Xu Ying caught their expressions in his eyes and said with a smile: Don't worry, I am loyal to the other side. I personally went to Heaven to rescue Master Hua Dao. How could I kill him? However, if anyone knew that he was here at this time, If he goes to Qionghua Island to kill him while he is still seriously injured, it has nothing to do with me.

Taoist master, a centipede insect, dead but not stiff.

Even if the Dao Master was severely injured, Xu Ying could not match him, so at this time, while Hua Dao Master had no time to look around, more Dao Masters from the other side were resurrected.

There will always be someone among these Taoist Masters from the other side who will try to kill Taoist Master Hua.

Even if he can't kill Hua Dao Master, it doesn't matter. His original intention is to cause chaos in the world on the other side, and he will have no time to search and attack the three realms.

Taoist Xuanhong, he even wants to kill me, my savior, and he should also be interested in killing Taoist Hua. And Ji Cang, he is out of luck now and can come back for revenge. As long as Taoist Hua gets it If he doesn’t kill me, his enemies will become more and more numerous.”

Xu Ying's eyes flashed and he thought to himself, Since comparing good is not possible, then comparing bad is better. As long as the other side is worse, there will be hope for the Three Realms.

At this moment, Li Xuejiao shouted and activated the Lingxing Gate, and a thick wisp of power erupted from the Lingxing Gate!

The Lingxing Sect is a mature innate spiritual treasure. The Innate Four Flags are a set of four flags, but the Lingxing Sect is a whole by itself, and its power is much greater than that of the Hun Dao Xinghuang Banner alone.

When this object is sacrificed, the sea of ​​stars can be seen surging in the door, hiding billions of stars. When the star power explodes together, it is like all the stars in dozens of galaxies bursting out light and heat together, concentrating these light and heat Together, they spurted out from the door and turned into a sword light!

The wooden structure of the Lingxing Gate is in the shape of a tic, just like the mouth of a sword scabbard, and the sword light shoots out from the mouth, which is really powerful!

Li Xue wanted to sacrifice this peerless sword, but found it extremely difficult. With his Taoist cultivation, he could barely lift it.

But the power contained in that sword light is enough to destroy any Dao Lord!

Xu Ying's expression suddenly changed. He didn't dare to directly receive the sword light from Lingxing Sect. He was afraid that Lord Dao wouldn't be able to catch the sword light from Lingxing Sect!

He immediately raised the apricot-yellow flag of Hun Dao, and suddenly the black and yellow energy was thousands of miles thick and thick, meeting the sword light of Lingxing Gate.

Among the four innate banners, the Hun Dao Xinghuang Banner is the most powerful and the first of the four banners. However, as soon as the flag collided with the sword light, it immediately collapsed. The black and yellow qi were shattered one after another, and the flag rolled back!

The flag vibrated, and the flag rotated around Xu Ying, forming a semicircle, protecting Xu Ying within it.

Xu Ying held the big flag in his hand to steady the flag. When the sword light struck, the mountains and the earth on both sides of the banner evaporated, and the ground disappeared, leaving only two sky chasms. Starlight emerged from the unfathomable ravine and rose slowly.

Xu Ying was shocked to the point where his energy and blood surged, and he slid backwards. The ground in front of him appeared in the sword light and evaporated!

The martial arts cave in his body turned into the form of a flood, and the nine great avenues turned into an unstructured state. He tried his best to activate the apricot yellow flag, but he was still pressed until the corners of his mouth bleed.

But fortunately, Li Xue had just obtained the Lingxing Gate and could only activate one point of the power of the Lingxing Gate. However, Xu Ying had been cultivating the Hun Dao Xinghuang Banner for nearly two hundred years. Although the power of the Xinghuang Banner was far inferior to that of the Lingxing Gate, Xu Ying could Ying can exert 30% of the power of Xinghuang Banner.

Li Xue was exhausted, and when she saw that the apricot-yellow flag was not broken, her expression changed slightly, and she activated the Lingxing Gate again without thinking.

At this moment, Xu Ying jumped up and waved the flag with all his strength. The time and space around Li Xue and others were shattered. Everyone felt that their respective avenues were unbearable and they were in danger of being strangled!

Hurry behind the door! Li Xue shouted loudly.

Li Jie, Li Song, Li Xiao and others hurriedly came to hide behind the door. Everyone urged to activate this innate spiritual treasure. The sword light came back and slashed at Xu Ying!

Xu Ying's figure was hidden under the big flag, wandering around the Lingxing Gate. Wherever the flag passed, black and yellow energy filled the sky.

And the Lingxing Gate moved dexterously in the air, and wherever the sword light passed, everything was erased!

Li Jie, Li Song and others mobilized the Ling Star Gate together. The power of this star gate can already be exerted by more than 30%, and its power is several times greater than before!

Xu Ying, Li Xue and others struggled for a moment, and then they noticed that the power of the Lingxing Gate was getting stronger and stronger. The gate rotated, and the sword energy also moved with it. It was so agile that it was difficult to win. It immediately escaped into the void and disappeared without a trace.

The sword light of the Lingxing Gate pierced through the thirty-six layers of void with a swish sound, cutting through the thirty-six layers of void!

It wasn't until the thirty-seventh level that the sword light burst in the void.

The sword light wiped the flag surface, and the flag surface was immediately rolled up and fell out of the void wrapped in Xu Ying.

He's injured and can't escape! Li Xue and the others were refreshed and wanted to chase after him, but they were horrified to find that their mana was consumed so much that they could hardly fly.

Sacrificing the Lingxing Gate will consume too much mana and cannot be sustained for too long, otherwise it will be unsustainable.

Li Xue and others took a rest respectively, adjusted their luck to Dongyuan, and replenished their cultivation.

The direction Xu Ying is walking is towards the forbidden area of ​​Longxing Temple!

Xu Ying fell to the ground, staggering a little. The Lingxing Gate brushed against the apricot flag, causing him to be seriously injured, but the injury was not serious. Fortunately, his path was unstructured, and the damage to his cultivation could be repaired quickly. .

Thanks to the apricot yellow flag for protecting the body, otherwise we would have been doomed this time.

He slowed down and walked towards Longxing Temple while healing his injuries.


Suddenly there was a loud shout from the clouds ahead. Xu Ying looked over and saw several good-looking men and women standing on the clouds, looking at him. While looking, they compared the albums in their hands.

Xu Ying asked: I am Xu Ying. What do you guys have to say?

One of the immortals was overjoyed and said: You have committed a crime, and now Hua Dao wants your life! I promise that those who know the current affairs are heroes, why don't you just wait to be killed?

Xu Ying laughed dumbly, shook his head and walked past them: I want to go to Longxing Temple to practice, and I have no interest in accompanying you to mess around!

Suddenly, he felt the vitality in his body passing rapidly, and his heart was awe-inspiring. Looking around, he saw a bright mirror shining towards him.

The road to life and death!

Xu Ying noticed the changes in the Taoism in the mirror, recognized the Taoism of life and death, and immediately adjusted the source of the flood to turn it into the Great Way of Taiyi, allowing the mirror to shine.

The bright mirror illuminated Xu Ying, and he saw that there was also a Xu Ying in the mirror. Behind Xu Ying, there were several good-looking men and women, each taking action, sacrificing magic weapons, activating magical powers, and attacking Xu Ying!

Xu Ying did not turn around and allowed them to attack. His eyes only fell on the bright mirror. He saw the magic weapon attacking Xu Ying in the mirror. In the blink of an eye, it seemed as if it had gone through tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of years. It becomes decayed, the logic of the magic weapon is unclear, and its power is greatly reduced.

When he came behind Xu Ying and encountered a little resistance, the magic weapon turned into ashes and shattered.

The magical powers of those men and women also shrunk rapidly, and their power dissipated into the air.

In the bright mirror, Xu Ying's appearance remained unchanged, but those good-looking men and women were aging rapidly. As they came to kill Xu Ying, they changed from teenagers to young people, from young people to middle-aged people, and then to old people. He became extremely old, his body withered, his energy and blood withered.

The next moment, everyone in the mirror turned into a pile of withered bones. The avenues aged and melted, the flesh rotted, and the bones disintegrated and fell down.

There is indeed something extraordinary about the road of life and death.

When Xu Ying saw this scene, he couldn't help but admired, It's not for nothing that Lord Dao of Life and Death is ranked among the four Lords of Dao. I am greatly honored that Lord Dao of Life and Death came to pick me up in person.

At this time, a voice came from behind the mirror, and said proudly: Why did my master come in person? Xu Ying, you are too proud of yourself.

Xu Ying looked around and saw that the person speaking was Rongkuzi and Rongkudao Lord of the Taoist School of Life and Death, and he couldn't help but feel disappointed.

He thought the owner of this mirror of life and death was the Dao Lord of Life and Death, but he didn't expect that it was just the Dao Lord of Prosperity and Death.

Rong Kuzi, back then when you were at Taiyimen, you almost turned into ashes when you saw one of my Dao marks.

Xu Ying shook his head and said, Who gave you such courage to come after me?

Daojun Rongku sneered: You still need courage to chase down a kid at the eighth level of the Dao Realm? In order to deal with your strange Dao Marks, I specially borrowed his Life and Death Mirror from the teacher to restrain your Dao Marks.

Xu Ying looked at this bright mirror with a look of surprise, and immediately activated his consciousness to think about the new pattern of the Three Realms.

He is now in a state of unstructured avenue. Without the avenue structure, there will be no avenue pollution. But as long as the new Dao patterns of the Three Realms are exposed, Dao pollution will occur.

But at this moment, when the new Dao pattern of the Three Realms was exposed in front of this mirror of life and death, one could see that the power in the Dao pattern aged rapidly. The power of the Dao pattern represented by the Dao pattern also depleted itself and soon turned into Dao ashes!

Xu Ying was stunned and praised: The Lord of Life and Death is worthy of being the Lord of Great Dao, which is admirable!

He originally had hundreds of green rock tower ships with new Dao patterns engraved on them. The purpose was to release these ships to the other side when the other side invaded the Three Realms, and retaliate with tooth for tooth, causing a catastrophe that would destroy the world!

However, the Taoism of Lord Dao of Life and Death may easily defeat his plan!

Master of the Dao of Life and Death, it's best to get rid of him as soon as possible! His Dao will do too much damage to the Dao pattern. Xu Ying thought to himself.

Rongku Daojun repeatedly activated the mirror of life and death to shine on Xu Ying, but Xu Ying did not change at all and did not die of old age as he wished.

Xu Ying stood in the light of his mirror, as if endless time passed around him, but he was the same as before.

Daojun Rongku felt awe-struck in his heart, and suddenly realized that he was far from the opponent he promised, and he couldn't help but want to retreat.

Xu Ying smiled and said: Rong Kuzi, please help me bring a magical power back to meet your master, the Great Master of Life and Death. I want to ask him for advice.

Lord Rongku was puzzled: Bring a magical power back to see my master? How to bring it?

Xu Ying raised his hand, and the space and time around him suddenly shook violently, as if he was chaos, and the time and space around him fell towards him!

Daojun Rongku couldn't help but fall towards him. He couldn't help but feel horrified in his heart, and immediately turned around and ran away!

He is a Taoist who practices the Dao of Life and Death. Although he is not cultivating the Dao of Time and Space, his cultivation is after all powerful and his speed is not slow!

However, no matter how fast he was, he could not escape the promised chaotic time and space!

The magical power you brought back for me is called Lotus Kai Yao Shi. It is the first magical power that I, Hong Yuan, have proven against.

Xu Ying seemed to be holding a lotus flower in his hands, sealing it towards Rongku Daojun.

Daojun Rongku's face changed drastically, he turned around quickly, activated his magical powers of life and death, and attacked Xu Ying risklessly!

However, some of his magical powers suddenly turned around and flew to other places, as if confusing time and space, some were annihilated in mid-air and turned into ashes, with no power at all, and some came straight towards him, as if confused. cause and effect.

Rongku Daojun adjusted the mirror of life and death to shine on the promised magical power of blooming lotus and shining the world, but the mirror of life and death seemed to have no effect on this magical power!

Rongku Daojun fell towards Xu Ying and took the initiative to meet this seal. The lotus-shaped magical power sank into his chest and disappeared in an instant.

Don't worry, you won't die now just because you were hit by my move.

Xu Ying looked gentle and said, You can also return to the Lord of Life and Death and show him my magical powers.

Daojun Rongku said in a hoarse voice, What happens after you show it to him?

Xu Ying showed a kind smile and said warmly: I will have nothing to do with you from now on.

Daojun Rongku breathed a sigh of relief.

Xu Ying kindly reminded: If he can crack my lotus flower, then you will survive. If he can't crack it, then you will die. Go ahead and don't stop on the way, otherwise you will not have time to see the road of life and death. Jun.

The surrounding time and space suddenly returned to normal, Rongku Daojun's expression suddenly changed, he turned around and left quickly with the mirror of life and death.

Xu Ying watched him go away and whispered: Whether he is alive or dead, the Lord of Life and Death will find it difficult to bear my provocation to him. So, can he still sit still?

Suddenly, Xu Ying's face changed slightly, his body flashed, and he escaped into the void. As soon as he stepped forward, he saw the Lingxing Gate falling from the sky and crashing to the ground.

Li Xue and others stood in the portal, looked around, and then left through the Lingxing Gate.

Xu Ying escaped from the void and walked slowly towards Longxing Temple while healing his wounds.

Not long after, he encountered several more waves of attacks from the Immortal from the Other Side, but he easily dodged them all.

When these people heard that he was going to Longxing Temple, they set off immediately.

In the past, I still needed to use Master Lian and Hong Yuan's designs to attract masters from the other side. Now that I have Master Hua's pursuit order, I am the biggest bait. I wonder if I can catch Master Dao this time?

The gate of life and death.

Rong Ku flew over, ignored the notification, and rushed directly to Ying Cui Hall.

Lord Dao of Life and Death was sitting in the Yingcui Hall. A Taoist boy was waiting outside. When he saw him coming, he hurriedly stopped him and said, Senior Brother Rongku, I am sitting in the guard...

Rongku flew several Taoist boys away and broke into the palace. When he saw the Lord of Life and Death sitting motionless, he knelt down and cried loudly: Master, save me!

Behind the Great Lord of Life and Death, the two energies of life and death flowed like a waterfall. In the waterfall, there were countless caves of life and death that were swirling and floating. The Lord of the Great Path slowly opened his eyes and said, Rong and Rui, why are you panicking?

Rongku suddenly opened his clothes, exposing his chest, and a lotus mark appeared on his chest. It was a flower bone, pedicel and rhizome, piercing into Rongku's heart, as if drawing energy from his heart.

Master, my disciple got the Tao Master's killing order and went to hunt down Xu Ying, but he unexpectedly stamped this magical power on his chest!

Rong Ku told the whole story and kowtowed, Master, please help me!

Lord Dao of Life and Death was quite surprised: Xu Ying was taken away by Taiyi? He actually asked you to bring his magical power to see me. How audacious.

His eyes fell on Rong Ku's chest, carefully examining the lotus mark, and his expression changed slightly: Chaos magical power!

He slowly stretched out his hand and used his immense power to suppress the changes in the lotus to prevent Xu Ying's magical power from exploding.

Wisps of chaotic energy seeped out from the lotus mark.

Lord Dao of Life and Death became more cautious and asked, Did Xu Ying tell me what kind of technique or magical power this is?

The lotus mark suddenly trembled slightly, and turned from the mark into a real lotus. It was picked out from Rong withered's chest, and the roots of the lotus remained in Rong withered's chest.

Seeing this, Rong Ku breathed a sigh of relief and said, He said this magical power is called Lotus Kai Yao Shi, and also said that his technique is called Hong Yuan Ni Zheng or something like that...

Hong Yuan's contrary evidence?

Upon hearing this, Lord Dao of Life and Death's expression suddenly changed. In his hand, the lotus trembled slightly, and the petals opened. At the same time, the flood source hidden in Rong Ku's body erupted!

Daojun Rongku exploded with a bang, and the physical soul and the great abyss were all opened!

Lord Dao of Life and Death covered his face with his sleeves, blocking the impact of this great magical power. After the impact dissipated, Lord Rongku and the half of the hall in front of Yingcui Palace disappeared, replaced by a starry sky, like a newly opened building. The universe is just extremely small!

Lord Dao of Life and Death looked gloomy as he passed between the stars and headed towards Dao Ji Tianwai.

Promise, it's a good death!

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