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Chapter 820 Go back to the past and rebel

There are many masters involved in Longxing Temple, most of them are at the eighth level of the Taoist realm, and only a few dozen are immortal, true kings and Taoist kings.

But this was the time 120 million years ago, when the people on the other side with the highest cultivation level were only at the eighth and ninth levels of the Tao realm.

If we kill Dao Master Hua, Dao Master Lin and Dao Master Luo at this time, can we replace them?

Someone was about to make a move and said with a smile, Even if we can't kill them and kill other Tao masters in the future, we may still have the opportunity to attain Tao!

As soon as this statement came out, many people became interested.

Since they have returned to the past through Longxing Temple, wouldn't it be wonderful to take this opportunity to get rid of these old people who have never come down from the top, sit on the top themselves, and become the old people?

Hua Shengsheng, Lin Chuanting, and Luo Shizong are not Taoists at this time! They can take their place!

Lord Dao Dao of Gods and Demons also noticed that these people were ready to make a move. He couldn't help but shake his head and looked at the ouroboros snake again, feeling a little uneasy in his heart.

This snake is a condensation of great avenues. I can't understand the mystery contained in it, but I can see that it contains the mystery of time and space reincarnation. What exactly is Tianchengzi going to do?

At this moment, Lord Dao Dao of Gods and Demons suddenly saw his young self, and his heart was pounding wildly.

When I walk over and meet myself, will I disappear or will it be with me? Is the me in the past material or spiritual? If it is the material me, then who am I? Nothing has changed, but the person I am now is different from the past. If I have changed materially but I have not changed spiritually, then am I still me?

He was a little confused for a moment and thought to himself, If I kill the me back then, will the me now disappear? If I tell the me back then how to practice, will the me now become a Taoist Master immediately?

He was confused for a while and hesitated.

On the other side, Taiyi Daojun also saw himself when he was young. At that time, Taiyi was already a mature and steady young man, as mature and steady as Taiyi now.

If I had walked over and told me the future direction at that time, could a lot of things have been avoided?

He was stunned.

He had many regrets in his life, and these regrets lingered in his Taoist heart, like the sand that was silent at the bottom of the water. It became turbid when he thought of it, and it took a long time to fall again.

What if all this regret didn't have to happen?

Perhaps, I will have a better way to deal with the people in the Heaven Realm. Maybe the calamity of the year will not break out. Maybe I will not have to lose in the battle with Tongtian, and maybe Hao Yi will not have to die.

He hesitated for a moment, then stepped towards his younger self.

He wanted to see if he could change the past.

My past, for me in the past, is the future that has not yet happened! For him, the future can be changed! He was eager in his heart.

Xu Yingze took Taoist Master Luo's chariot to the Zhiren Hall where Taoist Master Hua lived. Taoist Master Luo strode in without waiting for the announcement and said with a smile: Fellow Taoist Master Hua, today I met two people. My good friend, I must recommend him to you!”

Xu Ying followed Tian Chengzi and walked in, curious in his heart: If I really go back to the past and change the past, then Dao Master Hua and Dao Master Luo will definitely recognize me. However, if they don't recognize me, then it means... I can disguise myself well. very good!

He was full of confidence and thought: Another possibility is that we have not gone back to the past. But this is impossible.

Hua Taoist Master also looked extremely young at this time, with a tall and straight posture, and did not look like the vicious old man who would frequently kill people later.

His forehead was very broad and tall, and he looked quite wise. When he met Xu Ying and Tian Chengzi, his eyes flashed and he said with a smile: Tian Chengzi practices the Dao of Time and Space. Hua has been famous for a long time, and today I finally get to see him! What a blessing, what a blessing!

Tian Chengzi responded calmly.

Master Hua didn't take it seriously, looked at Xu Ying, and said, Ying Taoist friend is not well-known. I have never heard of your name before.

Taoist Master Luo was extremely surprised and said: Fellow Taoist, have you never heard of fellow Taoist Ying? I thought you invited him here, so I went with you all the way.

Taoist Master Hua looked at Xu Ying and said with a faint smile: Although I have many friends, I have never heard of Fellow Taoist Ying, let alone invited him to come. Fellow Daoist Luo, there have been many strange people on the island recently. You have to guard your face.

Master Luo smiled and said: But Taoist friend Ying is not an outsider. Like us, he also studied with Taoist Master. He practices the Nine Innate Paths and claims to have considerable attainments in Taiyi, cause and effect, and reincarnation.

As he spoke, he moved his steps and quietly blocked Xu Ying's escape route.

The two of them are ready to attack together and can attack at any time.

Xu Ying didn't take it seriously and asked, Do you two doubt my origin?

Master Hua Dao said: There are very few people who practice the Nine Innate Paths. I know people who practice the Taiyi Dao. The practice of this Dao is extremely slow and the achievements are not high. It is really rare for people like you to practice three high Dao at the same time. .”

Master Luo said: Although there were many people practicing beside Taoist Master back then, I have met everyone, but I don't remember you.

who are you?

Master Hua took a step forward, used his hand as an ax, and chopped down at Xu Ying!

As soon as he took action, Xu Ying could see that his cultivation was indeed extraordinary. He had already reached the immortal realm. Although it was only in the early stages, he still had considerable combat power.

The avenue practiced by Hua Dao Master is also an extremely high-level avenue and strength.

Everything is powerful. To put it simply, ordinary people can lift dozens of kilograms of weight, seeds can break out of the ground when they sprout, the geomagnetic force of stars, the magnetic force that maintains the movement of galaxies, and the traction force between the smallest substances. Repulsion is all force.

His power was extremely domineering, and the ax had the potential to open up the world. With one blow, Xu Ying even felt that the void around him had been split thirty times!

It is really no small matter to cultivate strength to this level! An inconspicuous avenue like strength should not be underestimated!

Xu Ying thought of this and activated the first method of the Eight Immortal Methods to open up the land and meet the divine ax of Master Hua Dao.

The earth-opening method was created by Xu Ying back then, and it was just an imitation of the wizard Taojun, but now his vision, knowledge and cultivation background have surpassed that of the wizard.

His ability to open up new lands is even better than that of the sorcerer!

The light of the ax met the light of the axe. The next moment, Master Hua's divine ax was shattered. His expression suddenly changed and he staggered back.

Xu Ying secretly praised in his heart: It's really remarkable that you can cultivate the Tao Master in the ancient times on the other side. With just a not-so-outstanding Tao, you can make your cultivation reach the level of a Tao Lord. It's not allowed to happen. Look down on!”

Although Master Hua lost, he won his respect.

There was still a trace of doubt in his heart: The strength of this Hua Dao Master is really extraordinary. Could it be that I have really gone back to the past?

At the same time, Master Luo had already rushed forward, condensing his Tao power and turning it into a pagoda, pressing towards his back.

Xu Ying stepped back and shook his Fengya Pagoda with his body. The pagoda suddenly shattered!

Xu Ying's face changed slightly, and he felt a faint pain in his back, and thought in his heart: This Dao Master Luo is probably at the Dao Lord level. They should have just reached the Immortal Realm, and they have the Dao Lord combat power. They are worthy of being able to survive until now. Taoist master!

What makes him admire is that these two people should not have harvested the universe yet, but they actually have such strength!

After they harvested the universe and became the masters of the avenue, how terrifying must their strength be? Xu Ying thought to himself.

Hua and Luo were even more shocked than him.

The two of them were the first masters from the other shore to achieve immortality. This time they gathered everyone to gather on Qionghua Island to take this opportunity to confirm their leadership and accomplish something big.

They thought that although there were others who had achieved immortality, in terms of strength, no one could match them.

However, what I didn't expect was that this little-known promise only required one move to defeat them!

Before Hua and Luo could speak, a spear suddenly attacked. The spear was extremely domineering. In an instant, Xu Ying was thrust forward, backward, left, and right, and spears were piercing him everywhere!

When the spear shook, scenes of the heavens and worlds appeared between the spears and flowers, containing the power of a world!

Such exquisite marksmanship is really rare!

Xu Ying mobilized his killing energy, using one finger as a sword and the other to cut off the tip of the spear, and the shadows of the spears all over the sky disappeared. The next moment, his fingertips have reached the person's eyebrows. He only needs to release his sword energy to pierce the person's head!

Keep someone under my command! Hua and Luo said quickly.

Xu Yingshou pointed and looked at the person who came, it was another of the three future masters of the other side, Lin Chuanting, Dao Master Lin!

Dao Master Lin's face turned pale, and he was confused. Dao Master Hua quickly stepped forward and said with a laugh: Fellow Daoist Lin, this is Dao Brother Ying Xu Ying, not an enemy! We just had a discussion.

Dao Master Lin breathed a sigh of relief and quickly apologized to Xu Ying, saying: It turns out to be Brother Ying Dao. Brother Ying Dao's cultivation is truly earth-shattering. I originally thought that I could achieve something by breaking through to the Immortal Realm, and I never thought of competing with Dao. Brother is still far behind.

Xu Ying said with a smile: He who doesn't know is not guilty. My three Taoist friends, I don't like fame and wealth, and I am not good at socializing. When Taoist Master preached, I hid far away and studied with my heart, so I became alienated from you. It was my fault. Please forgive me, my three fellow Taoists.

Hua, Lin and Luo quickly said they didn't dare.

Xu Ying looked at these three people, feeling itchy and thought to himself: If I kill them now, can I change the future?

He could see that at this time, Hua, Lin, and Luo were not very powerful in terms of cultivation. With his current strength, it is not difficult to kill three people.

While Xu Ying was thinking about it, Tian Chengzi asked, What is the purpose of Fellow Daoist Hua summoning us this time? Can you reveal something first?

Master Hua's eyes fell on Xu Ying and said with a smile: There is indeed something important to discuss. We were worried before and always felt that it would be difficult to handle this important matter simply and beautifully. But with Brother Ying Dao here, we have something Completely sure.”

Master Lin smiled and said: This matter must be done by Brother Ying Dao. We are all convinced that Brother Ying Dao will be our leader!

Xu Ying originally planned to kill them now, but after hearing this, he became curious and asked: Everyone, why are you so solemn?

Taoist Master Hua looked solemn, coughed, and said in a deep voice: Taoist Master Tianjing taught us the principles, literature, Taoism and magical powers. It seems to be for our good, but in fact it contains evil intentions!

Xu Ying was startled for a moment, then laughed out loud and said, Tao Zun taught us the principles, literature, Taoism and magical powers to help us get out of ignorance. How can we harbor evil intentions?

Master Hua sneered and said: He didn't tell us that Li Wen would change the way of heaven and earth here! He already knew that when we brought Li Wen back to our homeland, it would cause a catastrophe! But he didn't tell us, So many clan members have died! This natural disaster has lasted for more than a million years, and it still hasn’t stopped! How can we not avenge this?

Master Luo said loudly: Fellow Taoist Hua is right! This blood feud must be avenged! The blood debt must be paid with blood!

Xu Ying frowned and said: If Tao Zun really harbored evil intentions, why did he teach us the true biography? His teachings were without reservation, and he even taught the cultivation methods of the Nine Innate Paths.

Master Hua said: This is the point of his scheming! He taught the true method just to delay time. We were stranded in the heaven realm, and two universes encountered each other. They lost their power due to the tide of the avenue. Our heaven and earth avenue But he is still there, and he must destroy our heaven and earth.

Master Lin Dao said: He taught us the true method, used theory and literature to destroy our heaven and earth avenue, and turned it into the heaven and earth avenue of heaven. They can survive in our universe and practice in our universe!

Master Luo said: This is the poisonous plan of the dove to occupy the magpie's nest! In recent years, many people from the heavenly realm have migrated to us and practiced here! In the long run, even our race will be replaced by them!

Hua Taoist Master said: Now that the people of Tianjing are migrating, it is a sign! The avenue of heaven and earth, which represents our universe, has been changed to almost the level of Heavenly Realm. In the next step, I am afraid that Taoist Master and other Taoist Masters will come to us and start a new journey. Practice and become the master of our universe!

The three young immortals spoke to each other and expressed their respective worries. Only Tian Chengzi stood aside and did not interrupt.

Xu Ying was stunned. Did the Heavenly Realm Taoist really have such a plan back then?

How can we allow others to snore on the side of the bed?

Dao Master Hua spoke impassionedly and loudly, Most of Dao Zun's conspiracy has been successful, but as long as we are here, we will not allow him to step into our universe! Brother Ying Dao, we are all convinced of your ability. Today you will It’s our leader who leads us to the Heaven Realm and slaughters all the people in the Heaven Realm!”

Xu Ying's mind exploded: Could it be that I am the executioner who led the powerful men from the other side to destroy the Heaven Realm?

Dao Master Luo's blood surged. He gritted his teeth and lowered his voice and said, If our plan is revealed, many people will definitely oppose it. Although these people are of the same race as us, they are loyal to Dao Master and have become us. Traitors in the clan! Fellow Daoist Hua invited them to the island this time to catch them all!

Dao Master Lin's eyes turned red with excitement, and he said: This time, we will kill them all! Then we will kill them all on the other side to avenge all the clan members who have died in vain over the past one million years!

The three people's eyes fell on Xu Ying and they said in unison: Brother Ying Dao, what do you think?

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