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Chapter 801 The calamity remains the same

Taoist Master Ji Cang returned to the other side, his eyes flashed, and he whispered: Taoist Master Hua released me just because he intended to make me their scapegoat. He deliberately asked me to take away the Four Innate Flags, but I will These four flags were given to Xu Ying and them. Now that I return to the other side, they will not be able to know my whereabouts.

He drifted away and said leisurely: Hua Shengsheng, Lin Chuanting, Luo Shizong, you want to kill me, and you're not even close!

He sneaked into the other side, hiding his traces, and thought to himself: This time, we still don't know who is plotting against you! Who knows, I can join forces with other Taoist masters to kill you!

On the other side, Taoist Master Hua also followed his induction and pursued Taoist Master Xiang Kun.

Taoist Master Xiang Kun was originally suppressed by him in Tianyin Palace, but he designed to revive Xiang Kun a few years ago. When Xiang Kun left, he took away Tianyin Palace, the innate spiritual treasure used to suppress him, and disappeared.

But to Master Hua, Xiang Kun's every move was under his watchful eye.

This time he came after Tianyin Palace.

Tianyin Palace has been refined by him for who knows how long, but it is still easy to hide his brand in it.

It didn't take long for Hua Dao Master to track down the Lancang Forest, which was also an inaccessible restricted area. Countless tree branches covered the sky, blocking the sky. The jungle was dark, humid, and the sky was invisible.

People who enter it never return, and no one has ever been able to come out alive.

Master Hua frowned slightly and looked at the Lancang forest. Others didn't know where the Lancang restricted area was, but he knew it clearly. He was the one who created this restricted area. Back then, he killed the Taoist Master Duya here and suppressed his body here.

How did Xiang Kun come here?

Confused, he walked into the forest. Hidden in this forest is the innate spiritual treasure he left here to prevent outsiders from walking in.

He was naturally unimpeded.

At this time, only a voice was heard saying leisurely: Isn't this Fellow Daoist Hua? Fellow Daoist Hua is actually interested in coming to visit his old friend today. That's right!

That voice was that of the Taoist Master Duya. The Taoist Master was dead and not stiff. He suddenly laughed and said: That's right, you are not here to find me, you are here to find Xiang Kun! Hahahahaha , how do I know? Xiang Kun told me!

He sneered again and again: Xiang Kun also said that Old Ghost Hua deliberately asked him to take away the innate spiritual root Tianyin Palace to deceive him and try to determine his location. But how could he be so stupid?

The corners of Hua Dao Master's eyes trembled.

The Master of Duya Road was lying in a sarcophagus in the forest. Black water gurgled outward from the sarcophagus, forming a black pool, braving the cold air.

The voice in the sarcophagus said leisurely: So he ran over and sank the Tianyin Palace into my black pool. He really wanted to see the stinky face of your old ghost Hua. But he knew that if he hid nearby You will definitely find out, so he left him here and let me see your stinky face.

Master Hua's face was gloomy, and he slowly walked out of the forest and came to the black water pool.

There was a sound of slapping the coffin wall from the sarcophagus. The corpse of Duya Taoist Master was laughing so much that he couldn't help but beat the coffin again and again, and said with a smile: Sure enough, he has a stinky face!

Dao Master Hua snorted angrily, reached out to grab it, and saw black water surging. After a while, Tianyin Palace slowly emerged from the water.

The face is even more stinky! the corpse of Duya Taoist Master laughed.

Taoist Hua's face was so furious that he could hardly keep it on his face. He turned around and left with Tianyin Palace. Behind him came the unbridled ridicule of Taoist Duya.

I can't destroy the corpse yet, because I want to keep this bastard's corpse to fully prepare for future catastrophes! Hua Dao Master grinded his teeth.

He searched the sky and the earth, looking for the traces left by Taoist Xiang Kun, and at the same time he sensed Xiang Kun's avenue.

If Dao Master-level existences like them mobilize their own Dao, they will definitely be extremely eye-catching!

However, he never found any trace of Taoist Master Xiang Kun.

Did Xiang Kun go to other universes like Ji Cang?

Taoist Master Hua felt that he was about to be doomed. He couldn't help but be upset. He also used his divine calculations to calculate the whereabouts of Taoist Master Xiang Kun, but there was still no gain.

His own avenue is connected to the avenue of heaven and earth on the other side. He checked everyone, but still couldn't find Xiang Kun!

At this time, Taoist master Lin came and said, Brother Taoist, have you found the whereabouts of Xiang Kun?

Taoist Master Hua shook his head and said, Fellow Taoist, have you found the whereabouts of Taoist Master Sangqing?


Master Lin said, I went to look for him, but he threw the innate spiritual treasure I gave him to Chi Li. Chi Li laughed at me in the coffin when he saw me looking for it.

Master Hua frowned slightly. The two of them experienced almost the same experience.

Now we are facing a catastrophe. If we don't pass it on, both of us will be robbed. Even the innate spiritual treasures we collected may not be able to withstand the catastrophe!

Dao Master Lin's eyes flashed and he said, There is only one way to plan now.

Hearing this, Master Hua knew what he was going to say and frowned even more.

Master Lin Dao said: Cause and effect, calamity, and killing are the three most powerful Tao. Tongtian controls killing. He can see clearly whether a person has calamity and whether the calamity is enough to break out. It is up to him to find the item. Kun and Sang Qing will definitely succeed!

Master Hua said nothing, his brows furrowed.

Taoist Master Lin advised: I know you have a grudge against Tongtian, but for me, your family and my life, what does this grievance mean?

Taoist Master Hua could only reluctantly nodded and said, In that case, I will go with my fellow Taoist.

Master Lin was overjoyed, and the two of them immediately set off and rushed to Biyou Palace.

The two of them had just set out when they saw Taoist Master Luo approaching and said, Two Taoist brothers, Tongtian has gone too far to bully me!

He told Taoist Master Tongtian about killing Taoist Duanmu and took away his luck, and said bitterly: Tongtian took away my innate spiritual treasure Hongmeng Taoist tree again. It is really a villain's behavior, and he will be punished!

Master Lin said: Now that we have lost two sacrifices, Xiang Kun and Sang Qing, we have to ask him for help, otherwise we will definitely not be able to find them. Fellow Taoist Luo, your matter is not a big deal. At most, you can release one more Taoist. Marry him in luck.

Master Hua said: I also have a deep grudge against Tongtian. Shouldn't we turn our hostility into friendship with him now? If Xiang Kun and Sang Qing escape and are at large, these two people will definitely try to rescue other Tao masters and take our lives! Prioritize, Fellow Daoist Luo, please wake up!

Upon hearing this, Master Luo had no choice but to say yes and said, I will go with you to see him and resolve the conflict with him.

The three Taoist masters immediately went to Biyou Palace together. Taoist Master Tongtian received the three of them and said, Three Taoist brothers, why are you interested in coming to my bitter and cold place?

Taoist master Lin explained the whole story and said, I am ashamed that the three of us failed to find the whereabouts of Xiang Kun Sangqing, so we had to come to seek help from fellow Taoists.

Hua Taoist Master said: You and I had some grievances in the past, and we will cancel them from now on. It was my fault in the past, and I will apologize to my fellow Taoist.

Taoist Master Luo also said: The two corpses of Taoist masters in Tiandi Fengya Pagoda escaped because of my lax discipline. I also apologize to fellow Taoist Tongtian and ask for your forgiveness.

Taoist Master Tongtian was solemn, stood up quickly, and said: The three Taoist brothers have spoken seriously. I am not an aggressive person. Since the three of you have requested me, I have to help.

The three of them were overjoyed.

On the other side of the world, Tianyong City.

Since Taoist Master Xiang Kun dealt with Tianyin Palace, he has disappeared and is hiding in Tianyong City. This Tianyong City is a city on the ground. It is composed of three thousand fairy mountains, large and small, and is extremely vast.

He has a forbearing temperament and knows that if he shows up, Master Hua and others will definitely find him and kill him. So these days, he was just like an ordinary saint from the other side, practicing, hanging out, beating and scolding other new saints, and humiliating the underground saints.

His appearance has changed drastically, his temperament, and his Taoism are also very different from before. Even if he walks in front of Master Hua, Taoist Hua will not recognize him.

But when he raised his head, he saw Master Hua taking steps and walking towards this side, his eyes focused on him.

Taoist Master Xiang Kun's heart suddenly suddenly knew that his identity was exposed, so he flew away without saying anything!

Master Hua quickly caught up with him, and while he was still in the air, he saw the Luoying Divine Ax swinging!

Taoist Master Xiang Kun was not afraid in the face of danger, and immediately mobilized his own Taoism, connected with the great road of heaven and earth on the other side, and bravely faced the Luoying Divine Ax!

The two avenue masters clashed, and in just a few moments, the winner was decided.

Xiang Kun was killed by Master Hua and fell on the spot!

Taoist Master Ji Cang originally planned to find Xiang Kun and join forces with him to fight against Hua, Lin, and Luo, but he never thought that when he arrived here, he saw Xiang Kun being hacked to death, and his heart suddenly lurched.

Hua Shengsheng's strength is stronger than before. He can kill Xiang Kun before he uses the innate spirit treasure. If he uses the innate spirit treasure, he can kill Xiang Kun in a single face-to-face encounter!

He immediately gave up the idea of ​​looking for another Taoist master and joining forces to fight against Taoist Hua and others, and went straight to the heaven.

Staying on the other side is a dead end. If you go to heaven, you might still be able to survive!

On the other side, Taoist Lin also found another Taoist Sang Qing under the guidance of Taoist Master Tongtian. Sang Qing also planned to escape, but was caught up by Taoist Lin with a gun.

The two sides could not fight for a long time, and Taoist Sangqing died under Taoist Lin's gun.

Hua and Lin each solved their own misfortune, and Master Luo's misfortune still existed. The three of them arranged for a deceased Taoist master to be resurrected and sacrificed dozens of immortals.

It took more than a year of hard work to lure these immortals over and sacrifice blood to the resurrected Taoist master.

When Master Luo's misfortune subsided, everyone was happy.

Master Tongtian said: There is another person who still has the fate of the other side, but has not been able to cope with it.

The three of them were each surprised and asked, Who is this person?

Master Tongtian said: It should be Ji Cang, who has fled to heaven.

The three of them looked at each other, and Taoist Master Lin smiled and said: Ji Cang is surrounded by catastrophe. Let alone escaping to heaven, even if he escapes into the Sea of ​​Chaos and goes to other universes overseas, he will never be able to escape from catastrophe. When the catastrophe comes When it exploded, he turned into ashes and was annihilated!

Taoist Master Tongtian said: He is a Taoist master after all, and the calamity surrounding him is very great. If he doesn't die, I'm afraid it won't be long before the next calamity on the other side will come back.

Master Hua said: In this case, I will go to the heaven to explore and kill him!

Time flies, and five or six years have passed without realizing it. Master Hua has gone to heaven, but he has never returned, and he does not know whether he is alive or dead.

On this day, a Cuiyan building ship suddenly sailed out of the Chaos Sea and approached the ferry.

Those on board were none other than Xu Ying, Changsun Shenghai, Li Xiao and others.

Everyone drifted in the Sea of ​​Chaos for six or seven years. Along the way, everyone asked for advice on the path of calamity. They each told everything they had learned about the path of calamity and exchanged their opinions.

On the one hand, they learn from other people's enlightenment of the Path of Tribulation of Luck. On the other hand, they each rely on their intelligence and wisdom to understand and deduce the Path of Tribulation of Luck, pushing their own Tao to higher places.

In the sixth year, Xu Ying, Changsun Shenghai and useless Qingxuan successively upgraded the Jie Luck Avenue to the level of enlightenment. Although it was the first time to achieve enlightenment, it was still no small matter!

In the seventh year, Lu Yiren, Taishi, Shengzun, and Li Xiao also became enlightened one after another, which made them overjoyed.

Especially Li Xiao, she originally thought that this time her enlightenment on the Path of Tribulation of Luck was interrupted by Changsun Shenghai, and she would never achieve anything. Even if she continued to comprehend along the Path of Tribulation of Luck, it would probably take her ten thousand years to achieve enlightenment. as unit. As for achieving enlightenment and achieving immortality, I'm afraid it will take tens of millions of years.

But what she never expected was that everyone would share their own understandings and make up for what she was missing.

And with so many geniuses gathered on one ship, the gains brought about by the collision of wisdom are truly unimaginable!

Especially Xu Ying, Changsun Shenghai and useless Qingxuan, she admired the minds of these three people even more. She benefited a lot from hearing their discussion, and her feelings towards them became much better without realizing it. .

Everyone got off the boat and returned the Cuiyan Tower boat to the ferry. Everyone stood at the ferry and looked at the other shore, each aware of the misfortune on the other shore.

Except for Taoist Wukong and Shi Tianyang, who have never understood the fate of disaster, everyone else has achieved success. After watching this, we can clearly see the misfortune on the other side.

This time, Master and the other two great masters transferred the calamity from the other side to Zhaojie. They really just transferred it and did not eradicate the root cause.

Taishi watched for a moment, shook his head and said, Although the disaster on the other side has faded a lot, it is still there.

Li Xiao looked around and said: And it is stronger than before and recovers faster! Next time, I am afraid that if I sacrifice a universe similar to Zhaojie, I will not be able to escape the disaster.

The Holy Lord nodded and said: At least three universes must be sacrificed to protect the other side.

Waste Qingxuan said: The calamity on the other side is indeed getting worse, but this time we noticed that there must be someone who escaped the calamity and has not been killed by the calamity, so the calamity on the other side has a tendency to resurgence.

He observed more carefully than Li Xiao and others.

Changsun Shenghai said: Bian'an wanted to pass on his own calamity by passing it on, but in fact he did not pass it on. The calamity has always been there, never disappeared, it was just postponed. The next time it breaks out, will Bian'an be able to resist it? In the past, it was very difficult to say.”

He observed more carefully.

Xu Ying's eyes flashed and he said: The next disaster will happen in three thousand years.

Everyone was awestruck and looked at him one after another. When they were in the Sea of ​​Chaos, everyone discovered that the one with the highest understanding of calamity among them was not Changsun Shenghai, but Xu Ying!

Xu Ying has the most profound and profound Taoism!

And now, Xu Ying has revealed the time when the disaster broke out, and his achievement is above all of them!

Li Xiao stepped away and said with a smile: Life is short, why worry about the future? Everyone, say goodbye!

She walked far away, and suddenly remembered something, and her spiritual consciousness said: Fellow Daoist Xu, you need to go to the Jade Realm and the Imperial Realm. The first two disasters on the other side were transferred there!

Xu Ying was slightly startled and bowed to thank him.

Li Xiao chuckled and said, If you didn't have a gap in your heart, how could I tell you this? If you treat me well, I will repay you!

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