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Chapter 805 Beyond the Nine Paths, where does the void come from?

Xu Ying naturally refused to sworn sworn sworn vows to him, let alone swear an oath to the Chaos Lord. Now that he heard the Chaos Oath, he felt a headache.

Ji Cang shouted: I am a Taoist master, and I am a pure saint on the other side. I am sworn in with you, a pariah in the three realms. Do you still dislike it?

Xu Ying ignored him and said to Emperor Xu: Brother Dao, I haven't seen you in the past few days. Your cultivation has greatly improved, which is admirable. In my opinion, brother Dao is no less good than Lord Taiyi.

Emperor Xu smiled and said: Taiyi is the Dao Lord, and I am also the Dao Lord. How can I lag behind him? However, our cultivation has greatly increased during this period, and we have to rely on the Heavenly Realm Taoist. This Taoist is no small matter, and he is proficient in all kinds of things. Taoism teaches us all kinds of great ways, which benefits each of us a lot.

Xu Ying couldn't help but be moved when he heard this. Xuhuang, Taiqing, Taiyi and others practiced different avenues, especially Xuhuang, who practiced more than ten kinds of innate avenues. If you want to guide these immortals and let them rise to this level in just a few hundred years, the Taoist deeds of this Heavenly Realm Taoist are too high.

The Ancestral God stepped forward and said: The Heavenly Realm Taoist is indeed astonishing to the world. Although he is also in the Taoist realm, in my opinion, his peak combat power is still higher than the three Taoist masters on the other side!

Xu Ying bowed to Him, and the Ancestor God returned the bow, wondering: A Ying, why haven't you achieved immortality yet?

Xu Ying smiled and said, It's almost time. I have cultivated all nine innate avenues, and I still have one or two left before I can reach perfection. By then, I will hit the realm of immortality.

Taiqing Taoist Patriarch came over and said: There are still two great ways that have not yet been completed. You must meet the Heavenly Realm Taoist Master! With his guidance, you can complete these two great ways faster!

Xu Ying couldn't help but be filled with longing, looking forward to meeting this person who was the number one in the Taoist realm.

It's just that the Heavenly Realm Taoist Master has never returned to his peak after his resurrection.

Taoist Yuqing came over and said, This time, Taoist Master Hua came fiercely. In order to save Taoist Master Ji Cang, he had to take action, but he was still seriously injured. It was through his guidance that Junior Brother Taiqing and I were able to follow the path of Wuji. Something was accomplished.”

Xu Ying saw the gift and said with a smile: Congratulations to the two Taoist ancestors, there will be no more disputes.

Taiqing and Yuqing looked at each other, each frowning and looking sad.

Obviously, there was still something wrong with their understanding of Wuji.

Xu Ying's Wuji Dao had only cultivated to the supreme state and was still a little far away from immortality, so he asked the two for advice. At the beginning, Taiqing and Yuqing gave him some advice, and their opinions could be unified. However, as the questions Xu Ying asked became more and more profound, their opinions gradually differed.

Then the two old men began to quarrel. One said that you were deducing Wuji from Tai Chi and using the results to prove the cause. In the process, there were various changes such as Tai Su, Tai Shi, Tai Chu, Tai Yi, etc., so there would definitely be errors.

One says that you are inferring the Five Supreme Beings from the Wuji, but you are interpreting the Wuji innately. The Wuji you interpret is no longer innate, but your personal acquired understanding. Using this as a basis to deduce the changes in the Five Tails is definitely incomplete and deviates from the innate.

The two old men were quarreling fiercely. Ji Cang said from the side: You are talking empty words, but you can see the truth in your hands. Why don't you have a fight and argue the case?

That makes sense!

Taiqing Taozu and Yuqing Taozu immediately started fighting, and the sky was dark and the earth was dark.

Xu Ying had no choice but to walk towards Yuxu Taoist Ancestor and said with a smile: Are you okay, Ancestor?

Taoist Yuxu smiled and said: Thank you, the heaven realm has been safe and sound these past few years, and I haven't encountered many dangers. Xu Daozu, I have practiced the Tao of Void and have achieved something now. If you can't learn those two Taoist ways, you might as well Come and learn the way of emptiness.”

Xu Ying was originally a descendant of the Kunlun lineage, but Xu You, the ancestor of the Xu family, switched to studying the Taiyi lineage and abandoned his original inheritance.

Taoist Yuxu felt that he could not do anything to Xu You and his descendants, so he always felt that he owed Xu Ying something and always wanted to make up for it.

Xu Ying smiled and said: Master, what I practice now is the Nine Innate Ways, nine extremely powerful innate ways. I can't only benefit from you, why don't I pass on several of the ways I practice to you in exchange for you How about the Void Avenue?

He also felt a little guilty towards this ancestor. After all, it was his ancestor who abandoned the Kunlun inheritance and failed to live up to the expectations of Yuxu Taoist Ancestor. Moreover, Taoist Yuxu was very kind to him, but he failed to pick up the Kunlun inheritance.

The Grandmaster's Great Void Path is definitely not as good as the Nine Innate Paths. I will take this opportunity to pass on the Nine Innate Paths to him, which can also enhance his strength. Xu Ying thought to himself.

Taoist Yuxu said happily: That's good.

Preaching by people in the Three Realms is much simpler than on the other side. Ever since Xu Ying and others improved the New Dao Patterns of the Three Realms, the secrets of the Dao Dao have been included in the New Dao Patterns. The higher the Tao Xing, the fewer the number of new Tao patterns.

Basically all of the various avenues promised have achieved the new Dao pattern within ten, only Wuji Jie Lun has not yet achieved it.

Xu Ying taught the eight great Tao patterns of Chaos, Hongmeng, Wuji, Taiyi, Reincarnation, Cause and Effect, Luck, and Killing to Taoist Yuxu, and Taozu Yuxu also taught him the Taoist patterns of the void that he had realized.

The number of void Dao patterns he has comprehended is also very small, only five Dao patterns.

Xu Ying learned these five Taoist symbols, and Yuxu Taoist Ancestor said: This Void Realm Taoist Master is very difficult to practice. Tianjing Taoist also said that this kind of Taoist Realm was not known much in the heavens at that time. I can be regarded as the highest achievement of Xukong No, he can’t give you any advice. You have a bright mind, so you must practice and comprehend it diligently.”

Xu Ying said yes.

He studied it roughly, and gradually his face became solemn, and he realized that this void pattern was not inferior to the Dao patterns of the nine innate paths!

But, how is this possible?

The innate nine ways are nine supreme ways. How could there be another way besides the nine ways that parallels it?

The nine innate ways have covered the process from chaos to flood source, to the universe, and then to annihilation. The nine great ways are clearly supreme! How can the void be equal to it?

Xu Ying was very curious. He originally planned to spy on the conversation between Taiyi and Master Hua, but at this moment, he was involuntarily attracted by the void pattern and immersed in it.

When Yuxu Taoist Ancestor saw that he was forgetting to sleep and eat, and devoted himself wholeheartedly to studying the Void Dao Patterns, he couldn't help but smile with relief, and thought to himself: The Xu family has finally picked up the inheritance of my lineage.

As Xu Ying studied more, he discovered more and more subtleties of Void Avenue, but the doubts in his heart also became deeper and deeper.

Void does not refer to the starry sky, but to space without any matter. It is a realm of nothingness. As long as there is matter, it cannot be called void.

When the monk's soul is sacrificed, it is often placed in the void. Because there is no matter there, the energy state of the soul is placed in it. It can appear and disappear, change at will, and does not occupy real space.

Sometimes monks would use the void to gain a foothold when fighting. That is when the space is shattered, there is no place to stay, and the void can temporarily stay.

But other than that, there are very few applications of Void, and even Void's magical powers are very rare.

The five void patterns that Yuxu Taoist taught him explained more of the magical uses of void. The void is divided into multiple layers. The deeper the void, the stronger the repulsion to matter and the more friendly it is to the attraction of energy.

If you practice this kind of Dao to a high level and activate your magical powers, you can directly transform all matter, including enemies!

You can also create things from the void and use energy to create matter.

This kind of avenue is so powerful that it cannot be accommodated by the Nine Innate Paths. It seems that the Nine Innate Paths do not include all the avenues!

Xu Ying was suddenly stunned. He used the Heavenly Martial Dao to accommodate the Nine Innate Dao. His purpose was to make all the great avenues in the world fall into his Martial Dao.

His martial arts turned into a flood, with which he owned all avenues and mastered all methods.

However, the Void Avenue shows that even if he controls the fate and annihilation, there may still be avenues wandering around.

My martial arts still hasn't touched the essence of Tao.

He thought silently in his heart, Then, if my martial arts merges with the void, can it encompass all avenues and master all methods? I'm afraid it won't work.

He thought hard and felt that there should be something essential in it that he had never discovered.


Taiyi Daodaojun followed the Xu Emperor to a realm of glazed glass, and saw that the sky and the earth became extremely flat, like a mirror, refracting all light and color.

A sudden thought occurred to him, this was the place where Dao Master Hua killed Dao Master Xuanhuang!

Dao Zun Tianjing trapped Dao Master Hua here, clearly intending to avenge Emperor Xuan.

He thought to himself, But Dao Master Hua is really powerful and survived. It seems that Dao Master Tianjing is far from returning to his peak.

Xuhuang said: Master Hua is right in front. Brother Dao, please excuse me.

Taiyi thanked him and walked forward.

The mirror surface is extremely smooth and does not absorb any light. All light and colors will be refracted. Therefore, any color refracted by the mirror surface and reflected in the human eye will appear extremely bright and colorful.

Taiyi Daodaojun unknowingly walked to the center of the mirror, and suddenly saw a green bamboo reflected in the mirror, which was lush and green, as if carved from emerald green jade.

He looked up, but he didn't see the green bamboo.

Innate Spiritual Treasure!

Taiyi Daojun calmed down. Green Bamboo is the spiritual root of chaos in the Holy World universe. It is extremely powerful and fell into the hands of Hua Dao Master a long time ago.

Now, this green bamboo looks like a carving in the mirror, not like the real thing.

He continued to walk forward and saw another large cauldron with four legs and a square shape. This cauldron is also the spiritual root of chaos, an innate spiritual treasure. It is said that the flood source of the conquering universe was born from this cauldron.

This four-legged cauldron was born to absorb the power of the Chaos Sea, refine it into the cauldron, and turn it into the nourishment of the flood source!

Taiyi continued to move forward and saw other innate spiritual treasures. Without exception, these spiritual treasures turned into carvings in the mirror and were sealed in the mirror.

Even he, the Dao Lord, who is infinitely close to the realm of Tao Master, cannot understand such exquisite magical powers!

It was the Heaven Realm Taoist who took action...

He said silently in his heart, Only Master Dao Zun can have such incredible means to restrain the innate spiritual treasure.

After a while, he finally saw Hua Dao Master. Hua Dao Master was also in the mirror, but compared to those innate spiritual treasures that turned into carvings, Hua Dao Master was in a much better situation.

Around him, there are four innate spiritual treasures to resist the magical power of the Taoist Master in the Heaven Realm, so that he will not look like a sculpture.

But at the same time, he was trapped in the space supported by the four innate spiritual treasures, unable to get out, let alone escape.

At this time, Hua Dao Master was dying and seriously injured. The Luoying Divine Ax fell outside the four spiritual treasures. The ax blade was in tatters, the ax handle was broken, and it became a carving in the mirror, losing its power.

When Taiyi Daojun saw this, his heart was slightly shaken. With so many innate spiritual treasures sealed, the Taoism of the Heavenly Realm Daoist was really terrifying!

Master Hua Dao, I'm here to redeem you and return you to the other side.

Taiyi spoke slowly, recounted the three conditions mentioned by Emperor Xu, and said, Brother Taoist, do you have any objections to these three conditions?

Although Master Hua was seriously injured, he was still extraordinary. He looked up at Taiyi outside the mirror and said calmly: Of these three conditions, I can agree to the first two, but I absolutely cannot agree to the third. . Taiyi, the reason why they put forward these three conditions is simply because they are worried that Lin Dao Master Luo Dao Master will come and wipe out the Heaven Realm. Now the advantage does not lie with them!

Taiyi was silent for a moment and said, What if they want to kill you?

Master Hua frowned slightly: I am now protected by four great spiritual treasures. How can they kill me?

Tai Dao: Others can't kill you, but Teacher Dao Zun can definitely kill you.

Master Hua fell silent.

The Taoist Master of the Heavenly Realm is certainly the Taoist Master of the Heavenly Realm, but he is also the mentor of these Taoist masters.

The Heaven and Earth Dao of Heaven has not yet completely recovered, and he is far from returning to his peak. What's more, his injuries are very serious.

Master Hua said, He may not be able to kill me.

Taidao: The next disaster on the other side will happen, three thousand years later, if Master Hua doesn't think about the other side, then I will help Master Dao Master and refine you to death here. If you think about the other side, then talk to them We made a three-thousand-year agreement. Within three thousand years, we will not offend the heavens and we will not come to seek revenge. We will wait until the disaster on the other side has passed.

The corners of Hua Dao Master's eyes twitched, he raised his head and looked at him.

Tai looked directly into his eyes without any fear.

After a moment, Master Hua withdrew his gaze and said: You want to rescue me, let me recover from my injuries, and prepare for the disaster three thousand years from now. Taiyi, you are really thinking about the other side, and you don't have much selfishness.

He snorted coldly: But you don't hesitate to threaten me for this, aren't you afraid that you will suffer retribution when you break through and become a Taoist master?

Taiyi said slowly: Brother Tao, the overall situation is the most important thing. As for whether I can prove the Tao Master, that is a matter of the future.

Master Hua exhaled a breath of turbidity and said: Okay, you tell Emperor Xu and I agree to the three-part agreement. It is limited to three thousand years. After three thousand years, we will compete again and take revenge!

Taiyi leaned forward and said, Thank you so much, Brother Dao, for your help.

He returned to find Emperor Xu and mentioned this matter. Emperor Xu smiled and said: Three thousand years is naturally the best. There is a blood feud between Tianjing and Bianjing, and it is impossible to give up revenge just because of a Hua Dao Master. Bianjing wants to level Tianjing in three thousand years, and Tianjing also wants to rest and recuperate for three thousand years, and strive for To take revenge three thousand years later.”

Thank you, fellow Taoist.

So Emperor Xu led him to find Dao Master in the Heaven Realm. The two parties came to the place where Dao Master Hua was suppressed and made an oath of chaos.

Dao Master Tianjing released Master Hua Dao, but the innate spiritual treasures fixed in the mirror were not returned.

Master Hua did not ask for it, and said: I hope that Master Dao will take good care of it. I will come to pick it up personally in three thousand years!

Taoist Master Tianjing waved his hand and asked Taiyi to take him away.

Master Hua's injury was too serious, and it would be difficult for him to stay here for a long night and many dreams. Master Taiyi immediately went to find Xu Ying, but Xu Ying was immersed in the void pattern and entered the void alone. Taiyi failed to find him, so he had to take the first step and take Master Hua out of the heaven.

On this day, Xu Ying entered the twenty-eighth level of void. He realized that he had improved a lot in the way of void, and he felt happy in his heart.

He looked up and saw a young man in a yellow shirt with his hands behind his back in the void, looking at him with an old look.

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