the paralyzed Dao Master Luo and the non-paralyzed Dao Master Luo exist in the same causal time and space!

What caused this rotation was the Immortal Killing Sword Fingers that promised to run the reincarnation of cause and effect and pierce Dao Master Luo!

Everyone else, including Immortal and Dao Master, have also been affected by the changes in the causal line. They only remember that Luo Dao Master was paralyzed on Qionghua Island. This is caused by their insufficient Taoism and their failure to understand cause and effect, reincarnation, and reincarnation. Bright time and space.”

Xu Ying thought to himself, Because Tian Chengzi's attainments in reincarnation have not reached the ultimate level, and he has only a partial understanding of the avenue of cause and effect, he was unable to examine the two lines of cause and effect at the same time. He failed to discover the intersection of the two lines of cause and effect.

Of course, Xu Ying did not do this.

He cannot control all of this by crossing the causal lines of two time and space at the same time.

He only deduced the changes and intersections of cause and effect in reincarnation after the fact.

Xu Ying walked outside Longxing Temple and thought to himself: However, the other person who can detect this change should be Master Luo. I stabbed him when he was young, and if his soul path fluctuated, he must They will be aware of it. Master Hua may not be involved in Tian Chengzi's resurrection this time, but he will definitely come to look for Tian Chengzi! I must leave as soon as possible!

He speeded up and ran towards the outside of Longxing Temple, when suddenly the voice of the Great Master of Gods and Demons came: Promise Ying!

Xu Ying felt awe-struck in his heart and secretly thought that something was going to happen. His injuries in the Soul Dao are still there and have not healed. Facing the Gods and Demons Dao Lord in this state, I am afraid that he will not even have a chance to escape!

He suppressed the injury in his soul path, accelerated his speed, and headed straight out of the temple.

Upon seeing this, the Lord of the Gods and Demons also sped up to catch up, and sneered: It is indeed you! Xu Ying, my Gods and Demons Dao sect was wiped out by you. No matter what today, I will make you pay with your blood!

The two of them were in tandem, chasing each other.

Ahead, the entrance to Longxing Temple was in sight, and Xu Ying was a little puzzled: I was injured so badly, but it took so long for the Lord of Gods and Demons to catch up with me... Yes, he was injured too!

He looked back and saw terrible wounds all over the body of the God and Demon Dao Lord. He had three faces, and the face on the left seemed to have been split in the middle with an axe. Four of the six arms were also broken, and a big hole was opened in the chest.

His injuries seemed more serious than Xu Ying's.

In Xu Ying's eyes, the reincarnations in Longxing Temple were strange and strange, and he gained a lot. But in the eyes of God and Demon Daojun and others, they have no idea that they have fallen into the cycle of time and space.

All they knew was that when they entered Longxing Temple, they had inexplicable wounds on their bodies, and their companions turned into corpses and fell from the air!

Moreover, I don’t know when I will turn into a corpse!

The God and Demon Daojun was in this kind of panic. When he returned to the present world, he could no longer remember what happened in the cycle of time and space. He could only see corpses falling from the sky around him.

And he was seriously injured. It was obvious that something extremely horrific had happened!

When he landed with those corpses, he found that Taiyi Daojun was holding a blood sacrifice to transform those corpses and their Dao into nutrients for the Resurrection Heaven Chengzi!

Taiyi is going to rebel!

This discovery is not trivial. Lord Dao Dao of Gods and Demons was afraid of being noticed by Tai Yi, so he kept hiding and did not dare to show his face.

At this moment, he didn't dare to show his face until Taiyi and Tian Chengzi left. Seeing Xu Ying alone, he chased him.

Master Dao Dao of Gods and Demons is so seriously injured, it's better to give him a ride.

Xu Ying became emboldened and deliberately slowed down.

Lord Dao of Gods and Demons pounced on him, and his attack was the Ultimate Dao of Gods and Demons. The divine way and the demonic way merged, and their power was greatly increased.

He used the divine power of the gods and demons, and saw the power of the gods and demons erupting. At this moment, the damage suddenly also broke out, and the power of the gods and demons of the omnipresent powers suddenly declined sharply, which was just superficial!

Lord Dao Dao of the Gods and Demons complained endlessly: If I pounce on him, this kid will definitely expose me and beat me to death.

Xu Ying lured the enemy deeper, and immediately urged Hong Yuan to counter-prove the Daolu. Unexpectedly, the soul seemed to be split, and the soul path was injured. His heart suddenly thought: Although the soul path is not as good as the nine innate paths, it is not trivial! This is no small matter! I’m afraid it will be worse this time!”

The two of them collided with their magical powers, and each was startled: It turns out that he also has a silver rod with a wax gun head, and it's limp.

The two men were refreshed, each with a radiant face, and attacked the other.

Xu Ying smiled and said: Brother Dao, your injury is not serious. I am a master of medicine. You might as well let me take a look. The medicine will definitely cure the disease!

His face suddenly turned ferocious: I'll kill you too!

Lord Dao Dao of Gods and Demons sneered: Xu Ying, I will send you on your way today, and I can even pick up your head and go to Dao Master Hua to receive your reward!

The two men talked fiercely, but their moves were not as good as before. They fought and walked, and gradually came to the outside of Longxing Temple.

At this moment, the Lingxing Gate suddenly crashed down, and the bright starlight shot out from the Star Gate. Using the Star Gate as its mouth, it turned into a sharp sword and struck at the two of them!

The Dao Lord of the Gods and Demons was frightened and angry, and had no choice but to mobilize the Gods and Demons in Dongyuan to fight against the sword light, and shouted: Fellow Daoist of Qionghua Island, what does this mean?

Xu Ying also urged Hundao's apricot-yellow flag to face the sword light.

But both of them felt their hearts sinking: I'm afraid I can't withstand this sword...

Lord Dao Dao of Gods and Demons saw Xu Ying offering sacrifices to the apricot yellow flag, and made a prompt decision, and his own magic power also poured into the apricot yellow flag.

The two of them worked together, and the power of the apricot yellow flag suddenly increased!

This Xinghuang flag has the word Hundao, and the so-called Hundao is Hunyuan Dao, which means that this Xinghuang flag can absorb the Dao power of other Dao, integrate it into the flag, and turn it into its own power.

Therefore, even though the Dao Lord of Gods and Demons uses the power of gods and demons, this banner can also exert corresponding power!

This flag is also an innate spiritual treasure. Although it is only a part, it now exerts even greater power in the hands of Xu Ying and the Great Dao Lord of Gods and Demons!

The flag was flying across the sky, blocking the sword. The bright sword light seemed to be cutting the other side of the river into pieces, but when it touched the extremely soft flag surface, it was still unable to cut it off. The soft force of the flag surface unloaded it. go.

The ones who raised the Lingxing Gate were naturally Li Xue, Li Jie and others. They had been waiting outside Longxing Temple, waiting for the opportunity. Now that he saw Xu Ying and Lord Dao Dao of Gods and Demons coming out, he immediately seized the opportunity and struck them down with his sword.

The sword light falls and the stars rise.

Countless stars pressed down on the flag, causing the two people under the flag to groan.

Li Xue shouted: Junior brothers and sisters, change your moves!

Everyone immediately activated the Lingxing Gate, as if they were manipulating an unparalleled sword, and struck again.

Xu Ying and Lord Dao Dao of Gods and Demons raised their flags, their flags fluttering, to face the sword light, but they were hit again and again by the sword light.

Even though Xinghuang Banner, a Hun Dao, is an innate spiritual treasure, the bodies of the two bannermen are about to explode and are in danger!

Lord Dao Dao of Gods and Demons secretly complained: I should have stood together with Dao Lord Li Xueying and others to deal with Xu Ying together, how could I end up in this situation?

Outside the sky, a carriage drove by silently. Master Luo was sitting in the carriage, with his clothes draped on his legs, sitting quietly in front of the tea table.

The chubby young Taishi was his boy, standing aside with a pagoda in his hands.

Master Luo said: Tai Shi, go to the window and throw down the Fengya Tower.

Taishi said yes, came to the window, pushed open the window, gently dropped the Tiandi Fengya Tower, and thought to himself: Is there an enemy? Teacher wants to smash that enemy to death?

The Tiandi Fengya Pagoda fell and rotated, becoming bigger and bigger. When it approached the surface, the pagoda was already a hundred feet high, and its power was unparalleled!

Li Xue, Li Jie and others raised their swords at Lingxing Gate and beat Xu Ying and Daojun Divine Demon until blood spurted from their mouths.

Just as they were about to kill Xu Ying and Daojun, the two gangsters, suddenly a golden pagoda with a golden base fell from the sky, setting off a blazing fire.

In just an instant, Lingxingmen and Xu Ying's apricot-yellow flag were suppressed, unable to move and unable to explode with power.

Tiandi Fengya Tower?

Li Xue was shocked, and without thinking much, she immediately knelt down and said loudly, Disciples of Qionghua Island, pay your respects to Master Luo!

Xu Ying's eyes fell on this pagoda. He had seen the Fengya Pagoda in Zhaojie. Zhaojie was not supposed to be a disaster, but someone framed it. This pagoda was used to connect the two worlds and maintain the passage between the two worlds.

And the person who raised the pagoda was none other than Master Luo.

Master Luo is chasing us!

Cold sweat broke out on Xu Ying's forehead, Will he recognize me? I still have the remaining energy of his Soul Dao moves in my body, and the injury has not healed. If he sees me, will he think that I am the one with a sword? The one who paralyzed him?”

He thought for a moment and immediately hid his soul in the big bell and said: Master Zhong, hide in the flood source!

Upon hearing this, Da Zhong immediately flew into the lotus pond with his spirit and entered the source of the flood to escape.

Xu Ying said quickly: Lord Lian, protect me! I must refine the wounds of the soul path as soon as possible to avoid being suspected by Master Luo!

The Chaos Lotus seemed to be aware of the danger. The lotus slowly opened and used its own power to protect the source of the flood, so as not to be spotted by Taoist Luo.

Xu Ying Yuanshen sat cross-legged in the big bell, trying to decipher the soul path in the path injury!

At this time, a chariot was slowly approaching. Although it didn't look very fast, it was actually moving at an astonishing speed, as if it was walking through time and space.

The chariot stopped.

Master Luo sat in the chariot and said to Li Xue and others beside the Lingxing Gate: Brother Hua Dao still hopes that he will release more old friends. If you kill him here, I'm afraid that Brother Hua will not only There is no reward, but your lives will be taken.”

Li Xue and others did not dare to refute, but bowed their heads and said yes, but they did not agree in their hearts: The eldest master asked us to issue a Taoist death order and spread it to the world. How can we allow Ying Xing to cause trouble?

Master Luo's eyes fell on Dao Lord of Gods and Demons, looked at him, and said with emotion: Master Dao, you are diligent in your practice. It seems that it won't be long before you can become the master of the Dao.

The God and Demon Dao Lord was shocked. He was only half a step away from the Dao Master, but like a chasm in the sky, he could never cross this half step.

Moreover, he did not dare to take this half step.

Because in history, all those who have proven to be the Taoist master, without exception, have received the ax of the Hua Taoist master!

He thought he was hiding it very deeply, but he didn't expect that Dao Master Luo would see through it at a glance.

Lord Dao of Gods and Demons bowed and said, How did Brother Dao see it?

Master Luo smiled and said: You have understood the two paths of gods and demons in all the universes under your command. You have merged the two paths and gathered all the caves and abyss in the universe. This is just to accumulate enough power to help you break through. Become a Taoist master. Such an obvious thing can be seen at a glance.

If Master Luo can see the awe-inspiring Dao Lord of the Gods and Demons, then Master Hua must also be able to see it!

When I become a Taoist master, I'm afraid I won't be able to avoid his axe. He thought to himself.

Master Luo said: You have been able to reach this point in your recent cultivation, is it because of the Xuanhuang Dao Realm Sutra? This skill can help you refine the world of gods and demons, and unify the two realms of gods and demons. Xuanhuang Dao Realm Sutra The Dao Realm Sutra was disseminated by Xu Ying. Are you chasing him, not your benefactor?

The Lord of Gods and Demons glanced at Xu Ying and said, He killed all my disciples except one.

Master Luo said with a smile: He helped you achieve Taoism. If he kills your disciple, the merits and demerits will be offset. You have no grievances, so why cause more trouble?

Lord Dao Dao of Gods and Demons hesitated for a moment and said, Can I ask Brother Dao to give me some advice?

Taoist Master Luo said meaningfully: Fellow Daoist Hua did not prevent Xu Ying from resurrecting Xuanhong, and I did not stop Xu Ying from resurrecting Tianchengzi. Do you think that if you break through and become a Taoist master in the midst of misfortune, Daoist Brother Hua will chop you down again? Do you want an axe?

Lord Dao Dao of Gods and Demons understood, bowed to thank you, turned around and left.

Master Luo's eyes fell on Xu Ying. After a moment, he smiled and said, Xu Xiaoyou, can you ride with me in the car?

Xu Ying's originally extremely nervous mood suddenly calmed down, and he bowed and thanked: Taoist Master invited me, I dare not refuse.

He put away the apricot-yellow flag and boarded the chariot.

When Xu Ying entered the carriage, Xu Ying had a sudden thought. The layout of the carriage was exactly the same as it was 120 million years ago. There were tables and chairs in the carriage and an incense burner in front of the door. The layout was very simple.

Dao Master Luo's eyes still fell on Xu Ying. Xu Ying looked as normal and said with a smile: Dao Master Luo must have evil intentions when he tells Master Dao Dao of Gods and Demons this.

Taishi's expression suddenly changed, and he waved to him hastily, signaling him not to talk nonsense.

Taoist Luo hesitated and said, Why do you say that?

Xu Ying wanted to attract Taoist Master Cailuo's attention, so he bit the bullet and continued: The Taoist Master probably thinks that many people must die in this calamity to prevent it from breaking out. Resurrection of the Taoist Master is a kind of Taoism. The source of the master, allowing the Four Dao Lords to become Tao Masters is another source of Tao Masters.

Master Luo gradually smiled: How talented are Taiyi's disciples? They are enviable.

Suddenly, his face darkened and he changed the topic: Who sacrificed so many people in Longxing Temple to resurrect Tianchengzi?

Xu Ying said without hesitation: My teacher, Taiyi Daojun!

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