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Chapter 811 Xu Daozu passed into silence

At the same time that Xu Ying entered the Tao, all kinds of Taoist powers of Nirvana broke out in his body. The Taoist power of Nirvana instantly submerged his Taoist heart, and was replaced by boundless desire for destruction!

Dao Zongyuan pointed out that at the same time, Xu Ying's body suddenly expanded, and the next moment it turned into a flood source of death that was bigger than the ruins of Yuanjie!

How vast is Dao Zongyuan's physical body?

The golden ship that crosses the world is equivalent to a leaf in front of it, and the vast abyss is only equivalent to an ordinary cave.

But in front of the flood source of annihilation that Xu Ying transformed into, Dao Zongyuan actually seemed much smaller, as if he was about to be swallowed up by the flood source of annihilation the next moment!

However, with Dao Zongyuan's advice, he suppressed the flood source of death and gradually transformed from the flood source state to the human form.

Dao Zongyuan, you are the master of the great road. Let me ask you, are you going with the road or against the road?

That Hong Yuan transformed into a human form and took on the appearance of Xu Ying, but he was huge, no smaller than Dao Zongyuan. He was filled with a violent aura that destroyed everything, and asked, Are you seeking the Tao, realizing the Tao, or are you defying heaven and earth? Avenue?

Dao Zongyuan had a sudden thought, knowing that he was messing with his Taoist mind.

If I answered the way, he would say that annihilation is the destination of the Tao. If I said that it is against the Tao, he would say that if it is against the Tao, how can he seek the Tao, realize the Tao, and achieve the Tao? When ordinary people are questioned by him, even a trace of hesitation in the Taoist mind will be He took advantage of it.

Dao Zongyuan thought of this and said: The so-called obedience and disobedience are in my mind. I only have a life span of a hundred years. To seek longevity and freedom, I went against the path. In the process of going against the path, I followed the great road of heaven and earth, so I realized the way and became the way. . And when he became enlightened, he went against the path and thus attained the path.

Hearing this, Ji Mie Xu Ying sneered and said: You are indeed an existence that can compete with the Tao Master on the other side. What a nonsense! The universe was born from the flood source, and it also perished from the flood source. You Tao masters are all Tao. Thief, you steal the great road of heaven and earth and claim to be the master of it. You don’t obey the law of life and death, and you don’t repay the cause and effect. Today, I will kill you first to bring justice to the world!”

He went straight towards Dao Zongyuan, and with a single movement of his hand, all the Dao around him were destroyed, and patches of Dao snow were fluttering!

Daozong Yuanrao was the Taoist master, and he couldn't help but be frightened: The Dao of Nirvana is really evil!

While he was pointing, he forced Nie Mie Xu Ying back. After several attacks, Nie Mie Xu Ying failed. He immediately turned around and attacked Min Bo, Guo Daozi and other relic owners, shouting: Kill these dwarves first, and then come and kill them. you!

Although Min Bo, Guo Daozi and others are immortal and have lived a stable life for several years, after all, the Yuan Realm has been destroyed, leaving only wreckage. Their cultivation has not improved in recent years. Faced with the promise that has turned into annihilation, who can be their opponent?

Xu Ying captured Min Bo with just one move, opened his bloody mouth with a click, and planned to send the old man into his belly to die.

Seeing this, the other Yuanjie immortals came at Xu Ying with all kinds of magical powers, and powerful magic weapons were also blasted on Xu Ying one after another.

However, when those magical powers came near Xu Ying, they were absorbed by him and assimilated into the power of annihilation. When the magic weapon exploded, its power also weakened rapidly, and the Tao brand turned into Tao snow and fluttered!

These magic weapons seem to have experienced hundreds of millions of years, becoming rusty and gradually decaying!

Min Bo secretly thought, I'm going to die, and he fell into Xu Ying's belly. Suddenly, Dao Zongyuan pointed his finger, hit Xu Ying's palm and threw it back, throwing Min Bo away.

Xu Ying was furious and immediately rushed towards Yin Hong who was not far away. Yin Hong activated his Taoist skills and shouted: Well done!

The next moment, Yin Hong's own path almost collapsed. Xu Ying grabbed him by the neck, lifted him up like a chicken, opened his big mouth and stuffed it into his stomach.

At this moment, Yin Hong could clearly see Xu Ying's throat and moving intestines.

Dao Zongyuan took action again and rescued Yin Hong.

Xu Ying was furious, flew up, and ran away far away, shouting: Now, let's destroy this world!

Dao Zongyuan sighed secretly, stretched out his big hand, and his palm immediately covered the sky and the sun, covering the entire human world and pressing down.

Xu Ying rushed out with all his strength, but was suppressed by Dao Zongyuan. However, Dao Zongyuan's palm fell and still pressed him back into the Yuan Realm, and his five fingers turned into a cage to contain Xu Ying.

The Taoist master has immeasurable magical power, suppress this beast!

Min Bo, Yin Hong and others had just recovered from the shock. They stepped forward one after another and exclaimed, Kill him quickly!

Dao Zongyuan was also secretly shocked. He originally thought this was just a leisurely job, but he didn't expect that something would go wrong as soon as Xu Ying entered the Tao.

Today, Xu Ying is controlled by the Avenue of Nirvana and retains his own memory. The key is that he, the master of the avenue, cannot control the Avenue of Nirvana, so he cannot help Xu Ying quell the backlash of the Avenue of Nirvana!

But it's not his fault. The Lord of the Avenue can control the avenues of heaven and earth in the universe, but Nirvana is not among them.

When the Tribulation of Nirvana breaks out, the Tao Master is also the target to be destroyed, so it is impossible for the Tao Lord realm to master the Great Way of Nirvana. If it can be mastered, the calamity of annihilation will not break out.

Xu Ying was still restless in the cage formed by his five fingers. He moved towards the cage and tried to break it, but suddenly it turned into a source of annihilation and tried to pull the cage into the source of the flood.

Dao Zongyuan tried to use his spiritual consciousness to enter Xu Ying's sea of ​​consciousness to help him suppress the backlash of the Avenue of Annihilation. However, as soon as his spiritual consciousness came into contact with Xu Ying, he disappeared without a trace.

It's over now.

Dao Zongyuan was helpless and said to himself, Now I can only hope that he will comprehend the Great Way of Nirvana, refine the Tao power in his body, and wake up on his own.

He drew several talismans to bless Xu Ying and help him grow his Taoist heart.

After a few months, Xu Ying, who had been restless in the cage, suddenly woke up and said to Dao Zongyuan: Brother Dao, I'm awake now. I'm ashamed to have made a lot of noise. Brother Dao has been worried these days. .”

Dao Zongyuan breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile, It's a blessing that Fellow Daoist Xu can wake up.

He was about to leave the cage when suddenly his heart moved slightly and asked: Fellow Daoist Xu, everyone in our Yuan Realm has been avoiding disasters so far. You have mastered the way of disasters, so you should know how to avoid disasters, right? Can I ask for advice?

Xu Ying spoke quickly: You should go along with your fate and let me turn you into ashes.

Dao Zongyuan shouted: As expected, you are still under control!

He immediately strengthened the seal, and Xu Ying became furious and shouted: Old thief surnamed Dao, my grandpa was the first to destroy you after he came out of the Yuan Realm, and I will send you all to a happy reunion!

Dao Zongyuan turned a deaf ear and still suppressed him.

After dozens of days, Xu Ying regained consciousness and said politely: Brother Taoist, I have refined the power of the Tao of Nirvana, and now I am finally awake and not controlled by the Tao of Nirvana. Please let me out, Brother Tao.

Dao Zongyuan asked a few questions, and Xu Ying answered like a normal person, without any flaws.

Dao Zongyuan then dismissed the prison and called Min Bo.

When Xu Ying saw Min Bo standing in front of him, his eyes twitched. Suddenly his neck shook and his head became as big as a mountain. He bit Min Bo into his mouth with a snap and swallowed most of it, leaving only a pair of feet outside!

Min Bo put his hands on his throat and struggled hard, lest he fall into his stomach. In that stomach is the core of the Flood of Nirvana, which destroys everything and shatters everything. If he falls into it, he will definitely die!

You really haven't recovered!

Dao Zongyuan sneered, spread his fingers, and suppressed Xu Ying again.

Min Bo is still in his mouth! Guo Daozi reminded hurriedly.

Dao Zongyuan came to his senses and rescued Min Bo. As soon as Min Bo recovered from his shock, Dao Zongyuan called him to come to him again, but he did not dare to come.

On this day, Xu Ying suddenly felt as if he had woken up from madness and said: Brother Dao, when I recall the past few days, I suddenly feel like I am in a dream. Now that I wake up, I only feel the past. It’s so ridiculous.”

Dao Zongyuan looked at him repeatedly and saw nothing unusual, and said: You are controlled by the Great Way of Nirvana. If you want to use your power to destroy the world, I have to suppress you first.

Xu Ying felt extremely ashamed and said, I have done such a ridiculous thing, which is embarrassing. Brother Tao, I have recovered. Please let me out.

Dao Zongyuan released him and called Min Bo.

Min Bo came to him tremblingly, ready to run away at any moment. Xu Ying smiled kindly and did not open his mouth.

Dao Zongyuan smiled and said: Fellow Daoist Xu has really taken control of the Avenue of Nirvana. Congratulations, congratulations!

Xu Ying smiled and said: Same joy, same joy!

Dao Zongyuan said: Today is a great day, so we have to have a celebration banquet to celebrate.

He then clapped his hands and saw a group of immortals coming forward carrying large plates. On the plates were trembling boys and girls, these immortal disciples of the Yuan Realm.

Dao Zongyuan smiled and said: It is rare for Mr. Xu to control the Great Way of Nirvana. Are you satisfied with this feast?

Xu Ying was overjoyed and said with a smile: I'm satisfied, of course I'm satisfied! After saying that, he picked up a virgin, opened his mouth wide and stuffed it into his mouth.

A moment later, Xu Ying was still suppressed in the cage and yelled at Dao Zongyuan: Old Zongyuan, how dare you lie to me! After I get out, all the ashes of your Yuanjie will be blown away by you!

In the following months, Xu Ying deceived Dao Zongyuan from time to time, saying that he had recovered. Dao Zongyuan can always use various methods to test whether he has really recovered.

But after too many times, Dao Zongyuan became a little tired and allowed Xu Ying to make noise in the cage without opening the cage.

Brother Dao, I really regained my sanity this time!

Xu Ying came to his senses and hurriedly said to Dao Zongyuan, I have really controlled the Nirvana Avenue! Look at the Nirvana Cave behind me!

Dao Zongyuan looked around and saw that there was indeed a cave of silence behind Xu Ying. He sneered: You still want to lie to me?

Xu Ying quickly changed to another type of abyss and said: I still have a Chaos Abyss here! Look, look, I will definitely not be able to use the Chaos Abyss in the state of Nirvana!

Dao Zongyuan sneered: I won't be fooled by you again!

Dao Zongyuan, at least check my sea of ​​consciousness! Xu Ying said angrily.

Dao Zongyuan laughed and said: The devil also wants to trick my consciousness into eating it!

Xu Ying was furious and shouted: Brother Dao, please check it out! I have really recovered. You see, I can switch between various caves and abyss, and I can also adjust different avenues! I can even use myself as a flood source!

He urged Hong Yuan to reverse the evidence, and the skills flowed, and the nine innate paths changed unpredictably. It was really silky smooth.

Dao Zongyuan saw this and sneered: You still want to lie to me? You absorbed the memory of fellow Taoist Xu and pretended to be better and better!

Xu Ying saw that he was not getting enough, and said angrily: Dao Zongyuan, wait until I go out and finish with you!

He used various magical powers to try to break Dao Zongyuan's ban, but he could never escape. Xu Ying used the magical power of the void again to try to escape from the void, but even the void was blocked by Dao Zongyuan, leaving him with no way to go to heaven or to the earth.

Brother Dao, I'm really healed!

Xu Ying made a fuss in the cage, shouting that he had recovered, and showed various signs of recovery. Later, he cursed loudly, saying that Zong Yuan was too stupid to see that he had recovered.

Later, Xu Ying stopped making noises and squatted in the cage, practicing Taoism on his own.

After more than four years of this, Dao Zongyuan had a sudden thought: There has been no movement in the past few years. Is it really cured?

He observed Xu Ying, and the more he looked, the more suspicious he became.

At this time, Yuan Weiyang came over and said, Brother Taoist, I have been practicing at your place for some time. I wonder if my practice is perfect?

Dao Zong Yuandao: Fellow Daoist Xu was controlled by the Great Way of Nirvana, and now he has become a puppet of Nirvana. He will undergo various changes and will destroy the world when he comes out. Now he is trapped by me and I dare not let him out.

Yuan Weiyang heard this and said, Can you let me have a look?

Dao Zongyuan led her to the cage, where he saw Xu Ying, unshaven and disheveled, sitting in the cage enlightening himself.

Yuan Weiyang coughed and called out: Is your husband happy?

Hearing this, Xu Ying trembled, slowly opened his eyes, rushed to the side of the cage, and shouted: Weiyang, get me out!

Yuan Weiyang observed for a moment and said to Dao Zong Yuan: My husband should have recovered. Please ask Brother Dao to release him.

Dao Zongyuan hesitated and said: After he died, he was vicious and cunning, and good at disguise. Madam Daozu, if he escapes, I'm afraid I won't be able to capture him.

Yuan Weiyang smiled and said: I know my husband, he will never make a mistake.

Seeing this, Dao Zongyuan dispersed the cage and released Xu Ying.

Xu Ying breathed a sigh of relief and quickly hugged Yuan Weiyang. Dao Zongyuan secretly used his magical power, and only waited for Xu Ying to open his mouth and swallow Yuan Weiyang in before he took action to save people.

But fortunately this didn't happen.

If Brother Dao is still not at ease, check his sea of ​​consciousness to see if he has recovered. Yuan Weiyang suggested.

Dao Zongyuan was doubtful and checked Xu Ying's sea of ​​consciousness. He found that Xu Ying's sea of ​​consciousness was clear and clear. Xu Daozu's cognition in the sea of ​​consciousness was intact. Only then did he realize that he had locked Xu Ying for a few more years.

Xu Daozu, why didn't you tell me earlier? Dao Zongyuan stumbled repeatedly.

Xu Ying said: I said it, but you didn't believe it.

Dao Zongyuan was stunned and said: Fellow Taoist has lied to me too many times, and I am not sure that you are really awake. Fortunately, Mrs. Daozu is here, otherwise I don't know how long I would have been wrong.

After all, Xu Ying asked him for help, so she couldn't blame him, and said: Brother Taoist, please don't tell anyone about this matter.

Dao Zongyuan understood and said: I will order everyone in Yuanjie to never reveal any information about this matter.

Xu Ying felt relieved and said goodbye to Dao Zongyuan, and the couple returned to the immortal world.

Madam, this matter is rotten in my stomach. Xu Ying said.

Yuan Weiyang was surprised and said: What's the matter? My husband has refined the power of Nirvana, practiced the Dao of Nirvana, and wandered around. I just came to find him.

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