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Chapter 822 Time and Space Enlightenment

Xu Ying sat in the car, his eyes flashing as he watched the vision of the Ouroboros in the sky. He chatted word by word with Taoist Luo and tested each other.

Xu Ying suspected that Master Luo was practicing the Avenue of Time and Space, and said: ...since the process is not important, then the existence of practicing the Avenue of Time and Space can change the past and erase a person from the timeline.

Master Luo laughed angrily and slapped the table: That's nonsense!

Xu Ying was about to speak, when Tian Chengzi's voice came from outside, saying: What Taoist Fellow Xu said is not nonsense.

The Taoist Master with hair standing up like wires walked into the car. Hearing this, Taoist Master Luo couldn't help but get angry and said: Tianchengzi, if the past can be changed, doesn't it mean that beings who have cultivated the Great Way of Time and Space can return to the past? In the past, you could kill whoever you wanted, and shape history however you wanted? In that case, wouldn't you be invincible? But Tao Zun said that the Avenue of Time and Space is only a higher-level avenue, far inferior to the Nine Innate Paths!

Xu Ying was about to speak, but Tian Chengzi was the first to say: The reincarnation of time and space I am talking about is based on the birth and death of the source of the universe as one year, and there is one reincarnation every year. If you have not cultivated the Great Way of Time and Space to understand reincarnation from time and space, and then from reincarnation Once you realize the Tao to the extent of one reincarnation year, you cannot change the timeline.

Xu Ying was dumbfounded and speechless, thinking to himself: This person has spoken deep into my heart.

Master Luo frowned and said: The other shore has not yet been destroyed, so where does the year of reincarnation come from? Tianchengzi, I'm afraid you will go crazy practicing the Great Way of Time and Space!

Xu Ying perked up and wanted to strike up a conversation. Before he could speak, Tian Chengzi said, After you have understood the Great Way of Reincarnation and achieved Reincarnation Enlightenment, you cannot just go back to the past and kill people. This also involves the great cause and effect of time and space. If you do When Karma is enlightened, you can erase anyone who does not need to exist on the timeline.

When Xu Ying heard this, he was filled with admiration: What this man said is exactly the same as what I thought! Could it be that this man named Tian Chengzi is also a genius like me?

At this time, Tian Chengzi bowed slightly to Xu Ying and said, Tian Chengzi of Longxing Temple has met Taoist friend Ying.

Xu Ying admired his Taoist behavior and did not dare to neglect him. He returned the favor and said, Brother Taoist's explanation of the reincarnation of cause and effect is the most powerful and insightful that I have ever encountered. It is admirable.

He sincerely admired Tian Chengzi, and felt that this person's views were so high that among the people he had met, he was only inferior to Tao Zun.

Tian Chengzi's face trembled. His view on the reincarnation of cause and effect was actually a repetition of what Xu Ying had said at the beginning, and had no originality of his own.

In fact, he has been able to comprehend the Avenue of Reincarnation from the Avenue of Time and Space in reverse over the years, which is already an extremely remarkable achievement.

But it would be too difficult for him to deduce cause and effect from reincarnation. He is now working backwards from time and space to reincarnation, and it is extremely difficult for him to practice the Dao of Reincarnation to the point where it is the master.

The three of them came to Qionghua Island. Taoist Luo was planning to take Xu Ying and Tian Chengzi to see Taoist Hua. When he looked back, he saw that the two of them had disappeared. He was surprised: Where are they two? Already? I still want to get them both to join the gang.

He didn't take it to heart, and hurriedly went to find Master Hua, saying: Brother Taoist, I met Tian Chengzi today. This man became very weird, saying that practicing the Great Way of Time and Space can change the past. There is also a man named Ying. Xu’s strength is unfathomable, and I can’t see how deep he is.”

Master Hua said in surprise: Is this happening? If these two people can be found, it will be of great help to our plan!

Master Luo said: It's a pity that they disappeared after arriving on the island.

Hua Dao Master pondered for a moment and said: Let's look for more comrades and find them at the same time to prevent accidents. We will do something big this time. It would be best if the two of them can become comrades. If not, we can only Eradicate it in advance.”

Master Luo said yes.

On the other side, Lord Dao Dao of Gods and Demons said to his young self: If I said that I am you in the future, would you believe it?

Grandson, I am your grandfather.

Taiyi Daojun also found himself when he was young and said: I came from the future.


Tian Chengzi took Xu Ying to Tianxin Pavilion on Qionghua Island, dispersed the people in the pavilion, sealed the surrounding heaven and earth, and said: Fellow Daoist Ying, don't you remember the last reincarnation?

Xu Ying was at a loss.

Tian Chengzi told the whole story and said, Fellow Daoist Ying has been reincarnated eight hundred and fifteen times, and now it is eight hundred and sixteen times.

When Xu Ying heard this, he felt horrified and asked, Do you have any proof?

Tianchengzi said: Do those words I said in the car sound familiar? These are exactly what you said to me in the last time and space reincarnation.

Xu Ying was extremely surprised, but took it for granted, and thought to himself: I thought it was Tian Chengzi who had such attainments as me. It turns out that I said those words myself. I am really good.

Tianchengzi said: The turbulence of time and space will smooth out all changes in time and space. This is due to the characteristics of the great avenue of time and space.

Xu Ying's heart moved slightly and said: Just like the Lord of Chaos, he may not even know who the person swearing the oath is, and he doesn't care what kind of oath he made. Any violation of the oath will cause trouble in his path to chaos. His avenue of chaos will automatically smooth out the waves.”

Tian Chengzi nodded and said: Ying Taoist friend once said that you have a method that can save me from the cycle of time and space. He also said that if you follow your method, you can change history! Taoist friend will not deceive me, right?

Xu Ying walked around the pavilion, thinking deeply, and after a while, he said: It is indeed possible to change history, but it requires cause and effect, reincarnation, and the avenue of time and space encompassed by reincarnation. You must cultivate to an extremely high level before you can do it. It can change history.”

Tian Chengzi showed a look of hope and said: You have cultivated the Avenue of Reincarnation and the Avenue of Cause and Effect to the realm of immortality. You can go back to the past and kill people! You can help me kill a few people.

Xu Yingwei said: I'm not a Taoist master yet, so I'm afraid I can't help you. Moreover, my attainments on the Great Path of Time and Space are not as high as I boast.

Tian Chengzi looked indifferent and said, I can teach you the Great Way of Time and Space.

Xu Yingda was greatly moved and said: I still have the Infinite Way, but I haven't yet achieved immortality...

Tian Chengzi said expressionlessly: Do you think I understand Wuji?

Xu Ying had no choice but to give up and thought to himself: His attainments in the Great Way of Reincarnation are not as good as mine, let alone Wuji? Forget it, let's learn his Great Way of Time and Space first.

Tianchengzi immediately taught him the secrets of the Dao of Time and Space. He is the master of the Dao. The exercises are Tao master-level techniques. They are extremely profound and often obscure. Even if Xu Ying has already practiced the Nine Innate Paths, he will not be able to understand them. I find it difficult to understand.

Tianchengzi answers these questions in every detail.

Suddenly, a scream came from outside Tianxin Pavilion: Taiyi killed someone!

Xu Ying couldn't help but be stunned when he heard this. He ignored his cultivation and hurriedly opened the window to take a look. He saw that Qionghua Island was in chaos. Taiyi Daojun went on a killing spree, slaughtering the masters from the other side who attended the meeting, and soon the blood flowed into a river.

Xu Ying looked up at the sky, and the ouroboros swallowed him up faster.

When the Ouroboros disappeared, the turbulence of time also surged, and time and space collapsed and reconstructed.

Tian Chengzi said in a deep voice: Xu Ying, don't worry, I will definitely find you.


Xu Ying flew out of the void, changed his appearance, and looked at the wonderful scenery outside the sky. It was a scene in the heaven.

The heaven is stranded? Wait a minute, this scene seems familiar...and this ouroboros, seems to have been seen somewhere before? This is a method of time and space reincarnation...

As he thought of this, a voice came from behind: Brother, fellow Taoist Hua summoned all the monks to attend the Qionghua Island Conference to discuss the catastrophe!

Before Taoist Master Luo finished speaking, Xu Ying said out of nowhere: Since Taoist fellow Taoist can survive till now, his cultivation level must be very important, so it's better to go in the same car.

Master Luo was stunned, looked Xu Ying up and down, and immediately drove away, thinking: Madman!

Xu Ying flashed and caught up with his chariot, walked into it and sat down.

Master Luo's eyes flashed, and he was about to teach him a lesson. Xu Ying shook his head and said, Your surname is Luo, and your name is Shizong. Your Fengya Pagoda practice has not reached its peak. If you take action in front of me, you are just asking for trouble.

Master Luo's expression suddenly changed and he said, Who are you, sir? Why do you know Luo so well?

Xu Yingdao: Luo Shizong, Daoist Hua, you have been depressed since the catastrophe broke out after you returned from the heavenly realm. We were called together this time, mostly to deal with the catastrophe.

Master Luo said in a trembling voice: Are you from the Heavenly Realm? You have mastered Xuan Gong, and you are here to kill us and destroy our grand plan!

Xu Ying held his head in his hands and thought hard, feeling that the scene in front of him seemed familiar.

Master Luo was so frightened that he suddenly abandoned his chariot and fled.

As soon as he left, Tian Chengzi arrived with his hind legs.

Xu Ying's eyes fell on Tian Chengzi and immediately said: You are here to teach me the secrets of the time and space avenue, so that I can break the cycle of time and space and save you? Are you Tian Chengzi?

Tian Chengzi was extremely surprised and said, Do you remember the last reincarnation?

Xu Ying shook his head and said: I just have a vague feeling of déjà vu, but I don't recall the past.

Tian Chengzi was moved. He only taught Xu Ying the skills once, and because the time was short, he could not teach them all. However, Xu Ying understood some of the mysteries of the time and space avenue based on this, and he could retain part of his memory in the cycle of time and space!

This talent is really terrifying!

He has practiced the Great Way of Reincarnation and practiced it to the point of immortality. The Great Way of Reincarnation encompasses time and space, which is why his advancement in cultivation is so terrifying. He thought to himself.

The two of them took a car to Qionghua Island, which was a bit slow because they had to teach the Promise of Time and Space along the way.

When they arrived at Qionghua Island, they saw that the island was already in chaos. Taiyi Daojun went on a killing spree, seized Dao Master Lin's spear, and shot Dao Master Lin through the forehead. He immediately caught up with Dao Master Hua and killed his legs. Cut it off!

Tian Chengzi said: Fellow Taoist, the turbulence of the Time and Space Avenue is coming. Repair everything here.

I know.

Xu Ying's eyes fell on Taiyi Daojun, who was massacring people, and said, In the next reincarnation, Brother Dao doesn't have to look for me. You just need to find Taiyi and severely injure him so that he can't kill again. I will take care of it. Come to Qionghua Island to find you.

Tian Chengzi's gaze fell on his face and said, Do you think you can resist the turbulence of time and space and retain your own memory?

Before Xu Ying could speak, the Ouroboros had already eaten all of himself, and the turbulence of time and space roared in, erasing the changed history, returning to the time and space of history, and starting from scratch.

Figures fell from the sky one after another. Xu Ying ran at the front because he wanted to avoid the pursuit of the gods and demons. However, while he was still falling downwards, memories suddenly came to him, and Xu Ying understood everything in an instant.

He kept walking and rushed towards Qionghua Island.

When they arrived at Qionghua Island, not long after, they saw Tian Chengzi coming to Tianxin Pavilion covered in injuries.

Xu Ying was extremely surprised: Were you injured by Taiyi Daojun?

Tianchengzi said: I was originally seriously injured. I was injured to the origin of the Tao by Hua Taoist who proved the Tao with his strength. Taiyi's Taoism is already very close to the Taoist, and I am only half a step away from becoming the Taoist. This disappears He is the leader, and I can only lose both sides with him.

Xu Ying asked: Is Taiyi not dead?

Tian Chengzi shook his head and said: Not dead, but seriously injured. In the cycle of time and space, we do not belong to this time and space, so even if we reincarnate once, our injuries will not be healed. Also, we outsiders have died in the cycle of time and space. , that is, he is really dead.”

Xu Ying was awe-inspiring.

The two continued to study the Avenue of Time and Space, and Xu Ying had a foundation in the Avenue of Reincarnation. Naturally, his attainments on the Avenue of Time and Space came naturally and advanced by leaps and bounds.

At this time, Hua, Lin, and Luo led dozens of masters to attack and kill those masters who were loyal to the Heavenly Realm Taoist and did not want to kill the Heavenly Realm. Both sides suddenly shouted for killing.

Suddenly, someone shouted happily: I killed Master Hua! I got the old guy's head! From now on, I will be the old guy!

The person who spoke was one of the immortals from the other side who was involved in the cycle of time and space this time.

Just seriously injuring Taiyi is not enough.

Tian Chengzi sighed and looked up, only to see the turbulence of time and space coming back.

Another reincarnation struck, Tian Chengzi immediately went to find Master Taiyi, fighting against the recurrence of the Taoist injury left by Master Hua, and fought against Taiyi.

Fortunately, Taiyi was also seriously injured in the last time and space reincarnation, and the injury was more serious than him.

Taiyi was also very puzzled. After he entered Longxing Temple, he found that he was seriously injured, and then Tian Chengzi, an old friend, actually came to kill him, beat him up and left.

What serious illness did Tian Chengzi have? Taiyi shook his head.

Tian Chengzi still had some strength left, so he immediately went to find the person who assassinated Master Hua, and beat him until he vomited blood for a long time.

He came to Tianxin Pavilion again, where Xu Ying had been waiting for a long time.

Xu Ying concentrated on practicing, but not long after, someone assassinated Dao Master Lin, causing turbulence in time and space to correct the errors in time and space.

Repeatedly, Xu Ying's attainments on the avenue of time and space are getting higher and higher.

After another reincarnation, Tian Chengzi found Xu Ying and felt that Xu Ying was clearly standing in front of him, but seemed to be standing outside time and space.

The Avenue of Time and Space was built by you.

Tian Chengzi sincerely admired him, Fellow Taoist, can you kill someone now and change history?

You can give it a try.

Xu Ying looked calm and said, Let me unify time and space, reincarnation and cause and effect first.

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