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Chapter 819 Ouroboros Snake

The old man with the beautiful beard was Taoist Master Xuanhong, who was called Xuanhongzi back then, and he was also a pure-blooded saint from the other side.

Taoist Master Xuanhong's eyes fell on Taoist Master Hua, and he said slowly: My Taoist Master Hua is still as elegant as before. Standing under the cherry blossom tree reminds me of your heroic demeanor when you chop down the cherry blossom tree.

Master Hua's expression remained normal and he said with a smile: I have never chopped down a cherry blossom tree. That's just a rumor spread by people. In fact, I enlightened under the cherry blossom tree and saw the colorful fallen flowers, so I figured out a set of ax techniques. Over time, I was told by others Legend has it that it’s about cutting down cherry blossom trees.”

Xuan Hong said: The world needs myths and beliefs, so we on the other side create myths and beliefs for them. Fellow Taoist Hua, where is your Luoying Divine Ax?

Taoist Master Hua had empty hands and said, I was injured by Taoist Master, and the divine ax was left with him.

Xuan Hong sighed: It's true. When Xu Ying revived me, you had the opportunity to activate the Lingxing Gate to kill Xu Ying, but you didn't take action. I couldn't figure it out at the time, but later I looked carefully If you think about it, you will know that you must have been seriously injured.

Master Hua smiled and said: Xuanhong, you are still so self-righteous. If I don't kill Xu Ying and let him resuscitate you, doesn't it mean that I need someone to bear the infamy of killing the monks on the other side?

Xuan Hong was quite puzzled.

Hua Dao Master smiled and said: I originally planned to revive you. But this time to revive you, you need to sacrifice too many masters from the other side. In the past, it was still a small matter, and the resurrection could be completed by sending some underground alien immortals on the road. But this time If you sacrifice, too many people will die, and many of them include your own people. This reputation makes even me a little bit afraid.

He sighed: I originally planned to stay here to recuperate and let Fellow Daoist Lin and Fellow Daoist Luo do it. They will bear the infamy, but these two are also old foxes. Since Xu Ying took the initiative to wade into this muddy water, then why don't I just go with the flow and let him To bear the infamy of killing the monks on the other side?

Taoist Master Xuanhong was silent for a moment and said, Is the fate so terrible?

Master Hua smiled slightly: If the calamity was not terrible, why did we kill each other back then? At that time, we killed each other to eliminate the calamity, and in the end, only three of us were left. Xuanhong, you should know this, Why not ask more?”

Taoist Master Xuanhong sighed and said: I shouldn't take advantage of others' danger, but Brother Taoist, if you control the other side, it will only make the other side weaker and weaker.

Master Hua smiled and said: It is human nature to take advantage of others' danger. But have you ever thought that maybe my injury is not as serious as you thought? Maybe I just show weakness to the enemy and lure the enemy to take action. I Kill the opponent to eliminate my misfortune?

His eyes gradually became colder, but the smile on his face remained unchanged.

Taoist Master Xuanhong's expression suddenly changed, and he suddenly turned into a flaming rainbow and shot through the sky. At this moment, an ax light flew out from behind Master Hua and slashed down at Changhong!

That ax light was not a magic weapon, but a magical power, but it was so strong and fierce that it fell with one axe, locking onto Xuan Hong and freezing time and space!

When the light of the ax fell, Taoist Master Xuanhong's body suddenly disappeared, turning into a piece of innate fire energy and dissipating.

Master Hua was stunned: Tao body? Xuanhong, when did you learn to be so cunning?

Outside the Dao Ji Tian, ​​the real Taoist Master Xuanhong stood in the starry sky. He felt that his Taoist body was being chopped off. He exhaled a breath of filthy air and said in a low voice: Sure enough, Hua Shengsheng is indeed an old and cunning man. I can fight alone. But him!

He finally made up his mind and rushed towards the heaven, thinking in his heart: If Dao Zun can accommodate one Ji Cang, then he can also accommodate another Xuan Hong!

In Longxing Temple, the time and space that Taiyi Daojun had torn apart slowly closed.

Xu Ying fell into the time and space of Longxing Temple, and his figure was bumpy in time and space. Behind him were the pursuing gods and demons Daojun and a group of pursuers, who also fell into this chaotic time and space. Everyone saw countless pictures coming towards them, and they passed through these pictures faster and faster!

Later, the pictures connected in a line, and it seemed to become one halo after another in their eyes. They were falling into the halos, as if they were entering reincarnation, but they were not.

After a while, the speed of their fall slowly slowed down, and one picture after another came to them. Finally, the last picture included them in the frame, and everything in front of them suddenly became rich and colorful.

When Xu Ying landed, he immediately raised the apricot-yellow flag with one hand and held up the big bell with the other hand. At the same time, he mobilized Hong Yuan to counter-proof the Dao Lu, ready to deal with the attacks of the gods and demons at any time!


He flew into the void and disappeared without a trace. When he came out again, he was thousands of miles away from where he came.

Xu Ying put away the apricot-yellow flag and the big bell, changed his appearance, and took on the form of the saints on the other side. He thought to himself: It's better to blend in with the crowd. I don't think the gods and demons will be able to see through me... Wait a minute, is this still Longxing Temple?

He looked around and saw snow flying and falling.

The ashes of these avenues drift and cover the other shore.

Xu Ying was stunned: Where did Dao Hui come from?

He raised his head and looked toward the sky with dull eyes.

The vast Tianjing Continent stands outside the sky, vast and quiet, and countless stars and rivers become extremely small in front of the Tianjing.

The world is stranded!

Xu Ying had a sudden thought, To be precise, I came to the Heaven Realm and was stranded on the other side. The Tao Hui here is actually the catastrophe on the other shore caused by the first group of seekers who went to the Heaven Realm and returned after learning.

At that time, the Saints on the other side were just a group of barbarians. They only had rudimentary cultivation techniques and no advanced techniques. Their Dao pattern structure was still very crude. After the stranding in Tianjing occurred, they went to Tianjing to seek Taoism, and Taoist Master Tianjing taught them the profound Taoism, including Li Wen.

After they completed their studies and returned to the other side, Li Wen triggered a drastic change in the world of heaven and earth on the other side, changing the world of heaven and earth on the other side into the world of heaven and earth!

The first group of seekers on the other side brought back the civilization of Heaven. They thought it would benefit the world, but unexpectedly it brought about a huge death. Xu Ying thought to himself.

Under his feet, bones were everywhere. It seemed that death had happened a long time ago.

Xu Ying looked around and saw that there were no people in the world. The number of people who died in this catastrophe on the other side was probably no less than the number of people who died in the Three Realms back then!

Xu Ying raised his head and saw floating in the sky on the other side of the river a big white snake connected end to end, forming a big circle.

The big snake has an unknown thickness and an unknown length, and the area covered by the great circle it forms is probably a bit larger than the world of the heavens.

The big snake was spinning in the sky, but its eyes were moving like bones, watching them.

The shape of this big snake is really huge, and its eyes are as dazzling as the sun and moon in the sky.

It was swallowing its own tail, as if it were swallowing itself into its own belly. However, every time it swallows a piece, it grows another piece, and the cycle repeats endlessly.

Xu Ying looked at the big snake and was suddenly stunned: Connected end to end, this is a space-time ring, a kind of reincarnation...

His eyes flashed. The Lord of the Great Dao in Longxing Temple had attained the Dao of Time and Space!

At this time, only one voice was heard: Brother, fellow Taoist Hua summoned all the monks to attend the Qionghua Island Conference to discuss the catastrophe!

Xu Ying looked back and saw the young Taoist Master Luo coming in a car and stopping not far away.

Xu Ying was stunned.

Taoist Master Luo stood up from the car and said with a smile: We are discussing important matters this time. Since my fellow Taoist can survive till now, his cultivation must be very important, so it is better to go together in the car.

Xu Ying nodded eccentrically and said, Thank you, Brother Dao.

He boarded Taoist Master Luo's chariot, and the two of them sat down. Taoist Master Luo smiled and said, My surname is Luo, and my name is Shizong. May I ask your name?

Xu Ying said: My surname is Ying, and my single name is Xu. Brother Luo Dao, this time Hua Dao... Brother Hua Dao are discussing important matters together. May I ask what important matters we are discussing?

The young Taoist Master Luo shook his head and said: Since he returned from the heavenly realm, a catastrophe broke out and he has been depressed. Most of us are summoned this time to deal with the catastrophe.

Xu Ying nodded lightly.

Master Luo said: You are young, what kind of skills do you practice?

Xu Ying said with a smile: I have practiced various things, including Taiyi, reincarnation, and cause and effect. The best among them is the Great Way of Time and Space.

Taoist Master Luo said in surprise: Except for time and space, all the avenues you have cultivated are among the nine innate avenues. These nine avenues are very difficult to practice.

Xu Ying said with a smile: I just practice for fun. The more Tao Zun teaches me, the more I practice. The Nine Innate Paths are indeed extremely difficult, but the Great Path of Time and Space is just a low-level avenue, but it is very simple, and you can learn it once you learn it. .”

Master Luo smiled and said: Where can one learn it? Are you kidding me? Fellow Taoist Ying, time and space are unfathomable. It is the most powerful path besides the nine innate paths, and it is even completely parallel to the nine innate paths!

Xu Ying shook his head and said, Fellow Daoist Luo, you have not practiced the Great Path of Time and Space, so your knowledge is too shallow. I have practiced the Great Way of Time and Space, and my horizons and experience are much greater than yours.

Taoist Master Luo was a little unhappy and said, I also know something about the Great Path of Time and Space. You and I might as well ask for advice.

Xu Ying smiled and said, Don't take it seriously when asking for advice. You only have a small understanding, but I am very knowledgeable. I just give you some pointers. If you have any questions, you might as well ask me.

Master Luo snorted and said, Let me ask you, by cultivating the Great Way of Time and Space, can you go back to the past and change the past?

Yes. Xu Ying said flatly.

Master Luo laughed loudly: You are showing your cowardice! Time and space do not change, everything in the past is in the past and cannot be changed! You said that you are proficient in the avenue of time and space, but you don't even understand this truth!

Xu Ying smiled slightly and said: Friend Luo, I said you are shallow, but you are still not convinced. Let me ask you, after cultivating the Dao of Time and Space to the realm of the Tao Master, the Tao Master can control time and space. For him, the past, present, future, and the universe are all The creation, residence and destruction of the source are all within the time and space of the Hongyuan. Right?

Master Luo nodded slightly and said, Yes.

Xu Ying said unhurriedly: Since the source of the universe is destined to be destroyed and return to chaos from the moment it is born from chaos, it means that everything derived in the universe will repay the cause and effect and cease to exist. There is no way to be in silence. The lives that survive destruction are destined to be chaotic, so the process is not important.

He analyzed it carefully and expressed his understanding of time and space, saying: Since the process is not important, then the existence of cultivating the avenue of time and space can change the past to kill people and erase a person from the timeline!

That's nonsense!

Before Master Luo could speak, an angry voice suddenly came from outside. Master Luo quickly stopped the car, looked outside, and said with a smile: It turns out to be Tian Chengzi! Tian Chengzi, are you also going to the meeting on Qionghua Island?

He promised Xu: This Tianchengzi is a close friend of mine and is proficient in the Avenue of Time and Space! I learned the Avenue of Time and Space from him! You have met an expert this time!

Outside the car was a young saint with black hair standing straight up. His appearance was somewhat delicate among the saints. He ignored Taoist Luo and said directly to Xu Ying: If the past can be changed, wouldn't it mean that A Taoist master who has completed the Great Way of Time and Space can go back to the past and kill whoever he wants?

Xu Ying smiled slightly, unfathomably profound, and said: The reincarnation of time and space I am talking about is based on the birth and death of a cosmic source as one year, and one reincarnation per year. If you have not cultivated the Great Way of Time and Space to understand reincarnation from time and space, and then from reincarnation, Once you realize the Tao to the extent of one reincarnation year, you cannot change the timeline.

The saint from the other side named Tian Chengzi was stunned.

Xu Ying raised his eyes and looked outside the car, only to see the Ouroboros snake still hanging in the sky. No matter where they went, the Ouroboros snake followed them.

He withdrew his gaze and said leisurely: If you only gain enlightenment in time and space, and understand a little bit about the Great Way of Reincarnation, but fail to gain enlightenment in reincarnation, you are still far away from controlling a reincarnation year, and you cannot change the past. Fellow Daoist Luo, Tian Chengzi , am I right?

Master Luo shook his head and said: The other shore has not yet been destroyed. Where did the year of reincarnation come from? Fellow Taoist Ying, you are bragging about Dharma conch again!

Xu Ying's eyes flashed and he thought to himself, Is he really Taoist Luo?

He suspected that this person was not Taoist Luo, but a suppressed existence in Longxing Temple, but now it seemed that Taoist Luo's understanding of the Avenue of Time and Space was very superficial.

Where is this Tianchengzi? Is he the being who was suppressed in Longxing Temple?

Xu Ying hesitated for a moment. If Tian Chengzi is the being who controls time and space in Longxing Temple, then is the Taoist Luo in front of him really Taoist Luo?

Are they really going to Qionghua Island to attend a grand event from the ancient times on the other side?

He glanced outside and saw the Ouroboros in the sky still following them. Ouroboros is a kind of reincarnation.

Fellow Daoist Ying, what you said makes sense.

Tian Chengzi thought for a moment and said to Xu Ying, But once you understand the Great Way of Reincarnation and achieve the Enlightenment of Reincarnation, can you go back to the past and kill people?

Still can't.

Xu Ying smiled and said, This also involves the great cause and effect of time and space. If you can achieve the truth of cause and effect, you can erase anyone who does not need to exist on the timeline.

Tian Chengzi frowned and murmured: First time and space, then reincarnation, then cause and effect, before you can kill someone, how long does it take to understand this.

Xu Ying said with a smile: If you achieve the Tao of reincarnation and cause and effect, become the master of the great road, master the time and space, go to the starting point of the birth of the universe, watch the flood source explode, go to the end of the universe's death, watch the flood source extinguish. Wouldn't it be more carefree? ?”

Tian Chengzi shook his head, a flash of anger flashed in his eyes, and said, I just want to kill people!

At this time, Master Luo said happily: Qionghua Island has arrived!

Xu Ying looked around and saw that in the dark sea, Qionghua Island was like a pearl in the Black Sea, exuding a shining light that was extremely dazzling.

There were many chariots and ships flying from the sky and entering Qionghua Island, and there were also giant beasts flying in the air and flying towards Qionghua Island.

Xu Ying looked around and suddenly saw the Great Master of Gods and Demons and others. His expression suddenly changed and he suddenly thought: Now that I have changed my appearance, Master of Gods and Demons may not be able to recognize me.

When Lord Dao Dao of Gods and Demons caught a glimpse of their chariot, his expression changed drastically, and he hurriedly blended into the crowd, his heart pounding wildly.

Tian Chengzi! Tian Chengzi, the Taoist master of Longxing Temple, is in Taoist Master Luo's car! This guy trapped all of us here with evil intentions... Wait a minute, why is Xu Ying also in that car?

He looked up and saw a ouroboros in the sky.

Taiyi Daojun also arrived at Qionghua Island at this time, and watched in surprise as Xu Ying passed by in the same car as Daoist Luo and Tian Chengzi.

Xu Ying got involved with Tian Chengzi so quickly? He was shocked.

Tian Chengzi seemed to be aware of it. He looked this way, but Taiyi hurriedly avoided it.

After the chariot passed by, Taiyi Daojun breathed a sigh of relief and looked up, only to see a ouroboros in his sky.

Everyone who comes to the past time and space has a ouroboros above their head!

————I’m seriously stuck today, so I need to sort out the copy information to pass. Don't wait any longer tonight.

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