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Chapter 816 Taoist Hunting Order

I feel it again. I feel that the free power between heaven and earth is gradually recovering. The broken avenue is reuniting... I feel that life is in my body...

In the coffin, the voice of Taoist Master Xuanhong came, thick and leisurely, Xu Ying, even though you saved me and even though you have the kindness to rebuild me, I still have to kill you! What do you mean to me on the other side? The harm is too great!

Seeing that his blood sacrifice recovery was about to be completed, however, he still lacked the power of the blood sacrifice.

Taoist Master Xuanhong was stunned: What's going on?

He clearly realized that as long as the two Dao Lords Hunyuan and Du Yu died, the power of the blood sacrifice would be enough to resurrect him. Xu Ying also got rid of the two Dao Lords, but for some reason, he was still just shy of the power of the blood sacrifice. Can be resurrected!

Who is causing trouble in the dark? Is it Master Hua?

Taoist Master Xuanhong was horrified, Could it be that Taoist Master Hua has been secretly observing, and he is also waiting for my resurrection? He wants to use me to resolve his misfortune!

Xu Ying stepped on the sea of ​​stars and whizzed away. When the wave hit the Lingxing Gate, he also arrived in front of the Lingxing Gate.

The crashing waves were powerful enough to crush everything, but they did not shake the towering wooden door in the slightest.

Xu Ying looked at the wooden door with a look of awe. While offering sacrifices to the apricot-yellow flag of the Hun Dao, he was ready to sacrifice the Chaos Lotus at any time.

He hurriedly came to the door and found that there was no movement at the wooden door, so he sacrificed the Chaos Lotus again.

In the lotus flower, the last part of the blood energy transformed by the blood sacrifice of Daojun Hunyuan and Daojun Duyu was pulled by the coffin in the immortal palace and flew away whistlingly.

Xu Ying put away the Chaos Lotus and immediately rushed out of the Lingxing Gate, activated reincarnation, reversed time and space, mobilized the Void Avenue, dived into the void, and quickly disappeared without a trace.

The two strands of blood quickly rushed into the Immortal Palace and entered the coffin.

The black coffin's chains suddenly broke and floated in the air. Then the black coffin was torn into pieces, and an old man with a beautiful beard from the Saint Clan on the other side stood in the air. He had a profound moral authority and his eyes were like lightning, sweeping toward the sea of ​​stars.

Wherever he looked, countless stars in the sea of ​​​​stars shattered and turned into powder!

not here!

The old man with the beautiful beard was Taoist Master Xuanhong. He appeared under the Lingxing Gate in a flash. Without even looking at the Lingxing Gate, he flew up and reached high in the sky, scanning his eyes in all directions, searching. Xu Ying’s whereabouts!

Taoist Master Xuanhong's search was fruitless. He paused and time and space flowed backwards. Xu Ying's reincarnation appeared. However, the next moment, Xu Ying's figure turned into chaos.

He is proficient in the Avenue of Chaos and can erase his traces in time. Such a genius who can escape for his life is truly remarkable.

Xuan Hong immediately counted with his fingers, but the cause and effect on Xu Ying was also cut off, so he couldn't be counted at all!

Xuan Hong frowned slightly, and his spiritual consciousness spread out layer by layer, extending into time and space, searching the deepest part of time and space, looking back on the long river of time, and searching for Xu Ying's whereabouts.

At the same time, his spiritual consciousness spread to an extremely far place, and in just a short moment, it enveloped the lower realm on the other side, and then extended to the planets in the outside world, and instantly penetrated into the core of the planet.

In an instant, his consciousness searched through billions of lives.

After a while, his consciousness almost searched the starry sky, and then he suddenly withdrew it.

At the same time, his soul suddenly jumped out and jumped into the void. The consciousness in his soul bloomed and searched the void!

Xu Ying activated the Void Avenue and walked through the void. He suddenly noticed energy fluctuations behind him. It was so strong that his scalp felt numb.

Master Xuanhong even thought of the void!

He immediately escaped into a deeper void, going deeper into the void layer after layer.

Taoist Master Xuanhong may have practiced Void Dao, but his immersion was not deep. Unlike Xu Ying, who directly learned the new Taoist runes of Taoist Yuxu, he started at a very high level.

But his magic power was really powerful. When he noticed that Xu Ying was escaping into the void, he immediately pursued it with his spiritual consciousness, directly crushing the void with his powerful magic power and entering the depths of the void!

Xu Ying looked back and saw Xuan Hong's consciousness turning the void into a sea of ​​fire. The flames burned fiercely, forming a palm that covered an increasingly wider area, grabbing towards him!

In the blink of an eye, Xu Ying escaped into the 28th level of void, but Xuan Hong's consciousness also chased after him.

Xu Ying immediately escaped to the 29th and 30th levels. One hundred and twenty years ago, Xu Ying was able to reach the 28th level. During these more than a hundred years, he and Yuan Weiyang studied the method of void together. , far beyond the past.

Taoist Master Xuanhong's hand of divine consciousness was exhausted and stopped before the thirtieth level.

Xu Ying was about to breathe a sigh of relief when suddenly the soul of Taoist Master Xuanhong escaped into the second level of void, and then rushed towards the third and fourth levels.

His consciousness was immediately enhanced, and his hand of consciousness broke through to the thirtieth level!

Xu Ying gritted his teeth, activated the void abyss, and stepped into the thirty-first level of void.

With his cultivation strength, it is extremely dangerous to step into this level of void. The power of the void is invading his physical soul and avenue, making it difficult for him to support himself.

There is nothing in the void, but any object will be blurred when it enters the void. The speed of blurring in the first, second, and third levels is still extremely slow. Such places often serve as the underworld. But the further you go, the faster the void becomes. Especially after reaching the twenty-eighth level of void, even the existence of the immortal realm will have everything torn apart and turned into nothingness in a short period of time!

Xu Ying mobilized the martial arts cave in his body and turned it into a flood source. The ginseng fruit tree floated up and turned into the heaven and earth spiritual root of his flood source. Hundreds of Dao fruit energy was injected into the flood source, activating the void avenue to fight against the void. Invasion.

Taoist Master Xuanhong's consciousness reached the thirtieth level, and it was extremely laborious. The edges of his consciousness were constantly being torn apart by the void.

He is the master of the avenue, but he is powerless against unknown avenues like void.

He tried to send his consciousness to the thirty-first level, but as soon as his consciousness entered it, it suddenly shattered and dissipated.

Taoist Master Xuanhong sighed, his soul stopped, took back the remaining consciousness, and returned to his physical body.

Suddenly, the Lingxing Gate behind him vibrated slightly. Xuan Hong felt awe-inspiring in his heart and hurriedly flew away through the air, disappearing without a trace.

The Lingxing Gate shook more and more violently, gradually rising into the air and flying towards the other end of the other shore.

Not long after, the star gate descended from the sky and landed in front of Li Xiao and his party. The leader was the senior sister of Qionghua Island, Li Xue, who was also a Taoist master.

The Qionghua Island lineage all have Li as their surname. Li Xue, Li Jie, and Li Song are all Dao Lords, and the others are immortal.

Li Xiao also achieved immortality twenty years ago.

The light gathered in the Lingxing Gate, forming the shadow of Master Hua Dao. The light was gorgeous and gorgeous. There was a bright white cherry blossom tree behind him, with thousands of cherry blossom petals floating back and forth.

Li Xue, Li Xiao and others quickly kowtowed and said in unison: Master!

Master Hua said: Get up and speak.

Everyone stood up.

Master Hua Dao said: The killing calamity is gradually rising on the other side. You should know that God has the virtue of good life and has left a glimmer of hope for you. You must kill more opponents to save this world from calamity.

Li Xue, Li Xiao and others said so.

Master Hua said: My other side is peaceful, but there are still some young people who are making trouble in the dark. I promised to do this, and just now broke into the Lingxing Gate, slaughtered my fellow Taoists on the other side, and sacrificed it to Master Xuanhong. Master Hongdao has been resurrected, and he has yet to commit many crimes. Li Xue, take charge of the Lingxing Sect and hunt down Xu Ying.

Li Xue said yes.

Li Xiao lowered his head, his eyes rolling around, and thought to himself: It's strange that the restricted area of ​​Lingxing Gate is located in the door. This door is the magic weapon of the great master. Why did Xu Ying break into the door, but the great master didn't rush him? To use this treasure to kill him, is it unnecessary for us to take Lingxing Sect to hunt down Xu Ying?

She blinked her eyes and thought to herself: Is it possible that the eldest master was beaten so badly during his last trip to heaven, and his injuries have still not healed?

Taoist Master Hua said again: After I promise to release Taoist Master Xuanhong, he will definitely move the minds of other Taoist Masters. He is cunning by nature, and you may not be able to find him. Li Xue, on my behalf, you will send orders to the world and inform all directions. He issued an order to kill the Taoist master. Kill without mercy!

Li Xue, Li Jie and others were shocked, and they all bowed and said yes. They didn't know why the elder was so angry, and even issued a Taoist death order to Xu Ying, a monk who was not even immortal.

Little did they know that Xu Ying used Hua Dao Master's Lingxing Gate as a battlefield to harvest and murder many immortals, true kings and Taoist kings. Hua Dao Master was in seclusion to recuperate, and noticed that Xu Ying wanted to do bad things, but was unable to activate the Lingxing Gate to stop him.

He was injured by Taoist Master Tianjing, Ji Cang and other Taoist masters. The injury was so serious that he could only wait until Xuan Hong was revived before mobilizing the Lingxing Sect to let Li Xue and others regain their position.

Xu Ying avoided the pursuit of Taoist Master Xuanhong from the void and immediately ran away. However, he felt that his vision was distorted and some parts of his body gradually became larger.

He was like blowing up a balloon, getting bigger and bigger.

This is the avenue of void stretching him to all dimensions.

Xu Ying knew something was wrong and immediately returned to the 30th level of void, whereupon the changes slowed down a bit.

When he returned to the twenty-eighth level of void, he felt that void did not pose much of a threat to the physical body.

My Void Dao still cannot catch up with Yuxu Taoist Ancestor, and even Weiyang is about to surpass me. However, if I practice the Void Dao to the level of Yuxu Daozu, I am afraid it has reached its peak. If I want to go further, the only way is Leave the Sea of ​​Chaos. But how is it possible?”

Xu Ying left the void and looked at the geographical map of the forbidden area given to him by Changsun Shenghai and others. After looking at it for a moment, he calculated: The nearest forbidden area is the Longxing Temple. It is rumored that anyone who enters this ruins will be inexplicable. He died suddenly, I wonder if there was a deceased Taoist suppressed inside?

He immediately set off for Longxing Temple.

At this time, the Dao Master's killing order about him had gradually spread. Everyone on the other side who received this order was perked up, and there were countless masters clamoring to take Xu Ying's scalp. Receive reward on Qionghua Island.

At this time, a Taoist boy came to the Lord of the Gods and Demons with a Taoist order to kill him, and said: Sir, Master Hua, the Taoist Master, has issued a death order to hunt down Xu Ying. Are we going to go to the Gods and Demons Taoist Sect? ?”

The Great Dao Lord of Gods and Demons said angrily: Fuck you. My disciples attacked the Three Realms, and except for Yu Shao, they all died in the Three Realms. Do you want me to go after Xu Ying personally? This time the four Dao Lords sent their disciples to deal with the robbery, and I also I sent my disciples to deal with the calamity, but the disciples died. Our God and Demon Dao Sect can no longer suffer any more losses.

The Taoist boy said: Back to the master, Senior Brother Yu Shao said that it was Xu Ying who killed Senior Brother Nie Xuan and others in the Three Realms. Don't you want to avenge Nie Xuan and the others?

Lord Dao of Gods and Demons hesitated for a moment. He originally sent Nie Xuan and others to conquer the Three Realms with the intention of grabbing the credit. Unexpectedly, Nie Xuan and others failed to live up to their expectations and died in the Three Realms.

That's a bad thing, but it's also a good thing.

Nie Xuan and others died, and the Taoist masters urged him to respond to the disaster, so he could shirk and cry out, saying that all his disciples died in the disaster, so as to evade the past and escape the disaster.

But it is better to die than to die. This time, it was Xu Ying who was subject to the Taoist master's death order. If he did not take action, wouldn't he be ridiculed by the people on the other side, saying that he did not dare to avenge his disciples?

But if you leave Dao Jitian, there is a possibility of disaster...

The Dao Lord of the Gods and Demons hesitated for a moment, then relaxed and said with a smile: The people who take action now are mostly Dao Lords. As long as Taiyi and several Dao Lords don't take action, who can do anything to me? I should have accepted the disaster earlier and killed Xu Ying. Just wash away the bad luck from your body and return to Dao Jitian.

Daoji Tianhu Mountain Pavilion.

Dao Master Lin also received a Tao Master's killing order. He was surprised and said with a smile: Brother Hua Dao, why did he get angry with a junior and issue a killing order? This Xu Ying also went to Tianjing Ruins with Taiyi and rescued him. Woolen cloth!

He couldn't help but shook his head.

In Jiuqiu Mountain, Taoist Luo also received the order from Taoist Hua to hunt down Xu Ying, and couldn't help but smile: Brother Hua Dao is probably still injured, otherwise with his temper, he would have killed Xu Ying with an ax long ago. But then again, After all, Xu Ying also contributed to his rescue. Brother Hua Dao’s move is unkind. Come on!

A Taoist boy came close to wait.

Master Luo said: I will write a letter and you can send it to Biyou Palace to tell Master Tongtian about this. Master Tongtian is alone, so I'm afraid he still doesn't know about it.

The Taoist boy accepted the order and went to take the letter.

Master Luo smiled and said, If Tongtian knew about this, would he guarantee his promise, or would he let it go?

He became interested, wrote another letter, and ordered someone to go to She'an Palace to give it to Taiyi Daojun. He smiled and said: Will Taiyi personally take action to eliminate relatives for justice?

Not long after, Taiyi Daojun was the first to receive the Taoist's pursuit order, and said in surprise: What has happened again, and the Daoist has to personally order the pursuit?

He hesitated, then quietly stood up and left She'an Palace.

A month later, Master Tongtian also received the order to kill him. He took one look at it and threw it aside.

With Xu Ying's strength, this fatwa is really a foolish move! Master Tongtian said indifferently.


Tao Master's pursuit order?

Ahead, the Lingxing Gate stood tall. On the way to Longxing Temple, Xu Ying happened to meet Li Xue, Li Xiao and others. Hearing them talking about the Taoist Master's killing order, he was shocked at first, and then laughed out loud, Hua Taoist Master won't chase me personally, and let others chase me? How many Dao Lords are there on the other side?

He couldn't help but shake his head.

Li Xue was furious and said coldly: Xu Ying, you are too presumptuous and underestimate the heroes on the other side!

Xu Ying glanced at her and said nothing.

When he killed Hunyuan Daojun and Duyu Zhenjun, although he used all his magic power, he did not use the new Dao pattern of the Three Realms. He still used Riwen Higan to compete with the two Daolords.

Under such circumstances, he was able to kill two Tao Lords, but the Tao Lords who were waiting for him were simply not enough to look at in front of him.

Dao Master Hua issued the order to kill me instead of personally urging the Lingxing Sect to kill me. He took off his pants and farted. It was unnecessary. In other words, his injuries have not recovered yet...

When Xu Ying said this, he looked up at the sky and said with a smile, If I go to Qionghua Island at this time, I wonder if I can kill him?

Li Xue and others were furious and yelled: You are outrageous!

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