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Chapter 814 Making a Game

Behind Xu Ying, Daojun Nie Xuan's body was gradually turning into ashes, but he didn't care about this at all, but watched the roots of the eucalyptus tree being assimilated by chaos.

Destroying the eucalyptus trees will not prevent the invasion of the other side. This time the scouts have found the Three Realms and returned. The other side will know the journey between the three realms and the other side. It will only take more than three years.

When Xu Ying first went to the other side, he spent four or five years on the ship, but when he returned to the Three Realms last time, he found that it only took three years.

This shows that the universe of the three realms is growing and getting bigger. It also shows that the trajectory of the three realms in the sea of ​​chaos is gradually moving closer to the other side.

At this speed, it would only take 1,600 years for the ship to be stranded on the other side!

At that time, the Three Realms universe will be stranded on the shore of chaos on the other side!

One thousand six hundred years seems to be a long time, but in the Chaos Sea it is only a blink of an eye. What's more, the other shore knows that the Three Realms are nearby, and will definitely send out a steady stream of scouts to search.

The boundaries of the Three Realms Universe are so large that it is impossible to have enough manpower to guard the boundaries. It will be a matter of time before the scouts find them again.

This time Xu Ying found Tian Jinghai by coincidence, but it is hard to say whether he will arrive in time for the invasion from the other side next time.

Xu Ying sat down here and waited quietly to see if there were any intruders from the other side who would follow the inertia.

A few months later, Yuan Weiyang, Yuanzu and Dao Zongyuan took the lead in arriving at Tianjinghai. They were also searching for the whereabouts of the eucalyptus tree. When they found it nearby, Xu Ying and Immortal clashed. The movement was so loud that they were attracted to it.

Xu Ying said: We still need to stay here for another two and a half years to determine whether there is still the location of the Three Realms on the other side.

The other shore actually plays an anchoring role. First, the orientation of the Three Realms is anchored through the other shore. After entering the Sea of ​​Chaos, you can continue to move forward along this direction.

If after entering the Sea of ​​Chaos, the opponent chops down the eucalyptus tree, you can continue to move forward in this direction even without the guidance of the eucalyptus tree. If there are no errors, the Three Realms can also be found.

This is what Xu Ying is worried about.

Everyone frowned, Yuan Weiyang said: So, the other shore and the Three Realms are only three years away?

Xu Ying nodded slightly and said, When I went to the other side four hundred years ago, it took me four to five years.

As soon as he said this, everyone frowned even more.

The distance between the other shore and the Three Realms is getting closer, and this proximity is not a good thing.

Yuan Weiyang thought: I'm afraid it won't be long before the strong men on the other side will be able to sense the tidal force coming from the Three Realms Universe. If that's the case, it will be easier for the other side to determine the location of the Three Realms!

Dao Zongyuan sighed and said: You can't escape by hiding. You can only prepare for war to deal with unexpected events.

The distant ancestor said in a deep voice: As long as the Three Realms are given a few more years, there will be more and more masters in the Three Realms. If a few Tao masters emerge, they will be able to fight!

When he said this, he felt that there was little hope. The immortal realm was already extremely difficult and most people would be eliminated. How easy is it to reach the Taoist realm?

Moreover, even if one reaches the realm of Dao Lord, compared with existences such as the three Dao Lords on the other side, I'm afraid it will still be much inferior. What's more, the other party also has countless innate spiritual treasures.

Is there any way to hold the other side back? he asked.

Yuan Weiyang and Dao Zongyuan also thought of this and each sighed secretly.

Yes. Xu Ying said suddenly.

Everyone looked at each other with hope. Yuan Weiyang asked: What can we do?

Xu Ying's eyes flashed and he said: If the other side has no time to take care of us, even if it is aware of the location of the Three Realms, it will not invade the Three Realms.

Everyone frowned, how can we prevent the other side from taking care of the Three Realms?

The other shore is eyeing the Three Realms and will not miss any opportunity to annex the Three Realms!

When the other side can sense the Three Realms, it will definitely attack the Three Realms!

Xu Ying's eyes flashed and he said: Opportunities may be given by God, or they may be created by humans. When I go to the other side, I will create opportunities so that the other side has no time to take care of the Three Realms!

Yuan Weiyang woke up and said: You want to rebel?

Xu Ying shook his head and smiled: If I rebel, I don't need the Tao Master to take action. He can send someone with the innate spiritual treasure to kill me. But if the Tao Master rebels, then the Tao Masters on the other side will have trouble sleeping and eating. At that time, , they have no time to take care of the three realms.

He said with a leisurely expression: If the Dao Master on the other side does not take action, others, including Dao Lord, will not be able to do anything to the Three Realms!

He was about to leave by boat, go to the other side, and said to Dao Zongyuan: Brother Dao, after I leave, you will stay here for two and a half years. You must not make any mistakes. If no master from the other side comes for two and a half years, , then we have survived this disaster. If there are still masters coming, we must kill them all and leave no one alive!

Dao Zongyuan smiled and said: Don't worry, I will only be more ruthless than fellow Taoist.

Xu Ying said goodbye to Yuanzu Dalong, saying he would take care of him, and wanted to be gentle with Yuan Weiyang before leaving, but Dao Zongyuan and Yuanzu Dalong happened to be here.

Seeing his expression, Yuan Weiyang knew what he was thinking, and through his spiritual consciousness, he quietly said: My husband, do you want to be gentle before leaving?

Xu Ying nodded quietly.

So Yuan Weiyang said seriously: Ah Ying, there are still some things I don't understand about this Void Avenue. You and I will go to Void and I want to ask for advice.

Xu Ying said happily: Okay.

The two of them then escaped into the void and disappeared.

The distant ancestor dragon tried his best to open his eyes wide and look into the void, but he couldn't see anything. This void is infinitely mysterious, and the underworld is built on the first level of void. There are many ghosts and gods formed by the breath of incense, and various buildings, long rivers, seas of hell, and Yin mountains are formed by the power of thoughts.

The more advanced underworld is built on the second level of void and the third level of void.

However, if you go deeper into the void, no one will set foot there. Yuanzu Dalong tried hard for a long time, but could not see where Xu Ying and others were.

Old Long, what do you see about their gentle couple? Dao Zong said with his eyes looking at his nose and his nose looking at his heart.

The distant ancestor Dalong smiled and said: What kind of gentleness? They are asking for advice on the problem of the Void Avenue. Brother Taoist, don't think so dirty!

Dao Zongyuan sneered, ignored him, and thought to himself: Who hasn't been here before?

When there was a cloud and rain in the sky and the sky cleared up, Xu Ying walked out of the sky in a well-dressed manner and said to Yuan Weiyang: Is there any doubt now?

Yuan Weiyang lowered his eyebrows and said with a smile: I suddenly understood.

Then, I'll go.

Xu Ying sacrificed a green rock building boat and sailed into the tranquil sea.

Yuanzu Dalong looked at Yuan Weiyang and suddenly said: Mrs. Daozu, Dao Zongyuan said that you are not asking for advice from Void Dao, but gentleness.

Yuan Weiyang was immediately embarrassed, and after a pause, he escaped from the void and disappeared without a trace.

The distant ancestor dragon was puzzled and murmured: Why are you running? Our dragon clan is gentle, and we always do it in broad daylight, and we never shy away from other people.

Xu Ying rode the Cuiyan Tower Boat and went all the way, also wanting to find out if there were any strong people on the other side who were rushing to the Three Realms.

After walking all this way for more than a year, I still didn't meet anyone. Xu Ying couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief and whispered: It seems that no one is coming.

When he arrived at the other side, Xu Ying put away the building boat and did not return to Dao Jitian. Instead, his soul entered the void world and asked Changsun Shenghai and others about the restricted areas on the other side.

Changsun Shenghai and others were no strangers to this. They quickly sorted out the restricted areas on the other side and handed them over to him, saying: There are many restricted areas on the other side, as many as seventy-six. There are many dangers inside, even on the main road. If you go in, I'm afraid you'll fall into it too!

Xu Ying accepted the geographical map, carefully studied the geographical location of these restricted areas, and suddenly left, heading to the nearest restricted area, Lingxing Gate.

There must be many Taoist masters from the other side buried in these restricted areas. Rather than waiting for the other side to come knocking on the door, it is better to let the other side take care of itself first!

He was walking in the lower world on the other side, and saw that the people on the other side were full of hostility. There were wars and killings everywhere, and there were constant battles between countries. Each of them used the name of crossing the other side to kill and rob others, and took the opportunity to burn, kill, and plunder others. nation.

This is even more true among monks. The major sects are fighting against each other, and there are many disciples of Dao Lord and Dao Lord among them. What's more, even Dao Lord personally participates in it, stirring up a storm.

The immortals and true kings of Dao Jitian also went down to the realm one after another, each to kill the calamity, eliminate the calamity, and fight for their lives in the future.

They are ruthless in their actions, destroying countries at every turn, and even destroying entire worlds.

On the way to the restricted area of ​​Lingxingmen, Xu Ying saw immortals fighting outside the sky, causing thousands of stars to shatter and the suns to extinguish one after another in the starry sky. It was truly spectacular. But there are probably countless people who died because of this.

Seeing this, Xu Ying praised: Let the people at the bottom kill each other and eliminate the bad luck, and then the gentlemen of Dao Jitian can sit back and relax. These gentlemen are indeed good at manipulating people's hearts.

After a few days, he found the Lingxing Gate. There was a star gate here, shaped like a window lattice, made entirely of wood, standing tall between heaven and earth, swallowing up the power of others.

Looking into the door from a distance, I saw stars rushing back and forth like fireflies, swimming endlessly in the door.

There were so many stars, so densely packed that they were countless.

Xu Ying looked at the portal and saw that the wood used in the portal was extremely strange, unlike any wood he had ever seen.

Xu Ying frowned slightly and whispered: As a restricted area, Lingxing Gate is definitely not an ordinary portal. Will this portal be an innate spiritual treasure?

He couldn't tell whether this object was an innate spiritual treasure. After observing it for a moment, he walked into the Lingxing Gate.

Entering this portal, you will see more stars, like a sea of ​​stars. There is a fairy palace rising and falling between the sea of ​​stars.

Xu Ying looked around, but still couldn't tell whether Xinghai was an innate spiritual treasure or Lingxingmen was an innate spiritual treasure.

After a while, he walked into the sea of ​​​​stars and walked towards the fairy palace in the center of the stars.

He walked among the gravel-like stars and waded through the galaxy. In an instant, countless stars hit him, making Xu Ying's body sore and numb.

He continued to move forward, and the impact became more severe, but it could not hurt him.

Xu Ying activated the magical power of reincarnation, rolled up countless stars, and incorporated them into the reincarnation, making the reincarnation wheel shine brighter and brighter.

It seems that Lingxing Sect is the real innate spiritual treasure.

Xu Ying's pressure was greatly reduced and he walked forward, all the way to the front of the Immortal Palace.

Fellow Taoists in the Immortal Palace, I promise to make a good relationship! Xu Ying said.

There was silence in the Immortal Palace. After a moment, a voice said faintly: You are quite good at cultivation, and you are able to cross the sea of ​​​​stars and come here. It seems that a being of your strength can barely do it on the other side and be listed as a Dao Lord. But I want to You’re not qualified enough to have a good relationship.”

Xu Ying walked forward and came to the hall. He saw a black coffin hanging on the caisson of the main hall.

Xu Ying came to the coffin and said with a solemn expression: Brother Dao, do you want to escape the fate of suppression, or continue to be suppressed here? I can rescue you from trouble, or I can bring you back to life through sacrifice.

The voice in the coffin fell silent again.

Xu Ying was about to persuade, when suddenly the voice said: Are you planning to rescue me?

Xu Ying smiled slightly.

Not long after, news spread quietly that a strange treasure was born in the Lingxing Sect. It was brilliant and aura-like. It was a lotus-shaped treasure that breathed out immortal aura.

The most attractive thing is that there is actually a luminous object on the lotus flower. From a distance, it looks like a flood source!

As soon as this news came out, there was an uproar, attracting countless strong men from the other side to move towards Lingxing Gate.

Taojun Hunyuan also heard the news and couldn't help showing doubts: Chaos lotus, Hongyuan, why does it sound so familiar? Doesn't Xu Ying have a Hongyuan? It seems to be in this form...

He also heard about the calamity and deliberately hid in Dao Jitian and refused to go out to join in the killing and eliminating the calamity.

It's just that Chaos Lotus and Hong Yuan are really tempting.

Could it be that Xu Ying died in Lingxing Gate, and Chaos Lotus and Hong Yuan exploded from his body?

Daojun Hunyuan was very excited. Not many people knew about Xu Yinghongyuan. He only told this secret to his close friend Daojun Dao Sheng.

If you can get this flood source, your life will be worth it! No matter what calamity or calamity, you can easily deal with it!

He immediately set off, left Dao Jitian, and headed straight for Lingxing Gate.

When I arrived at Lingxing Gate, I saw that the place was already crowded with people, and there was not even a place to stay.

Daojun Hunyuan was not polite and directly suppressed a group of people on the other side into the energy of chaos and dispersed them, so some people took the initiative to give up a large area of ​​their position.

Brother Hunyuan is really overbearing in his dealings.

Hunyuan Daojun went to see him, but it was Duyu Zhenjun who started practicing Hongmeng Dao. This True Lord Du Yu is also a Tao Lord, and the power of Hongmeng Avenue is no less powerful than his Chaos Avenue.

Hunyuan Daojun ignored True Lord Duyu and looked into the portal, feeling awe-struck in his heart: It is indeed Chaos Lotus and Hong Yuan! It seems that the person named Xu really died here!

Suddenly a voice came: Waiting outside, I don't know how long it will take until the Year of the Monkey! Let's rush in together. If you don't believe it, you can't win the sea of ​​​​stars and win the treasure lotus!

When Taojun Hunyuan heard this voice, he felt that it sounded familiar.

At this moment, people began to rush through the Star Gate. The moment they stepped into the Star Sea, countless people died tragically, unable to fight against the Star Sand.

Taojun Hunyuan was also facing disaster and rushed into the sea of ​​​​stars with the people.

King Yu Shaozhen also came here, took a look from a distance, turned around and left without stopping, thinking: I can come here to try my luck, but this is obviously for harvesting!

In the center of the sea of ​​​​stars, next to the coffin in the Immortal Palace, Xu Ying said leisurely: Brother Taoist, are my methods still effective?

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