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Chapter 803 Return to Heaven

Seeing this situation, the Holy Lord moved slightly in his heart. He found the waste Qingxuan and said: Senior Brother Jiuhen is so easy to talk to and extremely powerful. Why don't we ask him to help and borrow techniques from everywhere? In this way, it won't take long. Borrow all kinds of Taoism from the other side.

Qingxuan was also very tempted and said: I just want to take this opportunity to help Xu Daozu solve his problems.

On the other side, Taiyi Daojun and Xu Ying left Dao Jitian together, stepped into the starry sky, and headed towards the heavenly realm.

Once upon a time, Heaven was the other shore in the hearts of people on the other side, but it was a pity that it was later destroyed by the people on the other side.

As the two of them hurried on, Taiyi showed the lightness of the wind and the clouds. As they stepped forward, billions of miles of space shrank under their feet, turning into a very short distance.

Xu Ying activated his magical power of reincarnation, forming a huge time and space wheel with bright light, cutting forward at a speed not slower than Taiyi.

The two of them walked side by side, Taiyi Daojun said: I am in retreat this time, and I have fully understood the word Daojie in the Xuanhuang Daojie Sutra. This technique uses its own Dao as the abyss to create a Dao world, pure Dao. Complete. In the world of Tao, it contains all the ways in the world, which is extremely subtle.

He seemed to be explaining to Xu Ying the subtleties of the Xuanhuang Tao World Sutra, saying: For example, Xuanhuang practices the Tao of Creation and becomes the master of the Tao of Creation. Reincarnation is not in creation, but he practices reincarnation and incorporates it into himself. If he practices Taiyi and incorporates it into his own Tao Realm, he can master the Great Way of Reincarnation. This is the essence of the Xuanhuang Tao Realm Sutra.

Although Xu Ying memorized the Xuanhuang Tao Realm Sutra very well, he was not very interested in this Tao Master-level technique and did not study it assiduously.

At this moment, after he mentioned something, I couldn't help but feel a little moved in my heart. After comparing it with the scriptures, I was able to understand many subtleties.

The Taoist chapter of this technique can be corroborated with my martial arts Dongyuan. He thought to himself.

So Xu Ying asked Taiyi for advice along the way and asked in detail about the cultivation methods in the Taoist world.

Taiyi told him everything he knew, and told him everything he had learned over the past few hundred years without reservation.

Xu Ying confirmed the Taoist world with his martial arts cave. His martial arts cave is now on the path of the flood source in the body, treating the martial arts cave as a flood source.

He and Changsun Shenghai both practiced the Nine Innate Paths, and both faced the same problem, how to control the Nine Paths.

He and Changsun Shenghai both embarked on the path of cultivating Hongyuan, but one was an internal cultivator and the other an external cultivator.

Xu Ying's internal flood target contains nine innate avenues such as Chaos, Hongmeng, Wuji, and Taiyi, as well as thousands of other avenues. These avenues are either unified by Taiyi or unified by reincarnation.

However, how difficult is it to open up the flood source in the body?

The martial arts Dongyuan is only the prototype of the flood source in the body. Xu Ying is still figuring out how to practice it later.

However, this time Taiyi taught him the Taoist method, which gave him great enlightenment and made him fall into enlightenment without knowing it.

Taiyi Daojun couldn't help but be moved when he saw that he looked like an ordinary person, but there was a vague aura like a Taoist master coming from his body, and it was getting stronger and stronger.

Xu Ying's talent is really extraordinary.

After several months, they finally arrived in heaven.

The world at this time was very different from when they left, and it could even be said that it had undergone earth-shaking changes. At that time, the world was still in ruins, filled with the smell of death and extinction. It was dark and devoid of any life.

But now, hundreds of years have passed, the place has become lush and green, and the vegetation comes from nowhere, and it actually exudes strong vitality.

There are also many creatures that are not on the other side, such as elk, but they are pure white, exuding a little spiritual light, jumping among the mountains and rivers.

Only after Xu Ying came here did he believe that heaven does exist in the world.

When the first group of people from the other side came here, they must have been deeply shocked, right? Teacher? Xu Ying asked.

Taiyi Daojun said: That's true. I know you want to say that the other side is doing something immoral, but the so-called morality in this world is just a restraint imposed by the strong on themselves. If one day, the strong do not want to impose this layer of restraint, there will be It’s only the weak whose lives are in danger.”

Xu Ying smiled slightly and did not continue the topic.

The two of them continued to go deep into the Heaven Realm and unknowingly entered the hinterland of the Heaven Realm. They saw that many Heaven Realm people had arrived here at some time, and built cities and villages of various sizes on the ruins, and they were thriving.

These Tianjing people should be the descendants of those Tianjing people who fled to the other side. They heard that the tide of Tianjing Avenue was rising, so they returned to their ancestral land.

What they practice here is also Taoism and magical powers based on theory and literature, but judging from their cultivation, there are still no masters.

Because the Holy Clan on the other side made the move to exterminate the Heavenly Realm people back then, they also strictly guarded against the Heavenly Realm people on the other side and did not teach them the profound Taoism. They even strictly prohibited the Heavenly Realm people from marrying the Saints or other races and restricted the Heavenly Realm people. quantity.

They also moved their habitats again and again, driving them to remote places and exterminating them as much as possible.

Only later, with the introduction of monks from other universes and these new saints, the other side's monitoring of people in the heavenly realm was not so strict.

At that time, the four great masters of Taiyi, life and death, yin and yang, and gods and demons each accepted a person from the heavenly realm as a disciple to plan for the future.

Taiyi promised: You are proficient in the Dao of Tribulation and Luck, so use the Dao of Tribulation to search for Ji Cang's whereabouts. Master Hua Dao must have gone to look for him, and he has been missing for six or seven years. If you find him, you will not be as far away from finding him as Dao Master Hua. It’s not far.”

Xu Ying looked at the people in Tianjing to examine their fate. As a Taoist master, Ji Cang must be extremely eye-catching with the fate of the other side.

With Xu Ying's current attainments, he could clearly see everyone's fate with just a glance.

Xu Ying shook his head and said, There is no trace of Ji Cang here.

Taiyi Daodaojun then continued to go deep into the heaven without stopping.

The Heaven Realm was originally a universe. Due to the tide of the Great Dao, the Great Dao of the Heaven Realm receded, and everyone lost their Taoism. The starry sky of the Heaven Realm was also taken away by the other shore, and the starlight became dim.

But the realm of heaven is still extremely vast, and it takes more than a month or two to complete it.

The two continued to search, and Xu Ying observed the fate of the people in Tianjing, but they never found it. That day they came to a town. Xu Ying noticed that the misfortune here was quite strong, and his heart moved slightly. Before he could speak, he saw a young man from the Heaven Realm in that town walking towards them.

Zhuo Daochun!

Xu Ying was quite surprised and looked Zhuo Daochun up and down. I saw this Heavenly Realm young man with flying silver hair and the unique freedom and elegance of Heavenly Realm people. Even when facing Taiyi Daojun, he was not afraid at all.

Master, my disciple Zhuo Daochun pays my respects! Zhuo Daochun came to him and bowed before him.

Get up.

Taiyi Daojun's eyes fell on him and he looked at him. He saw that Zhuo Daochun had made rapid progress after leaving Taiyi Sect.

Although Zhuo Daochun deliberately concealed his cultivation strength back then, he could not hide it from him. Among the non-immortal disciples of the Taiyi Sect, Zhuo Daochun can definitely be ranked second, second only to Changsun Shenghai.

But now, Zhuo Daochun's cultivation level is much more powerful than that then. It seems that after following Xuhuang Daojun and others, everyone deciphered the Xuanhuang Dao Realm Sutra, which made him gain a lot.

Tai felt that his body seemed to contain a Taoist realm that accommodated all avenues, and various Taoist powers seeped out from time to time.

Taiyi was very pleased that he had made such progress.

I accepted you as a disciple back then, with the intention of using you, taking advantage of the rising tide of the Great Dao to seize the Taoist master's skills. You sneaked into my sect with the intention of learning my Taoism and calling on the people of the heavenly realm to fight against the other side.

Taiyi said, You and I are using each other. Now that we meet, we are enemies. If you still regard me as your teacher, you may die in my hands.

Zhuo Daochun stood up and said: I will follow the instructions.

Taidao: Back then, I knew that you secretly went to Hao Yi's restricted area to learn his magical powers, and I also knew that you passed on the true inheritance of our lineage to the Dragon Clan in the Celestial Realm.

Zhuo Daochun was extremely surprised and asked: Since the teacher knows, why don't you expose me?

I intend to take advantage of you, and you also intend to take advantage of me, so why bother pursuing it? Taiyi said with a smile.

Xu Ying listened, but felt a lot, and said with a smile: Back then, Master turned a blind eye, and Junior Brother Zhuo taught Tai Yizhen to the son of Emperor Mingxi of the Celestial Realm. Mingxi passed on this true message to Me. I came to the other shore from the Three Realms again and worshiped Master as my teacher. Could it be that the path of cause and effect can travel through time and space and through chaos, and there is actually a hint of fate in it?

When Taiyi and Zhuo Daochun heard this, they both felt a little weird.

After a while, they regained their composure.

Zhuo Daochun said: I am here to invite you two to see Taoist Master Ji Cang.

Xu Ying was startled and asked, Going to see Ji Cang? Is Ji Cang joining forces with you? Are you planning to invite Master to go there this time to kill Master? You are indeed a member of the Taiyi sect!

Hearing this, Taiyi felt a sudden thought in his heart: They say there are many rebellious people in my family. Is Zhuo Daochun really planning to lure me over and kill me?

Zhuo Daochun smiled slightly and said, We'll find out when we get there.

Xu Ying looked at Taiyi, who nodded slightly, and the two followed Zhuo Daochun, taking their time and flying towards the mountains.

Ahead, the mountains and rivers are in full bloom, the sky is beautiful, and the light is dazzling. It is like a painting coming to the face, coming from the painting into reality, and including them.

Even though Xu Ying had seen a lot of the universe after coming to the other side, he still couldn't help but marvel that there were such beautiful scenery in this world!

They passed by a fairy mountain, but they saw a strange peak standing tall and beautiful, with Taiyi Tianzun sitting on it. Looking at Taiyi from a distance, the reincarnation ring behind him was extremely bright, and he seemed to be including the heaven and the other shore in his reincarnation!

Xu Ying couldn't help but be moved. The last time he saw Taiyi, his strength was only comparable to that of the True King, but now he can already step into the ranks of Dao Lord!

His attainments in reincarnation may still be inferior to those of Dao Shengzi, but they are much better than Xu Ying's. What's more, Dao Shengzi is dead, Taiyi Tianzun can be said to be the first person on the road of reincarnation!

Taiyi and Taiyi's eyes met, Taiyi nodded slightly and continued to walk forward.

Ahead, Mount Sumeru shines brightly. The Buddha is sitting in danger, surrounded by golden clouds like a sea. Behind the heads of thousands of Buddhas are large and small caves and abyss, which are extremely dazzling, forming a halo of light.

The Great Dao Dongyuan practiced by the Buddha is not any innate Dao, but the Buddhist Dao. It focuses on the cultivation of mind and nature, and has great achievements, reaching the level of the Taoist Lord.

Taiyi walked forward again and saw Taoist Yuxu sitting on a jade peak, as steep as a cliff, with a Taoist temple on the edge of the cliff.

That Taoist practiced in the void, and the abyss behind his head was completely empty, blue and deep, with no end in sight.

This void method is not among the Nine Innate Paths, and not many people on the other side have understood it. There is only one immortal who practices this method, but he only cultivates it to the early stage of the immortal state, and then it is difficult to make progress.

Taiyi Daojun couldn't help but look at Yuxu Daozu a few more times, and said silently in his heart: This Void Dao seems to be no worse than the Nine Innate Dao.

He met Taiqing Taoist Patriarch and Yuqing Taoist Patriarch again. These two Taoist ancestors are now practicing Wuji Tao, and each has his own understanding. Although they are both Wuji, they have different emphasis.

Tai Qing is biased towards Tai Chi, Yu Qing is biased towards Too Yi.

These two people also made Taiyi Daojun feel awe-inspiring.

He looked at them one by one and saw that these rebels from the three realms had greatly increased their cultivation strength in the past two hundred years, jumping from the level of the original Immortal True King to the level of Dao Lord!

In just two hundred years, such an astonishing leap has been achieved, which is really astonishing!

You must know that the immortality on the other side is different from the immortality in other universes. The immortals on the other side harvest the universe, let the monks in the universe help them practice, gather the wisdom of these people, and help them perfect the Taoism!

How powerful are their cultivation levels?

Although they are both in the realm of immortality, the difference in strength between the early, middle, peak, and consummation stages of immortality can be described as huge.

These barbarians from the Three Realms, monks who had not harvested the universe, could actually improve their cultivation strength to this level. Taiyi couldn't help but be shocked.

In this heavenly realm, there must be a Taoist master who has resurrected and guided them in their cultivation, which is why their cultivation strength has improved so rapidly. He thought to himself.

At this time, he saw the ancestral god and his heart skipped a beat.

The strength of this god is unfathomable, and his power is so powerful that it gives him a feeling as deep as the universe!

He looked back and saw Lord Xuhuang Dao.

Tai's expression remained as usual, but there was a turmoil in his heart. The Xuhuang Dao Lord's original cultivation strength was somewhat inferior to that of the Four Dao Lords. Unexpectedly, during this period of time, he could actually improve by leaps and bounds!

Now, the feeling that Xuhuang Daojun gave him was almost as good as him!

There is definitely a Taoist master in the heaven, there may be more than one! No wonder Taoist Master Hua has disappeared for many years!

He came to Emperor Xu, bowed to him, and asked, Where is Taoist Master Ji Cang?

Xuhuang said: Fellow Taoist, please.

Taiyi Daodaojun followed him to a fairy palace. The door of the fairy palace had been covered with heavy seals, as if it was imprisoning some monster.

Emperor Xu opened the seal, and Taiyi and Xu Ying followed him in.

I saw that there is a cave inside the Immortal Palace, and there is an extremely vast world with no end as far as the eye can see.

At this moment, snow is falling in the world in the palace, and the gray snow is falling one after another, leaving an unknown amount of snow in the world in the palace.

Taoist Master Ji Cang stood in the world, looking at this scene with his hands behind his back. He saw that his extremely tall body was riddled with holes at this moment.

A gust of cold wind blew by, which seemed to Ji Cang to be bone-chilling, drilling into his bones, bringing out snow like black mist from his body, flying in all directions.

He turned around and saw Xu Ying again, smiling sadly.

Kid, I've been caught up in some bad luck!

He smiled and promised Xu, I won't live long!

Xu Ying was horrified when he saw this situation.

Dao Zongyuan, the Taoist master of the Yuan Realm, single-handedly changed the destiny of the Yuan Realm against the heavens and resisted the fate. Although he died, his body was immortal, and only a piece of Tao ashes fell from his body from time to time.

As for Ji Cang, who is also a Taoist master, his cultivation strength may be stronger than that of Dao Zongyuan back then, but in just a few years, he turned into this appearance due to bad luck!

How terrible is the fate on the other side? Xu Ying thought to himself.

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