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Chapter 810 Taoist Alliance on the Other Side

There is also Jingjie, there is Zhong Yuliu, a master of the avenue, who was once a disciple of the Taiyi Sect. Xu Ying said.

Changsun Shenghai's eyes lit up and he said with a smile: I heard from Master Tongtian about this Taoist Master Yuliu. Before he became a Taoist Master, I heard people mention that Taoist Master Yuliu was assassinated after he became a Taoist Master! Later! The loss of contact in the scenery has caused quite a disturbance on the other side.”

I did it. Xu Ying couldn't help but feel proud.

Changsun Shenghai suggested: Since we, the rebellious parties, all come from the Taiyi sect, we might as well call it the Taiyi Alliance.

Xu Ying shook his head and said: If this matter spreads, it won't be long before Teacher Taiyi comes to an end. The name doesn't matter. I'll change it when I think of a better name.

Changsun Shenghai knew that he was not good at naming, so he smiled and said: Okay. We must have a way to contact each other, and we also need to get together frequently.

Xu Ying thought: I have recently practiced the Void Avenue, thinking that it is convenient to travel in the void. I suspect that the major universes can be connected through the void. If this can be verified, it may be easier for us to communicate.

He took out a piece of Void Pendant and gave it to Changsun Shenghai, and taught him the refining method, saying: This jade pendant can enter the void world, which is a small world I set up on the twenty-eighth level of the void. The jade pendant can Take your spirit with you to and from the void world. I want to go back to my hometown to have a look, so I won’t go back with you.

He was homesick, and since it was rare to go to sea this time, he naturally wanted to return to the Three Realms.

Changsun Shenghai said: The location of the Three Realms is a secret. The fewer people know about it, the better. Lend me a boat and I will return to the other side.

Xu promised that there were many Cuiyan Tower Boats here, so he handed the boat at his feet to him and took out another Tower Boat himself.

Changsun Shenghai was not in a hurry to leave and asked: I saw you transform into a flood source of Nirvana, traveling through the tribulations of Nirvana. You are very accomplished in the Great Way of Nirvana. I wonder if you have encountered the paradox of Nirvana?

Xu Ying asked: What is the paradox of annihilation?

Changsun Shenghai said: My knowledge of the Way of Nirvana was also gained through my enlightenment in the Imperial Realm. When I comprehended the Way of Nirvana, my cultivation was still shallow. After entering samadhi, I only felt that I was about to transform into the Way of Nirvana. Destroy everything and repay the cause and effect. This desire for destruction is to destroy yourself too. When I practice this way, I am often troubled by this desire for destruction. Because practicing this method has a tendency of self-destruction, cultivating this way is self-destruction. When it is destroyed, I call it the paradox of annihilation.”

Xu Ying thought about it and found that he did have this thought when he first entered concentration, but later it turned into a flood source of annihilation and he no longer had this thought.

Maybe it's because the meditation is not deep enough.

Changsun Shenghai guessed, This time you relied on devouring other flood sources of annihilation to seize a large amount of Tao power and Tao magic, but you have never understood it in detail.

Xu Ying said slowly: In other words, if I gain enlightenment, I may also enter the paradox of annihilation.

Changsun Shenghai said: Even if you don't self-destruct, you may not be able to control the urge to destroy everything and go on a killing spree. When you practice this way, you must be careful. It is best to have an expert to protect you. Otherwise, don't practice it easily. If you are practicing cultivation, you should never enter the Tao! After entering the Tao, you will never be able to control yourself!

Xu Ying nodded solemnly.

The two of them said goodbye to each other and set off on their own journeys.

Changsun Shenghai played with the Void Pendant and whispered: Void Realm? If it is really secretive and easy to come and go, then our small alliance can be established.

He was in high spirits: Go back to the other side first, find Qingxuan, Shengzun and others, and make long-term plans!

After more than ten years, he returned to the other side. The other side is now in chaos. Everyone is in the midst of a murder. They are in danger and cannot protect themselves. Changsun Shenghai searched around to find out the whereabouts of Qingxuan and others. It took several years before he found them.

He told everyone about the alliance against the other side, and everyone happily joined.

Changsun Shenghai took out several pieces of void pendants he had made and handed them to everyone.

Everyone's souls ascended and entered the realm of the void. Only then did they know that there were such wonderful places in the depths of the void. It was an eye-opener for them all.

Changsun Shenghai went to invite Zhuo Daochun again, and everyone gathered in the void world, each with their own ideas, and jointly opened up space to build an immortal temple.

Xu Daozu is not here, so we are the only ones talking to each other. As the saying goes, the name is not justified, so today we will name our alliance.

Changsun Shenghai asked, Do you have any famous names?

The Holy Lord said: We came from different universes to overthrow the other side. This is an act of great justice and should be called a righteous alliance.

Qingxuan shook his head and said: We are all just trying to survive. There is no need to put ourselves in the position of justice and tie ourselves up. If you want to overthrow the other side and do evil, will you do it?

Of course I will do it. The Holy Lord said flatly.

Zhuo Daochun said: In my opinion, we belong to different universes, and for the same goal, we are people of the same way. It should be called a Taoist alliance, an alliance of people of the same way. We also come from the same sect of Taiyi, so it is better to call it Taiyi Alliance. .”

Don't trap the teacher in injustice, it's called the Taoist Alliance on the Other Side.

Everyone talked about it and used the name Bian'an Taoist League.

Changsun Shenghai said: Since it is the Taoist Alliance on the other side, and it also means a Taoist alliance, then we should imprint the Taoism we collected on it in the void world to facilitate communication with each other.

Everyone laughed and said, That's exactly the truth.

They each imprinted their own Taoism and turned it into stone tablets covered with inscriptions.

During this period, Taoist Patriarch Yuxu, Taoist Taiqing and others came several times. Seeing this, they couldn't help but shake their heads and said with a smile: These young people have some weird ideas in their heads. Let them go.

The Taoist Alliance on the Other Side was established in the void world, and people often flew here with their souls to imprint the various Taoisms they collected.

A few months later, suddenly there was a woman's soul in the void world. Everyone was shocked. Qingxuan quickly asked: How come Mrs. Daozu is free to come?

The woman looked around in surprise and exclaimed: Ah Ying didn't lie to me, the void really connects all the universes!

The Holy Master and Taoist Wukong also came forward to pay homage and asked the lady to take a seat.

Mrs. Daozu smiled and said: Aying returned to the Three Realms and talked about creating the Void Realm in the void. He also said that the void may connect different universes, but it cannot be verified. So I stole his Void Pendant, and Yuan Shen came to visit. Unexpectedly, It’s really possible to come here.”

The Holy Lord frowned slightly and said: Mrs. Daozu is a little too courageous. If there is an error on the way, won't you have to suffer?

Mrs. Daozu talked about what she saw on the way, saying: In the void, after leaving the three realms of the universe, we came to a piece of gel material, but it was relatively thin. The void wore my soul and passed through the gel, and then we came to Here. Come to think of it, the distance between the Three Realms and the other shore is already very close, so there is not much gel material in the void. It only took me half a year to get here.

Everyone looked at each other and couldn't help but look solemn.

It only took half a year to pass through the amber zone between the two universes, but the distance between the two universes was already very close.

Changsun Shenghai said: Over the years, the other side has been searching for the whereabouts of the Three Realms and constantly sending out new scouts...

Mrs. Daozu didn't stay in the Void Realm for long, so she went back on her own, saying that she wanted to summon the elites of the three realms to come to the Void Realm to understand the various Taoisms here.

Two years later, hundreds of supreme beings from the three realms came to the void realm to understand the Taoism and master the secrets.

When Xuhuang, Yuqing and others heard about the visitors from their hometown, they hurriedly came to the Void Realm to meet the people from their hometown, and it was very lively for a while.

Seeing this situation, Changsun Shenghai felt a little moved in his heart, returned to his physical body, and came to Biyou Palace to seek an audience with Taoist Master Tongtian. It's just that Biyou Palace has been closed and enveloped by a sword energy, so he can't enter.

Changsun Shenghai had no choice but to leave a piece of the void pendant, bowed to Biyou Palace and told Biyou Palace about the visitors from the Three Realms, then turned and left.

Not long after, the void pendant flew up and entered the Biyou Palace.

A few days later, a tall, thin old man with a solemn appearance came to the Void Realm. He had a weird temper and asked where the people from the Three Realms came from. He also liked to listen to others talk.

When others asked him about his origins, he did not say anything. He only left a Sword Sutra and a Killing Dao Sutra in the void world, and then left.

The Sword Classic is an acquired skill, and the Slaying Dao Jing is a Tao master-level skill. Both skills are extraordinary.

Mrs. Daozu was also alerted and came to check, and said to the Immortal Emperor Xu Jing: Judging from the number of skills, the person who left the skills should be Taoist Tongtian in the earth and immortal world back then.

After a hundred years of this, the supreme masters of the three realms thoroughly understood various Taoisms, and then they returned to the three realms.

They came to the human world, the earthly immortal world and the heavenly immortal world to pass on the Taoism and Dharma they had learned.

There are also people who come to the ruins of Yuanjie to teach Taoism and magical powers.

Seeing this situation, Xu Ying was touched and said to Mrs. Daozu: Weiyang, for the first time in the younger generation, the Three Realms have transcended the other side.

When Daozu's wife Yuan Weiyang heard this, she nodded slightly and felt a little excited.

More than three hundred and fifty years have passed since Xu Ying left the Three Realms for the first time and went to the other side. From the beginning, he was poor and weak, to the current prosperity of Taoism.

Although the other shore is still more comprehensive in terms of Taoism, it is no longer as good as the Three Realms in terms of basic Taoism patterns, and it is not as good as the Three Realms in terms of the depth of Taoism.

Now, with only the top combat power, the Three Realms lag far behind the other side.

There are Taoists on the other side, thousands of immortals, true kings, Taoists and Daolords, with the backing of the vast universe, and a steady stream of talents for them to squander.

In front of this behemoth, the Three Realms are still as weak as ants.

However, over time, this will all change.

Xu Ying hugged Yuan Weiyang, hugged her into his arms, smelled the fragrance of her hair, put his hands into her clothes, and said with a smile, When the three thousand years comes, the disaster on the other side will break out, one will wax and wane, the other will wax and wane. The Three Realms at that time cannot be underestimated by the other side!

Yuan Weiyang felt weak under his touch, and she couldn't help but feel emotional, and said angrily: It's not serious, let outsiders see it...

Xu Ying laughed and said, With the way I am doing now, who can see it?

Even so, the two of them boarded the Cuiyan Tower Boat and went to heaven together.

Don’t mention it.

After the joy, Xu Ying felt that he had reached the holy state of having no desires and no demands, so he quietly left.

He came to Xianting to see the empress Lan Suying. Over the years, Empress Lan Suying has been meditating on the past and future lives, especially after Xu Ying taught her the Way of Reincarnation and the Way of Cause and Effect, her attainments on this path have also advanced by leaps and bounds.

Lan Suying glanced at him and said: Where has the prince been fooling around? He is full of makeup and powder.

Xu Ying said quickly: Where is it? Queen Mother, how is your Xuan Gong progress?

Lan Suying was originally proficient in the art of cause and effect, and was the number one divine calculator in the three realms. It was only after she became the empress that she became lazy. Over the years, Xu Ying taught her the Way of Reincarnation and the Way of Cause and Effect, and only then did she take the practice seriously.

It is really difficult to unify the past and the future. With my current achievements, it is still not possible.

She shook her head and said, I guess I won't be able to practice it. How about your father passing the throne to you and letting someone in your family be the empress. She is very capable, and I will enjoy my happiness.

Xu Ying smiled and said: I have no intention of proclaiming myself emperor...

Lan Suying said meaningfully: If you become emperor, don't you want seventy-two concubines in the three palaces and six courtyards? Think about it, all the girls you were attracted to in the past and the girls you missed can be married back and placed in the harem. .”

Xu Ying was greatly moved and said: Mother, then why does my father not have three palaces and six courtyards?

Xu Jing? He dares!

Lan Suying gritted her silver teeth and sneered, His throne was earned for him by my son. How dare he take a concubine? Even if I don't touch him, my son will scalp him and send him away. Exchange money on the other side!”

Xu Ying stayed in the imperial palace and taught my mother the method of reincarnation. Yuan Weiyang also moved to the palace and practiced together in their free time.

Yuan Weiyang was extremely interested in the inheritance of Kunlun. He studied the Tao of the Void and became more and more accomplished in the Tao of the Void. He soon surpassed Xu Ying.

Xu Ying did not go to the other side, nor did he care about the killings and robberies on the other side. He had a rare leisure time, fell in love with Yuan Weiyang and became a concubine, and they were romantic and happy. However, the advancement of cultivation is not slow at all.

After several decades, he understood the way of calamity and luck, and finally cultivated calamity to the level of immortality.

Xu Ying turned to the Wuji Dao to perform painful exercises, but the Wuji Dao system was complicated and contained five Tai Tai. If he wanted to practice this technique to the immortal realm, the Five Tai Tais needed to be promoted to the immortal realm.

He could only improve one avenue at a time, and his entry was delayed.

I cultivated the Great Way of Nirvana in the Imperial Realm, turned it into a flood source of Nirvana, and swallowed it into a giant flood source. The Great Way of Nirvana and the power of Nirvana contained in my body are logically enough for me to cultivate to the level of immortality. Since the Great Way of Infinity It’s difficult to cultivate in a short time, why not try the Great Way of Nirvana?”

Xu Ying thought of this, remembered Changsun Shenghai's warning and the paradox of annihilation, and felt a little hesitant in his heart.

If the Taoist heart is not stable enough, it is very likely to fall into a paradox, and the Taoist heart will be swallowed up by annihilation and become a slave of the annihilation road.

In that case, if he loses control of himself, he may go on a killing spree, endangering all sentient beings in the three realms!

This was definitely not what he wanted to see.

Xu Ying left the imperial palace and came to the Yuan Realm. He mentioned this matter to Dao Zongyuan, the Taoist master of the Yuan Realm, and said: To practice the way of annihilation, you need an expert to protect the law. Among the three realms, only Taoist brothers have such Mana. So come shamelessly.

Dao Zongyuan was extremely surprised and said: Fellow Taoist Xu has actually improved to this level? Since my fellow Taoist asked me to do it, how dare I disobey you?

Min Bo, Guo Daozi and others quickly tried to dissuade him, saying: Tao Master, we in the Yuan Realm are caught in a catastrophe and are struggling to survive. If we practice Nirvana here and the Tao Master is overtaken by the catastrophe...

Dao Zongyuan smiled and said: It doesn't matter. His catastrophe is different from our Yuanjie catastrophe, and it will not be contaminated by us. Besides, if fellow Taoist Xu cultivates the Great Way of Nirvana, it will be a good thing for us and can help us avoid our catastrophe. , far from silence.”

Only then did Min Bo and others give up.

Xu Ying then sat in front of Dao Zongyuan's huge body, and gradually fell into trance and fell into silence.

Dao Zongyuan originally had a smile on his face and looked calm and leisurely. When he saw him entering Taoism, his expression suddenly changed.

not good!

His consciousness hurriedly settled into the body of the Taoist Master, and without any explanation, he pointed at Promise!

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