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Chapter 823 Time and Space Error Correction

Unifying cause and effect, reincarnation, and time and space is easy to say but difficult to implement.

Simply unifying the current causal line of the entire universe requires the achievement of the lowest level of immortality. The unification of causal time and space is to unify the causal lines on all timelines in the past, present and future.

At this point, let alone immortality, even a Taoist master who has achieved cause and effect and time and space at the same time will find it difficult to achieve!

But coupled with reincarnation, it would be much more convenient to unify the past, present and future of the entire universe into reincarnation.

Reincarnation is a means of unifying cause and effect, time and space.

As reincarnation runs, the originally chaotic causal lines of each era will become regular and gradually converge, thus achieving the unification of cause and effect in time and space.

The universe has a beginning and an end, originating from chaos, finally dying, and returning to chaos. Therefore, only by jumping out of reincarnation and not being tainted by cause and effect can we achieve true freedom and eternity.

Xu Ying mobilized Hongyuan to counter-prove the Daolu, and a space-time abyss gradually appeared behind his head. The abyss rotated and was deep inside, as if it contained a vast world.

Then, another reincarnation hole flew out, approached the time hole abyss, and slowly merged with the time hole abyss.

This reincarnation hole is rumbling, cutting into time and space, cutting into the past and invading the future!

Tian Chengzi couldn't help but be moved when he saw this scene. Xu Ying's attainments on the Avenue of Time and Space are still not as good as his, but his attainments on the Avenue of Reincarnation are far superior to his!

He has gone further than me in reincarnation! I practiced wrongly in many places.

He stared at the promised abyss of reincarnation, which was confirmed by his own understanding of the great path of reincarnation, and he immediately discovered many errors and omissions.

At this time, another hole of cause and effect appeared in the back of Xu Ying's head. As soon as the cause and effect came out, people with subtle Taoist techniques and stable Taoist hearts on Qionghua Island immediately noticed something strange and checked one after another, but could not find any clues.

Xu Ying mobilized the Cave of Cause and Effect to be compatible with the Cave of Reincarnation, and pulled various causal lines in time toward the Cave of Reincarnation.

Gradually, the Samsara Cave Abyss formed a cycle of reincarnation.

Xu Ying's practice is similar to the cultivation method of the Golden Wheel of Cause and Effect, except that one uses cause and effect to refine the golden wheel, and the other uses reincarnation to unify cause and effect.

The Golden Wheel of Cause and Effect is more pure and can gather all its own causes and effects in a short period of time and gain insight into the cause and effect changes in the entire universe.

The reincarnation of cause and effect is even more vast and can connect the past and future and unify those causes and effects.

With my strength, I cannot unify the cause and effect of everyone on the other side. I am afraid that only the Taoist master can have the chance to do it. What I can do is to unify everyone on Qionghua Island. cause and effect.

Xu Ying said, Tian Chengzi, I will cast the spell, and you will protect it for me!

Rao Tianchengzi is a master of the avenue. He couldn't help but be so excited that he couldn't control himself. He said in a hoarse voice: The mistakes made back then can finally be corrected now...

Xu Ying was an outsider and a latecomer, and had never seen the scene when the first wave of disaster arrived on the other side.

But he had witnessed it.

Faced with this catastrophe, the strong men on the other side had no choice but to kill each other and allowed their disciples, relatives and friends to kill each other. In the end, out of the fifty-eight Taoist masters, only Hua, Lin, and Luo had the last laugh.

From then on, the other shore was no longer the other shore.

The most powerful era on the other side has passed with the first disaster. After that, the other side is just a loser, hiding in XZ to avoid the disaster.

Tian Chengzi himself was also a victim of this Taoist war. He was between life and death and had to seal himself in the reincarnation of one day. As long as he escapes reincarnation, he will die!

What he wants to do most is to change the past and change the destiny of the other side. He has been looking for such an opportunity tirelessly for these years, but has never succeeded. But now, this opportunity has finally come!

Xu Ying's figure gradually floated up, and the halo of reincarnation behind his head became brighter and brighter. The causal threads from everyone on Qionghua Island flew in one after another and were submerged in the reincarnation!

Below, Taoist Master Hua, Taoist Lin, and Taoist Luo looked at this scene, and saw that the sky was illuminated by the halo of reincarnation, and the light became more and more dazzling.

It's that lunatic! Master Luo exclaimed in shock.

Xu Ying targeted everyone and grasped the causal lines of these people. He immediately looked back and included all the life experiences of these people into reincarnation.

From the birth of these people, all causes and effects enter reincarnation.

He activated the halo of reincarnation and turned it backwards, immediately pushing forward the causal lines of everyone on the island's future.

Thousands of people among them had their forward causal lines cut off, and they should have died in this Qionghua Island event, or, more likely, they were people from the future who were involved in this day.

Xu Ying directly ignored these people. The remaining people on the island were the people who survived this grand event, that is, the fifty-eight Tao masters such as Hua, Lin, and Luo!

If you want to erase such an existence, you need to penetrate into the future and grasp the cause and effect of his life.

Behind Xu Ying's head, only fifty-eight people's causes and effects were left in the halo of reincarnation, constantly evolving towards the future.

There were haloes of light flashing in Xu Ying's eyes, and various images in the halo flashed one after another. That was the experience of these fifty-eight people in the past time and space!

He has to deduce all the experiences of these people in order to change the past!

At this moment, someone suddenly went on a killing spree below. It was Hua, Lin, and Luo who joined forces with other masters to kill other people on the island.

Tian Chengzi looked at this scene anxiously, and kept looking at Xu Ying, saying anxiously in his heart: Hurry up, hurry up! If the people who survived back then are killed, the cycle of time and space will start again, and all our previous efforts will be wasted!

But he didn't dare to say it, for fear of disturbing Xu Ying.

Among the people fighting in the melee below, there were many people such as Dao Lord Divine Demon and others who were secretly trying to see if they could kill Dao Master Hua and others and replace them.

These masters from the future were really powerful in their Taoist and magical powers, and some people soon lost their lives!

Hua Laogou, are you still alive? The Divine Demon Daojun and the Young Divine Demon Daojun teamed up to kill Hua Daomaster, and they couldn't help laughing.

Tian Chengzi's heart sank, and when he looked up, he saw that the ouroboros was eating him quickly, and soon he was completely eaten!

Turbulence arose in space and time, and everything began to be corrected.

Tian Chengzi's heart sank, and he saw a gap opening in time and space, and the gods and demons Daojun, Taiyi Daojun and others flew in from the crack.

There were also many, many corpses that fell from the cracks and hit the ground.

These corpses are also the masters who entered Longxing Temple. They died on this day 120 million years ago for various reasons.

When time and space reincarnation occurs again, outsiders like them will not recover like Taoist Master Hua and others. If you are injured, you will enter this reincarnation with your injuries. If you die, you will enter this reincarnation as a corpse and will not disappear.

After experiencing so many time and space reincarnations, the number of people who died in the reincarnations has been quite considerable. Thousands of corpses fell from the sky together, which was very shocking!

No promise!

Tian Chengzi was stunned and turned around hastily, only to see Xu Ying beside him, still urging the reincarnation of cause and effect.

His heart was shocked: His Time and Space Avenue has reached the point where it transcends time and space! He is not affected by the cycle of time and space!

He also managed to transcend time and space, so he can live until now. But he is the master of time and space, so he can do this.

Xu Ying is just an eighth-level Taoist monk who has cultivated the Great Way of Time and Space to the Immortal Realm. He can actually go through the cycle of time and space without increasing, decreasing, changing, or being affected by anything. It is really admirable.

This fellow Taoist Xu will definitely become a great weapon in the future. He thought to himself.

Soon after, Xu Ying calculated various causes and effects and pushed the cause and effect lines of these fifty-eight people to the moment on the eve of their respective enlightenment.

These fifty-eight people attained enlightenment at different times. Some attained enlightenment far ahead of others, while others attained enlightenment tens of millions of years after others attained enlightenment.

This span is truly astonishing.

However, after the derivation of causal reincarnation reaches this point, it is stuck and cannot be deduced forward.

Xu Ying's mind moved slightly. No matter how he mobilized his reincarnation, he couldn't move forward even half a step!

He has encountered this situation before.

When Xu Ying met Zhong Yuliu in Jingjie, he found that there was no cause and effect on her.

Without cause and effect, the cycle of cause and effect will naturally not be able to move forward!

Xu Ying frowned deeply, these fifty-eight people had become enlightened and achieved enlightenment. When you become enlightened, you become the great avenue of heaven and earth. When you achieve enlightenment, you can control the great avenue of heaven and earth.

At this time, even if they kill, even if they cause a big disaster, there will be no cause and effect that can fall on them!

The master of the great road, no cause and effect can be added to him.

No, no... If the Taoist Master is not involved in cause and effect, why would there still be misfortunes? It can be seen that there is still cause and effect!

Xu Ying's eyes flashed and he thought, It's just that this cause and effect is not ordinary cause and effect, but the cause and effect of heaven and earth! Only by cooperating with the fate of the disaster can we see the clues and find out the cause and effect!

When he thought of this, the Hongyuan Reversal of Evidence Daolu suddenly started to move again, and another calamity hole flew out, which was compatible with the reincarnation of cause and effect!

Tian Chengzi stared at this scene with wide eyes and couldn't believe it. This was the third most powerful way that appeared in Xu Ying!

He can actually cultivate the three most powerful ways to the realm of immortality. He is truly formidable. Wait a minute!

His eyes flashed and he thought, If Taoist Xu only cultivated these three kinds of Taoism, he would have been able to attain immortality long ago. And he is still at the eighth level of Taoism. The first level of Taoism means that he has a fourth level. The avenue. This avenue limits his realm.

Just as he thought of this, the Luck Cave Abyss had merged with the causal reincarnation and still turned into a halo of reincarnation.

With the help of Tribulation Luck, Xu Ying finally successfully found the cause and effect of a Taoist Lord!

There are three kinds of cause and effect in the Tao Master! One is the cause and effect of heaven and earth. You are born and nourished by the earth. Only by getting the energy of heaven and earth can you survive. The second is the cause and effect of the great road. Only by practicing Taoism and obtaining the great road of heaven and earth can you achieve the Tao. The third is the cause and effect of the universe. The universe It is derived from a ball of chaotic Qi and turns into a flood source. The flood source opens up to become the universe. If you are born in it, you have this heavy cause and effect that needs to be repaid!

The halo of reincarnation behind Xu Ying's head rotated rapidly, taking in the three kinds of karma owed by a Taoist Lord himself, and looking into the future life!

The end of these three types of cause and effect is chaos and cannot be clearly distinguished.

Because there are only three kinds of cause and effect, namely heaven and earth, the great road and the universe, the experiences of these Tao masters are also unknown to Xu Ying. They are not as clear as before.

Suddenly, the cycle of time and space started again, but this time it still failed to shake Xu Ying and Tian Chengzi. However, there were more corpses falling from the cracks in time and space this time, and most of the people who were chasing Xu Ying had died in previous reincarnations.

The two masters, Divine Demon Daojun and Taiyi Daojun, were also injured in many places. Each time they had more wounds than the last time.

The two Dao Lords also knew something was wrong, so Taiyi found the gods and demons, and the two discussed it and decided to join forces.

In the sky, Xu Ying was still standing in the air, adjusting the cycle of time and space to lock the fifty-eight Taoist masters.

The causal lines of these Tao masters are long or short, which should represent the length or shortness of their lives.

Instead of searching for fifty-eight people, why not choose one of them and try your best to break through!

When Xu Ying thought of this, he immediately said quickly, Tian Chengzi, I will try to kill a Taoist master. Be prepared, it may be dangerous!

Tian Chengzi said yes and was ready to deal with unexpected events at any time.

Xu Ying was also a little nervous. This was the first time for him to adjust the cause and effect and kill the master of the avenue when he was not the master of the avenue!

He looked down at Qionghua Island. At this time, another time and space cycle broke out. The gods and demons Daojun who were chasing Xu Ying and thousands of corpses fell from the sky. Before they hit the ground, Taiyi Daojun had just entered the rift in time and space.

On Qionghua Island, many monks from the other side have arrived. In the distance, Taoist Master Luo is driving ahead.

Without thinking, Xu Ying mobilized his Tao power, pinched his sword finger with his hand, and slowly generated sword energy in the three feet at the tip of his finger. He pointed at Dao Master Luo's chariot in the distance, and the sword energy flew through the air!

At the same time, Xu Ying's expression suddenly changed, and he immediately noticed that on the cause and effect line of Master Luo, a boundless and powerful Tao power came from the other end of time and space, rolling in at an extremely fast speed!

Tian Chengzi! he shouted.

Tian Chengzi also immediately noticed that terrifying Taoist power. This Taoist power was not initiated by Master Luo in future time and space, but because his Taoist path noticed ripples in the past years, and he decided to calm down the ripples!

Preparing to obliterate Dao Master Luo's promise from time and space, it's this ripple!

At the same time that Xu Ying's three-foot sword energy fell on the chariot, the Dao Master-level Dao, the Dao of the Soul, practiced by Dao Master Luo, also struck back!

At this speed, Xu Ying would not have time to kill Master Luo before he would be wiped out by the power of the great avenue!

Including his magical power of killing the immortal sword!

Xu Ying's Immortal Killing Sword Finger contains the method of killing, as well as part of the power of annihilation and calamity.

These three kinds of power complement each other and can increase the power of this sword to the extreme!

But there is no way to withstand the Dao Master level Dao fluctuations!

Tian Chengzi shouted loudly, and the area around Xu Ying suddenly seemed like a lotus blooming, with layers of time and space blooming outwards. In an instant, infinite time and space spurted outwards with Xu Ying as the center, blocking the power coming from the distant future!

Xu Ying was struck by what happened, and pieces of time and space were annihilated one after another. The halo of reincarnation behind his head suddenly shattered into slag and dispersed like quicksand.

Tian Chengzi took the initiative to take over the power of the Soul Dao. He was shocked to the point where blood spurted out from his eyes, ears, mouth and nose. His fists and palms intertwined and he continued to blast towards the depths of time and space.

Although he was the half-dead Master of the Great Dao, his realm was still there after all, and he finally blocked the power of the Soul Dao for a moment. But then an even more majestic soul power surged in, drowning the two of them!


Xu Ying's Immortal-killing Sword finger pierced the chariot of Master Luo and came to the horrified Master Luo.

The fluctuations in the power of the Soul Dao followed closely, shattering the fingers of the Zhuxian Sword!

At the same time, this space and time shook violently. Unable to withstand the cause and effect of changing the past, the ouroboros above everyone's heads collapsed, shattered, and was annihilated!

Did you make it?

Xu Ying suffered a backlash from the soul. If he was hit hard, he was about to faint and die. He saw the tall figure of Taiyi Daojun standing in front of him.

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