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Chapter 802 Nine Hatreds, keep the door open

Changsun Shenghai, Taishi and others also left one after another. Xu Ying took Shengzun, Qingxuan and others back to Taiyimen. Along the way, he saw that the other side had become much more depressed and no longer as prosperous as before.

If it were in the past, you could often see the saints from the other side studying everywhere, going to various Taoist scenes and delving into the mysteries of the Taoist scenes. You can also see the saints on the other side who are full of martial virtues, going to war with each other and scalping the losers.

However, this scene is much less popular now and has become a bit deserted.

They returned to Taiyimen and saw that Taiyimen had just opened She'an Palace, and disciples were coming out of the palace. When they saw the five of them, they were all shocked, thinking they had seen a ghost.

Xu Ying asked why. When the disciple saw him, he was horrified and said: Our Taiyimen has been closed for twenty-eight years to avoid disaster. Master has ordered that no one can go out and stay at the gate to avoid disaster. Today We have just been released from seclusion. The five senior brothers came back from the outside. Are they dead and their innocent souls have returned? Senior brothers, please do not harm me!

Taoist Wukong saw that he was speaking rudely, so he stepped forward and beat him up. The disciple said happily: Senior brother, the yang energy is so strong that it seems that he is not a ghost.

Taoist Wukong sent him away.

They entered the She'an Palace, and not long after, Taoist Lord Jiuhen rushed over. When he saw the five of them, he exclaimed: What a living creature!

Taoist Wukong thought that he could not defeat him, so he did not step forward.

Xu Ying asked: Senior Brother Jiu Hao, the Taoist sect has been closed for twenty-eight years. What happened?

Daojun Jiuhen said in surprise: You don't know?

Xu Ying shook his head.

The Master of the Nine Hate Dao said: Teacher Taiyi has calculated that there will be disaster on the other side, so let us recall all the disciples who are outside, seal She'an Palace, and strictly prohibit anyone from going out, so as not to be contaminated with the disaster. During the twenty-eight years that we have been closed, the world In the chaos, more than two hundred immortals died. There were countless others killed and injured.

Xu Ying was shocked. More than two hundred immortals died?

Dao Lord Jiuhen whispered: I heard that the three great masters wanted to choose people to be the dead ghosts to avoid disaster. Therefore, most of the more than 200 immortals who died were used as sacrifices. Resurrection Dao Master Such existence.

When Xu Ying heard this, his heart moved slightly. It would take about forty or fifty immortals to resurrect a Tao Master-level existence.

Sacrificing more than two hundred immortals can revive four or five Tao masters.

It seems that in addition to Ji Cang, there are three or four Taoist masters who have been resurrected.

Jiuhen said: To resurrect these Tao masters, we need to lay out a plan, hang bait, and lure the immortals into traps. When the immortals are attracted, other people, those at the seventh and eighth levels of the Tao realm, will naturally be attracted too. As a result, there are countless casualties. Those who have died in these years Immortal, together with all kinds of things, there are three to four hundred people. That is to say, the Bian'an family has a great cause, so there is no problem.

Even before this calamity, hundreds of immortals died or were injured because of the promise. Adding in the immortals who died during this calamity, there were indeed three to four hundred people.

Coupled with the hollowing out of power caused by the death of these immortals, the latecomers fought for power and profit, and the sky was dark and the earth was dark.

Xu Ying and others went to Zhaojie without realizing that a catastrophe was happening on the other side, but to the people on the other side, this was a catastrophe.

Many disciples from all Dao Ji Tian palaces were killed or injured in this catastrophe. Only our Taiyi Sect escaped this catastrophe because we retreated early.

The Lord of Nine Hate Dao said, We originally thought that the only losses of Taiyimen were the five of you, but we didn't expect that you could come back alive. What a anomaly! What an anomaly!

Will the other side decline because of this? the Holy Lord asked maliciously.

Daojun Jiuhen said in surprise: How could the other shore decline?

The Holy Lord said: So many masters have died on the other side, and three or four hundred of them are immortal. Why won't they decline?

Daojun Jiuhen smiled and said: I see. You have misunderstood Junior Brother Yuan Yu. Most of these immortals who died were people from the other side underground, a small part were people from the other side on the ground, and only a very small part were people from the other side in Dao Jitian. . Dao Jitian has not been damaged, and his strength is still there, so why did he decline?

The Holy Lord frowned slightly.

Taoist Lord Jiuhen continued: What's more, this time it's not about cutting flesh or scraping bones to cure poison, but exchanging blood. The immortals underground are jealous of Dao Jitian's immortal power, and they often rebel and plot evil. This time he died. It’s a good thing that so many people have died. A lot of immortals on the ground have also died. It’s just a good time to bring in a group of people with extraordinary talents and understanding from other universes and let them enter the other side and become saints. After they entered the other side, they were able to achieve great success, but they were not grateful to the other side. ?”

As soon as these words came out, not only the Holy Lord was stunned, but Qingxuan, Wukong and others also looked dull.

Only Shi Tianyang thought this was a matter of course. Seeing this situation, he thought to himself: Three realms rubbish.

Xu Ying smiled and said: If they don't die, the people below will have no chance to climb up. After they die, there will be so many carrot pits. Those people who climbed up and got into the carrot pits, aren't they grateful and loyal to the other side? Is that true?

Jiuhen nodded and said with a smile: Junior brother Xu has already achieved Samadhi deeply.

Xu Ying laughed loudly and said, This scene seems familiar.

At this time, True King Zongyi hurried over and said to Xu Ying: Junior Brother Xu, the master is out of seclusion and wants you to go see him.

Xu Ying said yes and followed him to Yaoguang Hall.

Taiyi Daojun is sitting on the futon, and his whole body is filled with a lofty aura, as if the Dao is mixed together, as deep as the flood of the universe.

He is an old saint from the other side. He is physically powerful, but he does not have the aggressive aura of other old saints. Instead, he is very gentle and has the bearing of an accomplished elder.

Xu Ying stepped forward to greet him and said, This time Master came out of seclusion, has he achieved Taoism?

Lord Taiyi Dao shook his head and said: There is still a small step left. It is not that easy to become a Taoist master. Although the Xuanhuang Dao Realm Sutra is exquisite, it is not suitable for my Taiyi Dao. I can only learn from its mystery and practice to make progress. If you want to achieve enlightenment, you still need some strength.”

His eyes fell on Xu Ying, and he couldn't help showing a shocked expression. He looked at her several times and said, Xu Ying, are you going to achieve immortality?

Xu Ying shook his head and said: Disciple still has some skills left.

Taiyi Daojun looked at him with gentle eyes and said: You must achieve immortality as soon as possible. The last time I retreated, I realized that the fate of the other side was uncertain and a great disaster was bound to happen, so I closed the She'an Palace and ordered you not to go out. . But in this retreat, this feeling of whim has never gone away, and the disaster on the other side is still there, just postponed. It will definitely come again in the near future.

He stood up slowly and said in a thick voice: I'm afraid it will be difficult to survive the comeback in the future. It is impossible to say that we, the Taiyimen, will have to survive in the tribulation of death. If you achieve immortality, you will live The chances of success will be greater.”

He also has another purpose, which is to promise to achieve immortality and compete with his master and apprentice. He wants to take this opportunity to prove the Taoist Master in one fell swoop.

Xu Ying's heart moved slightly, and he had to admire Taiyi Daojun's profound cultivation and amazing Taoism. Tao masters like Ji Cang were unable to sense the calamity due to their Taoist attainments, but Taiyi could sense the calamity and react in advance.

In terms of Taoism, he is no longer inferior to the Taoist Master.

Xu Ying said: The next disaster on the other side will be in three thousand years.

Taiyi was slightly startled and looked questioning. Xu Yingdao: This disciple has practiced the path of calamity and has achieved some success. It can be seen that the next calamity on the other side will be three thousand years from now.

Taiyi Daojun had a sudden thought and hurriedly asked for the reason. Xu Ying then told the story about how he went to Zhaojie and a calamity broke out in Zhaojie, triggering a massacre.

Taiyi Daojun immediately woke up and said: This is the fate of the four avenue masters transferred to Zhaojie. The purpose of sending their respective disciples is to control the fate of the disaster. Unexpectedly, you got it.

Xu Ying had guessed this when he met Changsun Shenghai and others in Zhaojie, and was not surprised at all.

Taiyi Daojun walked around and frowned: What the four Tao masters want is to control the destiny. If they know that you have obtained the path of calamity, they will definitely not tolerate you.

Xu Ying said with a smile: Master, there is no need to worry. I communicated with them before I returned to the Sea of ​​Chaos, and now their calamity attainments have also greatly improved. After they return, the four avenue masters will find that their disciples have gained The method of calamity is quite adequate.

Taiyi Daojun stopped, looked at him, and didn't speak for a while.

Xu Ying asked tentatively: Master?

I'm wondering whether to kill you.

Taiyi Daojun was very frank and said, What you said just now made me feel frightened. I always feel that leaving you is a disaster for me on the other side, and it will definitely cause a lot of trouble in the future.

Xu Ying thought for a while and said: Master, the purpose of keeping me is because my intelligence can enlighten Master and help you break through and become the master of Taiyi Avenue. It is more cost-effective to cultivate the master of Taiyi Avenue, or to get rid of it. Am I a better deal?”

He lowered his head and smiled: Does Master Taiyi think that he was no match for me at that time?

Taiyi Daojun snorted and rolled his sleeves: You are right. Regarding the resurgence of disaster on the other side three thousand years later, please don't tell anyone. Do you understand?

Xu Ying nodded lightly.

Taiyi Daojun's eyes flashed and he said: If this matter spreads, it will shake the hearts of the people on the other side. Many immortals will be in danger, and I am afraid that the universe below will also become alienated. Everything is not good...

He waved his hand and retreated to Xu Ying.

After Xu Ying left, Jiu Heng came to the palace, and Lord Taiyi Dao said: I heard that Master Hua went to the heaven, and he has been away for several years, but he has not returned. I want to go to Jiuqiu Mountain to see Master Luo and ask questions. You guard the gate and don't let Xu Ying escape again.

Nine hates are called yes.

Taiyi Daojun left in a hurry, but after a while he came to Jiuqiu Mountain and asked to see Daoist Luo. Master Luo ordered someone to invite him to come to Ziguang Cave to meet him. Taiyi Daojun entered Ziguang Cave to pay homage. Master Luo said quickly: Fellow Taoist, don't be so polite. You and I are contemporaries, how can we do such a great gift?

Taiyi Daojun said: The master is the teacher, and the Taoist brother is the Taoist master. Respecting you is respecting the Tao, and we cannot disrespect you.

Master Luo smiled and asked, Why are fellow Taoists here?

Taiyi said sternly: I heard that Master Hua went to Heaven for several years. I was worried about his safety, so I came to inquire.

Taoist Master Luo looked solemn and said: Brother Hua Dao's cultivation strength is said to be the second in the world, and no one dares to say that he is the first. There must be no serious problems for him to go to the heaven. He is a Taoist, and he has been hanging around for a few years. Who can Dare to ask?

Taiyi hesitated for a moment and said: The great avenue of heaven and earth in the heaven realm has revived. I am always worried that there will be some powerful existence hidden.

Dao Master Luo smiled and said: Xuanhuang has died in the hands of Dao Master Hua. Even if there are other Dao Masters in the heaven, they will not be his opponents.

Taiyi was still worried and said: I will go back and make arrangements before heading to Heaven.

Taoist Luo didn't take it seriously and ordered someone to escort Taiyi Daojun away from Jiuqiu Mountain. He said with a smile: Taiyi is a traitor but seems to be loyal. The whole family is full of rebels. He pretends to be loyal. Even I can't see the flaw.

Taiyi returned to the Taoist sect, only to see that Xu Ying was not in the Taoist sect. Not only was Xu Ying not there, Jiu Hate was also missing.

He summoned King Zongyi Zhen to ask, and King Zongyizhen said: Junior Brother Xu was going out to ask Master Hunyuan to borrow his exercises for reference. Brother Jiuhen stopped him and refused to let him go out. Junior Brother Xu said Why don't Senior Brother accompany me to borrow it? Senior Brother Jiuhen will go out with him.

When Taiyi heard this, he couldn't help but laugh angrily: Jiuxian, are you a dog? I asked you to look after the house, but it would be better for you to steal the house with the rebels!

He personally went to the Cave Heaven Paradise where Lord Hunyuan lived, and without waiting for notification, he broke in. Sure enough, he saw that Lord Hunyuan was beaten with a black nose and a swollen face, while Xu Ying was studying Chaos Mahayana Enlightenment by Lord Hunyuan. 》.

As for Jiu Hate, he had no intention of making a mistake and sat aside drinking tea.

Taiyi coughed, and Jiuhen noticed him and hurriedly stood up and said, Master, why are you here?

Taiyi glared at him fiercely, hurriedly stepped forward, helped Daojun Hunyuan, and said with great shame: Fellow Daoist Hunyuan, it was my lax discipline that caused you to suffer. I will discipline these traitors strictly to eliminate you. The anger in my heart! You evil disciple, why don’t you come over and apologize to fellow Taoist Hunyuan?”

Xu Ying and Jiu Xen stepped forward and apologized to Lord Hunyuan.

Taojun Hunyuan sneered: Taiyi, your two disciples have bullied me too much. You just apologized and that's all? Jiuhao, you have to cut off his millions of years of Taoism. If you promise, you have to show your sincerity by taking out a treasure!

Taiyi Daojun's face changed slightly, and he said with a pleasant look: Fellow Taoist Hunyuan, I asked them to apologize to you because I am generous. But if you ignore others, it is your fault. If you want to harm my disciple, How about we make some gestures?”

Taojun Hunyuan's face turned pale, and he said quickly: I don't dare, I don't dare.

Taiyi Daodaojun called Xu Ying and Jiuhen and shouted: Won't you go back with me?

Xu Yingdao: This disciple has not yet fully learned the secrets of Mahayana enlightenment.

Taiyi looked at Daojun Hunyuan, and Daojun Hunyuan smiled and said, It doesn't matter if you take this stone tablet back to your house. You can just send it back after you finish studying.

Thank you, fellow Taoist, for being so reasonable. Taiyi bowed.

Daojun Hunyuan returned the courtesy: Don't dare.

Xu Ying then followed Taiyi back to She'an Palace with the stone tablet engraved with the instructions for Mahayana enlightenment.

Taiyi Daojun ordered: Jiu Hate, you stay at the Taoist gate. As a master, I will go to the heaven with my promise. This time I must guard the gate and don't cause trouble again.

Jiu Hate is submissive.

Taiyi left with Xu Ying.

A few days later, Taoist Wukong found Jiu Hate and said, Senior brother, I studied Taishangdao before I started. In recent years, I feel that I have achieved great success in Taishangdao and it is difficult to make any progress. But I have never seen Yuxuan Passage. Your true technique.

Jiuhen said: Master has told me to guard the door and not cause trouble.

Taoist Wukong said: My Taiyi Sect is the first among all the Taoist sects in the world. Isn't it the majesty of Senior Brother Jiuhen since Hao Yi?

Jiuhen thought for a moment and said, That's fine, I'll go with you.

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