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Chapter 821 Qionghua Island Massacre

This is fake, this is an illusion, an illusion created by the Taoist master of Longxing Temple using his magical powers!

Although Xu Ying thought so, he knew that this was not an illusion.

If it were an illusion, it would be impossible for Hua, Lin, and Luo to possess such superb Taoism, especially as Taoist Master Hua's attainments in the Tao of Power were even higher than Xu Ying's.

If it were an illusion, it would be impossible to reveal the unknown mysteries of the great road.


I really went back in time and became the Taoist brother of Hua Dao Master Lin Dao Master and Luo Dao Master. I am presiding over an extermination plan against Tianjing Dao Master and Tianjing Dao Master.

Xu Ying was still a little unbelievable, but he had already nodded and agreed to lead Hua, Luo, and Lin to rebel, kill the traitors in the ethnic group who supported the Heaven Realm, and kill them in the Heaven Realm.

But if I really go through this, why won't anyone remember me as the leading Taoist brother in the future? I should be more glorious than Hua, Luo, and Lin. The person sitting at the top of Dao Jitian should be me. !”

Xu Ying blinked. Could it be that there really was one of him sitting at the top of Dao Jitian, harvesting the universe?

No, if that's the case, Hua Dao Master Lin Dao Master and the others should have recognized me long ago. Could it be that my transformation into the appearance of the Saints on the other side has become too lifelike?

He shook his head.

Hua, Lin, and Luo had already walked out of Zhiren Hall and quietly contacted other masters on the island, looking for like-minded people and preparing to kill people during the grand gathering.

Xu Ying was wondering if he had really gone back to the past. Suddenly Tian Chengzi's voice came: Promise, on the way here, you kept saying that the past can be changed. I have been looking for this method. What you said about changing history Is this method really feasible?

Xu Ying turned around, looked at him, and said with a smile: You are indeed the one causing trouble! I am in an illusion now, right?

Tian Chengzi said with an indifferent expression: No. We really were 120 million years ago. This battle is called the Qionghua Island Massacre, and it was the beginning of the disaster on the other side.

Xu Ying blinked and smiled: Tian Chengzi, how many times has this been your experiment? Have you successfully changed history?

Tian Chengzi's face suddenly changed.


Taiyi Daojun stood in front of his young self. The young Taiyi also looked at himself in front of him, looking a little dazed.

Yes, they all look mature.

I'm from the future.

Taiyi Daojun said, It's your future. Do you believe it or not?

Letter. Young Tai said.

Taiyi Daojun smiled and said, I think we should have a talk.

The two of them traveled hand in hand and found a secluded place on Qionghua Island. Taiyi Daojun placed a seal and revealed all the regrets in their growth.

My first regret is that I was unable to stop this Qionghua Island event. This event was the beginning of the disaster on the other side.

The Lord of Taiyi Dao said, Everything originates from here. If there were no grand gathering on Qionghua Island, there would be no subsequent massacre, and there would be no inheritance of heavenly calamity. It was at this grand gathering that Master Hua and others decided to He made a plan to destroy the Heavenly Realm.

Young Taiyi listened quietly without interrupting.

After Taiyi Daodaojun finished talking about his lifelong regrets, the young Taiyi said: Now is the Qionghua Island event. If you can change the future, with your strength, you can certainly change it.

Taiyi Daodaojun was stunned, looked at his hands, and whispered: Can I change the past now?

Young Taidao: Although I don't understand many things you said, it must be important for you to take it so seriously. Since you have already made a decision and are here, why do you hope that I will change the future? Don’t you want to do it yourself?”

Taiyi Daojun was slightly shaken, nodded slowly, and said in a hoarse voice: I will do it myself.

He stood up and dispersed the seal.

At this time, Lord Dao Dao of Gods and Demons mustered up the courage to come to his young self and said, If I said that I am you in the future, would you believe it?

The young Dao Lord looked solemn and said, If I said I was your father, would you believe it?

The God and Demon Daojun was furious and wanted to kill his younger self.

After a while, the young Daojun was beaten with a bruised nose and face. He was lying on the ground struggling, but could not get up.

Lord Dao of Gods and Demons squatted in front of him, resting his elbows on his knees, and said, You should believe it now, right?

The young Daojun was obedient and suddenly said: If I commit suicide now, will you disappear?

Lord Dao of Gods and Demons thought: When I was young, was I so disgusting?

Follow me, and I will pass on to you what I have learned throughout my life.

The God and Demon Dao Lord stood up and said, Now that you have my understanding, I will be able to easily attain the position of Dao Master!


In Zhiren Hall, Xu Ying looked at Tian Chengzi's face with a smile on his face and said with a smile: Tian Chengzi, you are the master of Longxing Temple, right? When you died at the hands of Master Hua, before you died, At that moment, you want to go back to the past and change the past. So you go back to the grand gathering on Qionghua Island 120 million years ago. You want to kill Master Hua here.

He said leisurely: However, you have discovered that even if you go back to the past, you cannot change the past. I think you have assassinated Master Hua here countless times, but you have never been able to kill him.

He guessed the truth here and said: You cannot return to the present world. If you return to the present world, you will die. Therefore, you can only repeat the experiment again and again, and you must get rid of Master Hua.

Tian Chengzi shook his head and said: Promise, you guessed most of it right. I do want to go back to the past, but I don't want to get rid of Hua Dao Master.

Xu Ying was stunned.

Tian Chengzi said: I want to get rid of everyone on Qionghua Island!

Xu Ying's eyes widened: Get rid of everyone?

Tianchengzi said: I was indeed seriously injured by Hua Shengsheng, and I was between life and death. He has cultivated to the point of attaining the Tao through force, and is the master of the Dao of force. He is not only the Dao of the other side. The master is also the master of the power of the two hundred and fifty-six universes.

At the time of his death, there were already 256 universes in Bian'an's name. Although there were not as many universes as there are today, Hua Dao Master's combat power was already extraordinary.

Tian Chengzi continued: I had no choice but to go back to the past, which was the beginning of the tribulation of the other side. On this day, Master Hua joined us and killed other people who attended the meeting, officially starting the tribulation of the other side.

Xu Ying thought about it: Your Excellency, you mean that you can stop the disaster by killing everyone on the island?

Tian Chengzi said calmly: That's right. When the first calamity broke out on the other side, I realized something was wrong. The other side was obviously still an emerging universe, how could the calamity break out so early? I explored history again and again, and returned to In the past, I finally discovered that today’s grand gathering is the source of the misfortune on the other side.”

Xu Ying speculated: You see the Taoist masters killing each other. You are like dried rabbits, stored away by Hua, Lin, and Luo. You think that as long as you go back to the past and kill them, there will be no other shore. You will experience bad luck. Right?

Tianchengzi said: You are very smart.

Xu Ying said: However, if the facts are really as what Taoist Master Hua said, Taoist Master and other Taoist masters will come to the other side and practice from the beginning, then how can you resist?

Tianchengzi said: Today's Taoist Master is still just a mortal. He cannot cross the starry sky and come here. Unless he has disciples and disciples on the other side to take him to the other side.

Xu Ying finally understood and said: And Dao Zun's disciples and grandsons are all gathered on this island by you at this moment. So killing everyone can also prevent Dao Zun from coming to the other side!

Tian Chengzi nodded lightly and said: After I deal with these, I can go to the heaven and kill all the masters in the heaven such as Dao Zun and Xuanhuang.

Xu Ying said: But, you can't kill everyone, you can't even get rid of anyone. And because you are about to die and cannot return to the present world, you are trapped here forever. You practice the Great Way of Time and Space and become the Tao Master, but The funny thing is that at the moment before you die, you turn yourself into a prisoner of time and space.

He pierced the heart with each word, just like the Immortal-killing Sword of Taoist Master Tongtian, piercing Tian Chengzi's Taoist heart with one sword after another.

Tian Chengzi's eyes were fierce and his expression was evil.

Xu Ying continued: How many times have you tested here? A thousand times? Ten thousand times?

Tian Chengzi suppressed his intention to kill him and said: Fifty-eight thousand, nine hundred times.

Xu Ying was startled and said with a smile: If your method could be successful, it would have been successful long ago. Tianchengzi, you are not too stupid to think of understanding reincarnation. Your reincarnation path is already very strong. After you master the cycle of time and space, you continue to try, but you find that you still can't change history.

Tian Chengzi snorted.

Xu Ying said with a smile: But luckily you met me. The path I pointed out to you is the right way. First cultivate time and space, then understand reincarnation, and then cultivate cause and effect, from the beginning of the flood in the past to the catastrophe of annihilation in the future. This way Come, you can master all time and space methods. You can kill people in the past, behead people in the future, and completely erase them from time and space! Only in this way can history be changed.

Tianchengzi said: What you said is right and makes sense.

Xu Ying looked solemn and said: Since you think it makes sense, why don't you untie the Ouroboros? Tell me the truth, how many times have I been reincarnated in this time and space?

Tian Chengzi looked at him in astonishment: Taiyi and the two Dao Lords of God and Demon didn't notice it. Did you notice it?

Xu Ying was shocked.

He just guessed that this was probably not the first time he fell into Tian Chengzi's time and space reincarnation, so he asked Tian Chengzi how many times he had been reincarnated.

Unexpectedly, he had actually fallen into Tian Chengzi's time and space reincarnation.

Promise, you have been reincarnated eight hundred and fourteen times in my time and space reincarnation, and now it is the eight hundred and fifteenth time!

Tian Chengzi smiled and said, You, like me, have become prisoners of time and space!

Xu Ying's face suddenly changed, and he couldn't help but urge Hong Yuan to counter-prove the Dao Lu, and at the same time adjust cause and effect and reincarnation, and check the cause and effect between himself and this time and space!

He immediately saw the traces of eight hundred and fourteen reincarnations, as well as the causal lines left by the reincarnation of time and space on the golden wheel of cause and effect!

Behind Xu Ying's head, the eye of causality in the golden wheel opened, and he saw the causal threads of everyone on Qionghua Island criss-crossing and intertwined, just like the crazy spider spinning its web randomly!

He couldn't help but gasped and said quickly: Tian Chengzi, I have practiced the reincarnation of cause and effect. I can save you and get rid of this time and space reincarnation!

It's too late. Tian Chengzi shook his head.

At this moment, people's horrified screams were heard outside: He killed someone! Taiyi killed someone!

Xu Bing hurriedly came outside the palace and saw Taiyi Daojun going on a killing spree. With a flick of his finger, he pierced Daomaster Lin's head and cut off Daomaster Luo's waist with a flick of his hand!

Taiyi Daojun was like a tiger entering a flock of sheep, massacring the masters on the island with one move, and soon the blood flowed into rivers.

Xu Ying raised his head and saw the Ouroboros in the sky swallowing its tail faster and faster, growing as it swallowed!

I cut off the past time and space, and cut out a day from 120 million years ago. In this day, the greater the change in history, the more intense the turbulence of time and space correction will be.

Tian Chengzi was behind him and said unhurriedly, Taiyi Daojun starts killing, and the turbulence of time and space correction will hit him until everything is corrected.

When he said this, Hua Dao Master ran towards this side and said loudly: Brother Ying Dao, save me——


Taiyi Daojun slapped his head with his palm, and his brain exploded immediately, and his soul turned into ashes!

Xu Ying was splashed with Dao Master Hua's blood, but he saw the ouroboros above him suddenly swallowing his entire body into its belly and disappearing together with his head!

Tian Chengzi, you must remember!

In front of Xu Ying's eyes, time and space were collapsing and reconstructing, and he shouted loudly, I can save you! You have to find me and tell me all this!


The time and space avenue of the other side of the universe corrects its own changes caused by external forces, and smooths out all the waves caused by Taiyi's changes in history!

At this moment, everyone saw the ouroboros above them suddenly swallowing themselves and disappearing.

After time and space calmed down, Xu Ying descended from the sky, held up the apricot-yellow flag with one hand, and held up the big bell with the other hand, transporting Hongyuan's evidence to prepare for the pursuit of the gods and demons.

At the same time, the Dao Lord of Gods and Demons and a group of eighth-level Dao realms, immortals, true kings and Dao Lords on the other side also entered this time and space.

Above their heads, a huge ouroboros appeared at the same time.

This big snake bit its own tail and was devouring itself bit by bit.

The world is stranded?

Xu Ying fled thousands of miles away from the gods and demons, and looked at the heaven very close to the other shore, feeling a little stunned.

This brother, fellow Daoist Hua, summoned all the monks to attend the grand meeting on Qionghua Island to discuss the catastrophe.

A chariot came from behind him. Taoist Master Luo sat in the car and invited him, My fellow Taoist can survive the mass extinction, his cultivation must be extraordinary. Can you go with me in the car?

Xu Ying nodded eccentrically: Thank you, Brother Dao.

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