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Chapter 809 The Emperor’s Realm Returns to Light

The Big Bell and the Chaos Lotus are still floating on the edge of the Imperial Realm universe, waiting quietly. During these days, they have been practicing separately, but they also realize that the Imperial Realm is declining, and they are afraid that they will not be able to hold on for long.

However, to their expectation, the Imperial Realm actually persisted for decades without the Nirvana Tribulation breaking out.

On this day, Changsun Shenghai, who had been sitting under the eucalyptus tree for a long time, suddenly said: The avenue of robbery and the avenue of killing have turned from prosperity to decline, and the disaster of annihilation is about to come!

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw that the ever-turbulent sea of ​​chaos suddenly calmed down.

Big Bell and Chaos Lotus suddenly felt that Changsun Shenghai had landed on the Cuiyan Tower ship next to them and said: The Tribulation of Nirvana has begun.

Da Zhong said hurriedly: A Ying is still inside!

Changsun Shenghai shook his head and said: There is no hope. When the Nirvana Tribulation begins, even a Taoist master will find it difficult to survive. Although Master Xu has extraordinary abilities, if he cannot escape at the beginning of the Nirvana Tribulation, I am afraid he will never be able to escape again. out.

As soon as he said this, he saw the Imperial Realm universe violently turbulent and shrinking crazily. Countless flood sources of annihilation devoured each other and fell toward the central giant flood source!

The light of destruction was so bright that even the Sea of ​​Chaos was torn open, and the turbulent seawater poured down into huge flood sources, large and small.

The huge central flood source expanded crazily, swallowing everything, sweeping away everything that was left in the Imperial Realm, pulling it into the flood source and smashing it to pieces!

Flood sources, large and small, burst out with bright light, chaos and disorder!

The power of the Avenue of Nirvana showed its most violent and ferocious aspect, tearing the Imperial Realm into pieces, causing the Imperial Realm universe to fall to an origin, compressing all the matter in the entire universe into energy, and compressing all the energy into a single point!

Changsun Shenghai looked pale, took out a handful of incense in his hand, and bowed to the collapsed and destroyed Imperial Universe.

He threw the incense in his hand towards the Imperial Realm and said, It's time for us to leave. If we don't leave, we will never be able to leave again.

A Ying is still inside! Da Zhong suddenly became furious.

Changsun Shenghai shook his head and said: It is impossible to escape. He has either been assimilated by the Great Way of Nirvana, or he has been buried in the flood source of Nirvana. In this case, it is impossible to survive.

The big clock said: Wait! Wait a little longer!

It flew around the bow of the ship and made a clanking sound. Although it had said many times before that it would leave Xu Ying and escape, and would avenge Xu Ying in the future, it had never really left Xu Ying behind.

Moreover, they finally passed through those traps safely and survived.

But now, the big clock is extremely anxious. It feels that this life-and-death acquaintance will really be doomed this time.

The Calamity of Nirvana cuts off all cause and effect and destroys all avenues. Even if you are immortal and the master of the Tao, it will be difficult to survive in Nirvana.

Changsun Shenghai said, If we don't leave, we will be involved in this catastrophe that will destroy the universe and we will be unable to escape.

As soon as he said this, the central giant flood source had already swallowed up half of the Imperial Universe, and it was still expanding crazily, coming here at an alarming speed!

The sea of ​​chaos was torn apart and rolled towards the central source of the flood, as if there was a bottomless pit that could never be filled!

Infinite time and space, immeasurable matter, immeasurable energy, and immeasurable energy of chaos, all fall towards the center of the huge central flood source!

There, all the foundations of the great avenue do not exist, and the great avenue will turn into nothing!

This scene is truly terrifying!

The big bell trembled with fright and clanged, but it still floated on the bow of the ship, waiting for the promise.

Suddenly, I saw a huge flood roaring towards this side. Judging from its posture, it was afraid that it would swallow them all!

Changsun Shenghai frowned slightly, and was about to grab the big bell and take it back to the Sea of ​​Chaos. Suddenly, he saw the huge bright flood source shrinking rapidly, changing, and turned into Xu Ying's figure, coming through the sky!

Changsun Shenghai was stunned, and Da Zhong and Chaos Lotus could not help but be stunned as well.

Xu Ying, dressed in hunting clothes, landed on the boat where the big bell was, and shouted: The huge flood source in the center is about to explode! Let's go quickly——

Changsun Shenghai woke up and immediately mobilized another building ship. The two building ships sailed into the sea of ​​chaos almost at the same time!

Behind them, the sea of ​​chaos suddenly became transparent.

Xu Ying's expression suddenly changed and he shouted: Holy Sea, come to my boat!

Changsun Shenghai immediately flew up and landed on Xu Ying's boat. The two of them tried their best to drive the boat forward.

The speed of the building ship increased greatly, but the sea of ​​chaos in front suddenly became transparent.

Xu Ying and Changsun Shenghai's scalps were numb. Xu Ying raised the apricot-yellow flag of Hun Dao. The flag flew across the sky, clattering and trembling around the building, and circled half a circle.

Changsun Shenghai also hurriedly mobilized all the magic power to help Xu Ying activate the Hun Dao Xinghuang Banner!

This treasure is an innate spiritual treasure. Although the four big flags are a set of spiritual treasures, its power is still extraordinary!

Both Xu Ying and Changsun Shenghai had the power of a Taoist Lord. They raised this treasure, and the Hundao apricot-yellow flag tore through the surrounding sea of ​​chaos, turning into thick black and yellow Qi flows.

The black one represents the sky and the yellow one represents the earth. The heaven and earth are popular and change in the flag surface.

At this moment, an unimaginable impact came, the flag shook violently, and a blinding light flooded the apricot-yellow flag with the impact.

The sky and the earth in the flag kept collapsing, constantly reorganizing themselves, and resisting the impact, but they were still overwhelmed by the impact, and the flag was pressed against the ship!

Xu Ying and Changsun Shenghai spurted blood from their eyes, ears, mouth and nose, and the hundreds and thousands of pores on their bodies sprayed out blood mist like water vapor transpiring.

The Chaos Lotus flew up in a hurry, activating its own power. There was only a buzzing sound, and the flag fluttered again.

But the next moment, this chaotic spiritual root suddenly felt like frost, it became exhausted, its aura was scattered, and its spiritual power was lost.

——It is not yet a mature spiritual root, and there is still a big gap between it and a mature spiritual treasure like Hundao Xinghuangqi.

The flag shook again, and the impact was about to penetrate the flag. Suddenly, the big bell flew out and clanged, trying its best to resist the impact.

At this moment, the big bell body suddenly twisted, as if dozens of pairs of invisible hands were shaping the big bell into various shapes!

Everyone struggled to resist and persevere, their bodies swaying. Seeing that they could no longer resist, the huge central flood source finally erupted.

Xu Ying and Changsun Shenghai barely managed to hold on without falling, while the big bell twisted into a ball and clanged on the deck.

The Hundao apricot-yellow flag was also not as powerful as before, swaying, and suddenly flew into Xu Ying's cave abyss.

They looked back, but saw that the light was still bright. It was the afterglow of the explosion of the huge central flood source, illuminating the Chaos Sea.

Changsun Shenghai looked at this scene in despair, feeling a little overwhelmed. That was his home universe, which had turned into nothing. The energy of chaos was filling it, drowning the evidence of the existence of this universe.

Perhaps where they were buried, there were still the remains of the Imperial Universe, floating quietly in the sea of ​​chaos.

But travelers in the sea of ​​chaos should not know its past, and all the stories it carries will be completely reduced to nothing.

There is no memory in the sea of ​​chaos.

The building ship did not have their control and relied on inertia to move forward. Xu Ying endured the severe pain in his limbs and tried to walk to the stern to take a closer look, but almost fell down.

At this time, the building boat took them through a silent universe.

This is a new universe. The flood source opens up, the Hongmeng first opens, Wuji is divided into five Tai Chi, and Tai Chi turns into two rites.

The building ship sails through the starry sky of this new universe. It is so beautiful here, new stars are constantly being born, and new Tao phenomena are constantly emerging.

This universe is as hot as a pot of hot porridge.

Their boat crashed into the stars, and the river of stars flowed under the boat.

Xu Ying looked at this scene in shock, kicked the broken clock beside his feet, and murmured: Master Zhong, look...

The big bell was severely damaged and could not fly for a while.

Xu Ying summoned up the remaining magic power, raised the bell, and opened it bit by bit.

A Ying, where are we? Da Zhong was also stunned by the scene in front of him and asked doubtfully.

I don't know either. Xu Ying looked around in confusion.

Not long after, the building ship sailed out of this silent universe and entered the sea of ​​chaos again. After a short journey, the building ship sailed into another lively universe.

Here the heaven and earth have taken shape, the images and scenery have solidified, the stars are no longer as chaotic as before, and life has begun to be born.

The tower boats passed quietly above these lives, and below, many huge animals were seen running on the grasslands, wandering in the sea water, and some were flying with thunder wings, side by side with their tower boats.

The building ship seemed to sail out of the broken time, flew through this universe, and entered the sea of ​​chaos again.

After traveling for a while, the building ship entered another universe, where intelligent races have been born and civilization has developed.

Xu Ying leaned against the side of the ship and looked down, but he saw buildings rising from the ground. The people here felt the connection between heaven and earth, understood the avenue of heaven and earth, and began their own spiritual practice.

We are in the returning light of the Imperial Realm. Xu Ying suddenly woke up.

When he first went to the other side, he encountered a similar flashback, and even saw the dragons' ships thousands of years ago, and saw the death of these dragons.

The return light at that time should also be the return light caused by the death of a nearby universe.

Now, it is the death of the Imperial Universe, which has branded the life of this universe into the sea of ​​chaos.

When the ship passes through these reflections of light, it feels like it has entered a universe, but these universes are actually just fragments of the experience of the Imperial Realm.

The building boat sailed into another flash of light and entered the Imperial Universe. Xu Ying looked back and saw Changsun Shenghai leaning against the wall of the building, supporting his body and looking at the people in this universe dreamily.

Aying, he is a remnant of the Imperial Realm. Dazhong said quietly.

Xu Ying did not disturb Changsun Shenghai and secretly mobilized the remaining mana to slow down the building ship and stay longer in the returning light.

In the reflection of the imperial universe, they saw faces one after another, some were impassioned, some were heroic and intense, some were as tender as water, or some were tragic songs of Yan and Zhao.

All the beauties in the world are reflected in the years, and so are all the dangers in the world.

The emerald green stone boat sailed through the years, without experiencing the years, but with the scars of the years, imprinted on the Taoist heart of Changsun Shenghai.

He is a child born on the other side of the Imperial Realm's remnants, and he has regarded himself as a new saint since he was a child. However, on the other side, he believed that he was a new saint, and like other new saints, he was repeatedly bullied and humiliated.

He didn't know why at first, but later he found out that it was because he didn't have a strong local power behind him.

Although he bears the name of the New Saint Clan, his skin, appearance, figure, and bloodline are all different from other New Saint Clan, and different from the Old Saint Clan.

He is from the Imperial Realm, a rootless race in the eyes of other new saints.

He has never lived in the Imperial Realm, and now he seems to have returned to the Imperial Realm, as if he is living here.

However, the light of return will eventually pass away, and it will end one day.

The building boat continued to move forward, gradually reaching the end of the returning light.

There, they saw the Imperial Realm for the last time. A thirteen-story pagoda appeared in the middle of the Imperial Realm. Only half of the pagoda appeared. The energy of disaster and killing was continuously injected into the Imperial Realm from another universe.

This scene is very similar to what Xu Ying saw in Zhaojie.

Master Luo's Heaven and Earth Fengya Tower.

Changsun Shenghai exhaled a breath of turbid air and said, The other side will pass on the disaster and destroy our imperial realm. This hatred will be settled sooner or later!

Xu Ying's eyes flashed and he said: But the power on the other side is too great and the strength is too strong. How easy is it to eradicate the other side?

Changsun Shenghai turned to look at him and said, You don't want to eradicate the other side?

Xu Ying said: The other side has long wanted to annex the Three Realms, and the Three Realms are getting closer and closer to the other side. In recent years, the other side has also been searching for the three realms. The conflict between our three realms and the other side is inevitable.

Changsun Shenghai said: Even if the Three Realms surrender to the other side, they will end up with the same fate as the Imperial Realm in the future!

Xu Ying shook his head and said: The Three Realms will never surrender. If they surrender, the new Dao Patterns will be replaced, and there will be no possibility of transcending the other side. The Three Realms will take time. If necessary, I will release the New Dao Patterns on the other side and massacre the people on the other side. .”

Changsun Shenghai looked at him deeply and said: This is the last resort of the Three Realms and cannot be used easily.

The new Dao pattern is still above the Liwen and Spiritual patterns. When these Dao patterns are released, I am afraid that the other side will also suffer a devastating blow, and only a few powerful beings can survive.

It's just that such a world-destroying move cannot be used easily, except in critical moments.

Xu Yingdao: The ones who can really determine the outcome are Immortal, True King, Dao Lord, Dao Lord and Dao Master. And these three realms are too few, even if the heaven realm is added, they are not as good as the other side. We need more like-minded people .”

Changsun Shenghai said: You mean, we need to unite and form an alliance?

Xu Ying thought of the Taoist Alliance, nodded slightly, and said, We need to gather more people like you and me, unite, study Taoism together, and make progress together. We want to establish a Taoist alliance that belongs to us!

Changsun Shenghai murmured: Belongs to our Dao Alliance?

Xu Ying smiled and said: Our Dao Alliance must select people from the universe who are willing to fight against the other side. For example, several junior brothers from the Tai Dao Sect, Qingxuan, Shengzun, Wukong and Shi Tianyang, such as Zhuo from the Heaven Realm Daochun.

Changsun Shenghai frowned slightly: These people you mentioned are all disciples of the Taiyi Sect.

Xu Ying was stunned, and then he realized that these people who were determined to cause rebellion on the other side were all or had been disciples of Taiyi Daojun!

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