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Chapter 813 The body of the Supreme, counterattack and immortality

Daojun Nie Xuan couldn't help but get angry, waved his hand suddenly, and sneered: Back then, Taiyi Sect had nine hatreds protecting you, but now it's not in Taiyi Sect! Junior brothers, take him down!

Although the cultivation strength of the Gods and Demons Daojun is not as good as that of the Taiyi Daojun, the immortals in the Gods and Demons Dao Sect are much more than those of the Taiyi Dao Sect.

——Of course, the main reason why there are so many immortals in the Dao of Gods and Demons is because the Dao of Gods and Demons is lower than the Taiyi Dao and is easier to cultivate. The Taiyi Dao is the ancestor of all the Dao, and includes all the Dao in the world except the Nine Dao, including Yin and Yang, gods and demons, and life and death.

Next to Daojun Nie Xuandao are the twenty-four immortals of the Eight True Kings under the sect of Daojun Dao of Gods and Demons. They all take action at this moment!

However, just as they took action, snow suddenly fell on the road, and everyone could clearly hear the sound of crying on the road.

The wind and snow were coming, and the snowflakes were flying, which greatly reduced the power of their magical powers.

Even Daojun Nie Xuan noticed that his own Dao was invaded and replaced by an inexplicable Dao pattern, turning into Dao snow!

Even though his cultivation is extremely strong, he cannot suppress this substitution trend!

I, Li Wen on the other side, may not be as good as the Three Realms Dao Patterns! His scalp was numb and he thought to himself.

Xu Ying met the Eight True Kings and the Twenty-Four Immortals of the Taoist Sect of Gods and Demons. The Eight True Kings and the Twenty-Four Immortals' magical powers were extremely dazzling. The Tao power turned into an ancient god and ancient demon and came from the void to kill Xu Ying.

However, when everyone's magical powers came to him, they continued to weaken. The ancient gods and ancient demons each shrank and were immediately swallowed up by his figure.

There seems to be an invisible flood source of annihilation around him, swallowing these magical powers into the flood source, making it inviolable.

And those magical powers were restored to the power of chaos, and the power of chaos evolved into the power of Hongmeng, Tai Chi, Wuji, Taiyi, etc., allowing him to continuously improve his cultivation strength in battle!

In the past, when I returned to the other side, I would always suppress my cultivation and strength, and turn my Dao patterns into Li Wen, lest my own Dao patterns turn the other side into Dao ashes.

Xu Ying activated his killing method, turned into a sword energy and held it in his hand. He walked around and killed these immortal and true kings. He said leisurely, Now, I can finally use my peak self to compete with the masters on the other side. !”

He rushed into the crowd, his sword flashed, and he stabbed Kong Zun.

Kong Zun was in the early stage of the Immortal Realm and had just become qualified to preach in the universe. He preached in the four universes and gained many disciples. When he noticed Xu Ying's sword stabbing him, illusions suddenly appeared in front of his eyes, as if all kinds of disasters were coming one after another, making him feel that there was no way to avoid the sword.


Xu Ying pierced Kong Zun's forehead with a sword, and the sword light invaded his body, destroying his soul, along with dozens of caves and abyss behind him. It was truly devastating.

He killed Kong Zun with one sword, and other immortals and true kings had already swarmed over. Seeing that their magical powers had no effect, they each offered their magic weapons.

The power of the magic weapon is infinitely more powerful than the magical power, and the speed is faster. Even if Xu Ying forms a dojo like a flood of annihilation around him, it is not enough to withstand these magic weapons.

However, at the moment when their magic weapon was sacrificed, time and space suddenly shook violently, and time and space reincarnations were erratic, including everyone, whistling and spinning!

Some people were thrown hundreds of millions of miles away, while others were pressed into the sea of ​​chaos and separated. This is the magical power of reincarnation.

King Gong Luchen was also swept up by a halo of reincarnation. She was calm in the face of danger and immediately activated the power of gods and demons to tear apart the reincarnation with her arrogant power. Suddenly, her body plummeted downwards.

Gong Lu was shocked. She quickly fell from the first reincarnation to the second, then the third, fourth, and fifth!

She fell faster and faster, and in an instant it seemed as if she had lived through life after life, and her cultivation power and understanding were constantly being deprived of her!

Gong Lu was frightened in her heart. When she fell to the thirtieth level of reincarnation, all her cultivation power was stripped away. She lost all kinds of understanding. Even the abyss in the darkness behind her was destroyed and disappeared!

She has transformed from an immortal king to an ordinary person!

My cultivation...

She was panicked, and suddenly a sword light flew towards her and pierced her throat.

Xu Ying drew his sword, and a string of blood spurted out from the Jurchen King's throat, completely losing his vitality.

In the distance, pieces of powerful magic weapons came from afar, shattering time and space and suppressing the avenue of heaven and earth. At that time, the immortals who had just been promised to be sent to the distance came back with a vengeance.

In the sea of ​​tranquility, there is also an immortal and a true king who rushes out of the chaotic sea. They are furious and activate their magic weapons to kill Xu Ying!

Xu Ying walked with his sword in hand and strolled around, ignoring the increasingly powerful magic weapons.

Behind his head, the ring of reincarnation became brighter and brighter, suddenly becoming golden and turning from the ring of reincarnation into a golden wheel of cause and effect.

In the golden wheel, a strange eye suddenly opened. In an instant, cause and effect chaos occurred near Tianjing Sea. The immortal treasures that had just attacked Xu Ying suddenly fell into mutual attacks. The magic treasures collided with each other. In just a moment, half of them were destroyed. The magic weapon was destroyed.

Xu Ying chopped off the head of True King Jinhe with one sword. King Jinhe's soul was divided into ten thousand, and he threw himself into tens of thousands of caves and abyss behind him, escaping to different universes, shouting: Xu Ying, don't even think about killing me!

Xu Ying flicked his sword with his fingers, and the sword energy buzzed and vibrated. In an instant, it divided into ten thousand parts and penetrated the void. It also flew into the tens of thousands of caves and abyss behind True King Jinhe, faster than the many souls of True King Jinhe!

Many of Jin Hezhen King's souls were killed before they could fly out of the cave abyss!

The two immortals Yan Ao and Murong Xi were close to each other and immediately came to kill them. Before they even got close, they saw Xu Ying's thousands of sword energy flying out from the golden crane's cave abyss, and swish, swish, and merged into Xu Ying's hand. In the sword light.

The sword light stabbed at the two of them. The two of them hurriedly resisted, but they missed the target, and they fell into reincarnation involuntarily.

While they were still landing, they saw two sword energy coming out of nowhere, piercing their hearts and stabbing them to death midway.

The ultimate way of gods and demons!

Nie Xuandao Lord shouted violently and came from behind Xu Ying. He pushed the divine and demonic powers to the extreme, like a god or a demon, and punched him!

Xu Ying turned his back to him, and chopped off the head of the charging King Chi Nan with one sword. He raised his other hand, turned around, pressed down the hand of Chaos Hundian, and collided with the fist blast from Dao Lord Nie Xuan!


The surging Taoist power of the two people swept across all directions, making the immortals rushing towards each other unsteady and terrified in their hearts.

Xu Ying's body shook slightly, but Lord Nie Xuan's eyes, ears, mouth and nose were bleeding, his fists exploded, and flowers bloomed in all directions.


He spurted blood from his mouth, and the blood in his mouth was mixed with the energy of chaos and ash, which was extremely shocking.

Xu Ying was surprised and praised: You are the first immortal to take one of my moves without dying. You are worthy of being a Dao Lord. Try another move from me!

The sword light flashed in his hand, and he controlled the killing sword with calamity. Although it was a simple sword, when it fell in Nie Xuan's field of vision, there was sword light everywhere in front of him, blocking all his possible ways of evading and attacking. Resist, block them all!

This is a sword that combines calamity and killing. Even a Taoist like him has no way to dodge or resist!

At this moment, other Immortal and True Kings sacrificed their magic weapons one after another, pressed them down together, and shouted: Suppress!

Xu Ying's momentum was blocked, and they were able to suppress him with their combined efforts, and he paused.

Lord Nie Xuandao was about to die under his sword. As soon as he recovered from his shock, he secretly uttered a sigh of shame and immediately raised his arms. A scroll of formation diagrams unfolded in the air, and a god and a demon jumped out of the formation diagram!

All things gods and demons!

Nie Xuandao Lord shouted violently, and the Gods and Demons All-Seeing Diagram incorporated a number of immortal magic weapons into the formation diagram, and the power of the formation diagram suddenly increased sharply!

Daojun Nie Xuan activated the Xuan Gong and shouted: All junior brothers and sisters, mobilize all the magic power of the universe, activate the array, and suppress the rebels!

The remaining immortals and true kings each took to the air, surrounding Xu Ying, their magic power exploded, and the caves and abyss of thousands of gods and demons in the darkness behind them lit up one after another, harvesting their successors in the universe, stealing and harvesting their power!

In just an instant, the all-encompassing picture of gods and demons suppressed Xu Ying.

In the Vientiane Picture, one god and one demon carry many immortal treasures around the source of annihilation, making various strange movements, which are like sacrifices, the art of blessing, and the method of worship!

Xu Ying's eyes flashed fiercely, and his body suddenly swayed, transforming from a human form into a source of annihilation. In an instant, he saw that many magic weapons, together with the gods and demons in the Wanxiang Diagram, were pulled into the source of annihilation.

Xu Ying swallowed many magic weapons in one gulp, and immediately transformed into a human body from the flood source state. He stretched out his hand to grab it, grabbed an immortal's neck, and picked him up.


He opened his mouth and shouted violently, and the remains of many immortal treasures in his mouth that had not been transformed flew out one after another, beating the immortal to pieces together with the darkness and the cave behind him!

There was a buzzing sound in the back of Xu Ying's head, and the eye of cause and effect in the golden wheel of cause and effect suddenly opened.

Cause and effect were chaotic all around, and the attacks of other immortals suddenly turned, no longer attacking Xu Ying, but attacking each other!

For a time, the war was raging, and the immortals under the sect of the gods and demons were killing each other. With the flying snow, they became more and more ruthless.

Cause and effect were messed up between them, and their hatred for Xu Ying was transferred to each other. For a while, they felt that the other party was their life and death enemy who killed his brother, his father, his wife and his children.

Even if there were quarrels of words and resentment in the past, they all broke out at this moment!

Xu Ying passed between these people, and when these immortals encountered him, they took the initiative to avoid him. Their magical powers were occasionally out of order, and when they were about to hit Xu Ying, they would always bypass him at the moment they were about to hit him.

The corners of Daojun Nie Xuan's eyes twitched as he watched Xu Ying pass among thousands of flowers, not a single leaf touching his body. This is the manifestation of the application of the Great Path of Cause and Effect to the Great Path!

The promise at this moment is the avenue of cause and effect, which not only prevents cause and effect from affecting oneself, but also controls the cause and effect of others.

After Xu Ying's death, King Geng Xizhen beheaded Miao Feng, Jin Yang and Ji Ting died together, Chang Ce blinded Yan Xian's eyes, and Wang Hou cut off Nan Min's head.

Many immortals under the sect of Lord Dao of Gods and Demons are killing each other without stopping, and some people keep falling down.

This scene is truly terrifying.

King Yu Shaozhen was also among the many strong men who besieged Xu Ying, but when others were besieging Xu Ying, he was the only one who was far away from Xu Ying and could not do anything.

At this moment, seeing that others were controlled by cause and effect and killing each other, he hurriedly turned around and left, jumped on a green rock boat and plunged into the sea of ​​tranquility.

In this battle, I am afraid that our entire army will be wiped out. I am leaving a single seedling for the Gods and Demons Sect! He thought to himself.

Xu Ying walked towards Daojun Nie Xuan and said calmly: The Avenue of Gods and Demons is just a good innate avenue. Among the nine roads I control, it can be regarded as one of the more than 300 avenues subordinate to Taiyi. 1. My Taiyi has achieved immortality, and the Great Way of Gods and Demons has naturally achieved immortality as well.

He stopped and looked up at the giant Dao Lord Nie Xuan: Nie Xuan, before I achieved the Dao of Reincarnation, I once competed with Dao Sheng, a fellow who also practiced the Dao of Reincarnation. He was able to resist the invasion of the Dao Mark of the Three Realms, and even took the initiative to enter Samsara, transforming Li Wen into a new Dao pattern. I fought with him and killed him more than a hundred times, but in the end I was defeated by him because my attainments in Samsara were not as good as his.

Lord Nie Xuandao's expression suddenly changed.

The Great Way of Taiyi is the ancestor of all the ways, and all the ways, including gods and demons, all originate from Taiyi. The Great Way of Reincarnation is the sect of all the ways. All the ways, including gods and demons, are running in the cycle of reincarnation, and it is difficult to escape from the cycle of reincarnation!

Although he and Dao Shengzi are both Dao Lords, in terms of strength, he is not as good as Dao Shengzi Liang!

My battle with Dao Shengzi happened more than two hundred years ago. Xu Ying said softly.

Behind him, the immortal strong men who respected both gods and demons fell one after another, and their physical souls turned into ashes. Some saw the opportunity early and escaped immediately, quickly leaving their bodies. Their souls escaped and sneaked into the cave in the darkness behind them, trying to escape. to other universes.

As long as he seizes his body and is reborn, he can make a comeback!

However, the golden wheel of cause and effect behind Xu Ying's head suddenly turned into a killing sword, and the sword energy also penetrated the abyss of the immortals of the gods and demons, and followed their souls.

Lord Nie Xuandao couldn't bear it any longer. He shouted loudly and rushed towards Xu Ying. At the moment when the two of them were fighting, Lord Nie Xuandao suddenly divided his body into two parts, one left and one right. He turned into a god and a demon and rushed towards Xu Ying. Attack!

Behind Xu Ying's head, the killing sword suddenly fell. Xu Ying held the sword in his hand, the sword light poured out, and the killing sword suddenly started.

Daojun Nie Xuan's offensive is indeed fierce, but in the face of the killing sword, he feels that even the path of gods and demons will be killed under the killing blow, and people will die!

The sword rays flickered vertically and horizontally, and Xu Ying's figure could not be seen, only pieces of snowflake-like sword rays could be seen. These immortals not only attacked Nie Xuan, but also attacked other immortals from the gods and demons. In the blink of an eye, one by one the immortals fell under the sword and became dead souls!

Nie Xuandao Lord, the gods and demons merged into one, and he was suddenly struck by a sword. He felt that his own path had been cut off, as if a part of it had been cut off. He couldn't help but panic and confused his Taoist mind!

His mind was in a state of confusion, and he turned into ashes even faster.

As for the others, their Taoist hearts were even more chaotic than his. Dao ashes were flying around their bodies like billowing smoke, and they could not escape Xu Ying's killing sword!

Around Nie Xuan, figures fell one after another. They were immortals from the Gods and Demons Sect. At this moment, they were struck by swords and died tragically. Their bodies and souls exploded one after another, turning into billowing ash and flying away!

Nie Xuan secretly regretted in his heart: Why is Master so eager to conquer the Three Realms and wants me to be the vanguard of the God and Demon Sect!

Suddenly, Xu Ying swiped his sword across Nie Xuan's head, then sheathed his sword and turned around and walked towards the eucalyptus tree.

Lord Nie Xuandao couldn't help but be overjoyed when he saw that his back was turned to him. He immediately shouted loudly and struck Xu Ying in the back.

Just when his energy and blood were circulating, suddenly the Tianling Cap and his scalp flew up together, and the Great Path of Gods and Demons in his body broke, shattering into pieces in an instant!

Naie His contact was lost.

His soul suddenly shook slightly, then shattered into countless tiny cubes.

In the corner of his vision, Xu Ying swung his sword and cut off the eucalyptus tree.

The towering tree fell into the sea of ​​chaos and was swallowed up by the energy of chaos.

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