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Chapter 815 Harvesting Immortality

In the Immortal Palace, the thick voice said: Fellow Taoist is indeed quite capable and is an experienced harvester. But I just can't figure it out, why do you want to save me?

After his death, he was suppressed and sealed here. For a long time, Lingxing Gate became a restricted area, and countless people died. But those people were all here to search for the treasure, and no one was here to save him.

Xu Ying ran over and kept saying that he would save him and resurrect him, which had to arouse his suspicion.

Xu Ying said with a solemn expression: Nowadays, the other side is facing serious catastrophes. The three Tao masters Hua, Lin and Luo need to kill several Tao masters to resolve their catastrophes. I just can't bear to see it, and I don't want to be like my predecessors. Just an inexplicable death.

The voice in the coffin was silent for a moment and said, Do you want me to resurrect and disturb the other side?

Xu Ying was startled for a moment, then a smile slowly appeared on his face and he said, I do have the intention to disturb the other side.

The voice in the coffin said: You are an evil person.

Xu Ying had a slight smile on his face and said: To the other side, I am indeed a bad person.

The voice in the coffin was very thick, and there seemed to be a kind of compassion in the words, saying: Since I already know that you are a wicked person, and I know that your resurrection and my release will disturb the other side and be detrimental to the other side, then I will definitely not I will let you succeed. After I am resurrected, I will kill you first!

Before he finished speaking, he saw blood flying from the outside and seeping into the coffin!

These blood energy are the blood energy of the powerful people on the other side who died in the sea of ​​stars. Their death is a sacrifice!

Xu Ying changed the layout of the Star Sea, and all those who died here would sacrifice themselves to the Taoist Master in the coffin!

The smile on Xu Ying's face did not change and he said: Brother Taoist, to be honest, the four Taoist masters Ji Cang, Xiang Kun, Sang Qing, and Duanmu were resurrected not long ago. However, as soon as they were resurrected, they fell into the trap of Hua, Lin, and Under the control of Master Luo San. Xiang Kun, Sang Qing and Duanmu died tragically one after another, and only Master Ji Cang was lucky enough to survive.

There was silence in the coffin.

Xu Ying continued: Now that Taoist Master Ji Cang has hid in the Heaven Realm, he has no choice but to join forces with the Heaven Realm Taoist Master. He is caught in a calamity and cannot protect himself. It is up to me to help him delay the calamity by using the Taoist Master Ji Cang. Fellow Taoist If you don’t believe it, go to heaven and meet him for a while and you will find out.”

The voice in the coffin sounded again, saying: You mean, the tide of heaven has risen? That's right, when the tide of heaven receded, we were able to rise. Counting the time, the tide of heaven should also rise. Like me The Taoist master is still dead and not stiff. An existence like the Taoist Master in the Heaven Realm will definitely survive. But, will the Taoist Master tolerate Ji Cang...

Back then, it was they, the Dao Masters, who made the decision to destroy all life in the entire heaven, eradicating the roots and leaving no one behind.

Dao Zun Tianjing was also killed by them.

Such a blood feud could not be erased with just an apology, so he was a little surprised to hear that Taoist Master Tianjing tolerated Ji Cang.

Xu Ying said: Brother Taoist, under the oppression of Hualin Luo Sandao Master, the enemy may not be able to cooperate.

The voice in the coffin said: Do you have proof?

Xu Ying smiled slightly and raised the apricot-yellow flag of Hundao. The flag appeared and flew out of the Immortal Palace with a roar. The next moment, it came to the sea of ​​​​stars and shuttled quickly along the sea surface.

Suddenly, as soon as the big flag was displayed, an immortal was separated and turned into two black and yellow qi and dispersed.

The apricot-yellow flag flew over and sank into the abyss of Xu Ying's cave.

Xu Yingdao: This treasure has four sides, which are called the Four Innate Banners. They were originally used to suppress Taoist Master Ji Cang. After Taoist Master Ji Cang escaped from trouble, he was grateful for the four of us' meritorious service and gave this apricot-yellow flag to me for use.

The voice in the coffin said: I believe you. But you have evil intentions. I will definitely kill you after my resurrection, so that I can avoid future troubles forever!

Xu Ying felt the murderous intent coming from the coffin, smiled slightly, and said, What do you call me, Brother Dao? You can also let me know in whose hands I died.

My name is Xuanhong!

At this moment, someone had already crossed the sea of ​​stars and arrived at the Immortal Palace. Without any explanation, they grabbed Chaos Lotus and Hong Yuan.

Xu Ying leaned forward and said, apologise.

The voice of Taoist Master Xuanhong came from the coffin: Xu Ying, you can't escape from my grasp!

Xu Ying ignored it and walked out of the Immortal Palace, calling: Master Lian, it's time for us to leave.

At this moment, several true kings are already fighting around Chaos Lotus and Hong Yuan, with ruthless attacks, fierce battles, and deadly moves. However, the Chaos Lotus suddenly flew up holding Hong Yuan and flew towards Xu Ying.

The eyes of those true kings suddenly turned red, and they immediately rushed towards Xu Ying and shouted: You little thief, keep my treasure!

your precious?

Xu Ying activated the Chaos Lotus, and suddenly the energy of chaos filled the air, as if the place had turned into a sea of ​​chaos, with a lotus rising slowly from the sea!

The next moment, the lotus blooms!

Layers of petals bloomed, and in an instant it seemed as if chaos was opening up. The bodies and souls of the Immortal True Kings exploded and turned into powder, and the great avenues they cultivated were completely wiped out!

Xu Ying was about to put away the Chaos Lotus when suddenly a big hand came out, penetrated the chaos, struck Xu Ying in the face, and shouted: Xu Ying, you are not dead! This is good, it is a good opportunity for me to take revenge!

Xu Ying saw that the hand had no fingers and was round, and he immediately knew who it was.

Master Hunyuan Dao!

As soon as he finished speaking, Hunyuan Daojun had already passed through the Qi of Chaos and fought with him head-on. The two of them landed on the Chaos Lotus's rosette.

The vast lotus seat is the base of the flood source, and floating above it is a cosmic flood source. Threads of Taoist power gradually rose from the holes of the rosette and poured into the source of the flood.

Hong Yuan was like a child raised by this innate spiritual treasure, unable to do without the nourishment of the rosette.

The moment Taojun Hunyuan landed on the lotus seat, he hurriedly summoned up his magic power and pressed down the Chaos Lotus with his feet to prevent Xu Ying from sacrificing this treasure.

When Xu Ying first came to the other side, he meditated at the Chaos Dao Scenery. As a result, the Chaos Lotus coveted the Chaos Dao Scenery and absorbed half of the Chaos Dao Scenery. Dao Lord Hunyuan came to hunt Xu Ying, but Xu Ying sacrificed the Chaos Lotus and turned his five fingers away.

So far, he has not been able to refining these five fingers.

As the saying goes, enemies are extremely jealous when they meet. Daojun Hunyuan's eyes turned blood red. He remembered that he went to Jingjie to chase him, but this guy did not follow the rules and ruined his plan to bring the sacrifice, so that he was trapped in the amber material. For more than 40 years, I almost didn't escape.

Xu Ying couldn't help but secretly praise Hunyuan Daojun's extraordinary cultivation. Just now, he received his palm in a hurry. Hunyuan Daojun was not injured, which shows that his cultivation is indeed strong.

As expected of someone who has cultivated the Chaos Avenue among the Nine Innate Paths. This level of cultivation is far superior to that of Daojun Nie Xuan. Xu Ying secretly praised.

Daojun Hunyuan gritted his teeth, looked at Xu Ying, and remembered that this guy came to visit him with Daojun Jiuhen, but he was beaten by Jiuhen, forcing him to hand over his skills, Chaos Mahayana The Secret of Enlightenment.

The key thing is that even Taiyi Daojun came to bully him!

Hunyuan Daojun was so evil that he suddenly activated the Chaos Mahayana Demonstration Technique, mobilized his magical powers, and killed Xu Ying. He shouted: Xu Ying, there are no Nine Abominations here! Ten Thousand Daos are naturalized!

He smashed it down with a palm, and everything in the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth turned into chaos!

This seal is the secret of the Way of Proving the Way!

Xu Ying also used Ten Thousand Dao Naturalization, and the two seals collided. Hunyuan Daojun's aura floated, and there was a tendency to be suppressed by him, and he hurriedly mobilized Dong Yuan behind him.

He doesn't have many disciples in the universe, because the Avenue of Chaos is too difficult to practice, and the Hunyuan Dao Sect is far less huge than other Dao sects.

The chaotic Dao power he can control is far less terrifying than other Dao Lords.

But it’s enough power to hold on to the promise.

However, Xu Ying's next move went beyond the content of the Chaos Mahayana Enlightenment Technique. He made a lotus bloom and illuminated the world. The eyes of Hunyuan Dao Lord were bright, as if Xu Ying's hands were a Chaos Dao Lotus, blooming faintly!

The chaotic power in his body vibrated violently, like boiling. His cultivation level was about to be developed, and there was a tendency to turn from chaos into ten thousand ways!

This is obviously the chaotic magical power developed by Xu Ying after comprehending the Chaos Lotus and Hong Yuan.

This kind of magical power is indeed a chaotic magical power, but it is a reverse display of the naturalization of ten thousand ways. However, it wasn't that Lord Hunyuan was stupid and couldn't think of this, but that it was very difficult to develop such magical powers.

First, not everyone has the spiritual root of chaos and the source of chaos, and can observe the interaction between the spiritual root and the source of chaos at all times.

Secondly, even if one has spiritual roots and flood sources, the core that causes the evolution of Tao power from chaos to ten thousand ways must transcend both chaos and ten thousand ways. So what is this core?

The innate nine ways are already the ultimate of great ways. What other great ways are above them that can serve as the central core to control the changes of the nine ways?

Therefore, even if Taojun Hunyuan thought of it, he would never be able to do it.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

He forcefully accepted Xu Ying's palm, and saw his five fingers exploding one after another, evolving time and space into stars, and yin and yang into the sun and moon. Then his arm exploded, the stars shone, and rose rapidly, and the black and yellow energy flowed, forming the separation of heaven and earth!

Half of his body was torn apart, and thousands of paths were formed. In an instant, animals were galloping around him, dragons and tigers leaped, birds roared, phoenixes, cranes and eagles were seen.

When Hunyuan Taojun saw Xu Ying's third attack, he couldn't help but despair.

Teaching the disciples, I will starve the master to death. This time I have confessed. His attainments in the Great Path of Chaos are already above mine!

Just when he thought of this, the energy of chaos suddenly exploded around the Chaos Lotus. In an instant, the sky became clear and the earth became turbid, and the universe opened up. A man came galloping towards me with purple energy thousands of miles away, and shouted: Xu Ying, how dare you plan to murder me on the other side? Immortal, you are so bold!

Hongmeng Daoli?

Xu Ying was surprised, and without thinking, he changed his moves and faced the man who was rushing towards him.

The two people's magical powers collided, and Xu Ying was even more surprised. The visitor's Hongmeng magical powers were able to break away his Chaos power, and it was likely to suppress Chaos!

Taojun Hunyuan couldn't help but be overjoyed when he saw this, and shouted: Brother Duyu, kill him quickly!

The person who came was none other than Zhenjun Duyu, an immortal Taoist who practiced Hongmeng Dao. When he saw Taoist Hunyuan in trouble, although he despised him as a human being, he still came to rescue him.

He also noticed that Xu Ying's Chaos Dao Power was not trivial, and had the tendency to assimilate his own Hongmeng Dao Power. He was also secretly shocked: He is not immortal, yet he has such a cultivation level?

His move made Xu Ying feel happy.

He has not yet had time to acquire the skills of Hongmeng Avenue, so he is still a little behind on the changes in Hongmeng Avenue.

Promise, if word comes out about you harvesting immortality, there will be no place for you on the other side!

True Lord Lingduyu came to kill you angrily and shouted coldly, You are not ruined, but you die without a burial place!

Xu Ying smiled and said: You are allowed to harvest the universe on the other side, but I am not allowed to harvest immortals like you. What's the point?

He urged Hongmeng Dao to follow his example and fought with him. However, he was at a disadvantage after just one or two moves.

True Lord Duyu's attainments on Hongmeng Avenue are indeed much greater than his!

Taojun Hunyuan said loudly: He is the master of the Chaos Lotus. He can activate the power of this treasure, but he cannot be allowed to mobilize the Chaos Lotus!

Lord Watanabe said in a deep voice: Chaos and Hongmeng are the trend of the evolution of the great road. The process of the Chaos Lotus turning chaos into a flood source is the opportunity for the transformation of Hongmeng. Above this lotus and under the flood source, I am invincible. !”

However, Xu Ying was also proficient in Hongmeng Avenue, and his achievements in cultivation were not inferior to him at all, which surprised him.

The Hongmeng Avenue is the opportunity for chaos to transform into the source of the flood. There are only two ways to cultivate this avenue. One is to comprehend the Hongmeng and practice slowly. The other is to make a great contribution to the source of the universe, and will naturally be blessed by the luck of the Hongmeng.

Lord Wataba took the first path. As for the second way, he only had time to harvest the universe, so where would he have the chance to do such good deeds?

Seeing that Xu Ying was at a disadvantage, Hunyuan Dao Lord breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately mobilized the Chaos Avenue, suppressed the injury, grew the other half of his body, and joined forces with True Lord Du Yu to attack Xu Ying!

The three of them competed on the Chaos Lotus, and the fight became more and more intense.

Xu Ying still used the Hongmeng Taoist method to fight against the two of them. Most of his energy was focused on Du Yu Zhenjun, to see how he mobilized the Hongmeng Tao power, how to display his magical powers, and how to evolve the Tao power.

In just a short moment, the three masters fought hundreds of moves. Hunyuan Daojun and Duyu Zhenjun joined forces, making Xu Ying even more frustrated and unable to compete with the two.

However, Zhenjun Duyu noticed that Xu Ying's conduct on Hongmeng Avenue was advancing by leaps and bounds, which could be described as rapid!

He is secretly learning my Hongmeng attainments! He was shocked and angry in his heart.

Suddenly, on the sea of ​​​​stars in the distance, an immortal screamed and was killed by the waves turned into stars, and was buried in the sea.

As for the other masters who crossed the sea in the Star Sea, their boats capsized and people were killed, or they were buried in the wind and waves. Only a few true kings were left alive, still fighting among the waves.

In the sea of ​​​​stars, strands of blood are floating toward the Immortal Palace. In the Immortal Palace, Taoist Master Xuanhong has been silent for a long time.

Xu Ying caught a glimpse of this scene, no longer hesitated, and suddenly transferred the Hongyuan counter evidence, and the martial arts cave abyss turned into a Hongyuan, running in the body!

His aura surged steadily, and the nine paths were unified, turning into branches of martial arts, forming unstructured Dao power!

Supernatural power of the sky!

Xu Ying's martial arts power exploded, and countless magical powers solidified time and space in an instant, turning into a sky composed of magical power, bursting out, and rushing toward Dao Lord Hunyuan and True Lord Du Yu!

The two Dao Lords originally had the upper hand, but at this moment, the situation took a turn for the worse, and they felt that death was approaching.

The two roared, channeling all their power to harvest all the disciples in the universe to face Xu Ying's attack!


Incomparably brilliant light erupted from the center of the star sea, sweeping in all directions, rolling up countless stars, turning into a huge surge, and rushing to all directions!

Xu Ying stopped his hand, blood gushed out from the corner of his mouth, but he didn't care much, put away Chaos Lotus and Hong Yuan, and chased the wave towards Lingxing Gate!

And on the Chaos Rosette, the Dao Lord Hunyuan and Zhenjun Duyu were being shattered, and the two Dao Lords were cracking like porcelain!

When Xu Ying faced Dao Lord Nie Xuan, he had not used all his strength, but facing the two of them, it was the first time that he had used all his cultivation skills.

At this time, on the Immortal Island and in the Immortal Palace, the coffin hanging in the palace suddenly shook violently!

The two great masters died, and the blood transformed by the power of the blood sacrifice was flowing into the coffin!

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