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Chapter 827 The Avenue of Life and Death

The man who took action had really terrifying magical powers. He killed so many senior brothers and sisters without making a move!

Li Xiao dragged Xu Ying's transformation into Hong Yuan, broke into the sea of ​​​​stars inside the Lingxing Gate, and whispered, A person with such ability will definitely eradicate the roots and leave no one behind! But then again, who has ever made you right? I'm good?

She was originally a wicked person. In order to gain the secret of the way to calamity, she killed her fellow disciples. However, when he was in Zhaojie, he encountered Lu Yiren, Changsun Shenghai and others, and failed to achieve much success on the path of calamity.

Fortunately, Xu Ying invited her to cross the sea with him. During the journey, Xu Ying and others had a hearty chat and exchanged ideas on how to calamity, and Li Xiao benefited a lot from this.

When she returned to Qionghua Island, instead of being punished by Master Hua, she was rewarded for it, so she was very grateful to Xu Ying.

The flood source that Xu Ying transformed into was extremely heavy, but the sea of ​​stars inside the star gate was windy and rough, and every wave could seriously injure her.

Li Xiao was worried about how to cross the sea, when suddenly a big bell flew out from the source of the flood and spoke human words, Girl, let me help you cross the sea!

Li Xiao was surprised and happy. His eyes fell on the big clock. He was about to speak when he heard the big clock say: Girl, don't look at me, you will go blind.

As soon as it finished speaking, the energy of chaos surged out of Li Xiao's eyes.

Li Xiao was stunned and said numbly: I'm blind.

Da Zhong had no choice but to say: Use your magic power to activate me, and I will lead the way for you.

One woman and one bell immediately cooperated and dragged the flood source transformed by Xu Ying towards the island in the center of the star sea.

The sound of the big bell faded away, and he said: Don't worry, I won't let you go blind. I am proficient in Taiyi Avenue, and I will keep it for you to grow as many eyes as you want.

Around the big clock, eyes grow out of the wall and dance all over the sky.

Look, I didn't lie to you...yes, you can't see it.

Outside the Lingxing Gate, in just a few moments, most of the masters on Qionghua Island died, leaving only a few people including Li Xue, Li Jie, and Li Song.

Li Xue, Li Jie and Li Song were Taoist kings with tyrannical cultivation, but the others on Qionghua Island were immortal and true kings, and they died unexpectedly.

These people often die suddenly and violently, with no trace of any damage caused by magical powers. For those with advanced cultivation, their great path often collapses suddenly and turns into ashes, and they die as a result!

The person who assassinated them had really unfathomable strength!

Li Xue activated the Lingxing Gate, and the power of the innate spiritual treasure surged. Even Dao Lord did not dare to compete with this treasure!

However, she couldn't find any opponent. She only had the innate spiritual treasure but nowhere to display her power.

Suddenly, a true king of Qionghua Island shouted, flew into the air, and fled from this place in a hurry. He was frightened to death by the fear of this inexplicable death, his heart collapsed, and he just wanted to escape.

However, just as he flew up, the avenue suddenly collapsed, and his soul instantly turned into ashes, billowing out from his eyes, ears, mouth and nose.


His body fell down and landed not far away, making no movement.

Faced with such magical powers, even though Li Xue and others had seen so much of the world, they couldn't help but feel numb and fear lingering in their hearts.

If they could see the other party's magical power, their appearance, and where to take action, they wouldn't be so afraid even if the other party's cultivation strength was much higher than theirs.

However, they have no idea who the other party is, what kind of magical power he is using, let alone who the murderer is and where he is!

Senior Sister, hide in the Lingxing Gate, maybe there is a glimmer of hope... Li Jie said with a trembling voice as his teeth chattered up and down.

Li Xue didn't answer and hid in Lingxing Gate, just to hand over this innate spiritual treasure to others. This treasure is an innate spiritual treasure given to them by Master Hua. If it is taken away by others, Master Hua will also punish her with death!

Burn the incense! Report it to the great master! Li Xue gritted her teeth.

The three Taoist masters immediately took out the incense and lit it, but they saw that the incense gas suddenly turned into ashes, without any Taoist power of the incense.

Li Xue's expression suddenly changed, and the next moment, she suddenly noticed that her physical body had become a little clumsy, her body was a little rigid, and the avenue was beginning to show signs of decay.

Enter the door! Li Xue said in a hoarse voice.

The three Taoist masters immediately retreated into the Lingxing Gate. In this short moment, the hair of the three female Taoist masters had turned gray, and their skin was not as elastic as before and had become looser.

The three of them were like three old women, coughing and wheezing as they walked, and they kept coughing up ashes from the avenue.

When they entered the sea of ​​​​stars, it would not have been particularly difficult for them to cross the sea of ​​​​stars with their strength in the past, but now every step they took seemed to be under great oppression, and their physical bodies and souls could not bear it!

The three of them joined forces and rushed to the fairy island in the sea of ​​​​stars. The fairy island is the center of the Lingxing Gate. If you occupy it, you can control the aura inside the Lingxing Gate and fight against the invaders!

No matter how terrifying that mysterious man's Taoism is, he can't take away this innate spiritual treasure without entering the Lingxing Gate or coming to the Immortal Island!

The reason why this person wants to kill people is because the target is Lingxing Gate. He doesn't want people to know that this innate spiritual treasure fell into his hands!

Li Xue gritted her teeth and said, He will definitely enter the door. As long as he enters the door, his identity will be exposed and he will no longer be mysterious! At that time, we can take the opportunity to mobilize the power of the Lingxing Gate to kill him and avenge our junior brothers and sisters. !”

When Li Jie and Li Song heard this, a glimmer of hope ignited in their hearts.

At this moment, the aging of their bodies and souls suddenly accelerated, and the disintegration of their own paths was also accelerating.

The three Dao Lords were shocked: That man has already entered the Lingxing Gate!

Around them, the stars in the sea of ​​​​stars suddenly dimmed, and the stars seemed to burn out and begin to die.

Pieces of darkness continued to extend all around, and the darkness seemed to be polluting the sea. Soon, the sea of ​​​​stars in front of them also fell into darkness.

Li Xue felt despair in her heart and looked back, only to see a tall and thin figure wearing a high crown walking towards this side under the Lingxing Gate.

There was a huge abyss behind the man, with green and black energy swirling around each other, like a strange Tai Chi diagram.

Master of the Great Way of Life and Death!

Li Xue's soul began to disintegrate, and she felt desperate, How did his moral conduct improve to this level?

The avenue of life and death is as famous as the avenues of creation, yin and yang, gods and demons, etc., and is relatively high, but this avenue has never been famous.

Even the Four Great Lords and the Great Lord of Life and Death were no match for Taiyi and were defeated many times.

Li Xue and other immortals on Qionghua Island are disciples taught by Hua Dao Master himself. They think highly of themselves and think they come from a famous family. Although they have not received the title of Dao Lord, they are expected to be no less inferior to the Four Dao Lords.

However, this time the Lord of Life and Death did not show up, and the Qionghua Island lineage was almost extinct. Only then did Li Xue know how big the gap was between them and the Four Lords!



The souls of Li Jie and Li Song were the first to be unable to bear it, and they exploded in their bodies one after another, and died unexpectedly!

Li Xue's cultivation was the most powerful. She was already trembling with age and could not walk. Her voice was hoarse and she said: Master of the Great Dao of Life and Death, you are rebelling...

Rebellion? This is forced by Master Hua, so we have to rebel.

Darkness shrouded behind the Lord of Life and Death, like a dark cloak hanging on his shoulders, hiding his back in the darkness.

He walked slowly, passed by Li Xue, and said quietly: If Hua Dao Master does not kill those who are the disciples of the Dao Master, but instead supports the descendants, how can I turn against him?

Li Xue wanted to speak, but the soul in her body suddenly collapsed, and billowing ash suddenly spurted out from her eyes, ears, mouth and nose!

Her body fell into the dim sea of ​​stars and died.

The Master of the Great Path of Life and Death walked towards the Immortal Island in a leisurely manner, with a faint look in his eyes: I was defeated by Tai Chi twice, and the painful experience allowed me to see the shortcomings of the Great Path of Life and Death. I pushed back against Tai Chi through life and death, and finally achieved something. . I am so close to the realm of the Lord of the Dao, but I am in danger again, and I am forced to do it by Xu Ying. Hehe...

Under the high crown, his expression was uncertain.

Entering a calamity means there is a possibility of death. If you want to survive, you must break through and become the master of the great road.

But to become a Taoist master, you have to bear the ax of Hua Taoist master.

In this case, why not do the opposite?

By seizing the Lingxing Gate, there is still a glimmer of hope. By using the Lingxing Gate to fight against the Luoying Divine Axe, I can successfully become a Taoist master and have a place in this calamity and murderous calamity! He whispered.

Suddenly, stars lit up in the sea of ​​​​stars invaded by darkness ahead.

The starlight shone brightly and became dazzling, like a torch, awakening the dead stars all around.

The stars that had just fallen into death were suddenly lit up, and in an instant, the sea of ​​​​stars returned to its former state!

The Lord of Life and Death's heart skipped a beat and said loudly: Xu Ying, is it you? You killed my disciple and showed off your Taoism to me, and now I'm here!

The purpose of his trip was, firstly, to seize the Lingxing Gate, and secondly, to kill Xu Ying and avenge his disciple Rongku Daojun!

However, the voice of the Lord of Life and Death was loud, but no one on the fairy island responded.

Lord Dao of Life and Death suddenly accelerated his speed, suppressed the sea of ​​stars, and quickly flew towards the Immortal Island. The moment he started, the sea of ​​​​stars suddenly surged, and countless stars gathered together to form a huge palm, containing the power of the stars, and slapped him!

This blow was extremely powerful, showing the majesty of the power of the stars!

Every world in the universe is built on stars. The power of stars is also one of the most basic and powerful powers in the universe!

Faced with such a terrifying blow, Lord Dao of Life and Death was not afraid at all. He raised his palm to meet it. At this moment, time and space froze in an instant, and then the terrifying power exploded, sweeping in all directions!

The Lingxing Gate seemed to have experienced an extremely terrifying storm. Countless stars in the sea of ​​​​stars were rolled up, shattered, and exploded one after another!

Lord Dao of Life and Death shook his body slightly, continued to move forward, and said calmly: Xu Ying, I saw your Taoism in Rong Ku. You showed off your power to me, but now you have to rely on Lingxing Gate to resist. Me? You let me down.

His voice was neither salty nor light, as if there was a Dao Lord who had practiced the Dao of Stars hidden in the sea of ​​stars. He used his supreme star power to fight against him, but the Dao Lord of Life and Death could always resolve it easily.

Xu Ying, you shouldn't hide on the island. You should get out of the island and use your magical powers to compete with me openly and compete!

The speed of the Lord of Life and Death was slowed down, but the sound kept coming, disturbing Xu Ying's Taoist mind.

But on the Immortal Island in the center of the sea of ​​stars, it was not Xu Ying but Li Xiao who occupied the center and mobilized the sea of ​​stars to attack the Lord of Life and Death.

This woman has been treated by the big bell and has grown eyes. At this moment, she is doing her best to mobilize the power of the stars to prevent the approach of the Great Lord of Life and Death.

Lord Dao of Life and Death was repeatedly blocked by the sea of ​​stars, and he couldn't help but get angry. He raised his foot and gave a heavy meal. Suddenly, with him as the center, the stars and sands of the sea of ​​stars and sand all around him turned into a part of the Tai Chi Diagram of Life and Death!

This scroll of Tai Chi Diagram of Life and Death revolves slowly with him as the center!

Although the star sea in Lingxing Gate is vast, without the territory of thousands of miles in radius, the star power that Li Xiao can mobilize is suddenly reduced by 10% or 20%.

One is ebbing and the other is ebbing, which is extremely detrimental to her.

The big bell was extremely nervous, flying around her, wanting to help her, but not knowing how to intervene.

The center of Lingxing Gate can only be controlled by one person, and it cannot even get through with mana.

The Master of the Great Path of Life and Death mobilizes great supernatural powers to recruit people and die together, and he goes straight to the fairy island.

But the next moment, the boundless stars were seen as waves, rising up layer by layer. This great magical power penetrated dozens of waves continuously, and finally exhausted its strength and collapsed.

Li Xiao was so shocked that he groaned and his breath was scattered. The Lord of Life and Death immediately drove straight in, hitting the fairy island with one magical move after another!

Xu Ying, is this all you can do?

His voice continued to be heard amidst the crazy bombardment of magical powers, and he said sarcastically, You disappoint me so much. You can only mobilize the innate spiritual treasures to compete with me. And even if you mobilize the spiritual treasures, you are not my opponent. . It’s useless for me to go out for you and go through the disaster myself!”

His attack was like a violent storm, which made Li Xiao panic and blood flowed from the corner of his mouth, showing his decline!

It seems that you have not received the true inheritance of Taiyi. Has Taiyi always been on guard against you and refused to teach you his unique skills?

Lord Dao of Life and Death noticed that Xu Ying's resistance was gradually becoming scattered, and knew that the attack on the heart was effective. He laughed and said, Your sect is full of traitors and rebels. Even your master and disciples must beware of each other. !”


The Lord of Life and Death came with another magical power. Li Xiao mobilized the sea of ​​stars to block it, but was shocked to the point where he vomited blood and fell backwards, his breath sluggish.

Lord Dao of Life and Death was not far from the Immortal Island, and another blast of magical power arrived.

Li Xiao struggled to get up and rushed towards the center of Xiandao. When his palm was about to press on the central platform, he saw that the magical power of the Lord of Life and Death had already arrived in front of him!

She felt desperate, while Da Zhong worked hard to activate his own Dao texture, preparing to fight against this magical power.

Just when life and death were in danger, a figure suddenly appeared in front of her, raising her palm to meet the magical power of the Lord of Life and Death.


The Lord of Life and Death's magical power exploded, and the power of Life and Death was split apart by the figure, turning into two torrents, pouring away from both sides of the fairy island!

Ah Ying! Da Zhong was surprised and happy.

Li Xiao looked up and saw that the figure was a young man, it was Xu Ying.

Master of the Great Dao of Life and Death, do you want to see my magical powers?

Xu Ying's eyes were bright, and he adjusted the flood source to reverse the Dao Lu. With a long roar, he pushed his palms forward, and he saw the energy of chaos surging out like waves. In an instant, flood lotus grew in the sea of ​​chaos, and the flood source slowly rose from where the lotus bloomed!

The Lord of Life and Death Dao suddenly felt the threat of life and death coming towards him, and he was horrified in his heart. He hurriedly mobilized Dongyuan, mustered all his Dao power, and bravely faced this blow!

The two magical powers collided, and the Lord of Life and Death couldn't stand, and flew backwards against the sea of ​​​​stars!

When he removed the power of Xu Ying's blow, he found that he had his feet on the ground and was actually beaten back to Lingxing Sect by this blow!

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