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Chapter 804 Redemption

Daoji Tianhu Mountain Pavilion and Ganquan Palace.

Lu Yiren came to see Taoist Master Lin and bowed down and said: Master, I have gained the wonderful change of luck in Zhaojie, but it is a pity that I have not been able to achieve the full success and cannot achieve immortality in luck.

Dao Master Lin checked his cultivation progress and saw that he had cultivated to the eighth level of the Dao Realm of Tribulation Luck. He smiled and said: This time, the four Dao Masters sent their disciples to Zhaojie in an attempt to win the Tribulation Luck and let the disciples complete the Tribulation Luck. Immortal. But it is easy to say, but how difficult is it to achieve enlightenment through luck? Your achievements in luck are already extraordinary, so there is no need to underestimate yourself.

Lu Yiren pays his respects again.

Master Lin said: With your current attainments in calamity, can you tell the trend of calamity on the other side of me?

Lu Yiren did not hide anything and said: The catastrophe on the other side is still there, it has not disappeared, it has just been postponed. Three thousand years later, the catastrophe will break out again. By then, two or three universes will need to be sacrificed to postpone the catastrophe.

What he said were the results inferred by Xu Ying, Changsun Shenghai and others.

Hearing this, Dao Master Lin was silent for a moment and said: Can't passing on the calamity offset the calamity? It's just that this time the calamity is being passed on, why is the next calamity coming so soon? In the past, passing on the calamity could postpone it for several years. Millions of years, why is it only postponed for three thousand years this time?”

Lu Yiren said: The transfer of the calamity this time was not clean. The disciples judge that there should be some important people who did not cope with the calamity and escaped, so that the calamity on the other side will still linger.

Dao Master Lin sighed and said: It's Dao Master Ji Cang. He is entangled in calamity, but he has never died, so that my calamity on the other side has never dissipated. Dao Master Hua went to the heaven this time for Track down his whereabouts.

He stood up slowly, walked out of Ganquan Palace, looked into the distance, and said: If the other side wants to survive the next disaster, it needs to pass on two or three universes and let them bear the disaster. So, what about next time? It needs to be done again. How many universes?”

Jiuqiu Mountain, Fengqiu Palace.

Taoist Luo was also listening carefully to Taishi's report on the trip to Zhaojie, asking one or two questions from time to time, and finally asked about the fate of the other side.

Taishi, like Lu Yiren, explained the judgments of Xu Ying, Changsun Shenghai and others.

Master Luo frowned slightly and whispered: Ji Cang's escape would have such serious consequences. The speed of the disaster was increased for millions of years for no reason. Three thousand years later, another disaster struck, If a few more people escape, I'm afraid the disaster on the other side will become faster and faster. Taishi.

His eyes fell on his disciple and said: You can tell that calamity will come back after three thousand years, which shows that your accomplishments in calamity are no small matter.

Taishi was ashamed and said: This disciple was also afraid of failing to live up to the expectations of the great master, so he worked harder to practice and achieved some achievements.

Master Luo's eyes flashed and he whispered: Three thousand years from now, the calamity will be no small matter. Whether I can survive the calamity safely will still depend on you.

Taishi had a sudden thought. He wanted to admit that his knowledge of calamity was not that high, but he was worried that the elder would be angry, so he hesitated.

There are still three thousand years. In three thousand years, I will definitely be able to understand the way of disaster to the point where I can catch up with Xu promised!

He thought to himself, If that's the case, then my lie today is just a white lie.

Master Luo took the chariot and drove out of Fengqiu Palace, looking into the distance.

Next time when disaster is passed on, which universes will it be passed on to? The two sources of the problem, the Heaven Realm and the Three Realms, should also be solved.

Biyou Palace.

Changsun Shenghai told Taoist Master Tongtian about his, Xu Ying and others' judgments, and Taoist Master Tongtian said: It's almost as good as I expected.

Changsun Shenghai said: Master, what are your plans?

Master Tongtian Dao said: The killings came into being at the right time. As the leader of the killings, I should act accordingly.

He glanced at Changsun Shenghai and said: You also need to take a step forward. In these three thousand years, you must cultivate immortality. Otherwise, you will have no power to protect yourself.

Changsun Shenghai felt awe-inspiring in his heart and said: My disciple's attainments in the path of annihilation are still limited. I always feel that this path is extremely dangerous. It often makes me feel like I am falling into annihilation and assimilating with the path.

Master Tongtian said: Do you know why?

Changsun Shenghai shook his head.

Master Tongtian Dao said: At the end of the killing, Taiyi will be destroyed, all paths will be destroyed, cause and effect will shrink, reincarnation will end, and you will fall into silence. Even if you cultivate all nine paths and have no innate spiritual roots, it will be difficult to transform from chaos to silence. Annihilation, the cycle from annihilation to chaos. You should find an innate spiritual treasure to cultivate annihilation and avoid transformation.

Upon hearing this, Changsun Shenghai felt that all the fog had been cleared away. He was extremely grateful and kowtowed to the Taoist Lord Tongtian.

Master Tongtian said: Does this skill of yours have a name?

Changsun Shenghai said: My disciples call it the Nine Proofs of Hongyuan Great Cave Sutra.

Master Tongtian nodded slightly and said: You concentrate on your practice. If you succeed, you will be the best in the world.

Changsun Shenghai was overjoyed, and suddenly he remembered that Xu Ying's set of exercises were similar to his Nine-Certificate Hongyuan.

I'm just afraid that I, the number one in the world, may not be safe.


Taoist Master Ji Cang's body was eroded by the calamity and became like lotus root joints. His body was riddled with holes and air leaked from everywhere.

Taiyi, Xu Ying and others came to him, and the wind blowing from his body carried the heavy Daohui snow in the air.

Xu Ying saw the courtesy and said, Master Ji, long time no see.

Taoist Master Ji Cang nodded lightly.

Taiyi Daojun also greeted him politely: Brother Daoist, do you still remember Taiyi?

Taoist Master Ji Cang looked him up and down and said with a smile: Of course I remember. Your heart is higher than the sky. In the heavenly realm, when the heavenly realm Taoist preached, all the innate avenues cultivated by others were easy to obtain, but you were the only one who had to pick the difficult ones. Cultivate the Taiyi Dao. I didn’t expect that after so many years, you still haven’t cultivated to the Dao Master realm.”

Xu Ying blinked: Tianjing Taoist? Xuhuang, Taiqing and others have greatly improved their cultivation. Is it related to Tianjing Taoist?

Over the years, his horizons and knowledge have greatly increased. In a universe with a glorious history like Tianjing, it is impossible for there to be only one Xuanhuang Dao Master.

The improvement in cultivation strength of Xuhuang and others over the years is truly astonishing, most likely with the guidance of the Heavenly Realm Taoist Master behind their backs.

Taiyi smiled and said: I am also very envious of Taoist brothers and others who have become masters of the great road. It's just that there was a bloodbath that year, and all the Taoist brothers disappeared into thin air, but I survived.

Taoist Master Ji Cang noticed his sarcasm and sneered: Can you attain Taoism if you survive? If you don't attain Taoism, you are just an ant. Life and death are not under your control. Moreover, even if you achieve Taoism, Lord, it is difficult to escape the ax of Master Hua Dao.

Taiyi's expression changed slightly. He had indeed heard rumors about this. Anyone who proved the Dao Master would be killed by the Hua Dao Master, without exception.

Back then, his disciple Zhong Yuliu also wanted to prove his position as Taoist Master, but he almost died at the hands of Taoist Master Hua.

Ji Cang sneered: So Taiyi, what are you doing in heaven this time?

Taiyi Daojun said: I am here to find Master Hua this time. He is one of the three Dao Masters on the other side. He has been in the heaven for more than seven years and is missing. I don't know whether he is alive or dead. I am here to find him.

Ji Cang sarcastically said: With the presence of Master Hua, you cannot attain enlightenment in one day. Why would you risk your life to enter the heaven to look for him? Taiyi, you are too stupid! I don't think it's me who is in the misfortune. , but you are in the midst of a calamity and have been blinded by the calamity!

Taiyi Dao: Master Hua Dao is the master of the three great avenues of the other side. If he fails, my strength on the other side will be greatly damaged. In the future, when the heaven realm rises, countless people on the other side will die because of it. Therefore, I am here for all sentient beings on the other side. For the sake of this, we must save Master Hua.

Ji Cang laughed loudly, spraying ashes from the avenue from the holes in his body, and said with a smile: You think you can save Dao Master Hua when you come here? To be honest, Old Thief Hua was captured by me and Dao Master Tianjing. And other heavenly Taoist masters were seriously injured! If not, how could my fate have injured me to this extent?

Although Taiyi had already made a guess, his expression still changed slightly when he heard this.

After the so-called Heavenly Realm was stranded, people from the other shore came to the Heavenly Realm to explore. The Taoist Master of the Heavenly Realm was the leader of all the people in the Heavenly Realm. He felt that they had come a long way, so he opened a forum to give lectures and taught them the secret method of eternal life.

This Taoist master's Taoism is really unfathomable. He talks about all kinds of Taoism and Dharma in his mouth, explaining it in a profound and simple way, so that people can easily understand and understand it.

When the Heavenly Realm Taoist opened his altar, there were not many disciples on the other side, only a hundred or so. However, nearly half of these hundred and ten people later cultivated to the Taoist Master Realm and became the masters of the Dao!

Most of the others also entered the immortal realm.

Taiyi is one of the less eye-catching ones. He has always been unknown and not outstanding.

Although Taoist Master Tianjing was reduced to a mortal due to the tide of the road at that time, his Taoism deeply impressed everyone.

Even today, when Taiyi recalled the preaching that year, he still felt that the Taoist deeds of the Heaven Realm were beyond his understanding.

If this Taoist Master is resurrected, even if he does not join forces with Ji Cang and others, I am afraid that Taoist Master Hua will not be his opponent!

Ji Cang sneered: Taiyi, you can't save Old Thief Hua, you may not even be able to come back alive!

Tai Dao: Brother Tao, you can't protect yourself, so why do you care about my life or death?

He turned around, bowed to Lord Xuhuang Daojun and said: Fellow Daoist Xuhuang, you asked Zhuo Daochun to lead me all the way, wouldn't you let me meet Daoist Brother Ji Cang for the last time?

Emperor Xu smiled and said: Of course not. We invite you to come here. First, we want Brother Dao to see the tragic situation when the disaster breaks out. If the disaster breaks out on the other side, how many people on the other side can escape?

Taiyi shook his head and said: If the Tao Master is like this, naturally no one can escape. Once the disaster arrives, it will reach its end. I'm afraid the other side will be wiped out.

Emperor Xu said: The reason why the disaster on the other side is so great is because every time the disaster strikes, the other side always wants to transfer the disaster to other universes. The other shore itself has never overcome the disaster. This is The move seems subtle, but in fact, after each transfer, the calamity becomes stronger and more fierce. Seeing the end of Taoist Master Ji Cang, Taoist Brother, for the sake of the other side, he should know that the actions of the three Taoist Masters Hua, Lin, and Luo were wrong .”

Tai nodded and said: The three Tao masters were concerned about the safety of the other side, so they passed on the disaster. However, the disaster became more and more serious, which was also related to the passing on of the three of them.

Xu Huang said: If you become a Taoist master, will you be able to change the evil deeds of the three Taoist masters?

Taiyi said sternly: If I become a Taoist master and think about the sentient beings on the other side, I will definitely fight for it. What is the second thing that Taoist Brother Xuhuang said?

Emperor Xu smiled and said, The second thing is to ask Brother Dao to take Dao Master Hua back.

Taiyi Daodaojun was stunned and looked at him in confusion.

Emperor Xu smiled and said: Tianjing is still weak. Taoist Master Hua is here. We, Tianjing, have no choice but to mobilize all our strength. Taoist Master Tianjing, Taoist Master Ji Cang, and several other Taoist masters are all dispatched. This battle We only severely injured Dao Master Hua, but failed to kill him. We just trapped him. But we were injured many times. If it were not Brother Tai Dao who came, but Dao Master Luo or Dao Master Lin, then Tianjing would be destroyed .”

Taiyi understood what he meant and said: That's why you brought me here to let me take away Master Hua, so that Lin and Luo won't come to investigate.

Emperor Xu smiled slightly and said: Of course, we can't let you take away Master Hua so easily. There are still three chapters of agreement.

Taiyi Daojun asked: What are the three chapters of the agreement?

First, if people from the other side of the heaven return to the other side, no harm will be done to them. Second, no harm will be done to the other side of the heaven. No one can harass the other side of the heaven and enter the heaven to hunt. Third, Master Hua Dao must not seek revenge.

Xu Huang said, By making a Chaos Oath, both of us will be guaranteed.

Taiyi Daojun shook his head and said: It is impossible for me to make an oath for Master Hua. It is also impossible for Master Hua to agree to this oath.

Emperor Xu smiled and said: So, I allow you to go see Master Hua and ask him if he wants to make a three-chapter agreement.

Taiyi Daojun nodded slightly and said to Xu: You stay here, I will go to see Hua Dao Master.

Xu Ying said yes.

Taiyi left with Emperor Xu.

Xu Ying raised his head to look at Taoist Master Ji Cang and saw the howling wind, sweeping away more and more Tao Hui Snow from his body.

Xu Ying came to him and activated the method of calamity. After a moment, he suddenly touched Ji Cang's body.

Ji Cang stood still and said calmly: Kid, it's useless. My doom has come, and I was seriously injured by Master Hua. You can't save me. No matter what, we are destined to be together. You brought me back to life, and now Come give me a ride again. I have never been grateful to anyone in my life... Huh?

Xu Ying flew up and down around him, slapping him here and there, and Ji Cang suddenly felt that his bad luck had become much lighter!

The speed at which his avenue turns into ashes is also greatly reduced!

Xu Ying continued to fly around him, imprinting various magical powers on his body.

After a while, the daohui snow that filled the sky and the earth became smaller and smaller, and the wind gradually eased.

After Xu Ying finished the last seal, he turned back and landed lightly on the ground.

The last piece of Taoist ashes fell from Taoist Master Ji Cang's body, and no new Taoist ashes fell for a long time.

He couldn't help being surprised and happy. He lowered his head and looked at his body, only to see that he was still riddled with holes, but his misfortune seemed to have gone away!

I will push your fate to three thousand years later.

Xu Ying dispersed and said, This is already my limit. Three thousand years later, if I can make further progress in the path of calamity, I can save your life again. If I don't make progress, you will definitely die.

Taoist Master Ji Cang laughed and said: It's already amazing to be able to extend your life for three thousand years. But...

He looked solemn: You have to concentrate on your cultivation! By the way, I want to become brothers with different surnames. We don't want to be born in the same year, the same month and the same day, but we want to die in the same year, the same month and the same day! I swear to the Lord of Chaos!

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