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Chapter 786 Taiyimen, the home of rebels

Xu Ying became energetic and said with a smile: I have been in Jingjie for so many years, but I have not left because my fellow Taoist said that I want to rebel. But there is one thing I don't understand. Why did the sect master not rebel before? What if you think about it now?

The leader of the Heying Sect said: I didn't rebel in the past because there was still a way to survive, and I thought I was no better than the superiors and more than the inferiors. Now I rebel because I have discovered that I am the inferior and never the middle class. In the eyes of the superiors on the other side, even Even our Jingjie Universe is an ant that can be erased at will. If the other side is unkind and treats us like rotten dogs, then the only way is to rebel.

She remembered the arrival of the saints from the other side in the past. Although they were arrogant and domineering, most of the people in the lowest realm were still alive. Moreover, she and the disciples of the Taiyi Sect still have status compared to ordinary people.

However, with the arrival of Daoshengzi, the entire Jingjie almost fell into reincarnation. How could they ever care about the lives of the people in Jingjie!

The other side has never regarded them as human beings. In this case, why not try to get rid of attachment and control their own destiny?

Xu Ying asked: How do you plan to fight back with the sect leader?

He Ying has thought about this a thousand times and said: We will declare to the people of Jingjie that Jingjie is the Jingjie people's Jingjie, not the Jingjie of the other side. I respect Brother Xu Dao and learn from Xu Dao Brother's way. The method is to cut off the caves and abyss summoned by the various avenue gates, and block the road to and from the scenery on the other side, so that the scenery on the other side cannot be found to quell the rebellion, and gain time.

Xu Ying asked: You don't plan to counterattack on the other side?

The leader of the Heying clan shook his head and said: The gap in strength is too big, so we have no such plan. The biggest rebellion in my realm right now is to kill those loyal lackeys on the other side and cut off the communication between the two realms.

Xu Ying nodded lightly and said with a smile: It's admirable not to aim too high. If you still plan to counterattack on the other side, I have to worry about whether this ally can survive. As for what I told the sect leader, respect me and learn from me. Law is not necessary.”

The leader of the Heying Sect suddenly became anxious: You once said that as long as I am willing to learn, you will teach me! How can you go back on your word?

Xu Ying said sternly: I can teach you the method of cultivating Dongyuan, but I will not teach you the new Dao pattern system of the Three Realms. I can teach you various magical powers, but I will not teach you the new Dao cultivation system of the Three Realms. You Jingjie There is the cultivation system of Jingjie and its own Tao pattern. If everyone learns from the Three Realms, what is the difference between Jingjie and the Three Realms?

He Ying argued: But if we don't learn, how can we become stronger?

Xu Ying said with a smile: Jingjie used to have its own cultivation system, its own Taoism and civilization. Why not find something that can be used to innovate and evolve from the buried civilization?

He picked up a pen and wrote a letter, saying: Jingjie has learned the Taoism of the other side, and has the Dongyuan cultivation method of the Three Realms. My vision and experience are no longer what I could reach when it was destroyed. Standing with the master at such a height , to promote the Tao pattern of evolving scenery, there will definitely be gains.”

He handed the letter into He Ying's hands: After I leave, you take this letter and follow the map I drew, go to the place marked on the map, and find the Immortal Palace there. Kneel outside and hold the letter above your head. He said that Xu Daozu felt that your qualifications were shallow and not suitable for practicing his techniques, so he recommended you to come and study. The people in the Immortal Palace feel the same way and will definitely come out to see you.

The leader of the Heying Sect accepted the letter, blinked and said, Then what?

Xu Ying said with a smile: If you become her disciple, she will teach you everything she can teach you. Her vision is unfathomable and profound, much better than mine, and she is from Jingjie. She revives the world of Jingjie, It’s also a piece of cake. As for the evolution of the landscape pattern, with her help, it can take thousands of years to achieve extraordinary results. The most important thing is...

He smiled slightly and said: She taught her, you continue to rebel. If you really encounter a danger that you cannot fight against, how can she not help you as a master? Naturally, she will be dragged into the water by you and have to fight against the other side. .”

The leader of the Heying Sect was surprised and happy, and quickly thanked him.

Xu Ying helped the beautiful woman up and said: From today on, I will teach you the Dongyuan method of self-cultivation for internal realization. With this method, you can completely escape from the other side. Please remember my preaching today. , in the future there will be people from the three realms coming to join forces with Jingjie to deal with the other side!

He will explain how to open up the cave sky and how to evolve from the cave sky into the cave abyss, one by one, down to the smallest detail.

Although what Xu Ying is talking about is not the Dongyuan cultivation system, it is still an extremely complex cultivation method.

The leader of the Heying Sect listened to the lecture and speculated, and when he encountered something he didn't understand, he would ask questions. After more than ten days of this, he finally explained Dongyuan's self-cultivation of internal evidence in detail.

The leader of the Heying Sect was filled with emotion. The more he looked at the young man, the more he fell in love with him. He thought to himself: If I can keep him for a long time, it will be a blessing to my world.

She dressed up carefully this time, put on makeup, tried to dress as thinly as possible, and chose a white underlay. Even the toes are carefully trimmed, with a half-moon symbol painted on the big toe with red paint, and no shoes are worn. Bead chains hang from the ankles and hang down to the feet.

With her heart racing like a deer, she came to the Shameful Flower Building, knocked on the door, and looked around, fearing that someone would find her.

She is no longer a little girl who is easily carried away by love. For her, love is just a tool to vent and connect her emotions.

But for some reason at this moment, I felt a green feeling of falling in love.

However, no one in the Shameful Flower Tower answered for a long time.

The owner of the Heying Sect knew something was wrong. When he opened the door and looked, he saw that Xu Ying had left and was nowhere to be found.

The owner of the Heying Sect came to the window and looked out, but he saw the charming green mountains and the long white clouds, but the white clouds seemed a bit ruthless.

She felt lost and collected herself.

A few days later, the leader of the Heying sect came to the sacred mountain, found the immortal palace according to the map, knelt outside the palace door, held up the letter, and knelt down and said: Disciple Heying, come here to become my master, and I beg you to take me in!

Repeatedly, there was still no response from the Immortal Palace.

The leader of the Heying Sect told Xu Ying's handwritten letter recommending him to come, but there was still no response from the palace.

She knelt there, bewildered.

More than ten days later, there were footsteps behind her. She looked back and saw a sweet-looking girl walking from outside.

Master Heying blinked: There is no one in the hall, I have been kneeling for more than ten days in vain.

When Zhong Yuliu came to her side, the letter flew up automatically and opened in front of her.

Zhong Yuliu looked up and down and said, You were rejected by Xu Ying as having poor qualifications, so he didn't want to accept you as his disciple?

The leader of the Heying clan nodded repeatedly.

Zhong Yuliu sneered: He is an eighth-level Taoist, but he actually wants to accept you as a disciple of a ninth-level Taoist, and he thinks you have poor qualifications! This kid doesn't know how to teach students according to their aptitude, and will only waste talents. That's all, just follow me. Yes, let me teach you!

The leader of the Heying Sect was overjoyed and quickly knelt down to his master, thinking, It's exactly the same as Mr. Xu said!

She became more and more grateful to Xu Ying, and in the following years, she followed Zhong Yuliu to practice. Zhong Yuliu learned a lot of things, and he was a Taoist master with extremely profound insights.

The two masters and apprentices sorted out various historical texts on the sacred mountain, improved them, and organized a new cultivation system.

The leader of the Heying Sect abandoned the original cultivation system of the other side and switched to the new method. His cultivation became stronger and stronger, so he began to rebel in his spare time, intending to completely eradicate the method of summoning the cave abyss.

She first gathered a group of like-minded experts, first destroyed the Taiyi Cave Abyss summoned by the Taiyi Sect, and cut off the passage for the masters of the Taiyi Sect on the other side to come. Then she abolished the method of summoning the Cave Abyss in this sect and asked everyone to abolish it. The original technique.

As soon as this move came out, there was a natural protest in the Taiyi Sect. He Ying Xiaozhi used his emotions to reason, and when his persuasion was useless, he killed all the die-hards.

While promoting the new method and new way, she also lobbied other sects, persuading them to abandon the other side of the practice and practice the new method and new way.

He Ying Xiaozhi moved by emotion and reason, but his persuasion was useless, so he directly smashed the cave abyss summoned by the other party, killed the die-hards, and forced the other party to fight back.

She now practices a new method and a new way, which is no longer the method with flaws in the past. Her cultivation level is far higher than that of the sect masters and sect leaders of other sects, so she is naturally invincible.

However, there were many Taoist gates in the middle of the scene, and some of them were not weaker than the Taiyimen. After hearing the news, they gathered together to counterattack Heying.

The two sides argued and fought several times, until rivers of blood flowed and bones filled the fields, and the scene fell into chaos for a while.

Only then did He Ying realize that rebellion was not easy. The die-hards fought back. She, the founder of the New Law and the New Way, was on the verge of being suppressed!

In particular, Taoist sects are constantly offering sacrifices to bring the immortal Tao body from the other side to come. Many disciples from the other side have come over. Although they are not immortal, their cultivation strength is far superior to them.

If this continues, we will be defeated!

At this moment, Jingjie's original Heaven and Earth Avenue suddenly revived, sweeping across the entire Jingjie universe, confronting the secondary Heaven and Earth Avenue on the other side, and tending to suppress the Heaven and Earth Avenue on the other side.

He Ying became energetic and knew that it was her master Zhong Yuliu who was helping her.

The news of the revival of Jingjie's original heaven and earth avenue soon spread to the other side, immediately alarming the immortals.

The rebellion in Jingjie is out of control!

The rebellion in Jingjie is out of control!

“Prepare to harvest and recover losses!”

“Prepare to harvest and recover losses!”

The powerful force from the other side comes through various caves and abyss, directly seizing those die-hards and reaping the fruits.

For a time, every Taoist gate in the scenery, and every master, their souls transformed into immortal forms on the other side, their bodies exploded, and all their cultivation levels were plundered!

The harvest of Jingjie has finally begun!

Just when the immortals on the other side were occupying the powerful souls and slaughtering them all around, suddenly a vast and profound power enveloped the scene, causing their Taoist movements to be somewhat stagnant.

Master of the Avenue! There is a Master of the Avenue in Jingjie! They were panicked and tried to take back their power.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The souls occupied by the immortals on the other side exploded almost at the same time, and the scene was extremely gorgeous.


Zhong Yuliu's angry voice came, Master Hua, I escaped to Jingjie and you still didn't let me go. You came here to bully my disciple! You forced me to fight back!

Seeing this scene, He Ying was completely relieved and showed a smile that she had not seen for a long time: Master finally rebelled. As expected, he is from the Taiyi sect. The style of the sect is indeed like this.

She thought of Xu Ying and thought to herself, Master Xu should have returned to the other side by now, right?


Xu Ying was sitting on the Cuiyan Tower boat. The big bell floated on the bow of the boat. Several slender roots came out from the chaotic sea and were tied to the nose of the bell.

That was the Chaos Lotus entering the sea and absorbing the energy of Chaos.

After a long time, the lotus reluctantly returned to the boat from the sea.

Master Lian, you can take advantage of the opportunity and slip away. Ah Ying will not chase you back. Master Zhong whispered.

The Chaos Lotus dances slowly with its few root contacts and lotus joints, indicating that its movement is too slow and it cannot avoid the search of other powerful people.

It is not strong enough now to cope with the many terrible changes in the Chaos Sea. It is possible that before it has grown up, the flowers have been picked, the flood source has been taken, and it has been refined into treasure.

I have been exiled this time, and I have been exiled. When I return to the other side, will the past things be lightly revealed?

Xu Ying felt a little hesitant. This exile lasted for fifteen years, and nearly twenty immortals from the other side died. Even Dao Lords like Dao Shengzi died in Jingjie.

And Jing Jie also rebelled.

If I go back rashly like this, I'm afraid it won't be peaceful.

But, when they hunted me, they didn't say I wasn't allowed to fight back. Xu Ying thought to himself.

On the boat, he played with the green jade tablet given to him by Zhong Yuliu. There was no special mark on the jade tablet and he could imitate it at will, but there was a strange power in the jade tablet that even Xu Ying could not detect.

You may encounter danger when you return to the other side. It is better to contact the Taoist Alliance first.

Xu Ying's heart moved slightly and he tried to activate the jade token. The jade token suddenly flew up and emitted a long light, illuminating the surrounding sea of ​​chaos as if it were transparent.

Xu Ying was surprised: What kind of light is this? It can actually shine through chaos!

He waited for a while, and suddenly the sound of a bell came faintly from the chaotic sea. The sound of the bell came very quickly, from far to near. Suddenly, the sound of the bell formed layers of folds, scattering the light emitted by the jade plaque.

Xu Ying hurriedly put away the jade plaque to prevent it from being shattered, but he heard the sound of the bell getting farther and farther away and disappearing.

Xu Ying hesitated for a moment, not knowing why such a change occurred, so he had no choice but to urge the Cuiyan Tower boat to continue sailing to the other shore.

Not long after he left, he saw an immortal palace spinning and flying in the sea of ​​chaos. He suddenly came here and walked around for a week, but found nothing.

Suddenly, another bell sounded, and the fairy palace hurriedly fled and disappeared.

Another half year later, the Cuiyan Tower boat returned to the other shore.

Xu Ying put away Chaos Lotus and Zhong Ye, and the building boat sailed out of the Chaos Sea. He cut off the cause and effect with the guard. The guard turned a blind eye to them and allowed the building boat to pass by.

Xu Ying returned to Daoji Tianshe'an Palace. Seeing him coming back, Taoist Lord Jiuhen stamped his feet and shouted, How dare you come back? Little ancestor!

Xu Ying smiled and said: The people who were chasing me are dead, why can't I come back?

Dao Lord Jiuhen pulled him aside, lowered his voice, and whispered: Jingjie rebelled and lost contact. All the immortals who went to harvest suffered a big loss! Is it you who did it?

Xu Ying's face turned red and he said angrily: Brother, please don't accuse a good person unjustly! I was already on the boat at that time and was almost on the other side. How could I do such a thing?

Daojun Jiuhen thought about it carefully and found that this was indeed the truth.

Xu Ying asked: Where is Master?

Going to seclusion again. Also, the junior brother named Qingxuan that you helped Master take in, helped Master take in a few disciples, a monkey with a thunderous face, and a big man with a thousand arms. Both of them look like they are on the run. Criminal.

Xu Ying heard this and said happily: They are Taoist Wukong and Shi Tianyang! The cases they committed were done together with me!

Jiu Xie always felt that he had a proud mentality of I do what I do, and said: There is another person who calls himself Yuan Yu, and was also accepted by Qing Xuan as his master's sect.

Xu Ying said in surprise: Why is he here? Our Taiyimen is not a place where filth and evil are hidden. It is a house of rebels. Why did he sneak in?

He apologized and left in a hurry.

At this time, Daojun Hunyuan finally climbed out of the Chaos Cave and couldn't help laughing: Xu Ying, I already know that you are in Jingjie, so I will rush over from the Sea of ​​Chaos to make it impossible for you to escape!

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